GUILTY UK - Shana Grice, 19, murdered at her Brighton home, 25 Aug 2016

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A stony faced Lane was told by prosecution lawyer Philip Bennetts he will be jailed for life tomorrow when he returns to court for sentence, with a minimum sentence of 15 years expected.

Speaking outside court, Shana’s mother Sharon Grice told reporters: “We firmly believe her murder could have been avoided if her fears had been taken seriously by police.”
The IPCC is currently investigating concerns around how Sussex Police dealt with her complaints.
A spokesman said: “The IPCC is conducting an investigation into the contact between Shana Grice, Michael Lane and Sussex Police in the lead up to her death on 25 August, 2016.
“Investigators have interviewed a number of witnesses and upon completion of the ongoing murder trial will carry out additional interviews with police officers and staff identified as subjects in our investigation.
“The investigation has been assessing the circumstances surrounding all contact between Sussex Police, Shana Grice and Michael Lane in the lead-up to Ms Grice’s death.
“There are currently 12 employees of Sussex Police who have been identified as subjects in this investigation. The IPCC will not be naming any of these individuals.”
Just copying another section of the article....this is part of what makes me uncomfortable.

SRF ( Defence Counsel ) argued that Grice's police complaints about Lane were actually designed to hide the fact she and Lane were continuing a relationship in secret.

The complaints of stalking may have been exaggerated.

He was complained about for following Miss Grice.
But these complaints were in place to disguise that they were, in spite of her relationship [with Cooke], seeing each other.
“They were still in a sexual relationship behind Ashley Cooke’s back and she did not want anyone to know."
Well that was quick! Good to hear some more compelling evidence now at least. What a vile, entitled man.
It sounds like he took a whole dressing up box with him. Hard hat, baseball cap, hoodie, high-viz vest, several t-shirts.. and never stopped to think the shorts would give him away.

15 years isn't enough for someone this dangerous. I'm hoping for at least 20+.
Do you feel uncomfortable with the verdict Alyce?
His phone call with Shana

Do you feel uncomfortable with the verdict Alyce?

Ah, I really don't know why, but somehow this whole trial has left me feeling uncomfortable in a way.

I have to believe that the Jury got it right - they heard all the evidence, we got a few snippets.

I just think the whole case was presented ( by the media ) as a stalker murder by an obsessed ex, when the reality was far more complex than that, with a fair amount of lying and cover up going on.

I will say no more as it is difficult to put into words without it sounding too critical. I just wish Shana had had some older friends or family who could have advised her and helped her avoid this tragedy.

My guess is that Lane will be looking at far more than the minimum of 15 years.
[FONT=&amp]The court heard that as their relationship went sour, Lane sent Grice a formal legal letter to retrieve a debt of around £250, in return for meals and perfume he had bought.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Shortly after her death, the man in the high-visibility jacket used Grice's bank card at an ATM and tried to withdraw £250. There was only £60.18 in the account, so this person withdrew £60 in two £20 notes and two £10 notes.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Although Lane denies this person was him, police later found £60 in Lane's car, in the same denomination. Lane also admitted to having previously known Grice's PIN, but he said he had "forgotten" it.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]The court heard that Lane and Grice had met up at a hotel two days before her death – after she had got back together with a previous boyfriend, Ashley Cooke – to finally end their relationship. Shana texted Lane at 10:08pm that she would "love you always and forever". Lane claims they had sex that night and also earlier in the day at her house.

[FONT=&amp]But the court also heard that Lane was planning to blackmail Grice if she failed to turn up to the hotel. He told police during an interview that he had saved screenshots of compromising text messages that referred to their sexual relationship.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]He said: "They are just to say, like, when we had sex this morning. Because I didn’t want her to cancel that night… I just thought I would save them just in case. In case she cancelled. I could say, ‘You can’t cancel because I have these saved.'"

[FONT=&amp]Two eyewitnesses said in evidence that they saw a man matching Lane's description wearing a high-visibility jacket and a hardhat in Chrisdory Road at 7:30am and 7:32am on 25 August. Lane denies this was him.

Much more to read at link[/FONT]

BBM - so he saved text messages. So at anytime he could show a text message to anyone and say "look, we're still in a relationship" or "look, we're still having sex." Creep.
Part of his 7th police interview

[FONT=&quot]At 7.25am Lane’s car was seen driving south on Thornhill Rise and four minutes later he was seen walking south in Mile Oak Road towards the junction with Sefton Road wearing a light coloured top, knee length dark shorts with a distinctive motif on the left thigh, white Lonsdale trainers with a stripe on the side and carrying a blue baseball cap.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]His car was seen parked in Graham Avenue close to Avery Close for half an hour. Lane is then seen walking in the vicinity of the cashpoint machine at McColls Newsagents in Graham Avenue at 8.06am. A cash withdrawal of £60 was made from Shana's bank account using her bank card at that time.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Nine minutes later the CCTV captured Lane in nearby Martin’s Newsagents in Valley Road where he bought a bottle of Evian water.

[FONT=&quot]Lane is seen on CCTV again at 8.22am walking into Chrisdory Road.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He is then not seen until 8.56am, this time returning to McColls checking a lottery ticket. He was wearing a different outfit, a cream coloured T-shirt with horizontal stripes, dark shorts but different from the ones he was seen wearing earlier with black socks and Lonsdale trainers.

[FONT=&quot]The jury heard how he had put a tracker device on her Renault Clio, which officers found attached to the underside of her car after her death. Following his arrest an empty box for the tracking device, as well as a receipt for the device in his name, were found during a search of Lane's home in Thornhill Rise.

A reflection from the Senior Investigating officer
Temporary Detective Chief Inspector Gordon Denslow said:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"This was a shocking and brutal crime and, on behalf of the Sussex Police and our Family Liaison Officers, our thoughts are with Shana's family.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Our investigation found that Michael Lane had become obsessed with Shana and that their relationship was a complex one.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"By Tuesday 23 August, Shana had decided she wanted to be with her boyfriend and not Lane. She met Lane and they agreed to go their separate ways. However, this ended in tragedy.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Two days later, Lane went to Shana's address early in the morning at a time when he knew she would be alone in the house. He killed Shana by cutting her throat. He left straight away to provide himself with an alibi and stole money from Shana’s bank account. He then returned to the address to set light to Shana’s room in an attempt to destroy evidence of his crime. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"After his arrest, Lane repeatedly denied going to Shana’s home on the morning of her murder. However, in the face of mounting evidence suggesting otherwise, presented to him during hours of police interviews, he eventually admitted that he had been there, claiming that after finding Shana already dead, he panicked and left without telling a soul about what he had seen.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Clearly the jury did not believe him.”[/FONT]

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