GUILTY UK - Shana Grice, 19, murdered at her Brighton home, 25 Aug 2016

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Emma King told jurors her housemate woke one night to find Mr Lane looming over her bed.

A phone conversation the day after between the former couple was played to the court, in which the victim asked why he had taken the key.

'Not right in the head'

Mr Lane, 27, replied: "I wanted to see you and to talk to you. I knew you would not let me in."

"You could have flipped at any point... I think it's so wrong... You could have done anything... While I'm sleeping, it's just weird," Ms Grice responded.

Mr Lane said: "I'm sorry I'm just not right in the head, if I was I would not have done that."

He was arrested later that day and given a police caution.
Thanks for these updates LB, much appreciated.

I see Lane has Simon Russel Flint for his defence barrister. Crikey he defended Ian Stewart in the Helen Bailey case - and Ian S got 34 years. !!

eta sorry for repetition of other posters' comments - I've only just caught up. :facepalm:
Many thanks for the updates Legally - just catching up properly now

Just adding to what others have said - I hope the Jury remember to bring in a comfy cushion for the day Flinty begins his closing argument
It is really hard not to see SRF as a slimeball isn't it? I mean, suggesting a murder victim was lying about their abuse at the hands of a known ex? Does he have evidence of these affectionate texts or however he describes them?
Just found this from Brighton Argus

Richard Miles-Doutré, giving evidence in Lewes Crown Court this morning, said Michael Lane phoned him at about 1pm on the day Shana Grice was killed. Lane asked whether he had heard from her.
Mr Miles-Doutré said Lane did not normally ring him which is why he thought it out of the ordinary.

He had known Miss Grice for about a year.
He said he had an “on-off” relationship with her during that time and last had sex with her about a week before she was killed. They had sent messages to each other on the morning she died.
A friend of Mr Lane, lay preacher Andrew Birks, told Lewes Crown Court he saw him shortly before she was found.
He told the jury he had waved to Mr Lane, who did not wave back and had appeared to quicken his pace.
He said: "It felt strange, as if I had been ignored."
Later, Mr Lane sent him a friendly text saying "hi, how are you?".
Just found this from Brighton Argus

Richard Miles-Doutré, giving evidence in Lewes Crown Court this morning, said Michael Lane phoned him at about 1pm on the day Shana Grice was killed. Lane asked whether he had heard from her.
Mr Miles-Doutré said Lane did not normally ring him which is why he thought it out of the ordinary.

He had known Miss Grice for about a year.
He said he had an “on-off” relationship with her during that time and last had sex with her about a week before she was killed. They had sent messages to each other on the morning she died.

Thanks Alyce. That's really unclear reporting isn't it - it doesn't say who had an on-off relationship with Shana.

If you read the next few lines it suggests it was the witness, not the defendant. Maybe it was, and this was information that SRF got from him under cross-exam?

[FONT=&amp]The court previously heard how she was also involved with long-term boyfriend Ashley Cooke and the defendant during this period.

[FONT=&amp]He told how he would go out drinking with Miss Grice and would sometimes “spend the night” or longer.

Thanks Alyce. That's really unclear reporting isn't it - it doesn't say who had an on-off relationship with Shana.

If you read the next few lines it suggests it was the witness, not the defendant. Maybe it was, and this was information that SRF got from him under cross-exam?

It really was.
I also thought it was the witness who had the on - off relationship with Shana.
Also thought that possibly Lane had looked at Shana's phone that morning - and seen the text exchange between her and witness...hence Lane's later call to the witness, trying to implicate him ?
[FONT=&amp]He [Richard [/FONT]Miles-Doutré[FONT=&amp]] said he had known Miss Grice for about a year and during that time they had an “on-off” relationship. He told how he would go out drinking with Miss Grice and would sometimes “spend the night” or longer together. He said they last had sex about a week before she was killed. They sent Snapchat messages to each other at around 7am on the morning she died.

She “continued” to keep in contact with Lane through August and the pair stayed at a hotel together two days before she died, jurors heard. Mr Cooke stayed with her the next night and left her just hours before she was killed.

On the stand Mr Miles-Doutré said Lane sounded “calm” on the phone. He said he had not heard from Miss Grice and asked that if Miles-Doutré did, to let him know.

