GUILTY UK - Tia Sharp, 12, New Addington, London, 3 Aug 2012 #3

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Asked how she was going to buy the flipflops, he said: "Well, I'd given her a tenner, that was the agreement. When she's here for the weekend she helps me do things round the house, like do the back garden, do the front garden... oh, it still ain't done.

"So I gave her a tenner, she helped me do the washing-up the night before. I give her that then - it learns her responsibility and she learns how to do things, plus it's a bit of pocket money."

Asked about the Thursday night when the two were there alone, and if they had a meal, he said: "Did we have a meal? Yeah, because when we went to the Co-Op we bought these things - well, I bought them for Chris but then Tia ate them - three of these lollies, Nobbly Bobblys.

Asked whether £10 to catch a bus and buy flipflops was insufficient, he said: "No, because knowing Tia, she might have had more than a tenner. Her mum might have given her £4 and the day before I'd given her a couple of quid because she'd bought some sweets which are still in the fridge now, because in the Co-op you get three for £1."

Asked what his message was to Tia, he said emotionally: "Tia come home babe, come and eat your dinner, I want me ten pound back for the garden, we love you come back babe, please."

Recurring theme = money ?
Could it have been that CS was the one who gave Tia ten pound when the child spent the weekend with her?

Could it be that before leaving for work, CS gave SH say twenty pounds - ten pounds to be given to Tia as promised from CS and ten pounds with which SH was to buy things for CS?

Could it be that SH was broke, wanted a hit or bottle of grog and resented giving Tia her ten pounds? Maybe he'd spent Tia's ten pounds and when Tia asked for it or said she was going to phone CS about it, it erupted in violence?

Was the child killed over a few pounds?
Does anyone have any knowledge of whether this was the first time TS had stayed over at Granny's whilst she wasn't there?

I'd been assuming that it was usual for CS to do night shifts and therefore it was not unusual for TS to be alone with SH but maybe that's not the case.
Could it have been that CS was the one who gave Tia ten pound when the child spent the weekend with her?

Could it be that before leaving for work, CS gave SH say twenty pounds - ten pounds to be given to Tia as promised from CS and ten pounds with which SH was to buy things for CS?

Could it be that SH was broke, wanted a hit or bottle of grog and resented giving Tia her ten pounds? Maybe he'd spent Tia's ten pounds and when Tia asked for it or said she was going to phone CS about it, it erupted in violence?

Was the child killed over a few pounds?

You may have a point. From the same article he says

Asked whether £10 to catch a bus and buy flipflops was insufficient, he said: "No, because knowing Tia, she might have had more than a tenner

I may be reading too much into this but that sounds to me as if SH felt that TS often had more money than she let on about. Did he see her as a source of cash?
I hadn't thought of that so now I'm back to square one about his involvement!

I still think that DS's strong support of him on Facebook could be, because he didn't want SH spooked by all the gossip..... it could have been DS's way of showing 'I've got your back, dont worry'.... I still think DS could have been stitching him up... the ITV interview reminded me of Lee Harvey's mum sitting with Tracey Andrews.... she later admitted she suspected her all along, but was sitting there holding her hand.

Not sure how to work this yet but Im not saying she would of gone to the fair, I don't believe the fair story. It's the freudian slip that SH said 'snuck out' like she'd been grounded. I also don't think they would of gone to the police till at least 11 pm, if she really gone missing. Not two hours late!! They/he knew she had died. IMO. I think there are so many discrepancies because, he/they hadn't really thought all this through. Last point he seemed to revel in the attention during the interview.

you have me thinking (cheers for that! I was trying to have a quiet day :giggle:) I wonder if Tia had "snuck out", and taken some money for more sweets or something (or perhaps when she realised her Gran wasn't going to be there until the following day, and didn't want to be alone with him), or tried to "snuck out" to the fair, perhaps her grabbed her and the punishment got out of hand..... how much did it cost to get into the fair??

great observations in your posts!!
New to this but spent days reading all your comments.
Is it possible that the guy whose been released on bail was in the house with SH and poor little Tia at the time that something happened (IMO probably Thurs evening) and SH implicated him in what happened with Tia? Then he would have had help getting the body into the attic...

Very sad for Tia being in this extremely dysfunctional family. We cannot apply common sense & logic to the actions of any of them.
Could it have been that CS was the one who gave Tia ten pound when the child spent the weekend with her?

