GUILTY UK - Tia Sharp, 12, New Addington, London, 3 Aug 2012 #2

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and there might have been a number of decomposing 'things' in that house...who knows how bad it smelt anyway? dog mess in the hoover n all.

Actually, that part of the quote stands out to me, the hoovering the "dog mess". Why did he make such a point to mention that specifically? I wonder if he had used some cleaning products on the floor in the area of the "dog mess" and knew he would have to explain the (bleach? Cleanser? Damp spot? Soiled area?)....

Can you tell me what quote you are referring to about the "dog mess"... I heard SH in the video appeal saying he'd "hoovered out the dog beds"?

My guess is, he will have to plead guilty, and then we may never know what happened.... unless he will only plead to manslaughter.

I feel sure that, as they have bailed the Gran - they are confident that she played no part in the actual act, and they cant have enough to charge her as an 'accessory' or 'perverting the course of justice'...... yet

will be a highly charged court appearance tomorrow.
So she'll probably have a choice of hideouts for the time being.

ITN have removed the interview with Hazell for some reason, maybe for legal reasons? I was looking for a transcript after but couldn't find one. I wanted to remind myself of exactly what he'd said about the morning routine. I seem to remember that he said he'd done Tia's washing on Thursday night, but that he also checked upstairs for more washing the next morning, to make sure there was 'no more washing'.

We don't know if she was in her day clothes or her pyjamas at the time he killed her. But if he killed her on Thursday, then he'd have only needed to do one wash on the Thursday?

Still can't really grasp why he did it. I have to assume he was either drunk out of his head or on drugs or something, and maybe when Tia wouldn't leave the phone on charge like he told her to, he lost it? He did seem to be a little irritated when he talked about it, as if he was remembering how she ignored him and carried on using it? The alternative is that she refused his advances (if he made any) and he lost the plot. Alcohol can make some (not all!) people very very unpredictable.

I just cannot believe he was sober or clear-headed at the time. And since Gran would have been very aware of what he was like when he'd been drinking, she should never have left her precious granddaughter alone with him for a minute, never mind 24 hours. And mum must have known what Hazell was like as well, yet although all the people involved so far have claimed she was their 'life', no one seemed at all concerned that Tia was spending such a lot of time alone with Hazell. Maybe that kind of casual parenting was common in their family, so it wouldn't have been seen as anything worry about?

sorry this is rushed (shouldn't be on computer!)


Mrs Niles said: “I can’t understand why she wouldn’t have her phone with her.

“When she used to come around here she’d sit there with the phone glued to her ear.

“Sometimes I’d have to tell her to put it down because she was driving me mad.

“I have heard that her phone was on charge, but that’s so strange to me because when she stayed at mine she would charge it at night. She never went anywhere without her phone.”

Mrs Niles is step-gran.... she seemed suspicious from the off.... also, I think initially the discrepancies as to when CS left for work was because she was probably 'working on the side', I think this might have been why she was covering her face as well... probably on every benefit imaginable ... she was known as CB as well as CS
Can you tell me what quote you are referring to about the "dog mess"... I heard SH in the video appeal saying he'd "hoovered out the dog beds"?

I'm with you there. I don't recall any reference to "dog mess" and have been a bit :confused: about the comments mentioning this.
Now we're seeing another problem with having missed the body on Sunday. On Sunday it might have been possible to tell if she had been dead for either 2 or 3 days. Leaving it till Friday makes it far harder to work out when she died - and therefore who might have been with her at the time.
I heard SH in the video appeal saying he'd "hoovered out the dog beds"?
He does say he hoovered up the dog mess because a poster here thought he meant he'd hoovered up dog poo, but I thought he meant 'mess' like grass and garden-related crap.
Oh, I see! It appears, unless I am losing my mind (could happen!)-that there are more than one interview going round. Let me take a look and see. I just saw the one where he goes into great detail and says he shook out the dog beds. The interview I heard, was not this one. BRB..

Can you tell me what quote you are referring to about the "dog mess"... I heard SH in the video appeal saying he'd "hoovered out the dog beds"?
He does say he hoovered up the dog mess because a poster here thought he meant he'd hoovered up dog poo, but I thought he meant 'mess' like grass and garden-related crap.

Agreed. If you listen at 2:35 he does say dog mess in the kitchen.

I took it to mean hoovering dog hairs or maybe dog biscuit fragments or suchlike.

Oh, I see! It appears, unless I am losing my mind (could happen!)-that there are more than one interview going round. Let me take a look and see. I just saw the one where he goes into great detail and says he shook out the dog beds. The interview I heard, was not this one. BRB..
I think there was just one actual interview which lasted just over 10 minutes, and then it was edited to about 4 minutes for most channels. But it was the same interview.
Just taking a look at G'ma's FB page and through all of the profiles of those who have posted and it seems that a regular poster is a relative who was a Funeral Director. Seems to me someone in that business would know how to hide or delay decomposition, perhaps?
Can you tell me what quote you are referring to about the "dog mess"... I heard SH in the video appeal saying he'd "hoovered out the dog beds"?

