UT UT - Macin Smith, 17, St George, 1 Sept 2015

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Hey guys. This article is all old news from the investigation and warrants years ago just becoming public. Just a FYI. And Tracey indeed did check with detectives often, we verified this with emails and texts in her iCloud account as this was released. I don’t personally see why Tracey and Darrin should have to relive this part of their son missing. They gladly welcomed this avenue immediately upon his disappearance because it meant they could eliminate them and move on to locating Macin. Important to note the article is in the past tense. All avenues are still open, but there was and is no evidence pointing to the parents. I could go on and on and on about this if needed.
Thanks for the info. However, as I said from my very first post, the parents have not told all they know, and they also had ongoing issues keeping their story straight. I saw that early on in my research of this case . So, in a criminal investigation, the persons closest to the 'victim' are looked at first, and then released or in other words, removed from a suspect list, and then the investigators move on. Police departments have far too many cases and far too few staff and resources to waste time going down a rabbit hole unless there is something pretty concrete inclining them to do so. And Utah does seems to always have an abundance of missing kids anyway which only adds to their case loads. The fact that the police did over a dozen investigations/warrants on Tracy and Darrin, and spanning a few years, clearly indicates that the parents story is not so iron clad and lacks in credibility, and perhaps the investigators actually have more info on them than has been released to the public yet. Of course, hard to prove a crime with no body or witness...

Do I think the parents had something to do with the death of Macin? Absolutely NOT. Because as I have always stated, I have every reason to believe Macin is still alive. But the parents are, and have been hiding important facts in the investigation and have been doing so from the start.

Some people seem to be getting hung up on the statement that the parents "were not present during some initial searches." This is a red herring. I actually believe the parents when they said they were advised to stay away during those searches. I mean, if it were me and my missing family member, no one could make me stay away for even a minute. But many parents/family react to these tragic and hectic situations in different ways I suppose. Unlike some people, I do not hold that against them whether they stayed away or not, and certainly there is nothing criminal in their decision to stay away, if in fact they did not attend some of the searches. But again, that is a moot point-a deflection from the real issues. There are far more important items that 'smell funny'. There are many of those in fact. A few are below:

The locked door: In the initial days of the incident, parents said they (both) had to break into Macin's room (late in the day he vanished) because it was locked and Macin never locked his door. Jump forward, in later interviews, the dad said he entered Macin's room to get the cord so he could view what Macin was watching the night before. There was no mention then of breaking the lock to get in, or that mom was present at the time. And he stated he did that either right before or right after he went to the gym that Monday morning (said he could not remember) So which is it; late in the evening with Tracy or Monday morning before or after the gym?

The gym visit timestamp: In the early days/weeks interviews, the story told over and over again was dad knocked on Macin's door at 7 a.m. to be sure he was up for school. Then both the mom and dad stated independently as well as when together, that they heard Macin in the kitchen and then heard [him leave] the garage door open and close at about 7:40 a.m. Then they both stated they went back to sleep, never seeing Macin that day at all. Now that strikes me as odd seeing that Macin had a rather bad evening getting his computer etal. taken away and clearly was upset and with a history of depression (according to the parents). I would think most parents would have gotten up in the morning with a little face-to-face to be certain Macin was ok in mindset from all the computer being taken away thing the night before. (But I digress).

Weeks/months later the pesky little dad's gym membership time stamp surfaces. On that Monday, September 1, dad used the gym membership card at 7:45 am, and the gym is 10-15 minutes away from their home. Wait a minute......Initial interviews, both Darrin and Tracy stated they went back to bed for a while after they heard the garage door close. And then in the future interview, that's when the dad also talked about getting the cord out of his Macin's room where he stated he looked at Macin's computer either (he could not remember) before or after he went to the gym. And if the Macin's door was indeed locked (as stated in the initial interviews), and if that was a first or rare occurrence on Macin never locking his door, one would think that should have been a sort of red flag to the dad that something was "amiss" with Macin. But nah, I'll just go to the gym... So clearly the timeline of the "hearing Macin leave at 7:40a.m." and the gym timestamp at 7:45 a.m. does not all add up, and that's a biggie.

