UK UK - Suzy Lamplugh, 25, Fulham, 28 Jul 1986 #2

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DV pointed out that WJ had young kids and was obviously very busy . It’s a white car hell it could of been a different white car she saw that then moved off.

A white car parked isn’t rare or exotic and considering she couldn’t tell makes of cars that makes it questionable.


Yes, but what WJ pointed out was that she noticed it due to it being parked some way across the garage. That isn’t something she thought up or imagined, she saw that. So although her timings were definitely wrong and maybe she mixed them up or misread her clock, she was alerted to the car due to the way it was parked.
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Yes, but what WJ pointed out was that she noticed it due to it being parked some way across the garage. That isn’t something she thought up or imagines, she saw that. So although her timings were definitely wrong and maybe she mixed them up or misread her clock, she was alerted to the car due to the way it was parked.

yes but she doesn’t know model’s of car so it could of simply of been a different white car. Others don’t report seeing a white car there until hours after her claim. There would of been 1000’s of white cars that in Day in London moving around.

Her testimony falls apart as her time is clearly wrong and then the fact she doesn’t know models of cars makes it even more questionable.

Basically she claims she saw a white car parked at 12.52 in a busy London street.

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Interestingly, AS says Stevenage Rd busy with ‘dozens’ walking down it that day. Also first day of school hols which might factor in. Ditto any event at Craven Cottage, soccer camps for kids etc?

Did the roadworks (super close) influence the parking? Was the road busier than usual? AS says busy. Were cars having to bunch up? Was parking limited due to roadworks? Did DV find the father & son team working on road? Son could well be alive. AS good source here. We don’t know if they were BT or wearing ear defenders or laying pipes…’Yards’ from garage says AS, how close?

This said the full account from WJ re: dogs & towpath walk & time on bank clock, simply put, means WJ can’t have seen SL’s fiesta early on. The timeline doesn’t work. Original police were tying selves in knots to accommodate all this, but her expansive account to DV means it doesn’t work.
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Interestingly, AS says Stevenage Rd busy with ‘dozens’ walking down it that day. Also first day of school hols which might factor in. Ditto any event at Craven Cottage, soccer camps for kids etc?

Did the roadworks (super close) influence the parking? Was the road busier than usual? AS says busy. Were cars having to bunch up? Was parking limited due to roadworks? Did DV find the father & son team working on road? Son could well be alive. AS good source here. We don’t know if they were BT or wearing ear defenders or laying pipes…’Yards’ from garage says AS, how close?

This said the full account from WJ re: dogs & towpath walk & time on bank clock, simply put, means WJ can’t have seen SL’s fiesta early on. The timeline doesn’t work. Original police were tying selves in knots to accommodate all this, but her expansive account to DV means it doesn’t work.

Exactly and DV I think put that to bed quite easily. She was completely wrong on the time she claims she saw it originally. MOO


I still don’t understand Why the people in the office never came forward after the crime watch appeal and cleared up the mess with the keys. It just makes zero sense how nobody out of a office of 20+ People didn’t have the foresight to think they are barking up the wrong tree here as there was only one set of keys. It just makes zero sense to me.
Because she was seen outside Shorrolds as her diary showed & confirmed. No one doubted she went there. HR saw her immediately it was thought etc. It snowballed. Crimewatch showed a few months on ‘what was known’. This ‘was known’ & seen as fact.
Because she was seen outside Shorrolds as her diary showed & confirmed. No one doubted she went there. HR saw her immediately it was thought etc. It snowballed. Crimewatch showed a few months on ‘what was known’. This ‘was known’ & seen as fact.

It’s so fascinating how botched this case was. How you can be murdered and yet the cops are so incompetent that the person can get away with it. The parents didn’t help but it’s ultimately on The Met who literally had tunnel vision and didn’t seem to have any plan B or C. Their narrative and then going on public tv botched it from the get go. It meant they would of lost valuable whitenesses who may of saw something but then didn’t come forward as they was so set on that one theory.

even though I am in two minds to DV’s theory’s I actually hope he can solve it so the family can get justice and find some peace.

