Unclassified Victims **MERGED**

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
19 year old black gay man from Brooklyn was murdered and dismembered, body parts dumped in alongside tracks in subway station in Brooklyn.

Friday, February 18th, 2005

Early yesterday, a transit worker found a bag containing human remains near the Nostrand Avenue on the A/C line. The bag was found during a routine inspection about 300 feet from the station on the tracks. The Daily News reports that the police said the contents of the bag contained two human legs, which were severed below the torso, and an arm. A second bag with bloody tools and drill bits were found when police arrived on the scene.

Cops identified the victim as 19-year-old Rashawn Brazell, of Gates Avenue in Bushwick, Brooklyn through his fingerprints, which were taken after a marijuana arrest.

The horrifying find was made at around 3 a.m. as workers were doing a routine inspection of the tracks about 300 feet away from the Nostrand Avenue and Fulton Street station in Bedford-Stuyvesant.


The body parts – which included two legs severed just below the torso and two arms chopped off at the shoulders – had been stuffed in a blue plastic bag and dumped alongside the tracks.

The track worker spotted a leg sticking out of the bag, police said. Another plastic bag was found by the worker a few feet away on the Manhattan-bound side of the tracks. That bag contained power tools and bloody drill bits.

Police said the body parts were likely dumped along the track bed, rather than thrown off a moving train. They also believe that the crime was not committed near where the limbs were found.

And it is unclear whether the bag of bloody drill bits is related to the body parts.

"You could tell it was fresh," the worker said. "The blood on the roadbed was still wet."

The blue recycling bags were found shoved between the tracks and the tunnel wall, near an emergency exit that leads to the street above.

The bag with the body parts was split on both sides along the seams because of its heavy load. There were no signs that it had been dragged along the trackbed, the worker said.

Cops later found the bloody tools and drill bits a few feet away, near the northbound tracks.

Friends said Brazell, who lived with his mother and stepfather, had been missing since Monday.

Thursday, February 24th, 2005
Worker Finds a Partial Torso in a Brooklyn Recycling Plant
A badly decomposed partial human torso found yesterday in a Brooklyn recycling plant that handles trash from subways may be from the same man whose limbs were found last week in a subway tunnel three miles away, the police said.

The lower torso, with an upper thigh, was found about 10 a.m. by a worker at the Rapid Processing recycling plant at 860 Humboldt Avenue in Greenpoint, which processes trash that comes from the New York City Transit system, according to Nino Tristani, a official with the company.


At the same time, New York City Transit officials were working with detectives in Brooklyn to follow the garbage back to its source and determine how the torso got to the recycling plant, said Paul J. Fleuranges, a transit spokesman.

Mr. Fleuranges said that trash was picked up from stations and elsewhere in the subway system by garbage trains and then dumped at four separate transit facilities, where it was picked up by BFI, a private contractor. BFI sorts it, and then trucks the recyclables, along with other material that does not come from New York City Transit, to Rapid Processing. He said it was possible that the torso had not come from the subway system.

"I have no way to determine, at this stage of the game, what refuse train picked up what garbage from what station and at what locations BFI then picked up that garbage from, and therefore I have no way of telling you at what point in the system - if it did come from the system - it came from," he said.

Mr. Tristani said the worker who was sorting through the trash and found the remains - which he described as the upper thigh and the lower part of the pelvis - called him over and he saw the body parts.

Saturday, February 26th, 2005
Detectives believe that whoever dismembered the body of a 19-year-old Brooklyn man whose limbs and torso were found in a subway tunnel and at a recycling plant cut him apart with precision and has some knowledge of anatomy, the police said yesterday.

The police also disclosed that a third set of remains - another piece of what they believe was the man's lower torso - was found late Thursday at the recycling plant in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn where a section of lower torso was recovered on Wednesday.

"The investigators believe that the cuts are clean, and it may have been done by someone with some medical knowledge, or certainly anatomical knowledge and the ability to do some sort of refined work," Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said. No clothing had been found with any of the remains.

