Found Deceased UT - Dylan Rounds, 19, Lucin, Box Elder Co, May 2022 #2 *Arrest*

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That is why I'm hoping he was kidnapped rather than killed immediately.

The only problem with that idea is there has been no ransom money or anything else demanded by the kidnappers.

Plus, in kidnappings, there is usually 'proof of life' (a video, phonecall etc.) that the person taken hasn't already been killed.

The only problem with that idea is there has been no ransom money or anything else demanded by the kidnappers.

Plus, in kidnappings, there is usually 'proof of life' (a video, phonecall etc.) that the person taken hasn't already been killed.

I meant he was taken.
For some purpose, possibly related to a grudge
I think if IIRC in one of the recent interviews with CC she said something to the effect that when she’d been first informed no one had heard from Dylan, she asked (? I might not have this exactly right) if Don could check on Dylan because she lives about 2 hours away. He and Dylan parted ways employment-wise amicably, mutually agreed upon, so I think she was just reaching out to people nearby who might check on him faster than she could either get there or perhaps still not thinking anything was seriously wrong, just wondered if Don could pop over to see if Dylan was around the farm.

I’m going to say MOO plus some speculation because I didn’t take notes so I’m just stating the gist of what I remember. Someone please correct me if/where I’m wrong.
It was actually the grandma who called Don to do a welfare check on Dylan since he didn't call her back that Saturday. He checked the property including the trailer and shed/farm area, and then from my understanding, checked again accompanied by an individual named Jim.
His mother said in one interview that he put money he earned (working for other farmers) in a bank, so it's unlikely that he had big sums of cash lying around. If the perp(s) didn't know that and money was the motive, they would have ransacked his place while looking for it.
It‘s possible his mom didn’t know he had money stashed. I don’t think DR told his mom everything.

He wasn’t truthful about giving the bloodied man a ride. I still wonder why he even told her about the man. There was something about that whole encounter that made him want to tell his mom. I don’t think he was in the habit of running in to shoeless, bloody people in the desert.

There are a lot of what ifs.
What if Dylan pressure washed the back of his truck because that’s where he let the man ride.

What if the drop of blood on his boot was from the man. After all he did give him a ride.

I do hope LE knows how the man became bloodied and shoeless in the desert. Was that ever mentioned?
There is something “off” about the whole story on giving the shoeless man (CV?) a ride that’s bothering me.
1. The recounting of DR’s story to family made it seem as if this were a random, unknown stranger. Yet, the man has been identified as CV (I was a bit confused on this info so correct me if these are two dif. people) and seems to be known by DR’s acquaintances/friends.
2. Why/how would a barefoot stranger “pop out” (DR words to CC) randomly out where DR was in the desert ? That’s not an easy task so it’s suspicious in itself. Even more so suspicious since it seems that people familiar with DR knew this guy, so perhaps he wasn’t actually random, plus he just “happened” to be headed to where they live and DR was known to frequent. How convenient for many players in this event. Huge “coincidence” and big red flag for why he was out there.
3. CC says the reason DR would lie to her about giving CV the ride was because he knew she would “chew his butt”. This is completely understandable and likely, but then why mention it in the first place? DR allegedly told multiple family members the story. His mom lived 2 hours away and by her own admission didn’t really know or talk to people involved with DR in Lucin/Montello. There’d be no way for her to find out so why even mention it in the first place and have to lie? This makes me wonder if (even subconsciously) DR saw a red flag with this scenario too and mentioned it “in case”.

ETA: as police have not named cv or others in Montello a poi, to remain within tos, I’m trying to make sense of the story and how it fits, not saying they’re directly involved in dr disappearance.
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There is something “off” about the whole story on giving the shoeless man (CV?) a ride that’s bothering me.
1. The recounting of DR’s story to family made it seem as if this were a random, unknown stranger. Yet, the man has been identified as CV (I was a bit confused on this info so correct me if these are two dif. people) and seems to be known by DR’s acquaintances/friends.
2. Why/how would a barefoot stranger “pop out” (DR words to CC) randomly out where DR was in the desert ? That’s not an easy task so it’s suspicious in itself. Even more so suspicious since it seems that people familiar with DR knew this guy, so perhaps he wasn’t actually random, plus he just “happened” to be headed to where they live and DR was known to frequent. How convenient for many players in this event. Huge “coincidence” and big red flag for why he was out there.
3. CC says the reason DR would lie to her about giving CV the ride was because he knew she would “chew his butt”. This is completely understandable and likely, but then why mention it in the first place? DR allegedly told multiple family members the story. His mom lived 2 hours away and by her own admission didn’t really know or talk to people involved with DR in Lucin/Montello. There’d be no way for her to find out so why even mention it in the first place and have to lie? This makes me wonder if (even subconsciously) DR saw a red flag with this scenario too and mentioned it “in case”.

