UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #8

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[In response to the poster who asked how SE’s story is being covered in the US, which I somehow did not quote]

Yes, reported in some larger outlets like the New York Times and CNN, but not a widespread story. That said its being talked about in circles of young, city-dwelling, professional women like SE (and like myself) as a bit of a “our worst nightmare” scenario.

I may have a skewed view as I live in Minneapolis, where this week is also the onset of the trial of Derek Chauvin, the police officer who killed George Floyd — not sure how much this is a familiar topic in the UK but Mr. Floyds death sparked nationwide protests on the topic of violence against Black individuals and on police brutality writ large.

So for me, the confluence of “police offenders” and “young professional women’s safety” is a bit much :-/
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This devastating news, although to be expected, still shocks me to the core.

The nature of your loss, supposedly at the will of one who was supposed to protect life, first and foremost, leaves me cold.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones....that they too find peace.

Rest in Peace Sarah
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Another thing which confuses me in terms of the psychological escalation is the 'path' from IE to murder. JMO but there is a large leap from flashing to murder. Is a more logical path flashing-sexual assult-rape-murder? If so, I think this lends a lot of credence to the article previously posted regarding the rape on Clapham Common last July.
Obviously there's a lot of speculation in this post – I think it's worth remembering that each "if" has a probability of being wrong, and if one "if" is wrong then so are all its contingent ifs.

That being said – going along with your assumptions – perhaps it was 'only' meant to be a sexual assault or rape but it went badly and he panicked?
Forensics have left field, just watched the update, site crashed on me, I am also concerned re journalists on here,lots of new people joining over the last few days x

Absolutley concerned about undisclosed journalists on this site.

Too many new posters, too many very specific inquiries, or requests to contact them.
When will it be made public what the police can prove / think what happened?

Not until the trial I assume? Which will take time?

Unless it’s leaked to the press before then?
But according to MSM media reports WC was identified by his car numberplate being visible on Poynders Road around the time of SE’s disappearance at 9:30

Which would completely tie in with him renting a driveway at/near Poynders Court. Assuming once he'd got her in the car he set off straight away - JMO because I can't see him hanging around
There is just something amiss here to me. I am pretty certain that WC committed the crime as I genuinely believe the police would not have 'thrown him to the lions' if they weren't sure he was involved. I could cite many cases where the police have closed ranks to protect their own (Ian Tomlinson for one). What doesn't sit right is that if this is WC's first kill, surely given all of his training, it wouldn't have been conducted in such a 'sloppy' way (abducting someone on a busy road which is covered in CCTV with many properties looking out on to the road).

However, if this is not his first murder, why has nothing been flagged sooner? We've seen reports now that he has had a lot of time off recently due to "erratic behaviour", so if there is an iota of doubt regarding the mental state of a person who is armed for their job of protecting high ranking officials, why was he not immediately stripped of this role and either suspended or relocated to a desk job?

Was his sloppy kill perhaps an attempt at double-bluffing, where if he were to be flagged as a POI he could point to the fact that if he were to commit an offence of this nature, it would be more 'professional'? I think that this scenario (not necessarily SE specifically but the intent to kill a woman at this time in this place in this way and a carefully thought-out aftermath of disposal, alibi etc) means either a very drawn-out and meticulous plan to kill someone, or a moment of rage, either brought on by some kind of sexual reason (thrill or misogyny) or potentially abuse of steroids (MOO based on his bulging muscles). Could the erratic behaviour previously mentioned also be a result of steroid abuse? I would assume not as presumably officers in WC's position would be subject to regular and detailed drug tests surely but correct me if I'm wrong in that assumption.

Another thing which confuses me in terms of the psychological escalation is the 'path' from IE to murder. JMO but there is a large leap from flashing to murder. Is a more logical path flashing-sexual assult-rape-murder? If so, I think this lends a lot of credence to the article previously posted regarding the rape on Clapham Common last July.

Apologies for the long musings and further apologies if I'm just paraphrasing or summarising what many others have already said. There are still many unanswered questions about the case, including how SE ended up in the car (was she tricked or forced or tricked then forced?) and the overall question as to why someone would do something like this at all.

Does anyone have a MSM link for the 'erratic behaviour' please? I haven't read this. I've been a bit behind today trying to catch up on all my real life work that I've been avoiding over the last few days so sorry if I have missed it!
first time comment but thought it appropriate to point out that that's just one meaning of the word. There is another meaning with a different pronunciation (secret-ed rather than secr-eet-ed) which simply means hidden. Hope that clears up a potential misunderstanding over wording

Have never ever heard it used in that context in a forensic report.

Go back to the first meaning: Hidden
I can't get my head around someone supposedly "normal" changing from normal to flasher to murderer in the space of a week. I don't think he has done this before. Maybe thought about it but maybe there has been some sort of "event" that triggered him to actually start committing offences.

Yeah. If he has committed major sex crimes before it was a completely different, much more methodical and careful pattern. That would be like Israel Keyes, who was exacting and rigorous for over a decade but then impulsively kidnapped a local woman from inside a coffee kiosk & then went on a bank robbery spree while in possession of her credit card.

But if this behavior is entirely new, and went from 0 to 60 on a week I'd say he's having some kind of major breakdown, decompensating. One other possibility, and there have been cases of this, is a massive change of character due to a brain tumor or head injury.
Does anyone have a MSM link for the 'erratic behaviour' please? I haven't read this. I've been a bit behind today trying to catch up on all my real life work that I've been avoiding over the last few days so sorry if I have missed it!

It's on the Metro...
They also said the officer had been behaving ‘erratically’ and had spent a considerable amount of time off sick for an unknown issue.

Read more: Cop suspect 'flashed woman in takeaway three days before Sarah Everard vanished'
Wonder what the delay in charging him is then if they have id'd Sarah??
Because JMO they will want to continue to question him. In English law, one a suspect is charged, they become the responsibility of the court's system not the police, and questioning must end. Obviously investigations don't finish, but the rules general forbid questioning

This is correct. Once a suspect is charged, the police may not question them further.

People often think that if a suspect isn't charged right away there must be some problem, but the police will want to try and get as much information from them as possible, so they will delay charging until they feel they have got everything they can out of the suspect.
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