GUILTY UK - Shannon Matthews, 9, Dewsbury Moor, West Yorkshire, Feb 2008

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Shannon's is under a Emergency Police Protection order? I'm curious, why would she be under such an order at this time, if the abductor is locked up??
My thoughts only is it possible LE thinks that someone else is possibly involved and might try to keep Shannon quiet or is this the way UK handles these cases? Sure wish KBUK, would hurry back so she could answer all my questions! :crazy:
I am so shocked that they found her! Wonderful wonderful news!! I can't believe it! :woohoo:
Glad to hear that she is alive!! :woohoo: We all know how a lot of these cases end up, and I am VERY thankful that she was found alive. So the abductor is the step dads uncle- I would bet you that "step-dad" is involved and knows where she was- I too, got that mother's intuition that tells you something just isnt right! I have heard no reports that she was abused or harmed at all- Im not sure if British media reports that type of thing- I would think so, since they are pretty liberal with their other reporting.

Here is a new article that has quite a bit of info and some pics of the uncle and step dad. Sounds like they are both weirdos! :crazy:
Thanks for that article chicogirl.

I too find it amazing that as yet little Shannon hasnt been reunited with her mother. The police must have serious reason to believe that someone else in Shannons immediate family knows a lot more than they are letting on!
So Shannon's mom is 32 and her boyfriend is 22! Yikes there is a big difference in the level of maturity between a 32 year old women and a 22 year old guy.

I think there is much more to this story then we are hearing now. If the uncle was behaving strangely with the child 6 weeks before her abduction at a family funeral, which lead the other person to turn in a tip on him..why didn't her mom or the bf notice anything back then? Why didn't they say something to this man right then before it got to the point he abducted her? This whole story is strange..I hope for the child's sake she is in police protection until this can be sorted out.

missacorah and DeltaDawn, I agree with both of you, like I said in my earlier post I think LE thinks someone else is involved & I do too. I really can't see this as normal procedure for LE to keep a child in protective custody unless they feel Shannon is still in danger.
missacorah and DeltaDawn, I agree with both of you, like I said in my earlier post I think LE thinks someone else is involved & I do too. I really can't see this as normal procedure for LE to keep a child in protective custody unless they feel Shannon is still in danger.

I agree- this case gets weirder and weirder everyday- I have heard that the mother had 7 children- and only 2 with Shannon's dad- That is a BUSY mom for only being 32!
I also read that the relative that turned the uncle in was Shannon's bio dad. He was at the funeral where the uncle was acting strange, bouncing her on his knee, yet didn't say anything to him then? They said that he was obviously upset about loosing custody of his own 2 kids, and chalked his behavior up to that- WTF?? My dad would have walked right over to him and knocked him out!
Another thing that bothers me is that her mom found a note stating she wanted to live with her dad- I know when parents are freshly divorced, the child is often confused and ponders the ideas of living with both parents. Maybe something was happening with mommy's bf and she was uncomfortable living there?
I believe that the was involved- It would have been very hard to conceal her location for that long without outside help from someone you can trust.
I pray that SHannon doesnt have too many scars from all of this- Thank God she was found alive!!! :woohoo:
When I saw the picture of the mother (and her boyfriend that looks 15) I really wished that she would use birthcontrol. Instead they can just keep procreating making more people that will have crappy childhoods and suffer at the hands of the half wit morons that they had the misfortune to be the children of! :furious:

Sorry sorry I know that is very judgemental and probably inappropriate but I couldn't help it. This case and the Rowan Ford are similar except that Shannon lived. I pray she wasn't abused but know it is unrealistic to believe that she was there all that time and nothing happened to her.
When I saw the picture of the mother (and her boyfriend that looks 15) I really wished that she would use birthcontrol. Instead they can just keep procreating making more people that will have crappy childhoods and suffer at the hands of the half wit morons that they had the misfortune to be the children of! :furious:

Sorry sorry I know that is very judgemental and probably inappropriate but I couldn't help it. This case and the Rowan Ford are similar except that Shannon lived. I pray she wasn't abused but know it is unrealistic to believe that she was there all that time and nothing happened to her.

OMG- Canuck- LMAO- I thought the same thing but didnt want to sound too rude- I HOPE that is NOT who she has 5 other children with- Perfect case for birthcontrol- I may be wrong, but I doubt that he has a high-paying job to support a family of 9!! I doubt it VERY seriously!!:confused:
Hello all. Tempusfugit, you made me laugh out loud wishing me back, I've never felt so wanted!

Okay, so the news over the weekend is that Shannon has not actually seen her mother (Please see attached link for timesonline). The police have brought the emergency protection order into place until they can establish what truly happened to her. It was reported they are concerned that the dysfunctional family environment she was already in would not be the best place for her at the moment. Also the intense media invasion could be highly intimidating for her. Poor little soul.

The police have been allowed extra time to interview Michael Donovan. They have also dispelled rumours that they were notified a week ago by a neighbour of Donovans. Please bear in mind that IMO The Sun and News of the World papers are red top rags which are generally full of made up rubbish.

