UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #3

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I apologize if this has been discussed...I just cant believe this:

Joe Stacy was an oil-rig worker who expected a sum of money from a 2008 accident. He offered to share the settlement with Sloop, who insisted on full custody of the boy if the father didn't collect the money, but the judge ruled that condition was unenforceable.

This is BLACKMAIL!!! This woman was willing to sell her full custody of Ethan for her share of the money??? I am absolutely furious!! She never gave a DAMN about that precious boy!!!!


Absolutely. This infuriated me so, so much. I was about ready to jump on the "Reply" button until I read your post here. You said it, suzyq211. Blatant extortion. And I do mean BLATANT. Pretty shameless. "Only IF you get the settlement money, I'll share our son (only because I know he's valuable to you and I can get something out of it). If you don't get the money, you don't get your son, because then you can't offer ME anything."

Where in the world did SS learn to be so selfish and manipulative????
By May 8, I don't think Ethan would have been able to smear feces on the walls. I doubt Ethan was even conscious by this point. What do you guys in the medical field think?
I dont post very often. This so reminds me of our little Shanyia who was taken from a family that loved her dearly
I dont understand how these moms aka monsters can just stand by and take part in the murders of their flesh and blood.

This just makes my stomach sick!!!!
My heart is so broken!! I must step away for a while! Thank God little Ethan is at peace in God's loving arms and his nightmare is over!!
NS and SS-your nightmare is just beginning!!! :furious::furious::furious:

Absolutely. This infuriated me so, so much. I was about ready to jump on the "Reply" button until I read your post here. You said it, suzyq211. Blatant extortion. And I do mean BLATANT. Pretty shameless. "Only IF you get the settlement money, I'll share our son (only because I know he's valuable to you and I can get something out of it). If you don't get the money, you don't get your son, because then you can't offer ME anything."

Where in the world did SS learn to be so selfish and manipulative????[/QUOTE]

Still trying to figure that one out. I really do think NS has Narsisstic tendencies (could be wrong, I know someone like this)

A person with narcissistic personality disorder:

Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
Has feelings of self-importance
Exaggerates achievements and talents
Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
Requires constant attention and admiration
Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
Has obsessive self-interest
Pursues mainly selfish goals

By May 8, I don't think Ethan would have been able to smear feces on the walls. I doubt Ethan was even conscious by this point. What do you guys in the medical field think?

It also says on Saturday May 8, 2010 that Ethan was lethargic and had non-responsive behavior. You are right I do not think he did the smearing of the feces. I am not medical but in my opinion no he didn't do it.


This poor poor little boy. I can only hope that there is a heaven that takes all of these horrible, indescribable events away from his innocent soul. I don't know what kind of monster could do these things to one so young and innocent.

Ethan, I am so, so sorry this happened to you. I would do anything if I could take it all away.
I've followed many cases on WS but none, even the most gruesome I have read, has affected me the way Ethan's has.

I do not know him, never met him, don't know his family, live nowhere near any of them--but I have great love for this adorable innocent child. No child deserves what was meted out to him. He deserved love and care, and he got rejection, hurt, and pain. He was harmed and murdered by an evil and self-absorbed mother and stepfather (I don't care what anyone says, he was murdered by his mother). He suffered and Stephanie Sloop failed to come to his aid or get in touch with LE. She was just too busy being "in love" with Nathan. How anyone can continue to "love" someone who would cruelly injure their own flesh and blood is beyond me.

I am not a person of violence, or violent thought. I want good for all people. But in this case, in this disgusting case, I want NS and SS to suffer. I want them to be humiliated. I want them to feel pain. I want them to receive in return all that they dished out to little Ethan. I'm sorry, but I do.

Ethan, you suffered so, but rest now in Heaven and enjoy a warm and happy life among the angels and all the beauty of that place. May your terrible remembrances of your last days on Earth be gone forever. You deserved so much more, baby.

My prayers are with his father and the rest of the family that loved him.
Davis Co. Attorney says he will seek the "maximum penalty allowed by law for the crimes we can prove."

Evidence being used to decide charges is autopsy, witness statements, interviews, bank records, cell phone pics, etc.

It sounds to me as though the DA might be saying that they do not feel they can prove first-degree murder against the mother...but this is just a guess...but at least accessory I would think...among the other charges.
Davis Co. Attorney says he will seek the "maximum penalty allowed by law for the crimes we can prove."

Evidence being used to decide charges is autopsy, witness statements, interviews, bank records, cell phone pics, etc.