Darrin's polygraph. Both parents seem to hang their hat on the statement that "Darrin passed his polygraph". Well, that statement came from his wife Tracy. You see, we are told that when Tracy went for her polygraph (same place), she told Darrin that she asked and they at the polygraph facility, according to Tracy, told her "Darrin had passed his polygraph". And Tracy relayed this to Darrin (and the press). Interesting that the polygraph firm would share the results with Tracy and not the person being polygraphed in the first place. But more importantly, the police NEVER released the results of Darrin's Polygraph and stated they were not going to because, "it's an ongoing investigation". To my knowledge, the Police have, to date, never released Darrin's polygraph results. So the statement being tossed around of Darrin passing his test was from an 'invested third party'-the wife Tracy, and not by the police investigators.

I could go on and on with a number of other about-face declarations of the parents that changed over time but anyone interested can check all this out for themselves-the info is out there, you just have to dig for it. Some of my earlier posts here have my 'speculations' of what happened with Macin, and also why I am pretty certain he is still alive and enjoying his new life.

Once again, thanks allowing me to share.
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Just thought I would share this here for anyone still following. This link is Macin’s uncle, speaking on his talk show, on KSL. Good first hand information. Thanks to everyone who has ever done anything for Macin. I have his hard drive, have his note, and his parents have been nothing but transparent with everyone around locally and far away. Tracey is still active with everything going on, and we do things weekly all the time! It’s just more off the radar due to some really bad recent experiences we have had to deal with recently. Thanks again for keeping your eyes open. Nothing but gratitude!
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You must be a close relative of Macin's if you have his hard drive and his note. Would you consider becoming a Verified Insider? Will the contents of the note ever be shared?

I’m not sure what that title/ process entails, would you be so kind to message me with more info? There are no plans to release the note, out of respect for Macin. IF he’s out there, I hope he can take solace that some of his things are untouched and intact. So much of his life is now public, which is tough for a private family. I don’t think many people would want their deepest feelings out there for thousands to see. It does not contain any hints as to his whereabouts
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Did you quote this or were you saying YOU have the hard drive & quote? Sorry if I’m getting it mixed up.
Why is it stated in the uncle's statement that the note discusses the argument from the night before. Both parents state that there was no argument. Mom clearly stated that on the Disappearance episode.
Why is it stated in the uncle's statement that the note discusses the argument from the night before. Both parents state that there was no argument. Mom clearly stated that on the Disappearance episode.

I was wondering about that too. I’m wondering if a big reason the note hasn’t been released is because it’s incriminating on the parents behalf? Just speculation. I think it’s odd that nothing has really been said about it even tho it’s a big clue.
I have followed this thread off and on, and don’t have the particulars straight as most of you do. That said, I have a distinct impression, and of course it’s just speculation.

Could it be that the parents wanted Macin to be something he couldn’t sign up for, or the reverse...that he is someone that they couldn’t approve of?

He should be a legal adult now, or soon, and can make his own decisions legally. Perhaps being of legal age will precipitate him resurfacing, if he is able to do so.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I have followed this thread off and on, and don’t have the particulars straight as most of you do. That said, I have a distinct impression, and of course it’s just speculation.

Could it be that the parents wanted Macin to be something he couldn’t sign up for, or the reverse...that he is someone that they couldn’t approve of?

He should be a legal adult now, or soon, and make his own decisions legally. Perhaps being of legal age will precipitate him resurfacing, if he is able to do so.

Amateur opinion and speculation

This has been my theory since I first learned of Macin's case, @rosesfromangels . I hope he is safe somewhere, living his own truth in his own way, and that the past four years have been a time of self-discovery and personal growth for him resulting in some stability, and with it all greater confidence and peace of mind. But I worry about any runaway underage teen, as Macin was at the time of his vanishing – particularly one who leaves abruptly, with recent family clashes exacerbating the self-questioning and isolation from others he already was reported to be feeling. Did he possess the resources, or the maturity, to plan ahead or fashion a safe landing for himself somewhere? I don't get that sense at all.