<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

The taxi driver who actually lives in Stevenage Road said he saw Suzy’s car parked outside the garage at 14:00

The garage owner said he saw the car there at 5pm.

Apparently, other witnesses saw it there too.

WJ said she saw it at 4pm on her return from shopping.

Yes, she also said she saw it as 12:30 that day which was obviously wrong and she clearly got her times mixed up on that one.

But the fact remains the car was parked there in the afternoon and evening. End of.
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The taxi driver who actually lives in Stevenage Road said he saw Suzy’s car parked outside the garage at 14:00

The garage owner said he saw the car there at 5pm.

Apparently, other witnesses saw it there too.

WJ said she saw it at 4pm on her return from shopping.

Yes, she also said she saw it as 12:30 that day which was obviously wrong and she clearly got her times mixed up on that one.

But the fact remains the car was parked there in the afternoon and evening. End of.

well if you believe DV then how do you think she was murdered so quickly then the car ditched within the hour of her leaving the office? That is a very small window imo

Also that doesn’t explain how the person in the pub would know the car Suzy was driving and were she parked. IMO
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<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

The taxi driver who actually lives in Stevenage Road said he saw Suzy’s car parked outside the garage at 14:00

The garage owner said he saw the car there at 5pm.

Apparently, other witnesses saw it there too.

WJ said she saw it at 4pm on her return from shopping.

Yes, she also said she saw it as 12:30 that day which was obviously wrong and she clearly got her times mixed up on that one.

But the fact remains the car was parked there in the afternoon and evening. End of.
The 14.00 taxi driver sighting of SJL’s car in Stevenage Road would fit with the 14.30 account of the James Galway man being picked up and the “right ruck” comment he made.
If DV is right SJL would have arrived at the PoW by 13.00. Then an argument commenced and she died. By car it’s only about 6to 8 minutes to Stevenage Road, so it’s entirely possible to locate SJL’s car and abandon it in Stevenage Road by 14.15 and then get a taxi.
SJL’s car being in Stevenage Road at 14.00 does not fit with BW seeing her at around 14.45 going towards Hammersmith.
One of them has to be wrong.
How could a complete stranger with no knowledge of Suzy find her car and then ditch it if it was CL at POW?

The pub is on a main road so she didn’t park outside as even at the estate agents which was also a main road the car she was using was parked down a side street.
SL lived 200 metres from the pub its more likely (IMO) that she simply parked at her flat and walked round to the POW to ensure she could park her car.
Her possessions were at the pub and contained her chequebook, personal diary and a postcard I find inconceivable that her address either wasn't on one of the items (postcard???) and its also possible that her key fob was a sturgis estate yellow fob (did anyone check this).

Its entirely possible that she was killed and left in the place DV says in the pub and that CV then drove her car to stevenage road and was the fare picked up by the cab. He may have been thinking on his feet and thought if I leave the car by that sturgis sign and say to the cabbie I witnessed a ruck the police will find her unlocked car by a sturgis sign with a possible witness sighting so the police will concentrate on this spot and I will deflect attention from the POW. If interviewed by the police I can say she rang to come over later and she never turned up? look here is her stuff proving to all and sundry that she never went to the POW, perfect cover story.

The car could have been parked there before 2pm making all the later sighting fit.

I am on the fence about the BW sighting, bear in mind SL had her hair highlighted a couple of days before so its possible the car driver looked like SL BEFORE her hair was lightened and she made a genuine mistake. White ford fiestas were one of the most common cars on the road at the time so a mistake is very possible perhaps even likely.
SL lived 200 metres from the pub its more likely (IMO) that she simply parked at her flat and walked round to the POW to ensure she could park her car.
Her possessions were at the pub and contained her chequebook, personal diary and a postcard I find inconceivable that her address either wasn't on one of the items (postcard???) and its also possible that her key fob was a sturgis estate yellow fob (did anyone check this).

