Update: Kronk once arrested on Kidnapping in the early 1990's

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According to his statement, he was never even charged just ARRESTED. The grand jury never charged him so nothing was ever dropped. The arrest is what was expunged as there was nothing else.

"The matter was submitted to a grand jury in South Carolina. The grand jury determined that there was no probable cause to bring charges against me. In recognition of the falsity of these allegations, all records relating to this arrest were expunged by the South Carolina court.”

Regardless, he didnt have to admit this to his employer and he did. He seems pretty straight up about it and I have yet to read anything that disputes his statement.

So.. back to who killed Casey......
Records are expunged so there is no record of the arrest in your criminal file. Like the arrest never happened.

Without that, your criminal record would still show the arrest and the results- dropped charges, results of trial, etc.

And people are citing Florida law- his record was not expunged in Florida.

The story is, a girl he had been dating moved to another state with another man. She called RK to come get her from that other state and bring her home.

He did just that- and new boyfriend reported this as kidnapping.

Yes he was arrested but when the full story came out from girlfriend and RK, charges were dropped and record of arrest was expunged from his criminal record.

I feel bad for him, though I see nothing wrong with people discussing it and expressing their opinions since he brought it out himself. Being able to have it expunged, in South Carolina or elsewhere, is an indication of a very clean record. You can generally only have one thing expunged, can't be something you were found guilty of, and you can't have a prior conviction.

I personally don't think any of this will have any relevance to the case whatsoever. Why would he be needed to testify at all? Prosecution does not need him to say he found the body, it has zero relevance to the defendant. LE can testify to their responding to the scene and their findings. JB could call him but what would the gain be? He doesn't lend credibility to Casey and if the rumors/LP claims are true that he was tipped off by someone in the Anthony camp that definitely doesn't help Casey. MOO

Expungement Information
An "Expungement" is the destruction or obliteration of criminal records relating to an arrest or a conviction. South Carolina law allows for the destruction of arrest and/or conviction information under the following limited circumstances.​

Pursuant to South Carolina Code of Laws § 17-1-40, the arrest and booking record, files, mug shots, and fingerprints of any person, who after being charged with a criminal offense and such charge is discharged or proceedings against such person dismissed or is found to be innocent of such charge, shall be destroyed and no evidence of such record pertaining to such charge shall be retained by any municipal, county or State law enforcement agency​
I managed to get through the first page of this thread.

My first observation. To everyone who thinks ZFG's lawsuit is frivolous, this right here is why she is sueing. Here we have a man who was arrested probably 15+ years ago for kidnapping, the charges were dropped, his record was expunged, and as soon as this news comes out, he is automatically labeled a kidnapper by at least a few. These accusations will follow ZFG for life.

Second observation, and this goes back to the MM thread as well. No matter what the circumstances of the find, some are going to view it as suspicious. Never mind there are probably at least 100 people, some posting on this very forum, who, for whatever reasons, felt a certain area is where Caylee had been disposed of, and went back to said areas more than once. The only difference between these people and meter guy is meter guy turned out to be right.

I wonder how the powers that be would feel about hiring a person with kidnapping on their record to be a meter reader, going into people's back yards to read their meters, etc. (Then again, do I really think it would be checked? ehhh...)

What are the powers that be?

I think you must have missed the fact that he wasn't convicted and his record expunged. I would think they would be happy to hire somone with no criminal record, which is what he has, and presumably you have the same. I'm sure if someone made a false allegation against you, you wouldn't expect your employer to hold it against you...it really reflects badly on the person who made the false allegation, not the victim of said allegation.
you'd think the fact that he was in a job capacity where he went into people's back yards in that neighborhood would be enough for routine investigation to be done on his vehicles, homes, etc with the cadaver dogs, etc. But no....
(I am talking about routine investigation for the purpose of ruling him out by the way, and am making no accusation against this man). This case continues to boggle the mind.

Are you seriously suggesting that every public utility worker in that area ought to have their home gone through with a cadaver dog? Ever heard of civil rights?? Cadaver dogs in homes are hardly routine employment inquiries.

The man found Caylee and is allowing her some dignity. Are you mad at him for doing that? Were you hoping Casey would win her case? I don't understand why you would want to attack a man with no criminal convictions like you are doing???
After reading his explanation, I still stand by my thoughts that he's a good concerned citizen. He's putting all this out in the open because he knows he doesn't need to hide anything--he did nothing wrong! Again, God bless him for finding sweet Caylee.
I have a nephew who was arrested on those charges...he held his girlfriend against her will...wouldn't let her out of her bedroom in her house (her mom was downstairs). The police were called and he was charged and thrown into jail. We should never make light of crimes against women. I think the man is wonderful for finding Caylee, but a charge like this is serious.


