Found Deceased UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #9

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Could he have said he's an uber or something, just offered to take her where she needed to go, maybe once she's in the car he's locked doors and he's done whatever somewhere else?.. Just a thought x

I think the news reports had mentioned him using his Warrent card
Glad he has been charged
Or if he's faking the seriousness of it for a chance at escaping on the way to hospital / or a better chance of suicide once he's in hospital? JMO

I think there is less chance of suicide in hospital. Anyone we ever had in hospital from prison was cuffed/chained to the bed and always under watch of at least 1 officer but normally 2. Even in end of life care. MOO.
Looking at the surrounding areas of Bears Lane, it sure looks like a creepy, dilapidated place.
The forest area - the passage down Etchden Road seem full of a myriad of old buildings too and other entrances into the property. It doesn't bear thinking about.

Google Maps

To put it bluntly it looks the sort of place that if something hadn’t led police there wouldn’t be searched in a million years. Kent alone is 1,442 sq miles. In theory there are other counties around that could also be possible locations. There are 10’s of thousands of discreet rural locations

One of the most intriguing things is still what led police there. I thought ANPR or phone triangulating but don’t feel they did. ANPR would have stopped being useful way before the rural backlanes and not sure that far out triangulation will be that accurate to pinpoint even if he they tracked a phone.

It’s an enigma because they seemed to very quickly go to a specific area of a large site.

But without a lead to check there this could possibly be a very different case
i wondered if she’d been singled out as she does look like a younger version of his wife, imo there’s quite a maybe he has a type?
How could he tell unless he saw her face, tho.

IMO she did everything right by walking along what seems to me a fairly busy street. I wear bright clothes to avoid being hit by a car, which I think happens infinitely more often than being kidnapped.
Glad he has been charged

I think there is less chance of suicide in hospital. Anyone we ever had in hospital from prison was cuffed/chained to the bed and always under watch of at least 1 officer but normally 2. Even in end of life care. MOO.

Ah that's good to know! Thanks for your insight.
"Presumably" the kidnap charge would be an indication the police are working on the theory he got her in the car and drove elsewhere to commit the final crime rather than killing her during an initial attack and driving to dispose of a body?
In defense of the police, they are massively understaffed and underfunded.

I think there's probably a multitude of cases of indecent exposure and most of them probably don't lead to murder.

The police unfortunately just don't have the manpower to follow up every single misdemeanor.

Nobody could have predicted that he was capable of something like that.

In an ideal world police would be able to follow up everything, but it's just not possible with all the cuts to policing.

Not forgetting as well that at any time many are out either with Covid or are isolating. Sadly the police aren't a vaccine priority.
I have been reading this tread all day without posting as I didn’t feel I had a valuable input. @LeopardLeotard has given some amazing insights into the developments.

it’s late, we’re all tired. Instead of arguing the toss about something that doesn’t even matter. How about we all have some cocoa and take a nap. Come back to this when we’re ready to focus on Sarah.
Just my thoughts....I think he is trying to kill himself.
He has no materials to use So imo he's charging into a wall to cause maximum injury, theo escape justice.
He successfully knocked himself out.
I think he will keep trying.
I said this afternoon to a family member they need to put him in a padded cell .
My view is that the police service is no longer fit for purpose, in many of its functions, e.g. pro-active, crime reduction and safer street streets initiatives seem to be a thing of the past.....long past!

Like the NHS was all but brought to its knees recently, so it is with the police service. It's down to under-investment throughout the whole of the criminal justice system for far too long, by all parties, which allows volume crime to grow unchecked and in turn an offenders progression to more serious crimes.

Never to diminish the extraordinary hard work and professionalism of the vast majority police officers, police staff and NHS staff.

I'll get my hat and coat and step off my soapbox.
Yes. 100%. We're seeing the horrific, tragic impact of cutting our services to the bone. I could rant for much longer about this but I would probably get banned for going off topic
Teen dragged into bushes in rape attack

Wayne Couzens joined the MPS on 10 September 2018. His first posting was to South Area where he joined a response team covering the Bromley area.

“He then moved to the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command on February 1 2020 where his primary role was on uniformed patrol duties of diplomatic premises, mainly a range of embassies.” Police officer charged with the kidnap and murder of Sarah Everard

do you think this looks like him?

Just jumping in, I live not far from this attack and someone was already convicted with this at the time.
Violent rapist locked up for life
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