ETA: as police have not named cv or others in Montello a poi, to remain within tos, I’m trying to make since of the story and how it fits, not saying they’re directly involved in dr disappearance.
I think cv was likely known to him and giving him a lift would not have been story material.

It is quite possibly a different man. I don't think CC believes that. She knows more than we do so I'm probably way off track with that one.

Of course I am wondering whether cv and 'other man' are known to each other.

"Those people, who are few and far between in the rural stretch west of the Great Salt Lake, have offered little to investigators, Palmer said, which he said was "surprising and strange."

"We’re not even getting tips," he said. "We’re not getting phone calls."

For me this screams someone knows...(moo)
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"Those people, who are few and far between in the rural stretch west of the Great Salt Lake, have offered little to investigators, Palmer said, which he said was "surprising and strange."

"We’re not even getting tips," he said. "We’re not getting phone calls."

For me this screams someone knows...(moo)
They have nothing at all, could take years, not ruling anybody out...
There is something “off” about the whole story on giving the shoeless man (CV?) a ride that’s bothering me.
1. The recounting of DR’s story to family made it seem as if this were a random, unknown stranger. Yet, the man has been identified as CV (I was a bit confused on this info so correct me if these are two dif. people) and seems to be known by DR’s acquaintances/friends.
2. Why/how would a barefoot stranger “pop out” (DR words to CC) randomly out where DR was in the desert ? That’s not an easy task so it’s suspicious in itself. Even more so suspicious since it seems that people familiar with DR knew this guy, so perhaps he wasn’t actually random, plus he just “happened” to be headed to where they live and DR was known to frequent. How convenient for many players in this event. Huge “coincidence” and big red flag for why he was out there.
3. CC says the reason DR would lie to her about giving CV the ride was because he knew she would “chew his butt”. This is completely understandable and likely, but then why mention it in the first place? DR allegedly told multiple family members the story. His mom lived 2 hours away and by her own admission didn’t really know or talk to people involved with DR in Lucin/Montello. There’d be no way for her to find out so why even mention it in the first place and have to lie? This makes me wonder if (even subconsciously) DR saw a red flag with this scenario too and mentioned it “in case”.

ETA: as police have not named cv or others in Montello a poi, to remain within tos, I’m trying to make sense of the story and how it fits, not saying they’re directly involved in dr disappearance.

I've wondered about this as well. This is an "unusual" incident that happened within a couple of days of Dylan's disappearance. That, in and of itself, makes it of note to me.

I've also questioned the story as to whether or not Dylan did, indeed, offer this guy a ride. Apparently, he outright lied to his mother about doing it. Why, then, as you say, did he mention it at all? The way it's been relayed, it's as if he was freaked out about this guy, enough to call several family members and tell them.

Here's what I initially thought: Perhaps Dylan didn't give him a ride. The eyewitnesses who've said he did either had ulterior motives, or Dylan gave him a ride at a different time -later in the day or something. Was it ever mentioned why this guy would then get a ride out to Dylan's place?

Certainly, it could be as CC suggests, and Dylan just lied about it. The whole thing is odd, though. Very coincidental. He's been out there for three years and has this "run in" or something that caused him to call people and tell them about it, then within two days he disappears. In the three years prior he's never had any other "run ins" like this one? At least, none that anyone's mentioned. Hmmmm....
It was actually the grandma who called Don to do a welfare check on Dylan since he didn't call her back that Saturday. He checked the property including the trailer and shed/farm area, and then from my understanding, checked again accompanied by an individual named Jim.
Thanks so much @GMS. I figured I didn’t have it quite right.
<modsnip - quoted post was removed>

From the Chief Deputy of Box Elder County Sheriff's Office:

"Those people, who are few and far between in the rural stretch west of the Great Salt Lake, have offered little to investigators, Palmer said, which he said was "surprising and strange."

"We’re not even getting tips," he said. "We’re not getting phone calls."