I'm sorry your nephew behaved like that, but it has nothing to do with RK. It sounds like your nephew did it....RK was apparently the victim of a false allegation. Just because your nephew was capable of it, you can't suggest that everyone else must have done the same.
Records are expunged so there is no record of the arrest in your criminal file. Like the arrest never happened.

Without that, your criminal record would still show the arrest and the results- dropped charges, results of trial, etc.

And people are citing Florida law- his record was not expunged in Florida.

The story is, a girl he had been dating moved to another state with another man. She called RK to come get her from that other state and bring her home.

He did just that- and new boyfriend reported this as kidnapping.

Yes he was arrested but when the full story came out from girlfriend and RK, charges were dropped and record of arrest was expunged from his criminal record.

Oh, I didn't know that you knew the MM personally ..

Thanks for the real story ..
You are SO right!! The fact that the charges were dropped doesn't mean nothing happened. His previous arrests have nothing to do with him finding Caylee. I am glad he was in the woods and found her no matter what his reason was for being there, but I don't agree with putting every other person remotely involved in this case under a microscope except the person that seemed to know before anyone else that Caylee was in the woods. He is not above breaking the law. He was ARRESTED (not convicted) of kidnapping. He was also in a county vehicle when he pulled over to relieve himself in PUBLIC. Exposing your genitals in public is against the law. He deserves no more or less scrutiny than anyone else. JMHO

Yep, and if I accuse you of being a child molester, it doesn't mean it didn't happen either. But so what. It doesn't mean it did happen. Do you really think that for the rest of your life when you try to get a job they should be concerned because you were accused of child molestation?

Can you please show me a precedent that peeing privately in a thick bush area is against the law? I doubt you can find a case to back what you are saying.

Please stop attacking this man's reputation...he was not convicted. When/if you hear he has done something wrong then you can say something, but attacking a good samaritan's good reputation for no apparent reason...I don't get it.
Records are expunged so there is no record of the arrest in your criminal file. Like the arrest never happened.

Without that, your criminal record would still show the arrest and the results- dropped charges, results of trial, etc.

And people are citing Florida law- his record was not expunged in Florida.

The story is, a girl he had been dating moved to another state with another man. She called RK to come get her from that other state and bring her home.

He did just that- and new boyfriend reported this as kidnapping.

Yes he was arrested but when the full story came out from girlfriend and RK, charges were dropped and record of arrest was expunged from his criminal record.

Thank you for sharing that. Seems like he is a good guy all around. And the poor man lost his wife to cancer recently. I don't get the attacks on him.
You are SO right!! The fact that the charges were dropped doesn't mean nothing happened.

His previous arrests have nothing to do with him finding Caylee. I am glad he was in the woods and found her no matter what his reason was for being there, but I don't agree with putting every other person remotely involved in this case under a microscope except the person that seemed to know before anyone else that Caylee was in the woods. He is not above breaking the law. He was ARRESTED (not convicted) of kidnapping. He was also in a county vehicle when he pulled over to relieve himself in PUBLIC. Exposing your genitals in public is against the law.

He deserves no more or less scrutiny than anyone else. JMHO

Also, do you have proof he "exposed his genitals in public" like you say? It sounds to me like he was in an area so private that no one had even seen a body there for 6 months.
I hope the media and all people that are attacking this man's reputation never, and I mean never , find themselves in a situation where they need help from a fellow citizen. What is being done to Kronk and folks like him just makes people want to help less and less. I truly hope they never find themselves with their children in peril and beggin for someone next to them for help and just get blanks stares because people will be scared to step up . Its not just Kronk and people like him this affects, but their families, children, etc...

He came clean, with his employer and the like. No one dug up dirt. This was 10 years ago, he had a perfectly clean record before and since, its been expunged, the explanations are out there and not one person has stepped up to refute it. Whether he is a bad guy or not, he stepped up and they found Caylee, that's enough for me.
If I missed anything, it's because I skipped to the end of the post.

His record was expunged and he was falsely accused. End of story.

(Do people even read the links provided in the first few posts or do they simply jump to baseless conclusions?? :bang:)

Please remove this highly inflammatory and libelous thread mods.


I agree. People act like the DP ought to be brought back for urinating in the bushes.
Are you seriously suggesting that every public utility worker in that area ought to have their home gone through with a cadaver dog? Ever heard of civil rights?? Cadaver dogs in homes are hardly routine employment inquiries.

