GUILTY UK - Women Were 'Kept As Slaves For Over 30 Years

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Can someone explain what I missed? Arrested, out on bail, no photos? Come on British press-do what you're good at.
I knew a woman who was a perfect example of how this sort of thing happens..

She was a Vietnamese girl who met an Aussie in Vietnam, and was swept off her feet by promises (the usual kind..a nice home, his family would love her like a daughter, lalala) but when she got here, the family - who lived on a farm in outback QLD - wouldn't allow her in the house. She had to sleep in sheds that also housed the dogs. She was treated like servant, spoken to like dog, allowed no money of her own, had to do all the cleaning and chores or she wouldn't get basics like meals or toiletries, and wasn't allowed to eat with the family.. MInd you, she wasn't so 'low' the son wouldn't have sex with her. In the shed, of course. Threats and fear kept her from seeking help, as well as sheer distance. She wasn't allowed to drive any of the cars.

Anyway, she finally stopped being afraid of these people -- shot her 'husband' in the leg, stole his car, and drove across the country...

When I met her, she had a job and (I am guessing) citizenship. w/e, I feel she'd earned it. But yeah, that's how slavery happens.
[ame=""]Citizen Smith - Episode 01 - Roof Over My Head (pilot) (12 April 1977) - YouTube[/ame]

"The Balakrishnan group's beliefs were mocked in the diary column of the Times, prompting speculation that it may have been a partial model for the Tooting Popular Front, the ludicrous political movement in Citizen Smith, the BBC sitcom, which began in 1977"

"Kamar said their mother’s dying wish had been to know what had happened to her daughter, who never returned.

Kamar told The Daily Telegraph: “I have felt so choked without her for years and years. She was so talented, she was the apple of my mother’s eye. She asked for her on her death bed.” She added: “When my mother died she [Aishah] did not want to talk to us and I could not do very much.”

Dressed in a plain white Islamic hijab, Kamar said her younger sister had a promising future after excelling at a leading private school.

She said her father, who was a school inspector and wealthy landowner, had given the children strong Muslim values but Aishah had turned her back on her upbringing.

Kamar said: “This has been a dark age for her and for all of us. I will do anything to bring her home. I want to see her before either of us dies.”

When Aishah and her fiancé, Omar Munir, arrived in London together it was the time of increasing social unrest with growing protests about the war in Vietnam.

Both were soon attracted to an organisation called the Malaysian and Singaporean Students Forum (Mass), which had a reputation as one of the more extremist Maoist groups operating in London".
'The COE suffered when it lost about 10% of its membership after Comrade Avarindan Balakrishnan ( popularly known as Bala) led a break from the Communist Party of England in 1974. He was the leading force behind the Workers Insititue of Marxist Leninism Mao Tse Tsung Thought.....Bala described them as 'The Communist Party of Elizabeth (Most Loyal).'


This reads like something straight out of Monty Python.

There is nothing funny about what this man and his "comrade" have done to their victims. But Comrade Bala and his little partner in crime can expect my full and unceasing mockery for their guru b.s.
Here are the videos. The 'Irish' woman sounds very Welsh to me, unless I've been away too long.

I hope the death of the woman who fell from the window doesn't turn into a murder enquiry. Things could get really, really, complicated.

The Mail is blurring the face of Rosie in its latest article, but still running the old one with her face perfectly clear???
I swear Josephine the 'Irish' woman is Welsh. Anyone from Wales who can tell for certain?
Not Welsh and not an expert, but the voice sounds Welsh to me as well, could it be a 'watered down" version of an Irish accent?
I feel bad for all three women for what they have been through. But if the two older slaves really did make a conscious choice to join a Maoist group, then my sympathy for them is somewhat tempered by the fact that what they endured was still not as bad as what their hero Chairman Mao put millions of innocent Chinese people through (in a system that the current Chinese government is only now preparing to get rid of).

Since the older women chose to join the Maoist cause in the 1970s, at a time when reports of the Cultural Revolution should have made the brutality of Mao's regime apparent, I can only assume that they either willfully blinded themselves to these facts, or were happy to see similar systems set up around the world.
bbm, the plot thickens??

"One of the three women allegedly held as a slave by a Maoist sect is the daughter of a Second World War codebreaker, it has been claimed.

Josephine Herivel, 59, is the daughter of John Herivel, one of the codebreakers who deciphered the Enigma code at Bletchley Park.

