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DNA Solves
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Exactly. He`s supposedly sneaking around trying not to be seen or remembered anywhere, and suddenly we have a gas attendant describing him as having some hair, wearing a shirt but no coat, being a little over 5`3 and fighting with her about a gas purchase. At the same time, he`s being so sneaky that he`s wearing two different pairs of shoes while committng murder.

This just doesn`t add up.

Otto, another thing, we saw Jason's hair in the video the night at the hotel, so that would be the most accurate photo to go by.
I am giving her the benefit of the doubt in case his hair seems longer at the funeral, or from his NTO photos.
All one has to do is look at the hotel photos, that is not a little hair.
Had JY allowed the Fishers to have regular and normal contact with CY it likely never would have come to that. He and his family cut them out of CY's life, not even giving her presents from them. And that was revenge for not publicly making statements to support JY.

WHO DOES THAT? What innocent spouse thinks a child no longer needs any contact with people who so clearly love and adore her? They made it allll about Jason, and not about CY's needs. Scum.

A murder case is owned by the state, not the decedent's family. While a family has a vested interest, they do not control the state, the DA, the police, or 'the people' the state represents. Doesn't matter what the Fishers think or feel...it's not their case...it belongs to NC.

Bottomline: JY's actions and his family's actions caused unnecessary hurt to CY and also to the Fisher family. There was no reason to keep CY from her maternal relatives.

I think we could view the custody situation from the flip side and ask whether someone that wants to remove a child from her father`s care, after the child has already lost her mother, has the child`s best interests in mind. Is it really better for a child to lose both parents because the extended family is dissatisfied with their visitation arrangements.
Otto, another thing, we saw Jason's hair in the video the night at the hotel, so that would be the most accurate photo to go by.
I am giving her the benefit of the doubt in case his hair seems longer at the funeral, or from his NTO photos.
All one has to do is look at the hotel photos, that is not a little hair.

Here he is, 3 days after the murder. That cannot be described as a little hair. She was asked if he was bald or had a full head of hair. She responded that she believed he had a little bit of hair. I don`t know who she saw, but I don`t think it was Jason. Also, the person that supposedly shouted out to Jason - the regular customer - to tell him to come in to pay, this person also doesn`t seem to exist.

It`s too bad it isn`t true. Jason immediately provided investigators with his hotel receipt as proof of where he was when his wife was murdered. His friends and family also knew perfectly well where he was that night. Investigators didn`t want to believe him, but that doesn`t mean they weren`t informed of where he was.

The prosecutor is again trying to pull the wool over the juror`s eyes.

The defense summed it up best when they reminded the court that there was nothing specific that happened when they finally arrested Jason.

And, how do you explain to Jurors that you had your eye witness from
the first few days or week, but did not feel confident to go forward with an arrest then?

That alone, shows they were not sure that her statement or testimony would hold up.

And, imo, it didn't.
Here he is, 3 days after the murder. That cannot be described as a little hair. She was asked if he was bald or had a full head of hair. She responded that she believed he had a little bit of hair. I don`t know who she saw, but I don`t think it was Jason. Also, the person that supposedly shouted out to Jason - the regular customer - to tell him to come in to pay, this person also doesn`t seem to exist.


Yep, they needed that witness, and attempts of making video surveillance tapes and fliers to find him were futile.
Although, for some reason, I don't think they showed her the tapes.
It`s too bad it isn`t true. Jason immediately provided investigators with his hotel receipt as proof of where he was when his wife was murdered. His friends and family also knew perfectly well where he was that night. Investigators didn`t want to believe him, but that doesn`t mean they weren`t informed of where he was.

The prosecutor is again trying to pull the wool over the juror`s eyes.

I agree. I think it is even worse than that and might rise to prosecutorial misconduct. Jason didn't provide his alibi, the receipt was in his seized vehicle plus his friends knew where he was. But to test a random rock for DNA and then try to persuade a jury it is actually evidence crosses over the line.

Yep, they needed that witness, and attempts of making video surveillance tapes and flyers to find him were futile.
Although, for some reason, I don't think they showed her the tapes.

Hard to believe this case is happening in the 21st Century, isn't it?
The defense summed it up best when they reminded the court that there was nothing specific that happened when they finally arrested Jason.

And, how do you explain to Jurors that you had your eye witness from
the first few days or week, but did not feel confident to go forward with an arrest then?

That alone, shows they were not sure that her statement or testimony would hold up.

And, imo, it didn't.