Could it be that before leaving for work, CS gave SH say twenty pounds - ten pounds to be given to Tia as promised from CS and ten pounds with which SH was to buy things for CS?

Could it be that SH was broke, wanted a hit or bottle of grog and resented giving Tia her ten pounds? Maybe he'd spent Tia's ten pounds and when Tia asked for it or said she was going to phone CS about it, it erupted in violence?

Was the child killed over a few pounds?

as you said before, the answer to all this could be very simple and it couldn't get more simple than that.
Originally posted by Suzieqtips:
I'm puzzled as to why Tia buying flipflops should result in SH knowing that she was buying something 'with a strap' - did he ask her to describe in more detail what she was buying? And if so, why? Flipflops are fliplops, not a whole lot to talk about

Maybe CS promised Tia ten pounds when she turned up for the weekend and Tia had already planned to spend the money on 'flip-flops with a strap' of a kind girls her age were wearing

Maybe CS left Tia's ten pounds with SH. But when Tia asked SH for the money, SH wasn't inclined to part with it or had already spent it or said he'd give it to her later

When kids have their heart and mind set upon obtaining something, they develop a type of tunnel vision about it and as SH has stated, Tia was 'adamant' she wanted the flip-flops. And now we learn they weren't just ordinary flip-flops - they had straps

Maybe SH continued to refuse to hand over Tia's ten pounds and when she persisted she wanted to go buy the shoes, SH might have said she didn't need ten pounds for mere flip-flops. At which point, Tia might have explained they weren't just flip-flops - they had straps and that she did need the ten pounds and anyway it was hers from CS

If Tia became upset with SH's refusal to give her the ten pounds and tried to phone CS to tell her the situation, SH could have panicked and it escalated to violence

SH said, 'Knowing Tia, she might have had four pounds from her mother' (words to that effect). And he added he'd given her 'a couple of quid' for the lollies. Early in the piece, there was much talk about SH giving Tia eleven pounds. This would tie in with his comment about giving her a couple of quid to buy lollies from the co-op, which was selling them at three for a pound. If he'd given her two pounds for the lollies which only cost one pound for three, this could be the extra pound which, added to the ten pounds he claimed he gave Tia, would total eleven pounds

Seems SH was keeping a running-tally of money in Tia's possession. Maybe he felt that giving her two pounds for the lollies and allowing her to keep the one pound balance would be enough to satisfy her. But Tia wanted to buy the flip-flops with the straps - she was 'adamant' about them, according to SH

It might sound strange that a grown man would be obsessed with what to most is a small amount of money, but for someone in SH's position and condition, every penny would count. And maybe CS kept him on a tight rein, money-wise, knowing he'd blow anything he could get his hands on, on booze and drugs. Maybe he'd already spent his welfare money and CS had long ago ceased to be a soft-touch. Maybe Tia had no illusions about him and money. This could be seen to be supported by the fact SH remained unsure of exactly how much money Tia had and his comment, ' Knowing Tia, she could have had four pounds from her mum '

Maybe the entire family were wary of letting SH know what money they had, because he would try to get it from them

The 'Knowing Tia' comment re: money could be interpreted as resentment

I've read of homeless winos killing one another over a few dregs of liquor in a bottle
New to this but spent days reading all your comments.
Is it possible that the guy whose been released on bail was in the house with SH and poor little Tia at the time that something happened (IMO probably Thurs evening) and SH implicated him in what happened with Tia? Then he would have had help getting the body into the attic...

Very sad for Tia being in this extremely dysfunctional family. We cannot apply common sense & logic to the actions of any of them.
Hello Why why why, and welcome to WS.
You may have a point. From the same article he says

I may be reading too much into this but that sounds to me as if SH felt that TS often had more money than she let on about. Did he see her as a source of cash?


Did he regard Tia as 'spoiled', perhaps?

When he tried to wheedle money from CS and she refused, did he whine like a child about the way she 'spoiled' Tia and gave Tia what she wanted ?

Had he short-changed Tia before when CS had left money for the child?

Had CS warned SH that if he ever did it again, she'd toss him out or arrange for him to get a good thumping ?

