GUILTY UK - Shannon Matthews, 9, Dewsbury Moor, West Yorkshire, Feb 2008

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This whole story is just so sickening. That mother had to have known where her daughter was. What did she think that creep was doing with Shannon while she was at his place all of that time! That guy she is married to is so creepy looking. He fits my idea of a pervert. I hope they keep the whole bunch of those lowlifes locked up for a long long time. All of those kids deserve much better lives then they have had so far. I hope LE have really talked to the other kids to make sure that they haven't been sexually abused. They probably all need some good counseling. Bless little Shannon and I also hope that she gets to live with her dad...after he is totally checked out by LE to make sure that he is a decent man and can give Shannon a good life.
Hi all :blowkiss: hope you all had lovely weekends... back to work for me.. boo hoo... I'm sorry I tried really hard to get on here at home, but to no avail.

right catch up time...

Donvans name change - I can't remember where I read it so I can't provide a link, and I think it was pure speculation.. he changed his name to that of his tv 'hero' Jason Donovan (Australian actor in a show called Neighbours years back, now does theatre and a tv show Echo Beach...anyway) blah blah whatever... maybe Paul Drake had lots of bills to pay, who knows?

Shannons hair colour - I don't think its dyed, but I get your point. It does look very dry, but hey lets face it I doubt mummy dearest was encouraging her to cleanse, tone, condition, brush teeth etc. I think it may be just camera angles and the fact that the two photos are a couple of years apart.

The mother - WTF??? Okay, spit balling... she can't hold a relationship for too long, obviously bores easy and is too selfish to see how it affects her children. So troll is now constantly stuck to his computer, and not giving her the attention she wants. He's 22 and his priorities include beer, computer games and *advertiser censored* (of whichever form), and he loses his temper with the children a lot. Uncle Donovan pays her some attention, Mummy dearest decides to have a bit of a fling. Do you think mummy and uncle could have collaborated to remove Shannon from the home on purpose? Maybe to a) get her away from Troll or b) to stop her leaving to go to her biological father or c) either of the above and to claim some money (after seeing Maddies appeal etc) to do a runner?

That poor child... although reports we're getting do sound like she's happy. She's doesn't want to go home, that shouts to me one strong little girl who knows her own mind :clap:
Do you think mummy and uncle could have collaborated to remove Shannon from the home on purpose? Maybe to a) get her away from Troll or b) to stop her leaving to go to her biological father or c) either of the above and to claim some money (after seeing Maddies appeal etc) to do a runner?

That poor child... although reports we're getting do sound like she's happy. She's doesn't want to go home, that shouts to me one strong little girl who knows her own mind :clap:

Good Morning KBUK, did you have a nice weekend? I sure wish you'd get your puter up & running at home! :) I'm going to choose: #C You might be right about that money angle, wouldn't it be sad if all the one's in jail were involved in making $$ off of Shannon? When you think about it, Maddie's parents had a lot of money donated, right? I didn't follow that case, (just bits & pieces). Anyway, that would explain why there hasn't been any reports of molestation, I don't think Shannon was sexually abuse (THANK GOD) while being kept by Donovan. I mean I hate to say this but most child abductions we hear about here are not about $$. We'll have to see how this plays out, what role each of them played. Let's see, we now have (5) Donovan, Meehan, his mother, sister and now Karen in jail. This truly has gotten stranger & stranger! I'm glad Shannon is safe & sound, I don't want her to ever be around any of these people.
Donvans name change - I can't remember where I read it so I can't provide a link, and I think it was pure speculation.. he changed his name to that of his tv 'hero' Jason Donovan (Australian actor in a show called Neighbours years back, now does theatre and a tv show Echo Beach...anyway) blah blah whatever... maybe Paul Drake had lots of bills to pay, who knows?

I remember reading about this but can't provide a link, either. I probably read it in The Daily Mail; that's the website I check regularly.

My recollection is that he changed his name to match the singer Donovan, and his first name is after another rock singer.
Hello all... Tempusfurgit, I had a lovely weekend thank you for asking.

Well it looks like we may be on the right track:

From link:

The mother of Shannon Matthews knew where her daughter was all along, it has been claimed.

Karen Matthews may even have invented the "abduction" after watching an episode of TV drama Shameless.

The 32-year-old mother of seven was arrested on Sunday night after a dramatic confrontation in which a friend accused her of knowing exactly where her nine-year-old daughter was from "day one".
Detectives are investigating whether Miss Matthews's alleged involvement was a failed attempt to escape her relationship with her 22-year-old partner Craig Meehan - or a more sinister bid to make money.