I hope, if making an independent life for himself was Macin's goal, that he didn't succumb to accidental injury, or exploitation or other foul play. Mostly I hope that he has been able to resolve some of his inner conflicts, and as an adult he will be able to offer some clear signal that he is safe to those who are most concerned with his disappearance, even if he does not want direct personal contact. Barring that, if you and I are both holding out for the impossible, I hope some definitive evidence will be located soon so his family's and community's continuing pain and confusion over his disappearance can conclude, and they will at last be able to allow themselves to grieve. I can only imagine the toll it's taken on them to be suspended between hope and dread for four long years, trying to put all their efforts into rescueing him, while also feeling crippling doubts about his fate, and probably more than a little hurt over the exposure of their home life, and personal problems, and their son's profound unhappiness.
Third Party Statistics - National Runaway Safeline | National Runaway Safeline

The above link provides some interesting statistics on runaways. It covers the category of my speculation as well, which is that Macin left to find an inclusive community where he could just be who he is. At least I certainly hope so, as the alternatives are grim.

Macin dear, if you ever find your way to this page, just know it's ok to let your family know you are alive, even after all the time that has gone by. You are legal age now (or soon to be), and you can choose your own path. It might seem hard to "unwind" things, and you might just prefer to leave things as they are. However, it would be the right thing to let your family know you are okay, regardless of what they said or did in the past that might have upset you. It's the right thing to do.

My prayer is that Macin has found his way, and is living a life of his choosing. Surrounding him with blessings and prayers for happiness.
In situations such as this, we have many unhappy endings. Let's pray that Macin has beat the odds and is doing just fine, living life on his own terms.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Apologies if this has already been discussed
Las Vegas is less than 2 hours from St. George, and Macin could easily disappear there and jobs are aplenty. He could easily find work as a barker, or similar without any ID required. It would have been very easy for him to disappear in that morass of humanity.

Or, San Francisco and Berkeley the youth mecca, are only ten hours away. Either destination seems like one a disenfranchised (if he was) youth might head out to.

At this point, Macin will be a legal adult (or will be soon), and it's entirely up to him to let his family know his whereabouts and confirm his well being.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I have followed this for some time and just never posted. And I am 18 years old so this is from the point of an 18 year old. And first I want to say I think Macin is alive and well. And second, I do not believe the parents had anything to do (directly) with the day of his disappearance. And third, it really doesn’t matter WHY he ran away-he’s gone. That said, I have been comparing things said by people involved and the data has not been consistent in what was said over time -some of the elements simply do not add up. Of course, any and all of this is speculation anyway because the parents have not provided all of the facts. And I mean no disrespect to the parents, but I do not think they are telling the full truth on the situation leading up to him leaving and in reality things were much different or even more intense.

First off, no one in the public knows all the facts. Few people would likely tell all the negative stuff about their family dynamic to strangers anyway. I imagine most parents would try to put a somewhat positive spin on the family life with things like, “We never fought”, “ or “Dad and son never argued” and such. This is natural because every parent “wants” to think and have others believe they were good parents and doing the best they could with their children upbringing. Problem here I think, Is that the parents (mother) never really heard or acted on what her son was telling her all along and dad simply did not want to hear or lacked compassion. The mother (who is some sort of a clinical or therapy worker), stated Macin was special and has been depressed for a very long time, yet she never talked about any help or ongoing professional help offered to her son. Maybe there was, just not mentioned much or at all. It’s sort of like they buried their heads in the sand, as Macin became more and more isolated and internalizing his thoughts (and plans).

Mom seemed more patient or lenient with her special son. Dad, who strikes me as a “my way or the highway type person, was away more than he was around apparently, and when he came back to live in the household (like three or so days before), had it in his mind that he was going to make “a man out of his son”. I could image things like, "Stop wasting time playing games"; "Get a job"; "Get out and meet people so you don’t look so weird" (to us and the church), and, “You will learn to drive NOW whether you want to or not because I say so". And Heaven forbid, if they knew by “chance” Macin was gay. (There are supposed centers affiliated with their church that claim they can “fix” gay or *advertiser censored* addicted people; send your kid to us and when we’re done with him, he’ll be good as new.” And I have heard stories because I have relatives that belong to the same church organization-as well as live in SLC). If there is any truth to what I said above, wow, I would bolt too I think.