Mr. Brazell was last seen about 8 a.m. on Feb. 14, when family members said he told them he was going to get his taxes done.

Detectives from the 79th Precinct and the Brooklyn North Homicide Task Force were investigating the possibility that Mr. Brazell might have met his killer on a telephone chat line, one police official said. They are reviewing his telephone records and also looking at computers he might have used, investigators said.

Someone with some medical knowledge: Same bullsh.t since Jack the Ripper. What medical degree does it take to cut up a body?

Look at the dates carefully
February 26, 2005
On Wednesday, the police said they were looking for a man with whom they were told Mr. Brazell had planned a tryst. But detectives found him, and he is not a suspect, the official said.

March 20, 2006
Investigators recently discovered that Brazell, had a boyfriend who rented a room around the corner from Brazell's Gates Avenue home in Bedford-Stuyvesant. The older man - described by cops only as in his 30s and living on welfare - hasn't been seen since the death of Brazell. The man is believed to have moved somewhere down South.

March 23, 2006
The Post said a police source told the newspaper that a man who lived around the corner from Brazell’s Gates Avenue home, in his 30s, on welfare, and romantically linked to the victim is being sought and is believed to now be somewhere in the South.

“We want to try and find this guy, identify him, and talk to him,” the Post quoted its source as saying.

Mr. Kelly said investigators had not linked Mr. Brazell's slaying to any other killings, but had not ruled out the possibility, saying, "Obviously, it's something that we're investigating."

Detectives were also working to find out where Mr. Brazell had been killed, because evidence left there could possibly lead them to the killer. "There is a crime scene somewhere, we just haven't found it yet"

The recycling plant, Rapid Processing, at 860 Humboldt Street, handles recyclables that are mostly culled from subway system trash, the police and a recycling company official said. Detectives believe that the trash bags that wound up at the plant came from the subway, in part because of MetroCards found in the waste, a police official said. Investigators believe that trash came from stations along the A line, but they have been unable to determine exactly where, an investigator said.

The two pieces of pelvis found Wednesday and Thursday were in heavy black plastic garbage bags, the official said. After the first discovery there Wednesday, officials stopped unloading trucks to search through all the trash in the facility, where the recyclables are sorted. After that process was completed Thursday afternoon, the first truck to be unloaded contained the bag with the second section of the lower pelvis, another police official said.

August 17, 2008
Search Is On For Dismemberment Killer

The other bag was a beige and black tool bag with wheels and an insignia on the side that says "Rooster." Inside this bag, police found blood-stained drill bits and other tools. Police later learned this bag was one of only 15 bags made as a prototype and sold to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in 2001.

The killer had carefully traced the body with a sharp instrument before cutting it apart with an electric chain saw. Every cut was clean and on a joint, indicating the killer had a knowledge of human anatomy. Mysteriously, the head was never found. Without it, the actual cause of death is unknown.

Teenager May Have Been Held Prisoner Before Being Killed.
The medical examiner believes Rashawn was kept alive for two days before he was killed, dismembered and disposed of in the trash bags. The autopsy report shows cuts and stab wounds to the side of Rashawn's torso, indicating there may have been some kind of a struggle.

Police say 19-year-old murder victim Rashawn Brazell was a good kid; detectives haven't found anything to link him to nefarious activity. Friends and family members describe 19-year-old Rashawn as a "good kid." He worked four jobs, and he wanted to be a web page designer or go into the fashion industry.

Cops believe the killer may have been a transit worker. "The killer or killers knew the layout," said NYPD Det. Anthony Baker. "These tracks are two flights down, which leads me to believe they had some knowledge of the tracks, because nobody really goes to the unknown to dispose of something like that unless they have been there before."

Killer Tries To Dispose Of Body In Trash Bags
Police believe the killer placed the body parts in blue plastic bags and then carried the bags of body parts, one at a time, in the beige and black tool bag. They believe the killer then transferred the blue bags into black trash bags in the subway. The killer probably thought the trash inside these bags would be crushed, but trash from the subway system is always sorted for recyclable material.