What a bunch of *%^$"(^*s! :furious:
Hello all... Tempusfurgit, I had a lovely weekend thank you for asking.

Well it looks like we may be on the right track:

From link:

The mother of Shannon Matthews knew where her daughter was all along, it has been claimed.

Karen Matthews may even have invented the "abduction" after watching an episode of TV drama Shameless.

The 32-year-old mother of seven was arrested on Sunday night after a dramatic confrontation in which a friend accused her of knowing exactly where her nine-year-old daughter was from "day one".
Detectives are investigating whether Miss Matthews's alleged involvement was a failed attempt to escape her relationship with her 22-year-old partner Craig Meehan - or a more sinister bid to make money.

What a bunch of *%^$"(^*s! :furious:

Hats off to you my friend KBUK, Looks like you hit the nail RIGHT on top of the head on this one! CONGRATS to you my new friend!! :woohoo: TYSM for the great news coverage today, as well as ongoing during this nightmare of a case. You have been and continue to be a wealth of knowledge, and it helps you live in the UK. :blowkiss:

I hate to say this, but Im glad this is the answer, because she was most likely NOT abused! At her age, she is able to tell everything that happened. I know this sounds sounds odd, but with ALL the kids she had, wonder why she "picked" Shannon? Im sure this wasnt just her idea, since it took 5 people to pull it off, but you would that they would pick a younger one that wouldnt be able to talk about it? God knows, she had 7 to pick from. Please don't get me wrong, I dont wish this nightmare of a plot on any child, Im just wondering "why" Shannon? Maybe this was Uncle Pervo's doings since he was acting odd with Shannon? Who knows, but this is like a fiction book unfolding in front of our eyes. I truly havent heard something so odd in my life. No wonder why she told mum more or less to "bugger off" as you say? (lol at my attempt at Brittish slang :crazy: ) THANK GOD she was/is old enough of a child to be able to talk and relay th whole story to LE. Children are much smarter and perceptive than a lot of parents want to think that they are. They are very observant and nosey, and listen in on everything!! (speaking from experience:rolleyes: )

That has been/was really bothering me, and Im glad, believe it or nor, it was some silly scam that went wrong, because hopefully they will make a lesson out of these fools and show the WORLD, let alone the UK, this type of shananigans, will not be acceptted! ALL of the money, manpwer, volunteers, undue angst caused to innocent friends and family, etc- I am a lil surprised they were able to pull it off for so long. What a slam to Maddie'a parents. I Havent followed that case closely, but that would hurt my feelings if someone was "mocking" , more or less, their child's abduction. Dad and other neighbors were calling in tips and hot on their trail, so it wasnt long before they were caught.

I live in CA, and have never personally heard anything on my local, let alone natonal news on this case. I only learned about it here and the daily news. I wish it got /gets more press for the reason I woud like people to see how dumb it was, and that it wont be tolerated (to fake kidnapping,etc.) here or in the UK.

In closing, I think to myself, "How could someone be so DAFT and DUMB as to think that they could get away with something so rediculous in todays world with the latest technology, and then I look at their photos, read their bios, and now I know- Poor Shannon and her siblings- I hope they didn't inherit this "ignorant gene" that her parent/s seem to have. :eek: :bang:
Hello all... Tempusfurgit, I had a lovely weekend thank you for asking.

Well it looks like we may be on the right track:

From link:

The mother of Shannon Matthews knew where her daughter was all along, it has been claimed.

Karen Matthews may even have invented the "abduction" after watching an episode of TV drama Shameless.
What a bunch of *%^$"(^*s! :furious:

You took the words right out of my mouth *%^$"(^*s! I'm so disgusted & angry, mum needs to spend a lot of time in jail! One good thing that did come out of this is that "pervert" stepfather is behind bars where he belongs. I think she should have to pay for all expenses in the search for Shannon. IMO, she should never be allowed around any of her children. :furious:
Bugger off!!!! I LURVE IT!!! :crazy: and used so well!

Dear Chico and Tempusfugit, as much as I would love to agree with you both that this is a done deal, I think it we shouldn't count our chickens too soon.

Maybe Karen was planning on leaving
Maybe she "bottled it"
Maybe Donovan then took Shannon because he liked her (shannon :sick: ) and was using her to blackmail Karen (sorry can't use the word mother anymore) to leave
Maybe then Karen is in over her head.
I don't rule out that Shannon may have been abused. I think Donovans publised past leads me to believe she may have been.
Like you say, thankfully it lead to troll boy being charged
But who was the aunt and her mother covering for? Troll? Why? For what? Karen?