With BECS not having a single clue, I do wonder if DR had an encounter with a holiday weekend traveler that soon after crossed the border, undetected of any wrongdoing? Nonetheless, my instinct still has me leaning toward someone known to DR being responsible for disappearing him. :(
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From the Chief Deputy of Box Elder County Sheriff's Office:

With BECS not having a single clue, I do wonder if DR had an encounter with a holiday weekend traveler that soon after crossed the border, undetected of any wrongdoing? Nonetheless, my instinct still has me leaning toward someone known to DR being responsible for disappearing him. :(
I agree known to him. A person that was familiar with the terrain and Dylan's movements, but a person that no longer lives there and is not part of the existing community though may be known to them from previous visits to the area, possibly season worker who would have frequented the local eateries...
That leaves three years of season workers but probably not very many people?
I wonder who is the biggest employer of season workers in the catchment Dylan frequented?

ETA more than I imagined, mostly drivers but also irrigation workers
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Some random thoughts:
I was born in and spent the first 20 years of my life in SLC. Not only would I recommend looking into any abandoned mines that might be anywhere around the area, but also would keep look out for any possible sink holes or anything like that. Major Reservoirs around the 4 corners states are at all time lows, so land masses will be changing.

The truck was parked, the boots were there, am I correct his pistol is missing with him but his shotgun was on the bed? To me that really feels of him going out at night to check on something, possibly seeing or hearing someone or something on the property. I can see him taking his pistol with him and perhaps having the shotgun where he could get to it if needed, especially if something on the property or something was unsettling him. I can also easily see him just doing a routine check of the property. He seems to be the outdoor type and I can see him spending time sitting outside the trailer at the end of the day also. The boots still don't exactly fit. And it keeps standing out to me that if something happened to him, he would know that his parents would know he only has one pair or boots. I can see that as his way of leaving them a message. And to take that one step further, possibly the boots fully intended to point to a previously shoeless bloodied person he has dealt with earlier. All theory imo, of course. Eta: I find it just extremely bizarre for not one but 2 people to be randomly roaming the desert land without shoes. First the shoeless guy and now apparently DR.

Another thing bothering me is his parents keep insisting he did NOT go out, he worked and that was his life and joy. But it confuses me as to the need for him to stay anywhere else at anyone elses trailer of he never goes anywhere. Am I missing something there?
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Some random thoughts:
I was born in and spent the first 20 years of my life in SLC. Not only would I recommend looking into any abandoned mines that might be anywhere around the area, but also would keep look out for any possible sink holes or anything like that. Major Reservoirs around the 4 corners states are at all time lows, so land masses will be changing.

The truck was parked, the boots were there, am I correct his pistol is missing with him but his shotgun was on the bed? To me that really feels of him going out at night to check on something, possibly seeing or hearing someone or something on the property. I can see him taking his pistol with him and perhaps having the shotgun where he could get to it if needed, especially if something on the property or something was unsettling him. I can also easily see him just doing a routine check of the property. He seems to be the outdoor type and I can see him spending time sitting outside the trailer at the end of the day also. The boots still don't exactly fit. And it keeps standing out to me that if something happened to him, he would know that his parents would know he only has one pair or boots. I can see that as his way of leaving them a message. And to take that one step further, possibly the boots fully intended to point to a previously shoeless bloodied person he has dealt with earlier. All theory imo, of course.

Another thing bothering me is his parents keep insisting he did NOT go out, he worked and that was his life and joy. But it confuses me as to the need for him to stay anywhere else at anyone elses trailer of he never goes anywhere. Am I missing something there?
I believe that the pickup truck was parked near his camper/trailer, the shotgun was located on the bed at his greandparents’ house, and the boots were near the shed/barn where the grain truck was stored.
In this interview with the parents, DR’s dad said his boots were found “by an old junk hole, where they burn trash and stuff.”

I hope they sifted through that burn pile.

If the small town my grandmother lived in is similar--it was Montana, so might not be--there would only be a couple of reasons they wouldn't talk to police about a murder.

One would be that they thought the victim deserved what happened, or that the murderer for whatever reason didn't deserve to be punished for it, or both. There was an incident of this in Grandma's town when somebody fatally beat up on a guy who was rumored to have raped a number of girls.

Another would be that they're more afraid of the person who committed the crime than they are of the police, as for instance gang violence.

I can't see how either of these situations would apply to Lucin and DR, though.

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