All news is the same today... more interviews for Shannon and her alleged abductor. I do feel that things will start to go quiet now, but I may be wrong; the media will be on high alert for a sniff of anything.
KBUK, So glad you're back! Truly, the links you gave is more information then I've gotten since Shannon was found. Was hoping you found password!
Anyway, now that it's come to light that Shannon's home life is dysfunctional, (duh) and physical abuse from mum's boyfriend. Shannon's brother also stated he was punched in the stomach by Craig. What do think LE will do about other children in the home? Surely, if it's not safe environment for Shannon it can't be for the others?? Media sure won't let it lie, regarding mum having 7 children, by 5 fathers. Sure casting Karen in a bad light..
In the one article stated that not sure if Shannon was molested by Donovan, or if he was trying to just be father figure. Media reported Shannon looked well cared for the day she was found. It could possibly be the case, find it hard to believe myself, but anythings possible! I pray this is the case, nobody will know unless Shannon speaks up. I'm just so thankful Shannon was found. Really appreciate news you send my way:)
Tempusfugit... as always you are very welcome.

As with every case in UK, we only get to hear snippets of information sadly. It wouldn't surprise me if nothing happened re the family, except maybe being placed on the at-risk register, which would mean visits from social services to check on the children. Shannon will no doubt be added to the register purely due to recent events.

I'm not sure re Donovan. I know he lost custody of his own two girls and by the sounds of it this affected him badly, so maybe he was trying to be a father-figure to Shannon. Who knows. It's all just speculation at the moment, journalists throwing balls into the air I think. Yesterdays rag papers had an interview with his XW who said he made her dress up as a school girl in the bedroom and that he had sent graphic notes to school with his eldest daughter, so again... anything right now is possible.
Please bear in mind the above paper is IMO trash and sells papers on a 'sex sells' basis.

With regard to Shannon looking well kept when she was found.. who knows the mental state of Donovan... and at the risk of sounding totally crass.. would he want a dirty little girl? (sorry, makes me feel nauseous just typing it :sick: )

All news is the same today. The police have received another 24 hours to interview Donovan, and Shannon is seemingly quite happy playing with a kitten and watching some dvd's.,,30100-1309497,00.html
KBUK, LE stated they were given an additional 24 hours to interview Donovan & you said it also in your last paragraph. Am I too understand that LE has not charged Donovan yet? Or have I misunderstood?
Another thing that's bothering me is XW, why in the world would she stay with this man for 7 years if she had suspicions that he was having indecent thoughts about their oldest daughter, going so far as to send naughty notes (lack of better word) in lunch box??
This whole thing is strange, won't let my mind go to what Shannon may have gone through for those 24 days that he had her (YUK).
Morning Tempusfurgit.. (I love that hat!)

They hadn't charged him... but they have now!

Due to the sensitive nature of the case the police are interviewing Shannon in fifteen minute blocks and therefore haven't establish enough to charge him with anything other than kidnap and flase imprisonment as yet. However, once they have enough evidence - they will!

As you can tell from the above article, the news is slowing down now.
That poor little sweetheart.

I hope Shannon gets all the support and help she needs, and even more.

I hope she can begin to heal. It will be a long, tough road.
Bless her.
Poor baby. :( I'm so glad she was found alive, but petra is right, it's gonna be a long, tough road for her. God bless her.
Morning Tempusfurgit.. (I love that hat!)

They hadn't charged him... but they have now!

Due to the sensitive nature of the case the police are interviewing Shannon in fifteen minute blocks and therefore haven't establish enough to charge him with anything other than kidnap and flase imprisonment as yet. However, once they have enough evidence - they will!

As you can tell from the above article, the news is slowing down now.

Thank you! So glad they finally charged this slimeball! Really afraid our worst fears might be true though, seeings how she won't be returning home for awhile. I pray Shannon gets some counseling. Don't know how your laws work there, are they pretty harsh on child molesters? (I hope) His attorney (Solicitor) didn't ask for bail or bond? Why wouldn't he?? LOL, Good grief! I have a hard time with our laws here, now I'm trying to find out how the law works there!! I think our laws don't do enough to protect our children, IMO.
Thanks again for all your updates:blowkiss:
I would hate to even attempt to understand our laws here. We are currently trialing Sarah's Law which is a version of your Megan's Law. There are varying punishments, high profile cases like Sarahs ensured that her predator received a life sentence and for once life means life. However if Donovan is only convicted of kidnap and false imprisonment he may not get that.

To be honest, recently people have been given only cautions with respect to charges brought re child molestation! It stinks. If it was up to me, they would all be left in one room with no food or water, bleeding from their groins... but hey I'm not in charge!

I'm sure Shannon is receiving THE best care, our local police have done everything by the book and extremely well up until now and I see no reason for this to change. They really do have Shannons best interests at heart IMO.
Apparently, a psychic gave Shannon's parents an unmistakable portrait of the abductor a week before she was found, including his first name and many identifying details. But, oddly, it seems no bells went off for these people.

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