I was a bit amused at all the attention that was given to the gas attendant`s testimony during trial. She was presented pretty much as a star witness ... being asked to step down, stand next to the prosecutor and go to great lengths to explain how the vehicle (which officers told her was white) pulled into, and out of, the gas station. It all seemed so dramatic and unnecessary since her verbal description did not leave any questions.

And ... as you point out ... this star witness was available to them within days of the murder ... yet there was no arrest. Years of searching for more evidence produced nothing to corroborate her testimony ... although it would be helpful if the short guy with a little bit of hair would contact the defense team.
I suspect JY was watching the BC situation and it appears he did everything 180 degrees from BC. So far, this strategy appears to be working for him.

No talking to the cops
No deposition as part of a custody issue so you can't be part of a fishing expedition or have it used against you
In fact, don't even attempt to hire a family law attorney
Move out of the area
Take the witness stand

I am sure that there are others - but the contrast here is interesting.
I think we could view the custody situation from the flip side and ask whether someone that wants to remove a child from her father`s care, after the child has already lost her mother, has the child`s best interests in mind. Is it really better for a child to lose both parents because the extended family is dissatisfied with their visitation arrangements.

My take from all this is that the child's maternal grandmother was so bitter and angry, her focus was to punish Jason whether he is innocent or not. The Judge had to ask her to dial herself back in the last trial. I really think when someone is that vindictive, they are incapable of undertanding who else may be hurt. There was testimony that Michelle was very emotionally hurt by her parents' divorce. The cycle is repeating. A very unfortunate situation all around for the little girl.

I suspect JY was watching the BC situation and it appears he did everything 180 degrees from BC. So far, this strategy appears to be working for him.

No talking to the cops
No deposition as part of a custody issue so you can't be part of a fishing expedition or have it used against you
In fact, don't even attempt to hire a family law attorney
Move out of the area
Take the witness stand

I am sure that there are others - but the contrast here is interesting.

Considering his law firm represented Nancy Cooper's family in that child custody dispute, I think it is a given that Jason would follow their legal advice.
I agree. I think it is even worse than that and might rise to prosecutorial misconduct. Jason didn't provide his alibi, the receipt was in his seized vehicle plus his friends knew where he was. But to test a random rock for DNA and then try to persuade a jury it is actually evidence crosses over the line.


Mallicious prosecution is certainly a possibility. In my opinion, police made up their minds before Jason arrived at the crime scene and they proceeded to build a case against him. It`s interesting that the one gas station where he was supposedly seen did not have working cameras, that the door he supposedly entered was conveniently broken, the rock he supposedly touched had 3 alleles in common with Jason - and many others - and that was presented as a DNA match, that it is suggested that he did not provide an alibi ... it seems like no matter what happened, investigators interpretted it in the most guilty way possible ... to the extent that they misrepresented the truth.
I suspect JY was watching the BC situation and it appears he did everything 180 degrees from BC. So far, this strategy appears to be working for him.

No talking to the cops
No deposition as part of a custody issue so you can't be part of a fishing expedition or have it used against you
In fact, don't even attempt to hire a family law attorney
Move out of the area
Take the witness stand

I am sure that there are others - but the contrast here is interesting.

Could it be the difference between a guilty man and an innocent man? The guilty man is confident that he can outsmart the police and the innocent man is terrified that a murder will be pinned on him?
Hard to believe this case is happening in the 21st Century, isn't it?

Yep, sure it, My Belle.!

And, if you think Gracie in credible , one would have to say if that were the case, Jason Young would have been arrested within days.

In a town he should not be in, at a time he should not be there , and in a direction he should not going , when he was supposed to be
sleeping at the hotel could and should have warranted an immediate arrest.

But, it didn't.
And, so you have to ask yourself why.

I was a bit amused at all the attention that was given to the gas attendant`s testimony during trial. She was presented pretty much as a star witness ... being asked to step down, stand next to the prosecutor and go to great lengths to explain how the vehicle (which officers told her was white) pulled into, and out of, the gas station. It all seemed so dramatic and unnecessary since her verbal description did not leave any questions.

And ... as you point out ... this star witness was available to them within days of the murder ... yet there was no arrest. Years of searching for more evidence produced nothing to corroborate her testimony ... although it would be helpful if the short guy with a little bit of hair would contact the defense team.

Oops, should have read this first.
I agree 100%..........
I suspect JY was watching the BC situation and it appears he did everything 180 degrees from BC. So far, this strategy appears to be working for him.

