GUILTY UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London, Clapham Common area, 3 Mar 2021 *Life sentence* #16

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That's maybe a bit of a stretch , IMHO.
Having said that I'm not entirely convinced that the progression has gone from *advertiser censored* to flashing this.
It's just too abrupt .
Yet , how he went about it , amateur hour from a criminal perspective.

I can't tie the 2 together, yet.
I would say that he has flashed a lot more than has been reported. Some people don't ever report it and just think that they are pathetic men.
I would not also be surprised if he has raped before. Plenty of stranger rape is never solved.
PAUL BRACCHI asks how depraved Wayne Couzens climbed up the career ladder | Daily Mail Online

How was a man such as Wayne Couzens ever allowed to put on a police uniform?

Here was an individual who indecently exposed himself (three times that we know of), who was addicted to 'brutal' *advertiser censored*, who habitually visited prostitutes, and who was reportedly the subject of three harassment claims by female officers after his arrest.

Yet he progressed, effortlessly it seems, up the career ladder – from Kent Police to the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, which provides security at sites such as Sellafield, to the Met, which he joined as a firearms officer before finally being assigned to the elite diplomatic protection group, where he carried out armed patrols at embassies in London.

Everyone can now agree that Couzens 'should never have been near a uniform', to quote a senior detective on
I would say that he has flashed a lot more than has been reported. Some people don't ever report it and just think that they are pathetic men.
I would not also be surprised if he has raped before. Plenty of stranger rape is never solved.

And I tend to agree on that point .
There is something in between that we are missing .
That , or we must accept that he just flipped and went all out without much thought .
The latter I also find very unlikely , but not impossible.
Now we wait.
I have been off here for a while, i have dipped in and out periodically and have caught up with threads
This has really upset me, from the chaos and bewilderment at the beginning when it became apparent of what was unfolding before my eyes, to being quite terrified and a little vulnerable at my locality to this beast. I became slightly paranoid, i truly think there were press on here at some point and as i had shared quite a lot i became a little spooked, and as the investigation turned away from his home and family i felt i had little left to offer re updates etc, however this matters not now.
I have to say the details that we now have are shocking. Poor, poor Sarah, this man completely destroyed her. If he doesn't get a life sentence then i just dont know how they can justify that. Her families impact statements made me cry, how utterly soul crushing they were to read, unimaginably painful to them.

Good to see you back LL :)
I wonder why his blood was in the car? I hope she injured him in some way while trying to fight back but she must have been limited in what she could do due to her restraint.

The witness said she had her head down and was complying with the fake arrest when she saw her, I can imagine she must have been thinking about the fact that she would have to call her family/boyfriend and tell them that she'd been arrested once she got to the police station. She could never have thought what might happen to her within a few hours of that moment. I can't bear to think about it, this whole case really upsets me.
“at least 15 serving or former police officers have killed women since 2009”

Although I appreciate the motivation, that's a bit of a misleading quote by Grazia, no indication of just where those stats are arrived at...they really should also point out that members of the armed forces, members of the medical professions and long-distance lorry drivers also have elevated statistics, oh, and taxi drivers...
Long post - just my final thoughts. Jesus - what a day and caught up. Excellent recaps everyone.
I really don’t know what to make of some of the things that have come out today and will no doubt continue over the days and weeks to follow but thankfully the correct sentence today.
The way I see this creature is as follows -
Always been a bully and an abject failure.
Always craved to be in a position of authority in order to abuse it and other people.
Hid his true personality for many years by working within his family business ( no colleagues as such only family ) so couldn’t or wasn’t called out.
Utter failure with women and controlled or tried to until they left.
Settled with an Eastern European wife who ( I may be wrong ) seemed to accept her lot/ didn’t question him and seemed very quiet. I also think he was bored with her and family life.
Left the family firm when dad retired and started in the force, didn’t go through the ranks as others may and as people speculate but went through “ the back door “
Looks like a history of enjoying brutal *advertiser censored* going back as early as 2002.
Accepted issues with female colleagues- bottom smacking but nothing done about it, early indicators that he thinks he can do what he wants without consequence.
As above - hanging around schools, stopping female motorists for details then sitting outside their houses all again noted by colleagues but nothing done, again enabled.
Driving around naked from the waist down in 2015. Whatever happened with that incident at Kent police NFA. Again feeds his sad ego that he’s yet again got away with it.
Nothing flagged from 2015 to 2021 and the McDonald’s incident but I would bet my life there have been countless COUNTLESS incidents with vulnerable women/ sex workers.
I also think he abused steroids.
I think lockdown turned this into a perfect storm for this creature. Children/ wife at home and literally nobody out and about and mounting pressure from debt culminated in the “ planning “ if you can call it that of abducting a woman off the streets with an intension of doing her very very serious harm or death.
He couldn’t use his car for it so hired one bought the carpet protector for the boot and got his miserable rape kit ready.
I think possibly on the night he was looking for a sex worker but after trawling through London simply couldn’t find one but sadly saw Sarah and pounced. From what we have sickeningly heard it took less than 5 mins then out of London to Kent.
He either knew that the net was closing after the McDonald’s incident and thought it’s now or never or the guy seriously and notwithstanding being a police officer thought he wouldn’t get caught or he was just plain STUPID or a collection of all three we will never know. The rest of what unfolded just too terrible to contemplate.
More will come out I am sure.
He will appeal - he has literally nothing to loose.
Rest in peace Sarah x
I keep thinking about how scared poor Sarah must have felt.

