UT - Family of 8 found dead in home by gunshot in Enoch, Jan 2023

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I appreciate that you are trying to be understanding...but I don't care what religion you are in. You DON'T have a right to be praised after murdering your children. If they are praising him then they are part of the problem.
I agree entirely. I was explaining the distorted perspective of a grieving family, not defending or justifying what they've said. In my personal opinion, the sites hosting obituaries should be as scrutinizing over the obits they are willing to publicize as they are of the "condolence" comments they filter - if an obituary of a murderer is hosted, they should be prepared to allow very explicit discourse to allow the community to demonstrate to those who wrote the obituary just how harmful their words are. If the host site is not willing to allow that discourse, they should not host boastful obituaries for those who have done things as hideous as slaughtering a family. I understand exactly where the minds of the family are right now because I watched families all around me excuse terrible things my entire childhood in an effort to reconcile the facts with their faith, and I know that they are suffering despite their twisted viewpoint. They are contributing to disinformation and that needs to be criticized and challenged. I only made that comment because these are human beings who have been conditioned from birth to behave exactly this way, it isn't something they are really "choosing". (editing to clarify very directly here that I am talking about the behavior or white-washing and sugar-coating and defending the "eternal family" even in the face of extreme circumstances like this being something that many members are conditioned to do. I am NOT in any way saying that the LDS church conditions anyone to be violent, abusive, or murderous)
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I’m usually the one to say “there’s not necessarily anything strange or nefarious about X.” But the fundraiser is odd IMO, and not because of the photo. Organizers say “the money would go toward funeral expenses, legal fees and a memorial fund.” Funeral expenses is fine; they’re pricey and most people don’t carry that kind of insurance for kids. There are some legal fees but nothing that will approach even a fraction of the 150k goal. But a memorial fund? That’s fine, but typically survivors take some time to think about the purpose/scope of a memorial fund before soliciting donations. (Given the “don’t make this political but also this is political” statements, I have an idea about the potential purpose of any future memorial fund).

I’m usually the one to say “there’s not necessarily anything strange or nefarious about X.” But the fundraiser is odd IMO, and not because of the photo. Organizers say “the money would go toward funeral expenses, legal fees and a memorial fund.” Funeral expenses is fine; they’re pricey and most people don’t carry that kind of insurance for kids. There are some legal fees but nothing that will approach even a fraction of the 150k goal. But a memorial fund? That’s fine, but typically survivors take some time to think about the purpose/scope of a memorial fund before soliciting donations. (Given the “don’t make this political but also this is political” statements, I have an idea about the potential purpose of any future memorial fund).

The fundraiser looks like it was started by the deceased grandmother's other children, and extended family.

(Not his relatives)

  • Relatives posted a glowing tribute to the Utah father who killed his five kids, wife, and mother-in-law before killing himself
THIS .... is the strangest obit I've ever read, considering the circumstances.
Michael is mentioned more than once, and in an admiring fashion.
I get it that people grieve in their own way, however this feels disrespectful to the innocent lives cruelly taken too soon.
The murderers' name is mentioned ten times !

Just my own opinion.
this link also has interesting commentary further down. it is what i had speculated to biegin with.
I understand what you're saying.

I am literally from the culture these people are from.

What he did was monstrous. And acting like it wasn't, or that it somehow doesn't count because of the belief structure surrounding forgiveness and atonement in the afterlife, is a big, big problem that the LDS community as a whole needs to face. Because if this annihilator believes he gets his Celestial Kingdom trappings because he was still married and sealed to her when he killed her and the children, he's in for another think, because someone who did what he did is going to Outer Darkness. His abuse of his family is an excommunicable offense, and you can bet your boots that God will treat him accordingly. And unless more abusers start believing in consequences that carry on after death, things like this are going to keep happening.
oh im willing to bet thats exactly what he believed.....
Here's a commentary from a funeral director who herself has been a peripheral victim of family violence. tl : dw - She believes that the hagiographic obituary was done by his family because they are in shock themselves, and want to remember the person they birthed, raised, and loved.

bolding mine.
That is my hope as well !
I wish I had your optimism, if optimism is the right word for the least awful of a spectrum of awful options. I find it difficult to believe everyone slept through all the gunshots, if they were asleep at all. It's not that big a house and firearms are loud, especially in enclosed spaces.
Also my thoughts are with the first responders, and LE who had to view the crime scene.
When there are children involved the brutality is magnified tremendously.
They might literally need professional counseling after that !
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An iPhone was also located next to Michael Haight’s body. Those electronic devices were sent to the Utah Tech Digital Forensics Lab for analysis.

According to a newly unsealed search warrant affidavit, police researching Michael Haight’s Google search history on his phone found searches that included:

“How loud is a 9mm?”
“How loud is a 40mm?”
“Can you hear a gunshot in a house?”
“Can neighbors hear gunshots?”

An iPhone was also located next to Michael Haight’s body. Those electronic devices were sent to the Utah Tech Digital Forensics Lab for analysis.

According to a newly unsealed search warrant affidavit, police researching Michael Haight’s Google search history on his phone found searches that included:

“How loud is a 9mm?”
“How loud is a 40mm?”
“Can you hear a gunshot in a house?”

“Can neighbors hear gunshots?”
Bolding mine.

Just the way he talked to his wife :
Macie Haight also told the officer her dad frequently yelled and often belittled his wife in front of the kids, calling Tausha Haight "stupid" and "lazy."

Disrespectful and emotionally brutal.

From the above link :
He grabbed his daughter Macie by the throat.

In an interview with police, Macie Haight, then 14, told an officer her father had been physically and emotionally assaultive toward her multiple times over recent years, describing three separate incidents in which she said her father physically grabbed her, choked her, or shook her.

There were many warning signs !
I wish Tausha, her mother, and the children could have escaped.
But it sounds like he was controlling their every move ?

Rest in gentle peace to his victims.

An iPhone was also located next to Michael Haight’s body. Those electronic devices were sent to the Utah Tech Digital Forensics Lab for analysis.

According to a newly unsealed search warrant affidavit, police researching Michael Haight’s Google search history on his phone found searches that included:

“How loud is a 9mm?”
“How loud is a 40mm?”
“Can you hear a gunshot in a house?”
“Can neighbors hear gunshots?”
Sounds like almost all the devices were gathered in one area of the home, too. Makes it much harder to call for help, even if you get a moment's warning what happening.

Sounds like he'd been planning this at least since the divorce filing. What a despicable, selfish excuse for a human being.
I bet he was searching their devices, and found out that Macie was telling people about him. Bet this isn't all they found out, either.
What if .... Tausha had been keeping a journal hidden inside a folder tab, in one of her electronic devices, documenting things, and since she'd filed for divorce, she was going to use it as evidence of his behavior ?
What we know of that he did do, according to his daughter was bad enough !
What if there was more ?
And he found out ?
Sometimes people fearing discovery, forward things via email to relatives as well.
What if .... Tausha had been keeping a journal hidden inside a folder tab, in one of her electronic devices, documenting things, and since she'd filed for divorce, she was going to use it as evidence of his behavior ?
What we know of that he did do, according to his daughter was bad enough !
What if there was more ?
And he found out ?
Sometimes people fearing discovery, forward things via email to relatives as well.
I'd be interested in what her divorce lawyer had on file, but I seriously doubt that will ever be made public.

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