GUILTY UK - Shannon Matthews, 9, Dewsbury Moor, West Yorkshire, Feb 2008

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when i read the girl had to walk about a mile home after swimming, i thought oh my! i pick my daughter up from school every day and i only live 6 blocks from school! i was different with my son but so paranoid of my girl. am i paranoid? sometimes i think i'm way too overprotective because i read so much about these little girls.

reading about her little pink and blue fishie bathing suit is when i really got kind of sad. i just think of these little girls so excited to pick out their little bikini sets... awww! i don't know why people do this to kids. i really don't and i'm just getting so bummed out about hearing it. yet i can't stay away. i have to keep reading.

i hope by some miracle she's still alive and being hidden away from maybe an abusive family or something. even if she's kidnapped by a stranger, you know she is going through some ugly stuff if she is still alive. either way my heart is broken for this poor girl. :(

I know exactly what you mean, I can't imagine letting a child that age walk that distance by herself. No, you're not being overprotective picking your daughter up everyday, it's called being a good parent. It's better to be overprotective then take the chance. I always picked my daughters up from school, I took them & their friends everywhere! And my daughters now
do the same for their children.
I'm just sick over the thought of what Shannon might have gone through or what she might be going through, if it's like you're thinking. I pray she is found.
Hello to you all too.

I'm not sure about the boyfriend but to be fair, my SO is not the biological father of my DD, who is 10. They are unbelievably close, play fight all the time, she still has horse rides, and sometimes she discusses things with him that she doesn't discuss with me. What I'm clumsily trying to point out is that it could be perfectly innocent.

The media restrictions here are awful which is why its so hard to get information. they have set a website up for shannon now

The area is not to far from the largest motorway (your freeway I guess) in the country, if someone snatched her they could be anywhere. There is also so much green land. Yorkshire is nicknamed Gods own County or Garden due to the county being the greenest in England. I couldn't begin to comprehend how they would determine where to search.

Poor Shannon, where are you? I feel so helpless. I have been a member at this site for some time, posting rarely and now when something happens on my doorstep I can't do anything to help.
You are not being overprotective at all! You are exactly like me I can't stop all the bad from happening in this world but I can sure dot my I's and cross my T's.. My daughter and my two son's get the same treatment here I don't even let my almost 10 year old son walk to the bus stop which is basically in my back yard without me being out there with him. I would be sick all day wondering if he actually got on the bus to school or not.. I don't see it as overprotective I see it as loving and protecting our children from the funkballs of the world.

when i read the girl had to walk about a mile home after swimming, i thought oh my! i pick my daughter up from school every day and i only live 6 blocks from school! i was different with my son but so paranoid of my girl. am i paranoid? sometimes i think i'm way too overprotective because i read so much about these little girls.

reading about her little pink and blue fishie bathing suit is when i really got kind of sad. i just think of these little girls so excited to pick out their little bikini sets... awww! i don't know why people do this to kids. i really don't and i'm just getting so bummed out about hearing it. yet i can't stay away. i have to keep reading.

i hope by some miracle she's still alive and being hidden away from maybe an abusive family or something. even if she's kidnapped by a stranger, you know she is going through some ugly stuff if she is still alive. either way my heart is broken for this poor girl. :(
Hello to you all too.

I'm not sure about the boyfriend but to be fair, my SO is not the biological father of my DD, who is 10. They are unbelievably close, play fight all the time, she still has horse rides, and sometimes she discusses things with him that she doesn't discuss with me. What I'm clumsily trying to point out is that it could be perfectly innocent.

The media restrictions here are awful which is why its so hard to get information. they have set a website up for shannon now

The area is not to far from the largest motorway (your freeway I guess) in the country, if someone snatched her they could be anywhere. There is also so much green land. Yorkshire is nicknamed Gods own County or Garden due to the county being the greenest in England. I couldn't begin to comprehend how they would determine where to search.

Poor Shannon, where are you? I feel so helpless. I have been a member at this site for some time, posting rarely and now when something happens on my doorstep I can't do anything to help.

Good Morning, I agree that perhaps boyfriend might have nothing to do with Shannon's disappearance. I pray this isn't the case. I am a step-parent also and have raised my children from the ages of 6 & 7 years of age, not many people know that I am not their biological parent. We are very close, they are now in their 30's. So I do understand what you're saying regarding your daughters relationship with your SO. I think people become suspicious because their are just so many stories of step-parent/boyfriend crimes in the news lately, have you noticed? I'm thinking whoever took her, must have taken her far from the area. Why else would there not be a trace of this child? I just want them to find Shannon.
Shannon Matthews Is Found

Sky's north of England correspondent Gerard Tubb said: "I only know that she is alive but I wasn't given any impression that she was harmed.

The youngster has now been taken to a police station where she will be reunited with her mother.

They've got her, they're very excited."

Fantastic News:woohoo: .
So she was found hiding under a bed at her Grandmother's house?

