UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #6

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I never walk alone at night as a lone female, largely because I follow too much true crime and know what can happen. That said, I know plenty of women who do and I think I’m overly cautious. With this in mind, I have to put myself in Sarah’s shoes and consider what I may have done in her situation:

If I was randomly offered a lift home by a stranger (no uniform), I would have said no.

If I was told I was breaking Covid rules (whether I was or wasn’t) and to get in the car by an officer in uniform, I’d have been uncomfortable with this too.

If however I was approached by an officer in uniform who appeared to show concern, telling me that a potential sex attacker (oh the irony) was on the loose, that I shouldn’t be out alone, would I have got in to his car for a lift home? If I could be sure he was a police officer then yes. This comes from me as the overly cautious female.

I don’t think there was a struggle, that would have been too much of a risk. I think he abused his position of power.

There is still a chance that this was a flasher situation gone wrong and a last minute panic and cover up ensued, but I doubt it. I think this was the night that he switched things up, from flasher to sex attacker.

All JMO.
I don't think he did anything to her until the car was miles out of the area possible not until they got to his garage during the car journey he either knocked her out somehow or possibly tied her up and gagged her as well and that's probably were he was in full control of the situation but it's still puzzling how he got her into the car? but for all we know it might turn it was something simple
He may have forced her into the car and subdued her immediately. It would have been easier than trying to convince her to get into the car with a stranger. Is there any indication that they knew each other?
I never walk alone at night as a lone female, largely because I follow too much true crime and know what can happen. That said, I know plenty of women who do and I think I’m overly cautious. With this in mind, I have to put myself in Sarah’s shoes and consider what I may have done in her situation:

If I was randomly offered a lift home by a stranger (no uniform), I would have said no.

If I was told I was breaking Covid rules (whether I was or wasn’t) and to get in the car by an officer in uniform, I’d have been uncomfortable with this too.

If however I was approached by an officer in uniform who appeared to show concern, telling me that a potential sex attacker (oh the irony) was on the loose, that I shouldn’t be out alone, would I have got in to his car for a lift home? If I could be sure he was a police officer then yes. This comes from me as the overly cautious female.

I don’t think there was a struggle, that would have been too much of a risk. I think he abused his position of power.

There is still a chance that this was a flasher situation gone wrong and a last minute panic and cover up ensued, but I doubt it. I think this was the night that he switched things up, from flasher to sex attacker.

All JMO.
Really good points.

But even warning you about a potential sex attacker in the area, how would he get you to surrender or switch off your phone?
The sun talks about how the officer may have used police powers or the lockdown card while off duty, to trick or lure Sarah into a car. Perhaps to tell her he was arresting her, or needed to take her details, but instead drove off into the night.

*This is a woman that looks younger than her age, blonde, petite, and feminine, so at high risk of sexually motivated abduction. The suspect is someone from what I have read, with a partner in her thirties, and had a decent specialist job on the police force.

Met cop 'may have used warrant card to entice Sarah Everard into car'

That conditions that evening was misty/foggy with limited visibility, and quiet due to ongoing lockdown restrictions. It appears a sinister opportunity may have presented itself that was took with both hands.

That said, it is vital we find out who those remains belong to, as many people go missing every year. The police I am sure will be working flat out to get the evidence they need to charge and zero-in for conviction.

This happens in the US way too often. Most of the time it is someone pretending to be a police officer. We even have procedures to follow if we get pulled over by a cop and we have doubts they are the real thing.
He may have forced her into the car and subdued her immediately. It would have been easier than trying to convince her to get into the car with a stranger. Is there any indication that they knew each other?

There's no indication that they knew each other. Right now the choice of SE appears opportunistic and random.

However, that doesn't exclude the possibility that he stalked her that evening or indeed for a longer period of time without her being aware.
New member here.
Such a heartbreaking event and loss.
I've joined to see how a forum like this operates and comes together to help process tragic events like this.
I have a younger sister the same age as Sarah Everard living in London, I can't imagine what her poor family are going through.
I don't think anyone knows if the body found is that if SE yet, or if this is another families heartbreak too & Sarah is still missing.
As I navigate this new forum, I look forward to interacting with likeminded compassionate people to see this case through to closure.
There's no indication that they knew each other. Right now the choice of SE appears opportunistic and random.