Considering that they have confessions, tons of evidence, AND the body, there ought to be no limit to what he charges them with.

I'm eagerly awaiting the hearing tomorrow. I hope we get a leak before then to tell us what the formal charges will be.
Considering that they have confessions, tons of evidence, AND the body, there ought to be no limit to what he charges them with.

I'm eagerly awaiting the hearing tomorrow. I hope we get a leak before then to tell us what the formal charges will be.

Do you know what time the hearing is, puf?
"In Remembrance of Ethan Stacy"​


There is no punishment under United States law, or anything in this universe for that matter, that could be adequate.
I've followed many cases on WS but none, even the most gruesome I have read, has affected me the way Ethan's has.

I do not know him, never met him, don't know his family, live nowhere near any of them--but I have great love for this adorable innocent child. No child deserves what was meted out to him. He deserved love and care, and he got rejection, hurt, and pain. He was harmed and murdered by an evil and self-absorbed mother and stepfather (I don't care what anyone says, he was murdered by his mother). He suffered and Stacie Sloop failed to come to his aid or get in touch with LE. She was just too busy being "in love" with Nathan. How anyone can continue to "love" someone who would cruelly injure their own flesh and blood is beyond me.

I am not a person of violence, or violent thought. I want good for all people. But in this case, in this disgusting case, I want NS and SS to suffer. I want them to be humiliated. I want them to feel pain. I want them to receive in return all that they dished out to little Ethan. I'm sorry, but I do.

Ethan, you suffered so, but rest now in Heaven and enjoy a warm and happy life among the angels and all the beauty of that place. May your terrible remembrances of your last days on Earth be gone forever. You deserved so much more, baby.

My prayers are with his father and the rest of the family that loved him.

Thank you for saying it so well, truthsleuth. I've been asking myself why this case has hit me so much harder than others. We see such horrific abuse reported here all the time, and they all break my heart, but since I started following this case, I have had an aching, lead weight in my stomach and eyes I cannot keep dry. :cry:

I think part of it is knowing that this child was ripped away from the safe and secure life with his daddy and thrust into several days of sheer hell. The fear he must have known over that time is unbearable to contemplate, and he had to endure it with his own mother standing right there, refusing to help him and enabling his torturer.

The other thing that I think hits me hard is fear that this :censored: will never pay for her crimes against her son. Especially after watching a biased jury today all but excuse Vanessa Coleman for the same enabling in the Christian-Newsom murder trial; I have no faith left in the justice system to protect innocents and mete out justice to barbarians.

Add to that the pain of Ethan's poor father, after such blind court decisions, and I despair over the state of what passes for justice and humanity today. :no:
It pains me so much is reading that Ethan told his dad he didn't want to go. :(

"I did not want him to go, and he didn't want to go at all. He kept telling me he didn't want to go," Stacy said. "I didn't have any choice, I had to send him. The type of person she was, had I kept him and didn't send him out there, she would have turned around and filed contempt of court charges against me."
Florida judge 'sorry for loss' of Ethan Stacy, says arguments never heard in open court
Updated: 05/13/2010 01:42:55 PM MDT

A Florida judge who oversaw the divorce proceedings between Joe and Stephanie Stacy -- including the custody rights involving their 4-year-old son, Ethan -- says she never heard arguments that the child would be in danger with his mother.


In divorce papers filed last year, Ethan Stacy's father outlined his fears about leaving the 4-year-old boy with his mother.

"The mother has abandoned the child and I'm afraid the mother will come and take him and I'll never see him again," Joe Stacy wrote in an emergency petition for temporary custody of Ethan, calling her "unstable."


This reminds me so much of Logan McQueary begging LE and the courts for help to protect his baby, Gabriel Johnson, from Gabe's mother, Elizabeth Johnson. LE and the courts didn't respond, and on December 9, Elizabeth gave Gabe away, then on Dec 18, went and got him and ran away with him. Logan hasn't seen Gabe since December 8, when LE forced him to turn over Gabe to Elizabeth. Gabe hasn't been seen since December 26. It's unknown if Elizabeth gave Gabe away or killed him.
I dont post very often. This so reminds me of our little Shanyia who was taken from a family that loved her dearly
I dont understand how these moms aka monsters can just stand by and take part in the murders of their flesh and blood.

This just makes my stomach sick!!!!

Yes...the last time I cried like this was Shaniya....The idea of these babies leaving a loving safe home to live with these who abuse and kill them...God, I cant stand it!
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