Hmm, that makes me think there's more to this disappearance than meets the eye. Was her Grandmother holding her there or hiding her?
Great thats she's alive but WTH?

ETA: Sky News updated may not be grandparents home
Great thats she's alive but WTH?

ETA: Sky News updated may not be grandparents home

KBUK, thanks so much for the PM, I was just getting ready to walk out my door for doctors appt. But checked computer, and there was your message!
WTH, indeed!! KBUK, I have to be gone for most of the day, can you please post anything and all for me today to keep me updated? I know it's a lot to ask but will do the same for you someday :) Gawd, of all days that I have to be gone!! Hate when that happens :( I'm so happy that Shannon was found alive, OMG, I'm shaking, but someone sure has some explaining to do, why why why? I have so many questions...
tempusfugit, I'll do my best. I'm only here another hour myself. All the best with your appointment

Rumours so far speculate she was at her grandparents but the attached link to the bbc says something different.

From Link

West Yorkshire Police confirmed the girl had been found concealed in the base of a divan bed in a house in Lidgate Gardens in Batley Carr.

Neighbours said police smashed their way in and emerged carrying Shannon who was last seen leaving Westmoor Junior School in Dewsbury on 19 February.

A 39-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of abduction.
The young girl looked "quite calm" and officers confirmed that she was ok, the neighbours added.
Thanks KBUK, that makes more sense than her being at her GM's. I'd think if that were the case, the parents would need to be looked at much more closely!

Thanks for the updates! That poor little girl, at least this story has a happy ending, so many of them don't!
You're very welcome. At least you have somewhere to look in my absence!

The reports are very mixed, some are still saying it was the grandparents, some are not, I guess we're just going to have to wait. Part of me hopes it was the GPs as the thought of what she's been through if not has reduced me to tears at my desk.

There was an article in one of the sunday papers here at the weekend, an interview with the GPs and the mothers brother. They were talking about the boyfriend and bruises on Shannon, her crying that she didn't want to go home to him, that her younger brother had been punched in the stomach according to a work colleague.

If it is true, then maybe it was the GPs holding her, trying to keep her safe, but unfortunately that could mean the poor child is sent back to the mother and boyfriend and the GPs jailed.

Police Statement

As part of ongoing investigations, Detectives and Specialist Search officers attended a house at Lidgate Gardens, Batley Carr, Dewsbury at 12.30pm this afternoon.

During a search of the house, officers located Shannon Matthews who was found concealed in the base of a divan bed.

A 39 year old man was arrested on suspicion of abduction at the address and is currently in custody at a West Yorkshire Police Station.

Shannon is currently in the care of West Yorkshire Police.

Investigations are ongoing.

my comments: seems everything else re GPs is speculation right now,,30100-1309334,00.html

She was discovered around a mile away at the home of a man who is part of her extended family, say Sky sources

The man is "remotely related" to Shannon's stepfather Craig Meehan, according to Sky sources.

My comments: BOYFRIEND! :rolleyes:

How sad! I think the boyfriend is involved too! Hopefully the GP's go for custody of the mother. This sounds like yet another case of the mother putting her boyfriend before the needs and safety of her children.
How sad! I think the boyfriend is involved too! Hopefully the GP's go for custody of the mother. This sounds like yet another case of the mother putting her boyfriend before the needs and safety of her children.

ITA. :furious:
holy crap! I never commented on here but kept up with Shannon. I was always suspicous of the boyfriend and admittedly I was a little suspicious of the mother being blind regarding her boyfriend behavior. The fact that this guy know the bf......I really believe he knew where Shannon was this whole time. Didn't it say in the first article that she was found hiding under the divan? I wonder if she willing was staying there because she didn't want to go home to her mom's.
Think about this scenario: Her friend said she had been quiet all day at school and then she walked a different route home. What if this had been planned between the bf, his relative and Shannon the whole time(obviously Shannon not realizing what she was getting herself into). She was quiet all day with worry over what she was about to do. They decided in advance on a place to meet. The bf and the relative pick her up at the meeting point and take her back to his house. At this point obviously they have all the control. They blatantly took advantage of Shannon's naivety. Certainly she didn't realize agreeing to this plan meant she was agreeing to be sexually abused and I have no doubt that has the bf and the relative's plan the whole time. Of course, this is all a theory maybe the bf had nothing to do with it at all. We will just have to wait to hear the truth. I am just so glad to hear she is alive.
ITA. :furious:

Got a feeling we should have went with our gut instincts all along, lets wait and see. Probably have to wait until weekends over for more news. Thank God Shannon's alive.
Wonderful news, Shannon is alive and safe... though I find the circumstances of her discovery disturbing! What kind of a world are we living in?

I only hope that the police give this little girl good counceling, she is going to need it if she has indeed been kept against her will and abused since being abducted. The thought just sickens me...

But it really is the best news today.:woohoo:

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