Ray Pierce, a retired New York Police Detective helping to profile the suspect, believes the killer has killed before. "He's had a violent history in the past, and this is culminated in this homicide and perhaps other homicides," Pierce said.

Rashawn's family said that on the morning of February 14, 2005, Rashawn was scheduled to meet his accountant and then meet his mother for lunch in Manhattan. At 7:30 that morning, an unknown person rang the apartment building's security buzzer, and Rashawn went down to meet them. According to other witnesses, Rashawn met a man outside his Brooklyn, New York apartment and the two men entered the subway together at the Gates Avenue J Line.

Witnesses believe the two exited at the Nostrand Avenue A Line in Bedford Stuyvesant a short time later. Rashawn was never seen alive again.

Young Gay Man Hacked Apart
Speculation has arisen that the killer may be a gay man, in part because police have not classified the grisly murder as a hate crime, but also as the result of several leads that police are following.

As of yet, there are no suspects, but detectives are piecing together a chronology that led up to the victim’s death, including the possibility that Brazell left his Gates Avenue apartment on Monday, February 14, and some time thereafter met a man with whom he was sexually involved. Detectives said that it was possible that the two met on a gay telephone chat line, a fairly common method for some young gay men in New York City to meet sexual partners. When asked on February 22, a police official confirmed that investigators had included the chat line scenario as a possibility, along with other scenarios, which the official would not divulge.

Detectives acknowledge receiving a number of telephone calls from other young gay men—“from all over the city, in the same age group as the victim”—who were offering other leads.

A police official also mentioned that investigators have not ruled out that Brazell met his murderer online, but that the young man’s home computer appeared to have been broken for the past several months, this despite Brazell’s apparent aspiration to be a Web designer.

The crime was first reported after transit workers stumbled upon a bloody trail in a subway tunnel about 400 feet north of the Nostrand Avenue A train station early on February 17. A member of a maintenance team installing lights came upon a blue, plastic recycling bag jammed against the tunnel wall from which jutted a human leg. Upon their arrival, police discovered another leg and an arm inside the bag.

Apparently, Brazell had made arrangements to also meet a man, but had not disclosed that appointment to his mother, Desire Brazell, with whom he lived. Police said that the victim’s friends have told investigators that the two men were planning to go away for a few days.

“We’re not certain if [Brazell] ever made it to their meeting,” said a police official. “But, if he did, then this guy is important.”

Initial news reports said that on the morning that the body parts were discovered, a police forensics team also discovered a bag of bloody tools, including drill bits. However, on February 23, a police spokesman, Det. Brian Sessa discounted the relevance of the second bag of items, specifically saying the description of the bloody drill bits was erroneous. “It was more like rust,” said Sessa, who added that the bag of parts was discovered relatively far away on the opposite side of the tracks from where the body parts were found close to an emergency exit that led up to the street.

Neither Borakove [spokeswoman for the city’s chief medical examiner] nor a police spokesman was able to state if there was any indication of a sexual assault.

After some fairly comprehensive coverage on February 18 and 19, the city’s daily newspapers have dropped the story, an omission that Brooklyn detectives said surprised them considering the brutal nature of the crime. One police officer at the 79th Precinct, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said, “Well, maybe if this kid was an aspiring white model, people would be more concerned.”

May 2005
Police have recovered two legs, an arm and a torso. Rashawn’s head and an arm are still missing. The cause of death is not known, nor is the location where the dismemberment took place.

Last month, Jenata [Rashawn’s brother], the 27-year-old soft-spoken, older brother, who moved to Massachusetts as a teenager in the not-so-distant days when gunfire crackled around the clock in Bushwick, was arrested in Brooklyn for felony possession of a loaded firearm.

Jenata, whose name, mentioned his mother, means strength in Swahili, is the father of two and engaged to his long-term girlfriend, the same women who began a new life with him when the neighborhood basketball star fled north—a fresh scar on his left temple from a flung schoolyard bottle—not to attend some elite New England boarding school, but just to even the odds a bit and live long enough to get a driver’s license.

