Updated POLL: Why No Obstruction Charges Yet...If Ever???

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Why Have None of the Anthony's Been Charged w/Obstruction?? Can pick more than one...

  • LE/SA Office does not think they did anything wrong

    Votes: 14 5.6%
  • LE/SA Office does not have a strong enough evidence to make it stick

    Votes: 69 27.8%
  • LE/SA Office does not want to go after them because of public sympathy

    Votes: 60 24.2%
  • Just waiting for the right time for LA

    Votes: 122 49.2%
  • Just waiting for the right time for GA

    Votes: 68 27.4%
  • Just waiting for the right time for CA

    Votes: 110 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I did think about the last question you posed. I didn't like SP's mother because she was so pathetic in her denial that he had done anything wrong. That's it though. I have never held any bad feelings, that I can remember, for the parent's of a murderer. I hold people accountable for their actions. I hold Casey responsible for Caylee's murder. I hold the Anthony's responsible for their attempt to derail the investigation. I don't think there has ever been a set of parent's like them, that we have seen. Their behavior, from "day one" has been incomprehensible, IMO.

I agree with your position on this. The Anthony family - GA, CA, and LA, reminded me initially of JP's denial. But the Anthony's have gone above and beyond JP with the behavior they've displayed publicly since the beginning. It's their inappropriate behavior, attempts to derail the investigation, the possibility that they've profitted from Caylee's death, and willingness to throw innocent people under the bus that I'm angry about.
Hi everyone. I'm new here and this is my first post.

I don't think there will be charges against GA, CA or LA until after KC's trial is finished (if at all). If any of these 3 were charged before hand, then they could possibly plead the 5th rather than testifying against KC during her trial.
I doubt that any charges will be brought against the A's at all. One, I don't think the prosecutors will feel the need to put this family thru anymore. Especially when it is looking as if they will be able to get a conviction regardless of what the A's may or may not have done. And two, what really have they done? Yes CA washed some clothes, but she didnt have the car taken to the crusher, thus destroying all evidence. CA may have had someone search but she didn't have them find the body and move it and make sure it would never surface. What she may have done if DC had found it, who knows. Can't try someone for what they might have done.

I know some of you feel very strongly about the behavior of the A's. Some of us are more sympathetic than others. But from a legal standpoint I just dont see charges being brought

And slightly off topic, but I want to say this since it keeps bouncing around in my head..I wonder how much of the Anthony hate(?) is due to our inability to comprehend how one person, KC, could ever have done this. That maybe we need more people to blame. If it is simply KC waking up one day and doing this horrific act then maybe it could happen to anybody. But if we can blame the parents, at least in part, then maybe we feel, that we, as parents, have more control, and our children wont end up like KC. Not sure if this makes sense or if I am wording this right. Shouldn't post while working.

I just wanted to say ITA.A lot of people have said this would never happen in their family,but whats makes anyone think something like this can not happen to them? Blaming the whole family IMO gives a false sense of security.They are a dysfunctional family but if we had as much info on most families as we do the A's most would seem to have major issues as well.
LE has had to continually put on their, "High Wadders" Lol! when trying to make since of the A's statements to better investigate the murder of Caylee by the A's daughter KC! One thing that stuck out in my mind because I found it amusing, was LE asking Hoover several times, who CA was yelling at during her fit of rage that appeared to be directed towards several LE officers! CA's unabashed rage towards the people who were always there for her, G, and L was so inappropriately displaced. I'm glad to have not seen CA carrying a bat to bang crosses at the pretinous memorial services.

I'd like to know Cindy's pastor's opinion of her beating a cross to death! :rolleyes:
I'd like to know Cindy's pastor's opinion of her beating a cross to death! :rolleyes:

I would hope, if he's truly a man of God, that he is full of concern and compassion for a member of his flock who is experiencing such horrible emotional pain and conflict.
Those pants could be a major key in linking Casey to the murder. Cindy says the pants "smelled like the car" so she washed them. But, no one knows if the pants only smelled or if there was any sort of evidence on them, such as blood (from Caylee).

or in them-such as a chloroform rag or drugs or a sheet of stickers...Heck-the BACKING off that one sticker we saw in the search warrant pictures-THAT could have once been inside the car and was removed pre-police arrival.