At the point of her false arrest she must have been worried about her job and what would happen next. That turned out to be the least of her worries. It's too horrible for words.

Everytime I see the cam footage of him standing next to her on the road I just want to jump into the Camera and shout Run
He will still be responsible for any debts in his name even if in prison, no escaping them which is quite right really.

Reality is he won't be able to pay them, the companies he owes will continuing to take action against him in terms of filing a default then a CCJ and potentially bankruptcy which will allow them to recover what they can from his assets. Any significant assets in his name could be acquired under bankruptcy to pay for those debts.

I imagine the house is under joint ownership with his wife and so even though he is in prison, he basically owns half the house and bankruptcy may force the sale of that property to liquidate the money and pay his creditors.

He could have signed over his share of the house to his wife which I hope has already happened, but reality is that it can remain as his legal asset even with a whole life term sentence if he chooses that.

Oh and just to add, he will forfeit his police pension of course, but only the contributions made into it by the police force. Any contributions he made personally from his wages will not be forfeited.

So his wife and kids left in a bit of a mess then. She may have to sell the house to pay off debts and no good pension to look forward to. I hope someone helps her out for a while.
Did anyone see Wayne Couzen's wife's youtube channel? It had a video of their children talking to the camera (unseen), and WC is shouting and screeching (also unseen) in the background. The children explain it away as their dad getting angry, as if they are totally used to it, but know the viewer needs to be reassured.

Also I was thinking about the very odd phone call to the vets. He seems oddly nervous during the call, and speaks very quickly and over-explains everything. He is primarily concerned about their dog's separation anxiety, and a part of it is that she gets over-excited and scratches everybody when they get home. Some people are wondering if this is how he is excusing to his wife the cuts and scratches received on the night of the murder. (We know he must have got injured as his blood was found in the car.)
anyone else think the debts accumulated were part of the plan? I think he had always fantasized about raping and murdering a woman and planned to not even bother trying to get away with it. so he just spent money as he pleased as he knew one day it wouldn't matter...

I don't know. I think he was probably addicted to violent sexual *advertiser censored* (as mentioned in court he had a history of using) and became immune to certain things as a result - as can happen I believe. Or maybe it's not as simple as that. And his risk taking progressed. Maybe he was under stress financially but I'm not sure that would make him commit this crime when he'd already been like that before. But part of his personality profile does seem to be to big himself up and want things whether he could afford them or not. He had clearly been meeting other women from (or corresponding with them) and had an escort contact. Costing him money no doubt. And it seems strange to me his wife wouldn't know exactly what costs had gone out where to accumulate this debt (unless they had separate bank accounts and she knew nothing of it).

But I noticed in one newspaper report (I forget which - maybe the telegraph timeline) it said he had a samsung phone and a samsung watch. He wasn't doing without "nice things" like a smart watch. He was hiring cars, buying food at service stations (although no doubt because he was out on the loose after his crime), buying things on Amazon, supermarkets etc. Buying stuff at B&Q - he wasn't exactly being careful with money. Although maybe once he'd committed the crime he dismissed the financial outgoings.

I think he wanted more than he had and felt entitled. MOO JMO
Anyone seen the reports that he dated a 14 year old when he was 23? I cant find the link now. Think it's The Sun that has reported it.

Wayne Couzens had 14-year-old girlfriend when he was 23, former pal reveals

That and other comments above all add to the profile that he needed to feel powerful over vulnerable people. As regards his history of violent sexual *advertiser censored* using again, he didn't get married till into his thirties and that was achieved over the internet abroad. Makes me think getting married was to provide a respectable cover for his "other life" which may have been going on for years - considering his dating profiles online etc. MOO JMO
I keep thinking about how scared poor Sarah must have felt.

At the point of her false arrest she must have been worried about her job and what would happen next. That turned out to be the least of her worries. It's too horrible for words.

Same. It’s almost haunted me on and off since her body was found. I can’t stop thinking about it because it’s so impossible to imagine someone could experience such cruelty. And how awful to go from worrying about being arrested and getting in trouble, to wondering why you’ve joined the motorway to leave london, the panic of realising he’s a psycho. I do pray that she dissociated into a shocked state.
Same. It’s almost haunted me on and off since her body was found. I can’t stop thinking about it because it’s so impossible to imagine someone could experience such cruelty. And how awful to go from worrying about being arrested and getting in trouble, to wondering why you’ve joined the motorway to leave london, the panic of realising he’s a psycho. I do pray that she dissociated into a shocked state.

It’s things like this that make me hope the afterlife is real and someone from “the other side” does come to collect and us and see us across safely, I can’t bear to think of Sarah on her own with him. Like her mother said, if Sarah had been in an accident then there would likely have been people around to help and show kindness.
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