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I couldn't find an update on that one Dingo... thanks :)

Thank you for digging cases up :)
This is not MSM, but since it's from the DA's office, I assume it's safe to link to it:

Apparently a lot of people have gone missing IN the lake over the years. I guess the 6 being referred to by the DA are people who went missing off boats or in the lake and have never been found. Too early to know is this may be one of those.

Oops, that link above still says "remains". Here's a media link that says "foot" and quotes the DA. It also mentions a body pulled out of that lake in March. I think I'd avoid that place! http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/hun...sf/2012/05/fisherman_finds_human_remains.html
Thank you for digging cases up :)
This is not MSM, but since it's from the DA's office, I assume it's safe to link to it:

Apparently a lot of people have gone missing IN the lake over the years. I guess the 6 being referred to by the DA are people who went missing off boats or in the lake and have never been found. Too early to know is this may be one of those.

Oops, that link above still says "remains". Here's a media link that says "foot" and quotes the DA. It also mentions a body pulled out of that lake in March. I think I'd avoid that place! http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/hun...sf/2012/05/fisherman_finds_human_remains.html

Okay, foot in a boot, that looks rather like accident or a complete body which is now going to pieces due to decomposition.
Time to drag that lake... If six people have gone missing ther, I wonder why they haven't?
Looks like algae growing on the talus but I'm not a doctor or a biologist.
The tactic of scattering the parts is a good one. Much harder to find than a complete body.
I'm willing to bet there are many more dismembered victims yet to be found.
When I'm driving on LI roads I'm tempted to get out and investigate every bag I see on the side of the road becuase it seems to be such a popular means of disposal around here.
I'll do some more digging - but I think as far as parts that have been found, you guys have done a great job of locating those reports. Much smarter than me because I've been going at this alone for a year and 1/2 and didn't come up with nearly the list you guys have come up with.
I think there will be a break soon...... call it an educated hunch but one of these guys is about to slip up.

I m with you with checking black garbage bags on the side of the road!espeacially when there are 3 in a row and then none.
I don't know about you but when I see those bags I am looking for money. The Highway Clean-up vols pick up the trash and leave it in bags for a truck to come by.

I think most would be shocked if they knew how many bodies are out there. My guess is in the hundreds.

We were looking for a missing 13 yr old in a swampy area similar to OB. Hand to hand searches were done in a grid pattern. When winter cleared the brush a body was found just where we looked. We thought it was the kid. Nope. it was someone else and it must have been there when we looked for the girl.

We were looking for a 12 year old boy in that same swamp area. A cop came across a small truck dumped in the area. When he jumped over into the truck he spotted the kid's body. It was more an accident than a good find. We knew who did it and he wouldn't confess until we came back with the body. He then confessed in 5 minutes. No body and no confession.

The 13 year old girl named Antonella Mattina was found more than 40 miles from her home on the Taconic Parkway more than 3 years later by a person that just happened to be walking in the area.

The cops wrongfully put a nephew of a congressman on their suspect list. Those that ran the case wouldn't budge an inch off of that theory. The kid's uncle is a congressman and a lawyer, and, of course, he gave his nephew advice any uncle/lawyer would give: Don't talk to the police. That case is still unsolved to this day. I don't think the kid did it anyway. But the investigation went into a stalemate because some obstinate detectives ran the case.

It is mostly about getting a lot of luck and a lot of hard work to know when you find it.
There was a very famous double murder case of two career girls living in Manhattan. That case would be the case the Kojak series was created on.

A Brooklyn detective arrested a guy named George Whitmore. There was a long confession produced by the detective from Whitmore. The Chief of Detectives went public and said WE GOT OUR MAN.

THE MANHATTAN DA had other ideas. He put a very bright young ADA on the case. We eventually got the real killer. He was given a polygraph by one of the only examiners in the PD, Det.Nat Laurendi. Whitmore was cut loose and the real killer was arrested and convicted of that crime. Det.Laurendi and ADA Mel Glass were never forgiven for upsetting the case against Whitmore. It meant nothing to some people in the DA office that had the case that the wrong man was convicted and the killer would remain free.

Years later and when Hogan died, Morgenthau became the DA. The ADA that had the case was now very high up on the food chain. He manuvered having his friend, a police inspector assigned as the new commanding officer of a legacy that lasted more than 30 years. The first detective that got transferred out of the office with the new regime was Nat Laurendi.

The ADA wanted Nat out of the office so bad that he allowed him to take all of his equipement with him. Nat then retired and became a very succesful polygrapher. The ADA is now a senior federal judge in the SDNY. Glass went on to become a NYC Criminal Judge in Queens and never forgave those that had a grudge against him.

If you think these cases are easy to solve, think again. The enemies the cops have to confront is within the PD and DA offices. In Suffolk County it is 10x worse.
Hi all,

Please let's keep this thread focused on the original poster's theme.