The man found Caylee and is allowing her some dignity. Are you mad at him for doing that? Were you hoping Casey would win her case? I don't understand why you would want to attack a man with no criminal convictions like you are doing???
No Seagull is not suggesting that at all.She is not referring to his employment but rather the ruling out his involvement in this case. She is saying that he should be subjected to the same scrutiny by LE as it relates to this case since he found the remains. I think it is a moot point because I think they probably did investigate him thoroughly.
I assume the reason they have expungement options, is to protect people against this sort of thing happening to them.

I don't see the relevance to the case of any of the attacks on him here.
I wonder how the powers that be would feel about hiring a person with kidnapping on their record to be a meter reader, going into people's back yards to read their meters, etc. (Then again, do I really think it would be checked? ehhh...)
Actually if you read the article, he fully disclosed his record to his potential employer at the time:

>>"When I applied for employment by Orange County, since the records of this arrest had been expunged, I would have been within my rights to not disclose this incident. However, I chose to disclose this arrest and the expungement of the records because I had nothing to hide and have a personal policy of openness and honesty about events in my life," the statement said.<<
I assume the reason they have expungement options, is to protect people against this sort of thing happening to them.

I don't see the relevance to the case of any of the attacks on him here.

Bunny,,he revealed the information himself. This is voluntary. I don't even think that generally he is being attacked. Some have harder questions than others but that's about it.
I hope the media and all people that are attacking this man's reputation never, and I mean never , find themselves in a situation where they need help from a fellow citizen. What is being done to Kronk and folks like him just makes people want to help less and less. I truly hope they never find themselves with their children in peril and beggin for someone next to them for help and just get blanks stares because people will be scared to step up . Its not just Kronk and people like him this affects, but their families, children, etc...

He came clean, with his employer and the like. No one dug up dirt. This was 10 years ago, he had a perfectly clean record before and since, its been expunged, the explanations are out there and not one person has stepped up to refute it. Whether he is a bad guy or not, he stepped up and they found Caylee, that's enough for me.


ITA. Are they suggesting he should have left her there because of his expunged kidnapping charge? Are they angry he broke the law and pee'ed in the bush and found her and they think that was wrong? I really don't get what is going on on this thread!

The next time a child is laying in a bush, needing to be found, you may find a lot less volunteers on the ground and a lot more reluctance to provide police with relevant information from concerned members of the public. It's like people here want to punish him for calling LE when he found her????
Are you seriously suggesting that every public utility worker in that area ought to have their home gone through with a cadaver dog? Ever heard of civil rights?? Cadaver dogs in homes are hardly routine employment inquiries.

The man found Caylee and is allowing her some dignity.
I think anyone from the defense team is going to try to go after Kronk with a vengence for finding her. They did NOT want her to be found (at least, by the outside world!). They are angry because it has messed up their Caylee is Alive case for reasonable doubt they had worked so hard for. The defense is going to rip this meter reader to shreds in the media. It is a sad thing when someone finds a little girl (I don't care how he knew to look there or if he is a darn psychic), but then his reputation gets dragged through the mud because of it.

I am concerned what it is going to do in other missing persons cases in the future. Will people find their bodies and run the other way instead of calling LE? How many families will go without knowing what happened to their loved ones because of this? What kind of precedence has this set now that the man, who obviously did NOT have anything to do with the disappearance or murder of the child, came forward only to be torn to shreds and thrust into the circus like he has? It is horrific! :furious:
Are you seriously suggesting that every public utility worker in that area ought to have their home gone through with a cadaver dog? Ever heard of civil rights?? Cadaver dogs in homes are hardly routine employment inquiries.

The man found Caylee and is allowing her some dignity. Are you mad at him for doing that? Were you hoping Casey would win her case? I don't understand why you would want to attack a man with no criminal convictions like you are doing???

I've never attacked the man and I think he probably only found the body. He should have no trouble standing up to normal, routine investigation as would occur in any normal investigation, or discussion on this forum, which is supposed to be an impartial forum for discussion of the Caylee Anthony case, not a prosecution-only forum.
The rule is only that we are not to use last names or expose private information that is not a matter of public record. It would make no difference if the man had brought forward the subject of his record, if he was ever under suspicion for kidnapping and later was cleared and it was expunged from his record, that is a matter of public record. My post was a response to someone posting that this thread should actually be closed because discussion of this man was somehow improper!
If this forum is not for impartial and open discussion of the case, there would be no point in it being here on websleuths.
I'll let your rude accusations toward me go. :confused: You sure put a lot of words in my mouth!

Don't you think everyone in this case has civil rights, or only some of the people? What about finding out the truth so that justice can be done for Caylee?
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