My guess is, he will have to plead guilty, and then we may never know what happened.... unless he will only plead to manslaughter.

I feel sure that, as they have bailed the Gran - they are confident that she played no part in the actual act, and they cant have enough to charge her as an 'accessory' or 'perverting the course of justice'...... yet

will be a highly charged court appearance tomorrow.

I believe it's going to be a videolink appearance.

Jon Clements‏@JonClementsITV

Stuart Hazell appears by video link at Camberwell Green Magistrates Court tomorrow morning charged with murder of #Tia Sharp, police say

ETA Not sure I believe this thinking about it. I thought the first appearance had to be in person. Once remanded, subsequent appearances can be by videolink but I might be wrong
Just taking a look at G'ma's FB page and through all of the profiles of those who have posted and it seems that a regular poster is a relative who was a Funeral Director. Seems to me someone in that business would know how to hide or delay decomposition, perhaps?

Yes but he left the business in the 70's....might be dated. anyway if you look back on the last page, I quoted a page from someones fb where he enquires about NS etc
I haven't quite worked out how to repost segments - but in ref to an earlier post:

Washing - SH may have needed to do more than 1 load of washing (and check next morning for any more) to remove anything incriminating. But in terms of his 'story', it doesn't add up that he would have done any of Tia's washing on Thursday as she was supposed to have left the house wearing mostly the same clothes as on Thursday. It's almost as if SH inadvertently let on much more about what may have happened by going on about the cleaning - which could have been exactly what he was doing.

I am now leaning towards the theory that SH made a move on Tia and she rejected him, so he freaked out either because she would tell someone or he felt rejected. I think he will plead manslaughter due to diminished responsibility
And what has never made sense to me right from the start is why SH wasn't arrested sooner given that he was the last person to see her, lots of his story didn't add up and he changed it, and he didn't have an alibi! You don't need a body to arrest someone. I thought the police were deliberately playing a waiting game but now I'm not so sure. Why was he questioned as a witness (and released without charge so free to go awol, which he did) rather than a prime suspect given the above and then bailed if not enough evidence to charge him. I also can't understand why CS would lie to protect him.
And what has never made sense to me right from the start is why SH wasn't arrested sooner given that he was the last person to see her, lots of his story didn't add up and he changed it, and he didn't have an alibi! You don't need a body to arrest someone. I thought the police were deliberately playing a waiting game but now I'm not so sure. Why was he questioned as a witness (and released without charge so free to go awol, which he did) rather than a prime suspect given the above and then bailed if not enough evidence to charge him. I also can't understand why CS would lie to protect him.

I suppose they just need to build up as much evidence as possible before arresting him, because they could only keep him in custody for a certain amount of time without charging him. And they wouldn't want to spook him either. If he starts to believe he's not a police suspect, then he might get overconfident and slip up somewhere.

Would the police have bugged the house/phones too? I know they did that recently (and successfully) in the cases of Shafilea Ahmed and Emily Longley. Perhaps they thought he was in collusion with a family member/friend and were waiting for them to discuss the murder.

Although if they were observing him as closely as I suspect, then I don't know how the hell they managed to let him go on the run! I assumed he's be under constant surveillance.
I don't know what happened to the female witness (JH) that was supposed to have seen Tia leave the house. Maybe that was reported in error. But I am glad to see that that they charged PM with helping out his buddy. And the man even has a daughter around the same as age Tia!

It is not clear why Mrs Sharp’s neighbour Paul Meehan, who with his wife Bobbie has a daughter aged 11 and a son aged eight, was taken into custody on Friday morning.
It is believed, however, that the bus driver told police he saw Tia leave her grandmother’s house and walk down the path towards the end of the street the day she was reported missing.
His information may have thrown officers off the scent after their initial line of inquiry had been that Mr Hazell had been the last person to see Tia alive.
I don't know what happened to the female witness (JH) that was supposed to have seen Tia leave the house. Maybe that was reported in error. But I am glad to see that that they charged PM with helping out his buddy. And the man even has a daughter around the same as age Tia!

They haven't charged PM. He has been released on bail and has to report to a south London police station in October.
I don't know what happened to the female witness (JH) that was supposed to have seen Tia leave the house. Maybe that was reported in error. But I am glad to see that that they charged PM with helping out his buddy. And the man even has a daughter around the same as age Tia!

I dont think they have charged PM with anything yet?

Can you really be charged with saying you saw someone walk down a path when they didnt?
The police cannot know when Tia died yet, there is no reason to say she didnt walk down the pathway from the house to be met at the bottom of the road and then brought back to the house, that way, PM wouldnt be lying.

I still have a feeling all is not what it seems, it wouldnt surprise me if SH takes the rap even though other/others were involved
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