Where else would he have it so good? Most other women who'd have him would also have a few kiddies and wouldn't be working, wouldn't be able to provide him money in addition to his welfare cheque, may not have a car as does CS

Were tussles over money and SH's vindictive control and arguments with him the reason Tia had stopped going to CS's place on weekends?
I still think that DS's strong support of him on Facebook could be, because he didn't want SH spooked by all the gossip..... it could have been DS's way of showing 'I've got your back, dont worry'.... I still think DS could have been stitching him up... the ITV interview reminded me of Lee Harvey's mum sitting with Tracey Andrews.... she later admitted she suspected her all along, but was sitting there holding her hand.

you have me thinking (cheers for that! I was trying to have a quiet day :giggle:) I wonder if Tia had "snuck out", and taken some money for more sweets or something (or perhaps when she realised her Gran wasn't going to be there until the following day, and didn't want to be alone with him), or tried to "snuck out" to the fair, perhaps her grabbed her and the punishment got out of hand..... how much did it cost to get into the fair??

great observations in your posts!!

Jackalyn found this link to the J Davis & Sons Funfair. It talks about prices of £5.99 to £7.99

Interestingly it shows a picture of the entrance which seems to confirm the fairground owners statements that SH/CS would have had to go to the entrance to get in.

Assuming this is the same fair of course
If SH did give Tia ten pounds, they would have found it in her possession in the loft, or within her possessions within the house

I'm suspecting they've found no trace of the ten pounds SH claimed he'd given her - unless there's more than one involved, in which case someone might have remembered to stick ten pounds in her room or in the clothes in which she was wearing when discovered
It was David Sharp. Paul Sharp is talking about his son andTia's uncle.THere was no mention of DS'spartner or with whom Danielle is now living.

There must have been a very full house hold when they all lived with Granny.

Danielle grew up with Tia until she was six, It’s killing me all this. My daughter has been crying all night. This morning she won’t get out of bed, she’s cuddling her pillow. It’s awful.”

Read more:

I am trying to work out how "Danielle grew up with Tia until she was six...."?

NS and PS are daughter/father - daughter/father both have 12 year olds... mother of father's 12 year old is not CS....

I wonder if NS stayed with her father (PS) and his new partner when she was pregnant, and until Tia was 6 and then NS got her own council home? NS has been with DN for 8 years according to DN's mother.... perhaps Tia was bought up partly by her maternal grandpa (PS)....

I dont think NS had a great deal to do with her daughters upbringing...

I just listened to this all the way through for the first time - really sorry if I'm repeating what's already been said as I haven't read the transcript. But when SH is asked about the thurs night, he say he made her pizza and chips, then the lolly comment, then he says he cooked her another pizza but she didn't want it was "still in the oven" - could this be the infamous dinner that CS said she cooked and was still in the oven? Which may mean that Tia never even got to eat pizza on thurs - or that CS using this to explain why there was a cold pizza in the oven ( anyone know when the 'dinner in the oven' story was first reported? Could this be a later addition if initial police search found it and asked why it was there??
I am trying to work out how "Danielle grew up with Tia until she was six...."?

NS and PS are daughter/father - daughter/father both have 12 year olds... mother of father's 12 year old is not CS....

I wonder if NS stayed with her father (PS) and his new partner when she was pregnant, and until Tia was 6 and then NS got her own council home? NS has been with DN for 8 years according to DN's mother.... perhaps Tia was bought up partly by her maternal grandpa (PS)....

I dont think NS had a great deal to do with her daughters upbringing...

Pondered much the same after reading the father had a 12 year old. Wondered about the time-line in relation to DN's involvement with NS and wondered where SH slotted into all of it

They might need a police presence at the funeral, by the sound of things
If SH did give Tia ten pounds, they would have found it in her possession in the loft, or within her possessions within the house

I'm suspecting they've found no trace of the ten pounds SH claimed he'd given her - unless there's more than one involved, in which case someone might have remembered to stick ten pounds in her room or in the clothes in which she was wearing when discovered

Well whoever is involved, they didn't have the foresight to get rid of the phone so I think it's unlikely they'd think about the ten pounds
Well whoever is involved, they didn't have the foresight to get rid of the phone so I think it's unlikely they'd think about the ten pounds

Bonus for investigators then, because SH sure hammered the 'I gave her ten quid' angle
It's more than likely he didn't give her £10 at all and made it up to convince police that she had enough money on her to buy flip flops for her fake shopping trip. We don't know if she was still clothed when she was found. If she was, it would be easy enough to check out. He was also at pains to describe that by giving her money for odd jobs around the house, he was teaching her responsibility. Laughable, coming from him. And the garden looks like it 'ain't been done' for months.
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