No talking to the cops
No deposition as part of a custody issue so you can't be part of a fishing expedition or have it used against you
In fact, don't even attempt to hire a family law attorney
Move out of the area
Take the witness stand

I am sure that there are others - but the contrast here is interesting.

Interesting thought yet remember NC was murdered in July of 2008. MY was murdered in November of 2006. Jason was already not talking to cops etc. before Brad even murdered Nancy.
No. Jason's testimony from the first trial can not be used in the second trial unless he again testifies and it is inconsistent with his testimony in the first trial.


Today, Beth Karas said the prosecution will use JY's testimony from the first trial in their CIC, then use the evidence they have to try to refute what he testified to. She also said they do not have to say the testimony is from the first trial, just that he said it.

so :confused:
Room for Reasonable Doubt:
1)MF testified to the Young's always leaving the inside garage door leading to the kitchen opened, and the garage door opener was broken..........
That could explain signs of no forced entry.

2)Jason could not collect on the insurance money since his wife was murdered and there was an ongoing investigation.
Think the insurance company is just going to hand over a million dollars, nope.

3)Jason testified that he did not contest the custody suit because he thought he might be arrested.

4)Jason DID speak to LE briefly when he got back to Raleigh........he saw where they headed and stopped..........
Also, he came back in the same SUV that he supposedly drove after the murder, a SUV that came back perfectly clean.

5) Jason's NTO came back clean as well.........not a mark, scratch, bruise to show he had been involved in a struggle....
Many times while describing the crime scene, it was mentioned a struggle had occurred.

6) The 2 sets of different size shoes at Birchleaf. Size 10 and Size 12.

7) The timeline was so worrisome, L E checked local the airport and flight plans!!

8) Detectives following Jason's route to his meeting also became lost which explains
why he was 30 minutes late to his meeting.

9)There were no 28 calls to his Mother.....listen to testimony...which is about to begin again, so , just wait !!

10) Theories that Jason and Michelle's daughter was drugged after the murder, was just that a theory. L E also offered another theory that she was taken from the home due to the clean condition she was found in, and a warrant was issued for Michelle's Lexus, as well.

11) The camera in the hotel Jason stayed in, was also unplugged or messed with it prior to that nite/am.
Jennifer Marshall(GM @ the Hampton Inn) remembered on the stand that someone having a party , had tilted the same camera, same stairwell, same hotel, to sneak guests in at an earlier date.

12)Unknown DNA found in home.

13)Unknown fingerprint found on the medicine dropper/cap that was supposedly given to Jason and Michelle's daughter.

14)Cars at Birchleaf at 3:30 am, and 5:30 am and a stipulation from an elderly neighbor another car sighting at 7:30 am.

15)Cindy Beaver, the 5:30 am witness, lived on the Young's street for 21 years and drove by their house every day on her way to work at the job she held at the post office for 28 years.

16)Therapist notes which were supposed to be very damning and damaging never made it into the trial. ( I doubt they will in this one, either)

17)Jason called home early that am, knowing that Cassidy was asleep and the phone, near the top of the bed, where she slept could wake her up.
Why call the house to disturb her, if you drugged her?

18) Jason did not print out the directions to his meeting until minutes before he left.
Some plan.

19) Jason did not stage a burglary or make it look a break-in.

20) Jason did not purchase gas gans and fill them up to avoid a gas stop.

21) Jason told both Michelle and Shelly S. he was going to Cracker Barrel on his way to the hotel.

22) Jason did exactly what he said he was going to do before he left home, drive half way to his meeting, and drive the other half in the am.

To be con't........
23)Jason's Dna found in sheetrock, SBI agent testifed there was no way to tell how long it had been there.....

24)The dna on the rock showed the odds of being 1-79 markers.

25)Karen Morrow (shoe expert) testifed without the shoes she could not make an exact match.

26)Shelly Schaad, Michelle's friend who was visting, felt that they were being watched, and was scared enough to have Michelle walk her outside to her car.

27)Michelle and Jason's daughter was not afraid to see Jason when he returned that nite, did not scream out in fright or was scared of him.

28)Jason's friend called him while he was driving, and later talked to him when he was in his room.
Said Jason seemed fine, nothing out of the ordinary.

29) Jason seen on video at the hotel, never looking nervous or angry.

30) During the nite/am the clerk slipped a hotel receipt under his door
and hung a weekend edition of the USA today on his doorknob, and did
not notice the door being ajar or unlocked.
Also, Jason did not request any special room or floor.

31)Jason has never tried to flee.
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