UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 #2

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Daily Mail have posted a video of some CCTV footage on 03/03 at 10:21pm ‘confirming SE never made it home’ - Link to article below.

Search for missing Sarah Everard, 33, enters sixth day

The top right hand corner of the video says ‘Triangle News’ - potentially a newsagents near her house?

A camera from Carter Mills Estate Agent - near to Sarah's home in Brixton - has a clear view of both sides of the busy road and shows no sign of her between 9.30pm and 10.30pm when she would be due back.

Scotland Yard have previously said she would have expected to have taken 50 minutes to walk home from her friend's property.”
This looks like it might be Elms Crescent? (Would need to check google maps more closely to work out exactly where, but the properties in the background look similar to those on the southern/eastern side?)

gosh. Is it SOP to search the drains or would this be a specific theory they are pursuing? Picture at tweet

I also was thinking about this as a possibility, especially after a few drinks. Surely she knows other people locally. Maybe a tricky past relationship? The feeling I get is she really isn't the type to cheat, but only people who know her closely would be able to answer that.
Possible, like mentioned before on the Strava runs- she might have moved. So possible had a lock down break up then met someone new? On her insta she's a supporter of mental health etc so easily could have been checking in on someone on the way home. JMO
Hello everyone

Just joined up but been following since start of thread. Very impressed with the sleuthing skills here. One observation I have had and apols if already said is that 'complex' was also used in reference to describing another missing person case in the past - Claudia Lawrence ..
i also thought 9pm was a relatively early time to leave a friend's (even on a work night) and maybe there was another arrangement made for later?

Very good point and yes they did

A camera from Carter Mills Estate Agent - near to Sarah's home in Brixton - has a clear view of both sides of the busy road and shows no sign of her between 9.30pm and 10.30pm when she would be due back.

Scotland Yard have previously said she would have expected to have taken 50 minutes to walk home from her friend's property.”

Interesting. This means that she would have had to walk most of the way up Brixton Hill after turning left past Poynders/A205. This doesn’t coincide with the potential home location placed via her Strava account
I think this still is from the Carter Mills estate agent in Brixton Hill (as referred to in the article). (I think Triangle News is a media agency?)

Daily Mail have posted a video of some CCTV footage on 03/03 at 10:21pm ‘confirming SE never made it home’ - Link to article below.

Search for missing Sarah Everard, 33, enters sixth day

The top right hand corner of the video says ‘Triangle News’ - potentially a newsagents near her house?

A camera from Carter Mills Estate Agent - near to Sarah's home in Brixton - has a clear view of both sides of the busy road and shows no sign of her between 9.30pm and 10.30pm when she would be due back.

Scotland Yard have previously said she would have expected to have taken 50 minutes to walk home from her friend's property.”

I suppose this explains the search of Windmill Gardens - She lives right beside it

A camera from Carter Mills Estate Agent - near to Sarah's home in Brixton - has a clear view of both sides of the busy road and shows no sign of her between 9.30pm and 10.30pm when she would be due back.

Scotland Yard have previously said she would have expected to have taken 50 minutes to walk home from her friend's property.”

DM journos obviously been working hard doorstepping people they deem to be of interest and businesses with CCTV along the route.

Do you think this means the police do know a lot more than they’re saying and are purposefully keeping tight lipped so journalists are having to go elsewhere for quotes/column inches?

I feel, perhaps wrongly, that if the police were truly stumped they would be feeding more to the press in order to jog memories etc?

Drain search seems like weapon/phone search to me?

I think this is actually a valid theory but her friends will be able to confirm whether she used the bathroom while she was there. If she was abiding by the Covid rules by sitting outside drinking and therefore did not enter to use the bathroom at her friends house she may have needed to go on the way home. With everything closed because of lockdown (and being only half way home), she may have seeked a location out of view and someone could have taken advantage at that location, or possibly, she could have asked someone in passing or in a front garden could she use their toilet (Although this would have broken the Covid rules which we are assuming she abided by at her friends house). Either way, taking a detour off Poynders Road at this point could have bee to use the bathroom.

I wonder if she originates from a rural area or does a lot of hill walking as she might be familiar with going to the toilet outdoors.
Hi, first time post so please pull me up on any rookie errors.