A colleague of mine has a nephew in the police force here, he obviously couldn't tell her anything but he did say that when everything comes out in the wash it will make you go :confused: :crazy: :confused: :eek: . How's that for a cliffhanger? I couldn't push for any other information, like I said this type of thing is so rare that although there is a lot of interest from joe public I would be seen as a nutter and carted out of my office in a white coat.

If this has all been about relationship break-ups or money I think I will be liable to stand in the middle of Dewsbury Moor screaming my head off! How selfish can someone be? I am ashamed to be living so close to such (insert expletive here)s! So if you read of a ginger haired 30-something causing a scene.........

Thank you for making me feel so welcome. I generally lurk, post in the Jury room. Such a shame that a poor little girl helped me make new friends across the pond. :blowkiss:

Hey Chicogirl! great and perfect usage of British slang. :) and if anyone should bugger off it's the depraved Karen Matthews.
If this has all been about relationship break-ups or money I think I will be liable to stand in the middle of Dewsbury Moor screaming my head off!

I'm picturing you on Dewsbury Moor screaming your head off in the near future for it surely is all about relationships/SEX, break-ups and money. :(
I'm picturing you on Dewsbury Moor screaming your head off in the near future for it surely is all about relationships/SEX, break-ups and money. :(

You're so right... :banghead:
I'm picturing you on Dewsbury Moor screaming your head off in the near future for it surely is all about relationships/SEX, break-ups and money. :(

TOO FUNNY- :crazy: :crazy: My son has red hair and was called a ginger for the first time the other day- I had to look it up- obviously I am not up on my Bristtish slang, but I am learning to love it :blowkiss:

Glad to hear om has been charged? With what? I am at work, so I cant look yet- shhh- dont tell :)
TOO FUNNY- :crazy: :crazy: My son has red hair and was called a ginger for the first time the other day- I had to look it up- obviously I am not up on my Bristtish slang, but I am learning to love it :blowkiss:

Glad to hear om has been charged? With what? I am at work, so I cant look yet- shhh- dont tell :)

Hey Chico, your secrets safe with me, :) Karen Matthews will appear before magistrates on Wednesday and be charged with "Perverting the course of justice and child neglect." So I'm thinking in our language (English, LOL) that would mean obstruction of justice, because she knew where Shannon was all along & didn't tell and that in my interpretation she's an unfit mother! :furious:

I'm also ginger haired, only we call it red here, but from now on I'm going to use the term "ginger haired" sounds much better!! :)
I'm in!!!! at home!!! At last :woohoo:

Egg donor has been charged with perverting the course of justice and child neglect! The approxmate cost to the English taxpayer for this debarcle has been £1m ($2m) doubt she will be able to pay that back!,,30100-1312223,00.html

Chico, your son is a very lucky boy... we ginnas are THE best (discounting egg donor of course!) My friends baby girl is a ginger haired and I've told her secretly we're taking over the world! LOL!
I'm in!!!! at home!!! At last :woohoo:

Egg donor has been charged with perverting the course of justice and child neglect! The approxmate cost to the English taxpayer for this debarcle has been £1m ($2m) doubt she will be able to pay that back!,,30100-1312223,00.html

Chico, your son is a very lucky boy... we ginnas are THE best (discounting egg donor of course!) My friends baby girl is a ginger haired and I've told her secretly we're taking over the world! LOL!

KBUK, Oh good, glad you can be on while at home!! When I saw what Karen was charged with "Perverting the course of justice"I thought oh S**T, I'll have to wait for KBUK to translate, but I think I got it right:) Good grief, how sad that we need a translator for our own language, LOL
Anyway, wanted to tell you I had same thought as you about being friends, had it not been for Shannon we perhaps would never have gotten to meet. Glad to be able to call you friend!!
Another ginger haired here :)
KBUK, Oh good, glad you can be on while at home!! When I saw what Karen was charged with "Perverting the course of justice"I thought oh S**T, I'll have to wait for KBUK to translate, but I think I got it right:) Good grief, how sad that we need a translator for our own language, LOL
Anyway, wanted to tell you I had same thought as you about being friends, had it not been for Shannon we perhaps would never have gotten to meet. Glad to be able to call you friend!!
Another ginger haired here :)

Hello my fellow ginna!:blowkiss: Isn't it wonderful to be so unique!