Also, while we are all accustomed to discussing and even seeing some very grisly things in these threads, it's appreciated if you provide a clear content warning and "hide" graphic photos behind a link, so that those who wish to skip such images can do so easily.

It sure does Peter.

I came across this yesterday and wasn't going to include it here do to the distance. Upon bringing up a map I see that distance is much shorter than I thought so here it is.

It's a news story about a fisherman hooking partial remains in NJ recently. I haven't found any updates yet.


That would be an unpleasant surprise.:what:

Thanks for all your hard work, Redbird! Wow.
If you think these cases are easy to solve, think again. The enemies the cops have to confront is within the PD and DA offices. In Suffolk County it is 10x worse.

I don't have any inside knowledge and don't even know the facts surrounding the politics in this case, but I have a strong feeling that you are right. It is frustrating and scary.

Sorry if this is OT!
Susan, I write my War Stories, not because I enjoy telling them and to prove how smart I am. I write them to enlighten the non LE as to what goes on in a complicated investigation. And, yes, I do enjoy writing about something when I think I have something to say. I have just seen too many cases not to have an opinion how such cases are investigated.

I have witnessed SCPD and The DA in ACTION. I know what they are capable of doing - most anything to protect themselves from scandal.
I don't have any inside knowledge and don't even know the facts surrounding the politics in this case, but I have a strong feeling that you are right. It is frustrating and scary.

Sorry if this is OT!

It's, like Hawkshaw's remark OT and still right on the subject. Because in a lot of cases, outsiders reach the point where they would need LE in the boat and only very rarely, LE gets in this boat voluntarily.
Found this while searching for something else, the pointing of the body caught my eye:

The skeletal remains of an unknown male subject were recovered from under Navy Pier, at a location where cruise ships are docked. The remains are observed laid out on a rocky shoal or rip rap, which extends approximately five feet above the water level of Lake Michigan. This riprap surrounds the entire perimeter of the base of Navy Pier, where the pier foundation meets the waterline of Lake Michigan, and protrudes outward into the water approximately twenty feet before it submerges below the water line.
The remains are observed prone on its back, with feet pointed in a southwest direction and the upper torso pointed in a northeast direction. It is clad in a heavy dark colored zippered sweatshirt, black, possibly denim pants, which were worn over red sweat pants. Tan colored work boots are observed with dark brown laces. The shoes and clothing appear to be in relatively good condition. A paging device is observed clipped to the left side of the pants on the waistband.

More https://identifyus.org/en/cases/full_report/2735
This thread was for bodies found on Long Island that might be vicitims of the LISK. Please quit messing up this thread with news of bodies all over the country. If you want to sleuth that case start your own thread in the appropriate forum, not here.
I am sorry, I thought perhaps the strange placement of the body might of been pertinent. Since one of the suspects does have ties to Chicago, I still think it could matter, skip over my post, and disregard if you feel it has no meaning. : )
From the thread : Long Island Serial Killer Suffolk County and Nassau County, New York

Originally Posted by Reannan
Originally Posted by Jersey*Girl
I have. James Patterson is my favorite author & I've read all of his books. If Beach Road is connected in some way, it confuses me bc if I'd pick any of Patterson's novels in comparison to these murders, I'd pick Pop Goes The Weasel.

I've no idea if a Patterson book is connected as meant to be by the killer, but something worth noting is that any serial murder book could find similarities & connections. It's pretty common knowledge that hookers are prime targets of serial killers and several authors have used AC & parts of NY as their backdrop. If in fact Beach Road is connected, then why? What would the killer be saying? To look at The Hamptons?

Instead of the killer living or working in or near AC, maybe he is a casino regular that travels there for certain weekend ventures. If he's frequent, then he'd get room perks quite often.

I have always wondered if the AC victims were left with their heads facing to the East because the SK wanted them to look toward the area he had dumped their 'sisters' (Manorville Victims) years earlier? If you look at a map of AC and then look towards Oak Beach, you could be facing East - literally more North East, but in general it works. The AC murders seem to be a bit of an anomaly because they seem to be a sort of "spree kill", yet they have a ritualistic feel to them with the shoes being missing, and the bodies being "placed" in a similar fasion. If the LISK, is the same person as the AC killer, and the Manorville killer, then AC would seem to be his "point of evolution".... He had killed years earlier and placed victims body parts in both Manorville and Long Island. Something resulted in a fairly short spree killing in AC during 2006, and then we have nothing similar for a while. The next thing I have in my database is the 2007 Cherry Tattoo Victim in Mamaroneck who was found in 2007, and remains an UID to this day. The year 2008 seems to have been a cooling off period, and then Melissa Barthelemy was last seen in July 2009. The other Gilgo Four went missing in early 2010. He has been under scrutiny for a while now... and I am sure is getting anxious. He can't stop... and he will be caught.

And that was what was referring to.............

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