Felt like I needed to add a little local information here as I used to live on Poynders Gardens, the estate on Poynders Road right where she was last seen. I left about 5 years ago so it could have gotten dramatically worse since then, but I think people have a much worse impression of it than it deserves. I lived there for about 18 months and never saw any violence or crime at all. There are a lot of families that live there, and it was actually a pretty quiet area.

There's only one way into the entire estate from Poynders Road and one way from Agnes Riley Gardens both ways in would be overlooked by far too many people for someone to have taken her in there with no one seeing. Here's a maps link, look at the number of flats around there that overlook it - Google Maps

In terms of her route I realised that almost every time I've crossed the common from North West to South, I've turned off the A205 onto Nightingale Walk. - Google Maps

I've never questioned it before, but there are a few reasons, one the pavement (sidewalk for Americans) disappears on the right hand side, it's also a very busy and slightly complicated junction at the end of the A205 with no pedestrian crossing that doesn’t result in you having to walk the wrong way. It’s also completely covered by trees making it much darker whereas nightingale lane opens onto the common and is much less daunting and far quieter in terms of traffic. If SE did this too, then she would then almost certainly cross at the lights outside Clapham South Tube and then walk down Hazelbourne road which leads right onto Poynders Road.

There is CCTV that overlooks the crossing as well as the start of Hazelbourne. - Balham Hill Hazelbourne Road/2021-03-03 - TfL JamCams Archive

Google maps makes it an 11 minutes walk from Clapham South Tube which seems about right to me, and if we place her at the corner of Poynders and Cavendish at 9:28 she would have crossed just after 9:15. We have shots at 9:10 and 9:20 with nothing in between.

I can’t see any figure that looks like her on these shots, but there is a silver SUV type vehicle that parks at 9:01 and is seen at 9:05 and 9:10 but gone by 9:20. In all likelihood it’s someone who popped into the M&S and then left, but if she was trailed, that could be where she was first spotted.

A question for regulars, is it odd that the time between shots is erratic? It goes 9:01, 9:05, 9:10, 9:20, 9:25, have police potentially already taken the 9:15 shot down? There’s also nothing between 8:02 and 8:36.
Despite the comment earlier in the thread where a forum member was contacted by the police regarding useful CCTV footage we have to assume that law enforcement are extremely adept at corralling and analysing sorts of footage. After all this is how they initially latched onto Levi Bellfield over the murder of Amélie Delagrange on Twickenham Green way back in 2004. Using footage from the bus Amélie was on and other CCTV footage from around the Green they noticed multiple sightings of the same car. This car registration was linked to Bellfield and the investigation went from there. We can assume similar patterns and multiple sightings are being highlighted from available footage in the SE case. And you would imagine police are already contacting car owners of every visible vehicle in the crucial time window; to see if they have dashcam footage or to assess other involvement. While progress seems minimal for now we should assume the police have a lot of information and evidence to work through.
I think this is actually a valid theory but her friends will be able to confirm whether she used the bathroom while she was there. If she was abiding by the Covid rules by sitting outside drinking and therefore did not enter to use the bathroom at her friends house she may have needed to go on the way home. With everything closed because of lockdown (and being only half way home), she may have seeked a location out of view and someone could have taken advantage at that location, or possibly, she could have asked someone in passing or in a front garden could she use their toilet (Although this would have broken the Covid rules which we are assuming she abided by at her friends house). Either way, taking a detour off Poynders Road at this point could have bee to use the bathroom.

could she have gone into a shop to use the toilet? Most shops wouldn't have customers and are quiet. Could be a possibility rather then going into someone's house ? JMO
Despite the comment earlier in the thread where a forum member was contacted by the police regarding useful CCTV footage we have to assume that law enforcement are extremely adept at corralling and analysing sorts of footage. After all this is how they initially latched onto Levi Bellfield over the murder of Amélie Delagrange on Twickenham Green way back in 2004. Using footage from the bus Amélie was on and other CCTV footage from around the Green they noticed multiple sightings of the same car. This car registration was linked to Bellfield and the investigation went from there. We can assume similar patterns and multiple sightings are being highlighted from available footage in the SE case. And you would imagine police are already contacting car owners of every visible vehicle in the crucial time window; to see if they have dashcam footage or to assess other involvement. While progress seems minimal for now we should assume the police have a lot of information and evidence to work through.

yes, my thought was that the police probably asked the caller exactly how to find the footage to ensure he looked at the same footage.
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