You got it right re perverting justice etc, what a lying witch that woman is! I hate to be so judgemental but the dark side of me is coming out as here its closing in on the midnight hour! :crazy:

My SO is shouting out other pearls of british slang for you all... 'Not on your nelly' is always a good one, meaning 'I'd never do that'.

It seems that poor Shannon will now disappear into our foster/adoption system, unless her biological dad can prove he can provide a good home. I do worry that due to the amount of interest here in this case she may stay with foster/ adoptive parents so that she may grow up incognito. Unfortunately her siblings will now suffer too. Such a shame.

Chico - my work days are mainly spent on here so I won't be saying a word!!!
Hello my fellow ginna!:blowkiss: Isn't it wonderful to be so unique!

You got it right re perverting justice etc, what a lying witch that woman is! I hate to be so judgemental but the dark side of me is coming out as here its closing in on the midnight hour! :crazy:

My SO is shouting out other pearls of british slang for you all... 'Not on your nelly' is always a good one, meaning 'I'd never do that'.

It seems that poor Shannon will now disappear into our foster/adoption system, unless her biological dad can prove he can provide a good home. I do worry that due to the amount of interest here in this case she may stay with foster/ adoptive parents so that she may grow up incognito. Unfortunately her siblings will now suffer too. Such a shame.

Chico - my work days are mainly spent on here so I won't be saying a word!!!

Off Topic, I've always liked my red hair & I have freckles also, most people think I look like a smaller version of Doris Day, (remember her?) I'm not very tall 5', actually my husband thinks I look like Peter Pan :) BTW, I keep forgetting about our time differences, you're 9 hours ahead of me. So just as you're getting up, I'm going to bed. Glad you have access to computer during the day!
Getting back to Shannon, I'm hoping that she will end up with a loving family, someone who'll give her the proper care a child deserves. I hope her mother & stepfather and all involved get the care they deserve also, if you get my meaning!!
Talk to you tomorrow :blowkiss:
Off Topic, I've always liked my red hair & I have freckles also, most people think I look like a smaller version of Doris Day, (remember her?) I'm not very tall 5', actually my husband thinks I look like Peter Pan :) BTW, I keep forgetting about our time differences, you're 9 hours ahead of me. So just as you're getting up, I'm going to bed. Glad you have access to computer during the day!
Getting back to Shannon, I'm hoping that she will end up with a loving family, someone who'll give her the proper care a child deserves. I hope her mother & stepfather and all involved get the care they deserve also, if you get my meaning!!
Talk to you tomorrow :blowkiss:

OMG- TOO FUNNY!! tempusfugit, KBUK, and myself are all "ginnas/gingers"- LMAO!!! I left that part out,(about my own hair color) and now that I am checking back in, I see you two are also- I guess our "red-headed temper" is shining through as we rant about the egg donor. :furious: Too funny- I am fairly new here, so I am honored to be in the bunch!
OT, but on the lines of gingers, I heard a couple weeks ago on St Patty's Day, in fact, that in a few hundred years, there may be no more gingers. They said that a "real" red-head is rarer and rarer these days. I know I did my part and passed my color onto my kids and each one has a very unique and different shade than mine- Keep up the good work ladies- You're a fun bunch!! (you too Floh and the others, even if youre not gingers- hehe) :blowkiss:

**I should add, this thread isnt something that I am happy or joking about- just wanted to get OT for a minute and make y'all smile :crazy:
OMG- TOO FUNNY!! tempusfugit, KBUK, and myself are all "ginnas/gingers"- LMAO!!! I left that part out,(about my own hair color) and now that I am checking back in, I see you two are also- I guess our "red-headed temper" is shining through as we rant about the egg donor. :furious: Too funny- I am fairly new here, so I am honored to be in the bunch!
OT, but on the lines of gingers, I heard a couple weeks ago on St Patty's Day, in fact, that in a few hundred years, there may be no more gingers. They said that a "real" red-head is rarer and rarer these days. I know I did my part and passed my color onto my kids and each one has a very unique and different shade than mine- Keep up the good work ladies- You're a fun bunch!! (you too Floh and the others, even if youre not gingers- hehe) :blowkiss:

**I should add, this thread isnt something that I am happy or joking about- just wanted to get OT for a minute and make y'all smile :crazy:

OT, I'm new too, wish someone would start a thread on gingers to see how many there are of us! I passed my ginger gene's on also, different colors too. I read the same article, it's kinda of makes me sad to think that we will be extinct someday!!LOL ;)

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