Its entirely possible that she was killed and left in the place DV says in the pub and that CV then drove her car to stevenage road and was the fare picked up by the cab. He may have been thinking on his feet and thought if I leave the car by that sturgis sign and say to the cabbie I witnessed a ruck the police will find her unlocked car by a sturgis sign with a possible witness sighting so the police will concentrate on this spot and I will deflect attention from the POW. If interviewed by the police I can say she rang to come over later and she never turned up? look here is her stuff proving to all and sundry that she never went to the POW, perfect cover story.

The car could have been parked there before 2pm making all the later sighting fit.

I am on the fence about the BW sighting, bear in mind SL had her hair highlighted a couple of days before so its possible the car driver looked like SL BEFORE her hair was lightened and she made a genuine mistake. White ford fiestas were one of the most common cars on the road at the time so a mistake is very possible perhaps even likely.
Perfect summary, as the SJL’s car was shared it likely as you say it had the reg number on the yellow fob.
There wouldn’t have been that many white Ford Fiestas in the streets around the PoW and CV would have known her address from the diary or postcard.
I don’t know what parking restrictions were in place in 1986, it could be she pulled up outside the PoW side entrance, with the thought that she would be just a few minutes.
In the alleged last photo of SL, NB: Crimewatch, SL doesn't look like a highlighted blonde (at all IMO) even accounting for bad lighting. Or certainly subtle. The witnesses said hair much lighter and then DL states SL newly highlighted and fit with SL. We have the amount paid to hairdresser and given this was on Friday, too, would this have allowed SL enough time in a lunch hour, to be blonded etc? Especially as lunch hours were tricky. Poss after work but she finished at 6pm and late closing unlikely then on Friday.

Maybe this wasn't the last photo, her hair doesn't feel or look newly done and cut either, possibly? Tied back, slightly etc. It does look like the photo was taken in a marquee which might fit with a photo at Sat night party and surely Crimewatch got this right at least.

DV says 'SL's car key was on a yellow key fob belonging to Sturgis Estate Agency'.
Do we know 100% when she had her hair appointment there seems to be some dispute over this and by that I mean day/time/receipt?
I had heard the car key was on a yellow fob but couldn't remember. Her address must have been on something in the possessions OR failing that if he killed her he could simply rifle her bag and found out her address. If her car was either outside or in her street neither was an issue.
AS says 'SL had been to have her hair highlighted at Studio 213 on Fulham Road [actually I think this was in FPR] on the Friday before she disappeared. There she had paid a hairdresser called MJ for a haircut and highlights (18.50).

The pictures [used in press] were not, therefore. exact likenesses her hair was lighter'. [Does it look much lighter in the last photo?].

Did anyone find MJ and ask or were they going from chequebook stub [AS had access I believe] and what DL had said and given others had seen a much fairer woman, allegedly, this would all fit.

These small details would seem irrelevant re: day etc, at time. Perhaps she was very much lighter and the photo is deceptive, but she can't have been very fair if this is the final photo I feel even if lighting poor. That said, 18:50 sounds too expensive for cut and blowdry in 86. I think...Highlights cut and blow dry would have taken at least a couple of hours, too.

On Sat she was picked up by friend, S, after work and on a tight time schedule I think. Fri night she was out with A. So possibly Friday lunchtime but given what we know about office protocol seems unlikely? Maybe Fri lunch more relaxed? Yet, if she'd not been allowed out on Weds lunchtime re: (longer ?) Mother's 50th lunch, as company 'funny about that sort of thing' (?) Apparently...
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This is the main problem with the case, if someone had said for 100% certain she had her hair cut at say 6.50pm Friday then we could fill in another piece of the timeline but here we are 35 years later trying to figure out if it was Friday or Sat.
If we could fill in this detail then a more likely series of events could be presented. There are so many people who could still fill in this detail her friend S for example who she saw a lot on the weekend.
True, although we do have a definitive Friday from AS, working from the chequebook, I believe, and name of hairdresser and hairdressers so evidence here. Along with the exact amount spent. Generally, yes, 100%.
I get the importance of the highlights, however, some male witnesses describe the woman outside 37 Shorrolds as a blonde.
Now from what you say highlights would not constitute being blonde?
Have I got this wrong?
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