However, that doesn't exclude the possibility that he stalked her that evening or indeed for a longer period of time without her being aware.
Yes, I was just trying to think of a reason why she would get into the car willingly unless she recognized him. I don't think that's the case, especially since her phone apparently went dark very soon after the conversation with her boyfriend.
I never walk alone at night as a lone female, largely because I follow too much true crime and know what can happen. That said, I know plenty of women who do and I think I’m overly cautious. With this in mind, I have to put myself in Sarah’s shoes and consider what I may have done in her situation:


All JMO.
DBM above for brevity.
I am also cautious, as you are.
Only this week, I declined meeting friends, for the above reason.
They laughed at my reasons.
I'm not even an overly cautious female (I've been out for walks in London in probably areas much worse than this during the middle of the night) and I would never get into a car with anyone I didn't know, whether they claimed to be a police officer or not, with a badge, without OR even with a marked car.

If she was still wearing her mask while walking down that road, he could have easily come from behind her when she ended the phonecall, put his hand over her mouth, grabbed her phone and gotten her into his car. Just another possible scenario of course and what happens from there is debatable (I doubt she would have just sat/stayed there while he drove around with her in the car, unless he threatened her in some way and she was too scared to do anything).
I was not troubled by Cressida Dick’s statement. As far as I recall she was expressing horror that her officer had been arrested for these awful deeds. I don’t think she expressed horror that he had done them. If my memory is correct then I think that is fine in terms of not jeopardising his chances of a fair trial.

I too wondered if she was nervous but in the end I felt it could just be that she was filled with very strong emotions and was being cautious to be very measured and controlled in her speech because of that.

I felt she got it right in her statement, I actually thought it was a good one.
A couple of years ago my daughter was walking home at night from her waitressing job. Large market town rather than London. Still, main streets and she did the same walk often. This particular time a man started following her. Obviously she was freaked out, but was saved by the appearance of a police car. She was not invited into the car, but a similar situation might have inspired SE to accept a lift from someone she believed to be an officer - or as others have said, the warning of an attacker in the area.
MOO: but why would POI waste time with showing warrant card and having a story for SE about why she should get in his car?
IMO that situation seems convoluted and has more opportunities for eye witnesses/CCTV to capture their interaction.

I doubt SE was given an opportunity to put into practice what many of us would like to think we’d do in that situation (run, get noticed, fight back etc). SE’s character shouldn’t be queried by people speculating on if they’d trust POI because of his appearance and/or asking “why would she get in the car?” and so on - there’s nothing she did wrong: she was right to feel safe where she lived, she was right to walk where she wanted, she was right to trust someone who had evidence that they were LE (if that happened) and she deserves support, not speculation.
WC has no morals, but on top of that, he also has no eyebrows. This guy seems to have a manicured set. Growing a beard is easy but a full set of brows is trickier!

Looking at several pictures of him, his eyebrows are a lighter shade, in certain angles they don’t looks so full. I wouldn’t dismiss him completely.
New member here, hello.
I believe whatever took place to get SE from being on the path to being in the car happened very fast. I think the logic of ‘she was smart, there’s no way she’d get into a car’ doesn’t always apply if it’s a situation where one is confused, panicking, trying to do the right thing etc. The emotional conditions we’re under when making quick decisions massively impact what we do.

One night in January I noticed police behind me while I was driving home. My route took me down a deserted lane way underneath a bridge and it was at this point the policeman put on his blues and pulled me over. I was panicked about being isolated and also terrified of being pulled over in the first place (I’m a massive goodie two shoes). He pulled me over for a potential breach of lockdown. While I did lock the doors, in the heat of the moment, high state of confusion and emotion, had he asked me out for questioning I probably would have followed the order.

Sarah reminds me so much of me (exact same age, background etc). I feel like if police stopped her under the pretence of her being in trouble I believe she could have been pursueded to approach the car for questioning and so he could take down her details. He could have insisted she hand over her phone or given the guy appears to have extensive protection experience, simply taken it from her.
If the POI has used his warrant card/ police uniform to convince SE to get in a car - then his plan must have been murder all along. As this would have left him easily identifiable.

This seems a huge escalation from the only other crime we know he’s accused of, flashing.

Which means either there are still other crimes to be found, his usual MO of flashing went wrong, or he planned to kill.
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