I suspect all things with the dad were mandates rather than discussions when it came to Macin. So if that were the case or something similar, all of that was way out of Macin’s comfort zone. I doubt that the day of his vanishing was the “first time” Macin ever locked his door. That just makes no sense, especially with a strong-minded dad that obviously demanded total control. And in my opinion, going into Macin’s room (or breaking down the door lock) that night, and taking away the only connection Macin really had with the “world” would be nothing short of cruel considering the situation of Macin. I am not trying to project that they were bad parents, nothing of the sort. I think they were very dysfunctional parents and truly they thought they had good intent and maybe even did try their “best”. Macin no doubt, likely felt differently.

It’s impossible to know what happened the 24 hours prior to his vanishing and the only person that truly knows what really happened is Macin. But after studying this case, I have my own theory and again, it’s just a speculated guess that is certainly no worse than the dozens of others I have read. One thing that really stands out to me is the note that they “found” a week after he left. They said they searched the wallet early on and found the money and ids and such. And then suddenly a week later, they did another search and eureka- epiphany, there was the note hidden deep in the depths of the wallet. Sorry, but that does make any rational sense at all. What parent in a panic of a missing son or daughter would not have tore that thing apart the first time, looking for clues. And no 17-year old I know has a wallet that is so crammed with stuff, that a two or three page not would be missed when the wallet was examined. That story just does not add up. Of course holding back on the letter only adds to the mystery and I hope someday it does get released to the public but I will not hold my breath as I believe elements in it would probably be embarrassing to and not edify the parents.

Macin’s computer was taken away for some unknown prior amount of time and he just got it back that day. I believe Macin had access to anyway to the internet from other sources-library or what not prior to getting it back. So he must have been excited to come home and start using his computer that day before he left. Except, dad had other plans; driving lessons when Macin got home. Macin (perhaps) faked a headache to get out of it, which then went in his bedroom and did his computer thing, after all it was his first day getting it back. Mom came to visit him later in the evening and said good night. Macin wiped his computer history somewhere around midnight. Dad heard a noise (probably Macin preparing for his bolt). Dad then entered Macin’s room, (I still feel the door was locked and dad broke in), and took the computer and phone. Although dad “claims” there was no argument, I cannot believe that, because he was even quoted to say to wife afterwards. “See I told you”. Now anytime my dad says something to my mom like that about me, is never because dad was just making conversation, but rather as a form of disgust or anger.

Macin was a planner. I believe he planned to leave the next day and the computer episode was just a coincidence. He had been planning this out, maybe for months or even for as long as he knew dad was moving back after not living there since they moved there five months prior. They report Macin had no money or supplies. There is absolutely no one could know that. He could have been salting away a little money here and there, and article of clothing or twenty over time at some off site for when the day came. By all indications, he was a very intelligent person, and during his times of isolation from society so to speak, could have created a real master plan for escape, and developed many internet friendships over the years. Who would really know otherwise? So this was arranged by Macin and he had assistance from the outside for the execution of the plan.

I think when he awoke for school that morning, he never left the house but hid, only making it look like he left. I think he was going to bolt after parents left the house for work or what not. I believe he did not count on the dad staying home to do landscaping that day (which I feel was dad’s way of making sure he was there when Macin came home from school for that “mandatory” diving lesson that was postponed the day before. I think during that time between 7:40 a.m. and around 3 p.m., Macin was waiting for his opportunity to sneak away, all the while hiding things to throw people off the track and delay them. He left the note because this perhaps the first time he could express he inner feelings or at least one final time without being shut down. He got his opportunity to finally leave around 3pm, and he left, which could account for the neighbor seeing him walking away. This time, Macin had no intention of ever returning and made extra effort to ensure no one would to be able to find him, by hiding wallet and school books and all. Then he left and closed the previous seventeen year chapter of his life.

I cannot begin to understand the pain parents must go though when a loved one goes missing. But I think Macin is doing just fine with his new life. In his mind, the past was too painful (for whatever reasons) for him to look back as he began work on the new chapter of his life. I only hope that Macin eventually finds a way to communicate just two words to his parents: “I’m OK”, which should then provide a sort of closure for the family.

Thank you so much for this. I read tarot cards and this case just drew me in last night. This helped me a lot with my timeline.
New to this case, although I've read about it off and on over the years. I was looking at a few missing cases with similarities to this one and came up with a theory that seems somewhat plausible to Macin's case, especially given a few crucial details.