Aravindan Balakrishnan and his wife Chanda were arrested last week in Brixton on suspicion of slavery related offences.

It is thought that Ms Herivel raised the alarm after she was held against her will along with two others for more than 30 years.

Brought up in Belfast with her two sisters, she joined Balakrishnan's extremist collective in the 1970s after moving to London to study".
Pic included, she does not appear to look unlike the "rescued" Irish woman imo.

"A woman who fell to her death from the home of the couple suspected of holding three slaves phoned her family shortly before in what may have been a cry for help.

Sian Davies had “virtually disappeared” after becoming involved with an extremist Left-wing sect while studying at the London School of Economics in the Seventies.

Then, in 1996, the 44-year-old got in touch with her family for the first time in a decade. Months later, on Christmas Eve that year, she fell from an upstairs bathroom window at the house in Herne Hill.

She spent seven months in hospital with critical injuries but died on August 3 the following year"
I swear Josephine the 'Irish' woman is Welsh. Anyone from Wales who can tell for certain?

Maybe the special upbringing may explain slight accent differences..imo, bbm.

"Ms Herivel was brought up near Belfast’s so-called 'millionaire row' with her two sisters, Mary and Susan.

Her father John, a brilliant mathematician, was recruited from Cambridge University to break German military ciphers at Bletchley Park in January 1940.

After being trained on how to break the German Enigma machine cipher by Alan Turing, the 21-year-old Sidney Sussex College student devised a method of codebreaking that became known as the Herivel Tip.

After the war he published a number of books on his work and moved to Belfast to become a lecturer at Queen's University"

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Agh, that makes me so sad. What lives would these women have had, on the outside? What an evil cult..

And this is the problem with cults - if the leader is charismatic enough and has a powerful and highly manipulative system of recruitment, any nonsense they promote can be extremely convincing. I mean, how could ANYone with half a brain get sucked into believing a comet passing earth would take them away to an alien paradise, if they killed themselves at the right moment..? Yet, we have Heaven's Gate and the horror that became.

I hope they are adjusting okay and receiving lots of support and help. :(

Thank you for the updates, WS'ers.
I swear Josephine the 'Irish' woman is Welsh. Anyone from Wales who can tell for certain?

I am from Ireland, and she doesn't sound Irish to me. She sounds Indian, maybe because one of the defendants who she's been living with all these years is Indian. Maybe she's picked up his accent.

"The Indian-origin head of an extremist Maoist sect, accused of enslaving three women in his home here for 30 years, tried to convince his British followers he was Jesus Christ, a former activist has claimed.

Aravindan Balakrishnan, 73, known as Comrade Bala, is also accused of persuading his followers to hand over thousands of pounds for the revolutionary cause.

"He would say I am the Jesus Christ, follow me and people would. He was never violent, he was too self-controlled. But women abandoned their careers and their futures for him. They would have to put him and the collective before their families, Dudley Heslop, a community worker, told the Evening Standard".
"The woman who mysteriously died while living in a Maoist commune handed over all of her £60,000 inheritance to the extremist sect, it emerged today.

Sian Davies received thousands of pounds when her father Alun died in 1970 - but apparently spent most of it on funding the far-Left movement based in South London.

When she died, she had just £5 in her bank account and her only possession was a stash of Marxist literature, according to reports."

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Sorry for 3 posts in a row.. Really have to wonder how many missing bright young students might be "enslaved" in cults yet to be exposed??

"Woman who mysteriously died when living at London 'slave house' Maoist commune went to University with Cherie Blair

Sian Davies, mother of one of the London 'slaves' that escaped last week, graduated from LSE with former Prime Minister Tony Blair's wife in 1975
She had been studying for a masters degree at the leading university
Mrs Blair's contemporary has described Ms Davies as 'quiet and shy'
She joined Maoist group and gave £10,000 of her inherited money to them
In 1997 she died after falling out window of a Maoist commune near Brixton"

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<<<< snip>>>>> bbm.

"One of Cherie Blair's former contemporaries told the Daily Mirror: 'Sian was quiet and shy. There were a lot of strange groups operating around the university and it looks like she got involved with one of them."
I am wondering if Josephine's sister was involved with the collective as well - neither of the daughter's names were mentioned in their father's obituary, as though they were not in contact. I hope she is safe and well.

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