2 reasons, I think:

1. The state wants to get justice for Caylee before anything else so they are first focusing on their case against her murderous mother.

2. The state is waiting to get their testimonies from Casey's trial to solidify their cases against these three liars; no doubt this trio will perjure themselves since they obviously don't know how to tell the truth. I say GOOD, get them under oath with their lies. And don't think the FBI will look the other way either, the A's have wasted valuable time and resources with their lies & remember, Martha Stewart went to prison solely for lying to the Feds. I believe the Feds and also local law enforcement will charge the A’s for everything they've done to thwart the investigation into Caylee's murder.

I so much hope that you are right. Just as Casey's problems in life and her raising is not reason enough to excuse her for murder-neither are the problems the Anthony family faces reason enough to excuse illegal and unethical behavior that just goes on and on and never ends!

Hi everyone. I'm new here and this is my first post.

I don't think there will be charges against GA, CA or LA until after KC's trial is finished (if at all). If any of these 3 were charged before hand, then they could possibly plead the 5th rather than testifying against KC during her trial.

:) :) WELCOME! :) :)

I would hope, if he's truly a man of God, that he is full of concern and compassion for a member of his flock who is experiencing such horrible emotional pain and conflict.

Ain't it the truth...

You know, on the whole cross issue...think about it-Jesus was TORTURED and TORMENTED on a cross and lost His life there. He was NAILED hand and foot and then speared through while hanging there. He had a crown of horrible awful thorns pressed into His head while He was there. He cried out to His Father and received no response. He died there for us, but I have some very serious doubts whether He would want us to memorialize the symbol of His suffering with quite such reverence as we do. :confused::innocent:

He said pick up your cross and follow me-meaning-pick up your own suffering and follow after my ways. He did not literally mean for us to pick up a cross, and I doubt this instruction meant that we should make an idol of the very cross upon which He hung.
Could you link to that? I hadn't seen or heard that.

At the end the Dec LE interview with DC he talks about this and in the Dec 18 JH interview with LE he talks about how Cindy would give the tips out and tell them which direction to go in and LE questions why CA kept those tips from LE.

Hoover http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2009-03/45412199.pdf

Dominic Casey http://www.wesh.com/download/2009/0219/18750716.pdf

For more info see the dedicated threads on these 2 interviews.
The problem, IMO, is not her sending someone to search or not so much, it's what she was putting forth publicly and to LE and then what she was doing in private.

Respectfully snipped for space.

Exactly! Why the two faces if there is nothing to hide?

I do understand that the grandparents are between a rock and a hard place. However, the truth doesn't choose sides.
There was no choice of none of the above so I did not vote. I think they are not charging them because if they do so then the A's can plead the 5th when called to the witness stand and THAT is something that LE will not see happen-not even for well deserved charges against them all!

I agree with your post entirely. I didn't vote either, as none of the choices specified how I felt. None of the above would have been my choice also.
I don't believe the A's have done anything that rises to the level of obstruction of justice. Justice has NOT been obstructed, Casey will be tried for murder.

If it could be proven that someone purposely deleted a bunch of files off of KC's computer so that LE didn't have access to them (not knowing that they could retrieve them anyway) would you consider that obstruction? Or no?
I'm no lawyer and have no clue just how cut and dried it has to be to be considered obstruction. I'll defer to you much more informed sleuths.
There are several hypothetical criminal charges that have been discussed a million times, even with the actual Florida statutes being cited. It isn't just obstruction of justice, but also aiding and abetting after the fact in a case involving a child (the law was purposefully changed so that close family members could be charged), lying to LE (a crime Casey is charged with) and perjury. They all have different elements, and it makes a difference. I think anything found in Casey's abandoned car smelling of death, every item, is potential evidence - it was a potential crime scene, or part of one, if a body was ever stored in the car. If something was altered or tampered with, cleaned or destroyed, it was, even if Casey was later charged with a crime anyway. That isn't the test, certainly not for every potential charge. It also doesn't excuse any and every activity because a criminal prosecution wasn't totally derailed.
At the end the Dec LE interview with DC he talks about this and in the Dec 18 JH interview with LE he talks about how Cindy would give the tips out and tell them which direction to go in and LE questions why CA kept those tips from LE.