[FONT=&amp]During cross examination Simon Russell Flint, defending, asked: “Did he tell you he had been asked to phone you [about Shana] by [her cousin] Kennady Grice?”[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Mr Miles-Doutré replied: “No”.



[FONT=&amp]Sarah Thompson, who lived next door to Miss Grice, told how the house had “very thin walls” and she had heard arguments between men as well as female voices.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]She told how she once witnessed Miss Grice being carried off in the back of an ambulance while “shouting and screaming” at Mr Cooke and also saw a “thin man with long hair” who rode a motorbike visit the house. She assumed this was one of the other girls’ boyfriends, the court heard.[/FONT]
She said she saw a white man with short dark hair wearing sleeveless high-vis jacket but no shirt walk up the pathway between her house and Miss Grice’s at about 9.30am on the morning of the murder. She said she thought this may have been one of the men she had seen three weeks before at the house but she “could not be sure”.


[FONT=&amp]Ms Pumfrey girlfriend of Mr Cooke’s uncle <snip> -[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Pumfrey said she “had her suspicions” Lane and Miss Grice were seeing each other but said nothing was ever confirmed although she asked several times.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Mr Russell Flint suggested: “She hid it from you.”[/FONT]

Further info from the trial last week.[/FONT]
So R M-D was exchanging messages with Shana at 7am, which is the same time AC left for work.

And the witness who saw him that morning didn't mention him being covered with blood, which is strange being as there was a bloody footprint left on the doorstep.
If AC was the last person to see Shana alive at 7am ( apart from her killer ) I wonder where the other 2 housemates were ? Seems a bit early for them to have departed for work ?
[FONT=&amp]Father Birks, of Stanley Avenue, said at 9.15am on August 25 he got to his front gate where a man wanted to speak to him.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]He said: “When talking with him I saw Michael Lane on the footpath that connects Stanley Avenue and Graham Avenue. I waved at him. He was about 20 metres away. He didn’t wave back. As the dog barked next to me he looked towards me and then put his head down.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]He said Lane, wearing a white polo shirt, appeared to quicken his pace after looking at him and carried on walking, adding: “It was like he ignored the fact I was there.”

So at 9:15am Father Birks saw him wearing a white polo shirt, and then minutes later Lane texted him. And at 9:30am the neighbour saw a man in the path between their houses, wearing a high-viz jacket with no shirt.

Do we know what time Shana was reported as not being at work and what time she was discovered?

I'll see if I can find a map of where Father Birks saw him.[/FONT]!8m2!3d50.8538365!4d-0.2308956

Here's the google map....the footpath is next to the Church of the Good Shepherd.

Father Birks does not say whether Lane is walking down the footpath - as in leaving Stanley Avenue and going towards Graham Avenue - which would mean he was walking away from Chrisdory Road, where Shana lived, or whether he had just come out of the footpath onto Stanley Avenue.

Either way, the description of the man walking up Shana's front path does not match Lane.

Her boyfriend AC phoned his sister to go to the house, because Shana had not turned up for work. Am guessing perhaps AC phoned Shana at work, but don't have a timing on that.

eta a BBC news report says concerned colleagues raised the alarm when Shana did not turn up to work. So presumably they phoned AC ?
It works if Lane was on his way to Shana's house when Father Birks saw him, but it doesn't say which direction he saw him walking in. If he saw him on his way there, presumably he would have been carrying a petrol can, or had one hidden in a bag.
Cross posted Alyce

I wonder if Shana's work phoned to find out where she was or if AC phoned Shana and was told she wasn't there. More digging needed.
Seems very strange to put on a high viz jacket, it's like saying look over here!
The court heard Lane also told police he had gone to Shana's flat on the morning of her death.
Prosecuting, Philip Bennetts QC told jurors: "The front door was open so he went in and saw Shana. Shana was on the floor leaning against the bed.
"There was no burning or fire. He left. He didn't telephone the police. He didn't telephone for an ambulance.
"He told no-one about what he had seen. He panicked. He said he thought the police would blame him."
I'm so confused by all these comings and goings! The reporting is indeed very unclear. Thanks for the updates Alyce.

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