Desire Brazell [Rashawn’s Mother] last spoke to Rashawn on the morning of Valentine’s Day. For Christmas, Rashawn got his first cell phone, but carefully used his daytime minutes, so the home phone was never truly liberated, his mother recalled. Twice on Valentine’s Day, the cell phone went directly to voice mail, said Ms. Brazell, triggering unimaginable fears.

“After 7:25 a.m., no calls? And this child has a serious phone jones,” said his mother, indicating the likely window of time for Rashawn’s disappearance. The following day, Ms. Brazell notified the police and they told her not to panic, maybe her son simply lost his cell phone.

By Thursday, Rashawn was no longer missing.

By the time Ms. Brazell and her husband, Reginald Jones, a construction worker, returned home to Bushwick that Thursday, the police had already entered the apartment through a window. “They told me that finding a body like that, they were worried maybe all of us were killed like that, so they had to come in,” she said with a hint of annoyance.

Jenata, a baby-faced man with a much slighter frame than his six-foot-two younger brother’s, but with an athleticism that eluded Rashawn, knew about his brother’s sexuality, partly because of the street’s rumor mill.

As she has with other reporters, Ms. Brazell insisted that Rashawn’s murderer knew him—either romantically or socially. “No way a stranger did this. No psycho killer. No snatching away on the street,” she said.

Questioned as to her certitude that the murderer knew her son, Ms. Brazell became circumspect, but not evasive. The police, she said, cautioned her to avoid giving reporters specific information.

One afternoon, Jenata answered the telephone. “Hello,” he said. There was a pause, before a male voice said, “Oh, I didn’t know that he had a brother that was supposed to be a gangster. Don’t worry about it—you’ll be dead too before the summer.”

Jenata admitted to the rashness of his next decision. After calling his mother at work to tell her he would pick her up, the older brother walked to Bedford-Stuyvesant and bought a gun on the street.

The following day, leaving the apartment building to once again meet his mother, explained Jenata, a Jeep backed down the street and three plainclothes police officers jumped out. “They told me if I had anything on me to tell them,” said Jenata. “I said, ‘I have a gun. You know who I am. They killed my brother and now they’re threatening my family.’”

The police booked Jenata at the 81st Precinct and over a week later, not able to afford the bail, he was released from Riker’s Island.

The case also was featured several times on “America’s Most Wanted.” Desire’s hopes were raised — and dashed. A woman anonymously called “America’s Most Wanted,” but then hung up, Desire said. During one of the marches, a woman approached Desire’s sister, but then disappeared. “Blended into the crowd, I guess,” Desire said.

* * *

Desire had woken up at her usual time to leave early for her job in Washington Heights. Rashawn was awake, getting ready to leave for job-hunting that day. Desire, sensing his nervousness, called him while she was waiting at the subway station. That was around 6 a.m. Hours later, when he didn’t show up for their lunch appointment, she called his phone only to find it going to voicemail. He did not come home.

When Desire, who talked to her son several times on the phone every day, found her call going to voicemail for the third time in a row, she started to get worried.

The last time that happened was in late 2011, when Desire chanced upon a comment on a blog post. Desire found a comment by a man who claimed to have overheard a conversation between two men and one woman. He claimed they were talking about a scared phone call from someone who he believed to be Rashawn. Desire immediately called [Detective] Amato, who, she says, tracked down the blogger for questioning.

“I thought it would go somewhere,” she says, “but it ended up going nowhere.”

#6 Reggie on 03.09.10 at 1:12 am
1. Re: Rashawn Brazzell.
Note: Before reading I’m will try my best to remember how the conversation went.

I was riding on the A TRAIN Yesterday thru Brooklyn March 7, 2010. Across from me sat to young gentlemen who had to be at least 23 to 24. I will call them A & B They were confabulating amongst themselves and I overheard them both say how much they missed their buddy Rashawn Brazell. As the Conversation continues, it became more in detail to what exactly had happened to Rashawn, and who had done it.

