UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #5

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Still, Stephanie Stacy had another side. She could be vindictive when she felt wronged and always want more money, and was a "compulsive liar." Stephanie Sloop told her she planned on keeping Ethan "for good" after taking him back to Utah.

I did find this....

"The state has abolished the insanity defense, but guilty but mentally ill verdicts are allowed."

My guess... both of them will be found guilty but mentally ill...

I disagree. They locked him in a room and left to get married, knowing that if anyone had seen Ethan they'd be arrested for his abuse. They refused to allow his father to talk to him. They took extraordinary steps to hide and mutilate his body so that, if found, he couldn't be identified. They waited nearly two days at least to report him "missing", in a plot they concocted to deceive police. NS called Joe claiming Ethan had wandered off. SS attempted to inject an innocent man into the crime, accusing him of helping bury Ethan. They carried on with their life (updating knot and FB pages, shopping, getting married, visiting with family, fixing the playstation, etc.) during this time.

IMO, that is more than enough proof they were functioning with full mental capacity, fully cognizant of their actions and the consequences of those actions.
will we ever know what Ethan did that was so terrible that he had to be disciplined lkie that? What was it....something had to have happened..although I am sure it was nothing that warranted ANY TYPE of discipline. This guy was looking for a reason to beat this child..IMO. So, what did Ethan do? Spill his drink?...not say yes sir yea maam? I want to know...

The interview that NS mom gave about him taking up for the underdog because he was one makes me ill. This is not an underdog. He is a bully and an abuser...it was a matter of time before NS killed someone..MOO

I'm sorry... I don't call that discipline.. I call it abuse!
IMO discipline is a time out!
I agree with most of what you said except that she was proving her love despite what he'd done. Because I think she was a full-on 100% participant in the torture and murder of this precious child.

ITA Calliope. I really think she may have instigated it.

I also want to comment on Nathan's phone calls versus his written words. My ex is one of the most intelligent, well read, and articulate people I know when he is not angry. P*ss him off and he sputter's and spits and every other word if the F-word or worse. He has even made up some choice words in a fit of anger. When I read what Nathan wrote and then read the transcriptions of what he said it in his phone calls it fit with everything else we know about him. He is a sociopath.
will we ever know what Ethan did that was so terrible that he had to be disciplined lkie that? What was it....something had to have happened..although I am sure it was nothing that warranted ANY TYPE of discipline. This guy was looking for a reason to beat this child..IMO. So, what did Ethan do? Spill his drink?...not say yes sir yea maam? I want to know...

The interview that NS mom gave about him taking up for the underdog because he was one makes me ill. This is not an underdog. He is a bully and an abuser...it was a matter of time before NS killed someone..MOO

I believe NS and SS would have done this regardless of anything little Ethan did, that they really didn't need an 'excuse'.

But IMO, I think Ethan cried for his daddy, told them he missed his daddy and wanted to go back home. IMO, that was his "crime". :furious:
I disagree. They locked him in a room and left to get married, knowing that if anyone had seen Ethan they'd be arrested for his abuse. They refused to allow his father to talk to him. They took extraordinary steps to hide and mutilate his body so that, if found, he couldn't be identified. They waited nearly two days at least to report him "missing", in a plot they concocted to deceive police. NS called Joe claiming Ethan had wandered off. SS attempted to inject an innocent man into the crime, accusing him of helping bury Ethan. They carried on with their life (updating knot and FB pages, shopping, getting married, visiting with family, fixing the playstation, etc.) during this time.

IMO, that is more than enough proof they were in functioning with full mental capacity, fully cognizant of their actions and the consequences of those actions.

I agree that they did those things….
I don't agree that they should be found guilty by reason of mental illness...
but IMO IF all the stories that are coming out are true.... especially in the one
where it states that he was diagnosed with multiple personalities…. then I
think they do have a good chance of being found guilty but mentally ill.

That is my fear….

Perhaps she became enraged because Ethan kept asking for his Dad. Felt if she could not have him the Dad wasn't going to have him either. jmo

I think she may have thought she was gonna keep Ethan once he got to Utah. I don't think that was ever prt of nathan's plan tho. He wanted her all to himself. He wasn't going to share her with ANYONE including her own son! Especially since he was not allowed contact with his child... MOO
I agree that they did those things….
I don't agree that they should be found guilty by reason of mental illness...
but IMO IF all the stories that are coming out are true.... especially in the one
where it states that he was diagnosed with multiple personalities…. then I
think they do have a good chance of being found guilty but mentally ill.

That is my fear….

I think it was suzy who posted above that NS denied the "multiple personalities" (just OCD).
I think it was suzy who posted above that NS denied the "multiple personalities" (just OCD).

In the PO that his ex took out against him it stated that he was diagnosed with "multilpe personalities".
If he was diagnosed then it won't matter if he denied it or not.
In the PO that his ex took out against him it stated that he was diagnosed with "multilpe personalities".
If he was diagnosed then it won't matter if he denied it or not.

It also stated he was on medication for it... so if he was indeed medicated for MPD then he prob. was diagnosed with it... IMO
What medications are used to tread DID? Do they also have other indications for use?

I don't believe it until I see a statement from an unbiased psychiatrist who through thorough evaluation and observation gives us a diagnosis of DID.
In the PO that his ex took out against him it stated that he was diagnosed with "multilpe personalities".
If he was diagnosed then it won't matter if he denied it or not.

Even if he were to claim he was under the control of an alternate personality, it's still clear he understood that he and SS had done was criminal and what the possible consequences would be both of Ethan being seen after being beaten and him being found after death.

I say let him try this for a defense. Mr. Rawlings & Co. will tear him to shreds.
What medications are used to tread DID? Do they also have other indications for use?

I don't believe it until I see a statement from an unbiased psychiatrist who through thorough evaluation and observation gives us a diagnosis of DID.

Well I just did a lil research and it looks to me like there is NO medication available to treat MPD/DID only psychotherapy. Medication is only used when there is a "comorbid disorder" which means an additional diagnosis like depression for instance that is found to be present also.

Did that make sense?
I just do not feel that NS has clinically diagnosed multiple personality disorder. I may be wrong, maybe some medical information will come out eventually. IMO he AND SS are sociopaths. They both share equal responsibility for the death of this precious child.
Well, remember, I believe that SS said in her wedding page that, "you can always have another child". IMO Ethan was expendable to them. He was in the way of their obsessive love pact.
NS required unbridled attention and complete control - little Ethan wanted his Daddy. Therefore, NS was compelled to beat that child to have his control.
Unfortunately, poor Ethan's little body could not take it.
Nope. Not multiple personality disorder. Cruel, heartless fatal abuse from a monster.:furious:
What medications are used to tread DID? Do they also have other indications for use?

I don't believe it until I see a statement from an unbiased psychiatrist who through thorough evaluation and observation gives us a diagnosis of DID.

I agree.
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