Hoover http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2009-03/45412199.pdf

Dominic Casey http://www.wesh.com/download/2009/0219/18750716.pdf

For more info see the dedicated threads on these 2 interviews.

In the links to the JH interview you posted, I don't see where CA sends them to that spot to look for a dead Caylee. I do see where she keeps giving police tips on live sightings, and Dominic too. Do you think CA received a "tip" about the spot? Dominic says he received a tip, I don't get the feeling it was from CA. And I just don't believe anything Dominic says in his interview!
If it could be proven that someone purposely deleted a bunch of files off of KC's computer so that LE didn't have access to them (not knowing that they could retrieve them anyway) would you consider that obstruction? Or no?
I'm no lawyer and have no clue just how cut and dried it has to be to be considered obstruction. I'll defer to you much more informed sleuths.

I certainly would have questions about files being deleted by someone other than Casey prior to LE confiscating Casey's computer on 7/16, however, according to Tony, the computer was not working when Lee arrived at his apartment that evening.
I certainly would have questions about files being deleted by someone other than Casey prior to LE confiscating Casey's computer on 7/16, however, according to Tony, the computer was not working when Lee arrived at his apartment that evening.

I'm not contradicting anything you posted Chilly. I'm just using your post as a vehicle to throw out this idea.

Having a little bit of knowledge about computers, just because Windows was showing a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death, yes it is an official term) doesn't mean there was no recoverable data on the disk. Actually quite opposite. When data is erased, it's really not erased. Windows just kind of loses the map to where it put the file (deletes the files entry in the allocation table). So the data is still there until it is over written. Windows will usually try and not overwrite data, if it has fresh sectors to write to. To totally cleanse a hard drive you need to use 3rd party utilities like a drive shredder (these utilities work by writing useless data across all sectors of the drive and then deleting all of them and then repeating the process about 3 times).

So, even if LA thought he was being super sneaky and corrupting Windows (like that's hard to do), LE computer forensics experts have utiliities to retrieve the data on the hard drive even if it was erased. I'm sure nothing on that laptop was lost.

Sorry for hijacking your post Chilly....
I'm not contradicting anything you posted Chilly. I'm just using your post as a vehicle to throw out this idea.

Having a little bit of knowledge about computers, just because Windows was showing a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death, yes it is an official term) doesn't mean there was no recoverable data on the disk. Actually quite opposite. When data is erased, it's really not erased. Windows just kind of loses the map to where it put the file (deletes the files entry in the allocation table). So the data is still there until it is over written. Windows will usually try and not overwrite data, if it has fresh sectors to write to. To totally cleanse a hard drive you need to use 3rd party utilities like a drive shredder (these utilities work by writing useless data across all sectors of the drive and then deleting all of them and then repeating the process about 3 times).

So, even if LA thought he was being super sneaky and corrupting Windows (like that's hard to do), LE computer forensics experts have utiliities to retrieve the data on the hard drive even if it was erased. I'm sure nothing on that laptop was lost.

Sorry for hijacking your post Chilly....

Thanks, e, feel free to hijack anytime. It sounds to me like it was Casey who deleted files before Cindy picked her up at Tony's apartment. Something caused the BSOD before Lee arrived and picked up the computer. I don't think it was Lee who tried to be super sneaky, I think it was Casey.
Thanks, e, feel free to hijack anytime. It sounds to me like it was Casey who deleted files before Cindy picked her up at Tony's apartment. Something caused the BSOD before Lee arrived and picked up the computer. I don't think it was Lee who tried to be super sneaky, I think it was Casey.