Rashawn and his two friends A and B took the L Train into NYC and got off on 14th St. they were all on there way to Christopher St, to hang out and have a goodtime. As they journey across 14th St to descend onto 7th Avenue, Two guys from Newark, NJ, had approached them all for sex in front of the Salvation Army. I will call them C & D….

A said he remembered telling Rashawn to ignore those guys and lets head on down to Christopher St. Rashawn Continue to engage in a friendly conversation, with C and exchanged Cell phone numbers and agreed to meet up another time.

On the Pier on Christopher St, Rashawn told A that C wants to get a Hotel Room and Hookup on Valentines day….C came to Rashawn house to meet him before he went to get his taxes done…

A said Rashawn call him later that day crying on the phone and he said he kept asking rashawn what’s wrong……..Rashawn said him and C went to get the Room but its a setup….Rashawn said there are 2 other dudes in the room….D and another young dude who had on a transit Uniform…….Rashawn said they Rape him twice and he’s scared……..A then said he could here someone in the background yelling at him then Rashawn’s Cell Phone goes dead, and he never heard back from rashawn again. A then said whenever he would call his cell phone it went into voicemail

A said the next day…….He ran into C & D at the pier on Christopher St the guys from Newark. A said they were bragging who tight rashawn *advertiser censored* was…..and that he didn’t want to give it up so we took it……A said then where’s is Rashawn and C& D said Scattered around Brooklyn…….then walked off laughing………

Once A was finish telling everything to B, a female passenger on the train…….Yelled at A and said its been 5 years since Rashawn’s been dead and now you decide to come forth and tell what really happened to. A said he did want to tell Rashawn Mother, but Rashawn begged him not to saying anything.

A then said he has a Gay cousin in Newark NJ, I will call him E.E said it’s was guys in Penn station Newark Bragging about what they did to a dude in Brooklyn. The Guys that be in the Shelters in NYC who hangout with them guys from Newark …..They no exactly what happened…….and Threaten to do the same to other young’s boys if they cant have they way with them.


The head has not been located, nor do the police know how Mr. Brazell was killed.

Emre, your theory about a group or pair killers busting in on a prostitute and John is an interesting one. But why do they go after the johns? Why not get the female victim when she's alone?
Emre, your theory about a group or pair killers busting in on a prostitute and John is an interesting one. But why do they go after the johns? Why not get the female victim when she's alone?

Since it is still a theory, I am thinking some of the members of the band (I'm assuming a duo or maybe a trio) may be shifting. Some may be in prison for a while or the dump sites may be passed from one to another. So, sometimes interesting things happen.

I think the above is telling.
Cops believe the killer may have been a transit worker. "The killer or killers knew the layout," said NYPD Det. Anthony Baker. "These tracks are two flights down, which leads me to believe they had some knowledge of the tracks, because nobody really goes to the unknown to dispose of something like that unless they have been there before."

I believe the crimes are mainly sexual driven however robbery also plays a major part. A john hiring a prostitute has at least a few hundred dollars on him, similarly a girl who worked the streets for a few hours already may also have serious cash. So, when they bust them, say in an abandoned house in Brooklyn, they have both the woman and the money and probably the vehicle which they will use to transport the bodies.
EMRE: When 'robbers' bust in on a prostitute and her John it is usually a classic Murphy Scam. If the John is in a compromising situation, i.e. a family man/ pillar of society the opportunities for blackmail are endless. It is a common practice that has been going on for at least 100+ years.

I can't prove this but I believe the DA tried to entice me into such a situation. Only this time it would be the DA that was going to blackmail me for shutting up about what I had been posting regarding his corruption. I smelled a rat
EMRE: When 'robbers' bust in on a prostitute and her John it is usually a classic Murphy Scam. If the John is in a compromising situation, i.e. a family man/ pillar of society the opportunities for blackmail are endless. It is a common practice that has been going on for at least 100+ years.