There is a subreddit that is pretty well followed for folks who have either left the LDS Church or are planning to leave it. Currently it has 135,000 users subscribed to it. Given that you can create or delete a Reddit account pretty much anonymously as well as browse without an account, I would eat my shoe if Macin didn't at least look at this sub. There is a link to an "underground railroad" of sorts for missionaries as well as people who need assistance getting out of harmful and stiflingly religious/potentially abusive households on this sub - and the specific link has been around for at least five years and has at least 400 people offering to help. I would guess that maybe one of Macin's online friends had a link to this community or he contacted them on his own, and although they said it was risky to help minors in the disclaimer, someone might have helped him out since he was close to 18 OR he lied about his age. I would think that Macin had some kind of access to the Dark Web given his proficiency and interest in gaming, computers, etc. and he would have been able to get some kind of identity documents (maybe a Canadian passport?) and perhaps left the country or is living under an alias with the appropriate documents.

IMO he's somewhere without a large LDS population - so not Utah or Las Vegas where they've searched - and he's gotten back on his feet with a job and has a good support system around him.
New to this case, although I've read about it off and on over the years. I was looking at a few missing cases with similarities to this one and came up with a theory that seems somewhat plausible to Macin's case, especially given a few crucial details.

There is a subreddit that is pretty well followed for folks who have either left the LDS Church or are planning to leave it. Currently it has 135,000 users subscribed to it. Given that you can create or delete a Reddit account pretty much anonymously as well as browse without an account, I would eat my shoe if Macin didn't at least look at this sub. There is a link to an "underground railroad" of sorts for missionaries as well as people who need assistance getting out of harmful and stiflingly religious/potentially abusive households on this sub - and the specific link has been around for at least five years and has at least 400 people offering to help. I would guess that maybe one of Macin's online friends had a link to this community or he contacted them on his own, and although they said it was risky to help minors in the disclaimer, someone might have helped him out since he was close to 18 OR he lied about his age. I would think that Macin had some kind of access to the Dark Web given his proficiency and interest in gaming, computers, etc. and he would have been able to get some kind of identity documents (maybe a Canadian passport?) and perhaps left the country or is living under an alias with the appropriate documents.

IMO he's somewhere without a large LDS population - so not Utah or Las Vegas where they've searched - and he's gotten back on his feet with a job and has a good support system around him.
That would be awesome if he is :)
If he was a homebody why would he leave? If there was no advanced scouting on his PC or areas to move to than he likely ended his own life. He likely made a reactionary decision from the events of the night before. Keep searching the areas he was familiar with.
If he was a homebody why would he leave? If there was no advanced scouting on his PC or areas to move to than he likely ended his own life. He likely made a reactionary decision from the events of the night before. Keep searching the areas he was familiar with.
The family did recently move to St. George IIRC. He might not have had friends in town and felt isolated.
I came up with my own theory on this. I’m not here to bash on anyone or religion this is just facts I have gathered on this case. I think his parents had something to do with his disappearance. Again this is my theory and my beliefs on this case.
I stumbled upon this case while I was at work a few years ago one of the dollar bills I got had a find Macin Smith stamp on it. I live in the same state and we are a few years apart of each other. I wondered how come I have never heard about this case. I did my research and always just tried to have my eye on that case. Years are on this case now, and I believe he or his remains would have been found now.
But I stumbled upon a video online once about this girl doing an interview how she grew up in an LDS family, and they send them or sell them to a lds family house where they “take the gay out of them.” The house was guarded, beat the children, and would go through some crazy stuff because they believe you can take those “thoughts” and ”feelings” out of them by brainwashing them. The girl in the interview explains everything and said she was able to escape. I read that he was into the same gender or questioned it. In Utah your tracks can easily be covered up if you are part of the LDS family. The lds public can deny this but it is true growing up here the treatment you get if you are LDS is different. Also His case was strange to me if he loved his technology why would he leave that, or money he took nothing not a single cent. The LDS community in my opinion believe in some crazy *advertiser censored* and this home wouldn’t surprise me. I think he was either sold into this home or died in their care. Outrageous theory but again This is my thought and I do not want to disrespect anyone.

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