More than likely. She probably deleted an Operating System file by mistake and locked the computer up. Not that Windows doesn't just lock up on it's own. LOL!
I think it is so bizarre that no obstruction charges have been made yet. You have to think that even LA/CA/GA thought they would be accused of tampering or obstruction by the fact that they all ran and got lawyers.
First, CA touched EVERYTHING! She washed, cleaned, scrubbed anything that was valid evidence in that car. She also played with LE by giving them, not Caylee's brush, like they had asked, but a brush "both Caylee and KC used" Makes you wonder where KC learned her tricks.
LA, on the other hand, makes me wonder. He's worried enough to get a lawyer, which really surprised me. At first I thought he would be brought it for obstruction because when he went to AL's apartment to pick up KC's laptop he said the laptop "crashed" and conveniently everything before 7/16 was lost. I also thought that because he was running his own investigation and telling people what to say to LE, he could get in trouble.
I guess it's just a waiting game. LE have done a fantastic job with this case and I am sure they have a plan already in motion.
I truly hope the family had nothing to do with this. It would hurt to know Caylee's entire family are liars and can't do the right thing by her. The truth will definitely come out!
I think LE is in a wait and see mode right now, they have plenty of time. It was reported a couple of months ago that LE expected C & G to testify against their daughter in the murder trial, it was worded in a way that indicated, LE would trade truthful testimony for letting any charges, they would have filed, fall by the wayside. Now that we have seen Lee's deposition, and LE has too, it is obvious that they may be less than truthful in their daughter's trial...this may change things with the state and their plans to bring charges. I do think there are charges to bring, Cindy qualifies for Obstruction and possibly Accessory after the fact, Lee, we don't know yet, but LE has clearly said they would like to talk to him again, and stated, "he knows what he has done". George, I am not sure about yet.

I think after Casey is convicted, they will have to charge all or some of the remaining Anthony's, to show they will prosecute criminals family members for breaking the law. Otherwise, the law has no meaning.
I think it is so bizarre that no obstruction charges have been made yet. You have to think that even LA/CA/GA thought they would be accused of tampering or obstruction by the fact that they all ran and got lawyers.
First, CA touched EVERYTHING! She washed, cleaned, scrubbed anything that was valid evidence in that car. She also played with LE by giving them, not Caylee's brush, like they had asked, but a brush "both Caylee and KC used" Makes you wonder where KC learned her tricks.
LA, on the other hand, makes me wonder. He's worried enough to get a lawyer, which really surprised me. At first I thought he would be brought it for obstruction because when he went to AL's apartment to pick up KC's laptop he said the laptop "crashed" and conveniently everything before 7/16 was lost. I also thought that because he was running his own investigation and telling people what to say to LE, he could get in trouble.
I guess it's just a waiting game. LE have done a fantastic job with this case and I am sure they have a plan already in motion.
I truly hope the family had nothing to do with this. It would hurt to know Caylee's entire family are liars and can't do the right thing by her. The truth will definitely come out!

I really get the feeling that LE doesn't thing they're worth the bother. I think they view them as mostly annoying. Even with their interference, LE has managed to put a pretty strong case together.
The pants smelled like the car? Everything in the car smelled like decomp, as did the car itself. How did washing those pants in any way impede the investigation? Did it remove all traces of decomp odor from everything? LE did not ask Cindy about the pants. She volunteered the information. They wouldn't even have known about them otherwise. Who destroys evidence and then draws attention to it?

Kealings quote applies to anyone who is a witness in a murder trial - he's saying IF they are not truthful the end result COULD include obstruction of justice charges. In other words, that has not happened yet. It means nothing.

If Casey was wearing the pants when she killed Caylee, there could have been DNA/blood or something that could have sped along the investigation.

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