I can't prove this but I believe the DA tried to entice me into such a situation. Only this time it would be the DA that was going to blackmail me for shutting up about what I had been posting regarding his corruption. I smelled a rat

To prove it, you know you have to post a link :)

I do think the crimes are sexually driven, robbery is secondary.

I presented several cases here, among which I believe Eve Eskin Brown and Rashawn Brazzel cases feature striking similarities with Gilgo/Manorville killings.

The reality is there is a young man on Gilgo Beach that we need to identify and explain how he may have ended up on alongside Ocean Parkway.

My thinking is, there are so many UnID'ed victims in this case that it is incredible. I believe a few of them may have missing persons reports, just overlooked due to a lack of perspective.

By presenting the similarities of Brazzel case I believe I hinted about what might be going on, particularly if the events are examined in a chronological order to explain the behavior pattern of the killer(s).

Armed with the possibility of a mistake in the identification of the Asian Male's skull/race, I have no doubt that several hardworking WS'ers can spot a perfectly matching missing person on the database for him.
When I was first transferred from land of the NYC White Collar Crime of Manhattan to the relatively mild streets on Queens I was told that it wouldn't be long before I was referring to locations to where we had homicides. Someone might ask on the radio or phone where are you. You would say near the double we had in the summer, and so on and so on.

Murders were getting so plentiful that it was difficult to drive 5 minutes in any direction without passing a homicide or serious crime. And I guess we were only averaging 250 murders a year.

The point is it is about the previous post of the RIGHT NEXT to the lot..........post. The above post related to Brooklyn. Whatever we had in Queens, Brooklyn doubled. In the precinct above that precinct would average near a 100 homicides in that precinct alone. The motto of the precinct was: You give us 20 minutes and we will give you a homicide. 1010WINS.
When I was first transferred from land of the NYC White Collar Crime of Manhattan to the relatively mild streets on Queens I was told that it wouldn't be long before I was referring to locations to where we had homicides. Someone might ask on the radio or phone where are you. You would say near the double we had in the summer, and so on and so on.

Murders were getting so plentiful that it was difficult to drive 5 minutes in any direction without passing a homicide or serious crime. And I guess we were only averaging 250 murders a year.

The point is it is about the previous post of the RIGHT NEXT to the lot..........post. The above post related to Brooklyn. Whatever we had in Queens, Brooklyn doubled. In the precinct above that precinct would average near a 100 homicides in that precinct alone. The motto of the precinct was: You give us 20 minutes and we will give you a homicide. 1010WINS.

Good point but in my opinion the belt parkway dump site is one of the LISK's dumping ground. If you look back Emre also posted about the two bodies dumped on New York Housing Authority property. Two people dismembered in garbage bags (LISK's MO). You've got a boy a missing from what i assume is a NYHA property thats located directly next to LISK dumping ground where more people turned up dismembered in Garbage bags. I think there's a possibility there could be a connection there because I consider John Valentine the boy wrapped in a mickey mouse blanket & a canvas bag in Rockaway to be an LISK victim. Sugar Bear was dumped in Rockaway and the toddler from OP was wrapped in blanket just like John Valentine. It's my opinion there is likely a connection between all these bodies. John Alfred also disappeared from East New York, which is the center of all the LISK dismemberment cases...and again...he's right next to the belt parkway dumpground.
Good point but in my opinion the belt parkway dump site is one of the LISK's dumping ground. If you look back Emre also posted about the two bodies dumped on New York Housing Authority property. Two people dismembered in garbage bags (LISK's MO). You've got a boy a missing from what i assume is a NYHA property thats located directly next to LISK dumping ground where more people turned up dismembered in Garbage bags. I think there's a possibility there could be a connection there because I consider John Valentine the boy wrapped in a mickey mouse blanket & a canvas bag in Rockaway to be an LISK victim. Sugar Bear was dumped in Rockaway and the toddler from OP was wrapped in blanket just like John Valentine. It's my opinion there is likely a connection between all these bodies. John Alfred also disappeared from East New York, which is the center of all the LISK dismemberment cases...and again...he's right next to the belt parkway dumpground.

Were the NYHA victims ever identified? I was only able to turn up articles in the NYT, Post, and Daily News about the initial discovery, but my google searches came up empty for placing names for the remains.
Were the NYHA victims ever identified? I was only able to turn up articles in the NYT, Post, and Daily News about the initial discovery, but my google searches came up empty for placing names for the remains.

Yes Emre found that the male was identified I believe but was able to turn up no other info. It's pretty interesting that the bags where dumped after the crew had cleaned the lot and in between the time they returned to finish cleaning. A pretty small window. The people had also been killed in dismembered only 6 hours earlier according to the ME. Emre and I found and dug thru a list of people who were banned from NYHA premises going back ten years or more. It was pretty interesting if Emre still has that link saved it would be cool if he could post it. I've since lost the link
Yes Emre found that the male was identified I believe but was able to turn up no other info. It's pretty interesting that the bags where dumped after the crew had cleaned the lot and in between the time they returned to finish cleaning. A pretty small window. The people had also been killed in dismembered only 6 hours earlier according to the ME. Emre and I found and dug thru a list of people who were banned from NYHA premises going back ten years or more. It was pretty interesting if Emre still has that link saved it would be cool if he could post it. I've since lost the link

If you find that really so important I can look harder into my own saved files. I do remember the male victim was identified later but the police did not elaborate, kept things low profile. I had the impression that he was a john and his family did not want to make a further scene.
Here, in OPA-LOCKA, FLORIDA 1998, 2 bodies was found in a canal, wrapped in burlap.

Of interest my POI, in the LISK case, lived 10 miles north/west of where these 2 bodies was found !!! He is actually listed to at least 3 addresses located at distance between 10 and 20 miles from the canal where these 2 bodies was found.



"The gender, race and age of the corpses were unknown because they were sent _ still wrapped _ to the county Medical Examiner's Office"

I wish we knew the identity of these two victims or at least what gender, age and cause of death.
Came across this link to an unidentified male victim found dismembered in bags in April of 2014 in Elmhurst Queens near the railroad tracks. Could swear I saw this victim posted in the LISK forum already but couldn't find it.

He's white, male, around 30 and has mis-aligned teeth. I don't think any clothing was found with his body parts, so it's unknown whether he was trans* or not.

Made me think of Rashawn, Sugar Bear, the Unidentified Gilgo Beach male, and the other unidentified male LI victims.

Sketches of the victim are in the link, I don't think he's been identified yet:
Hi Rachel & Josh here,

We’re still hoping that your expertise and unique abilities can help lead us to the identities of the following LISK victims: Asian Man, The Toddler and the Jane Doe who was The Toddler’s mother.

We definitely understand there's been a lot of time and energy put into this already by websleuthers and the community, but we're hoping to inject new energy into discovering who these victims were. We ask that you post any thoughts and findings to the links below so all of the information is in one place.

We will have access to wide television audience who in additional can hopefully help.

Please don't be shy... contact us. We’ve already heard from a lot of you on LISK and other cases. It takes a village!

Rachel & Josh

The Toddler
Namus UP #9704

Jane Doe, the Toddler’s Mother
Not in NamUs

The Asian Male
Namus UP #9355
Came across this link to an unidentified male victim found dismembered in bags in April of 2014 in Elmhurst Queens near the railroad tracks. Could swear I saw this victim posted in the LISK forum already but couldn't find it.

He's white, male, around 30 and has mis-aligned teeth. I don't think any clothing was found with his body parts, so it's unknown whether he was trans* or not.

Made me think of Rashawn, Sugar Bear, the Unidentified Gilgo Beach male, and the other unidentified male LI victims.

Sketches of the victim are in the link, I don't think he's been identified yet:

There is a thread for this victim:
I think it was 1996 but I've always wondered what became of Susan Walsh. Probably not LISK but it is an eery case nonetheless with some similarities in circumstances and general locations.

Sent via Tapatalk - Please excuse any mobile-induced typos. Thanks.

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