The question remains why she went to the park at 3am.
Whatever it was, it must have been important, or felt important, or pressing, perhaps.
This question, why did she go to the park, has been present even before we knew AA’s identity. It remains despite his arrest.
There are some apartments across the street from Hatch Park. He could have said something like “I’m at my buddies me across the street.” IMO his excuse for meeting at the park had something to do with those apartments.
Jumping off this, he could’ve said he didn’t want his roommate to know, or friends to had to be private whether it be a hook up or something else.
Whatever it was had to be secret, in at least one of if not both of their eyes.
And whatever it was, it wasn’t something she could just “stop for quickly”, bc she didn’t return with the Lyft Driver.
(I realize I’m not adding anything new, same old thoughts.)
What was his bait I think is a question. How did he get her to go there? What was his “lure”? What was his “trap”?
Whatever it was, it doesn’t matter if we ever know or not. The outcome is the same, she is dead, and thankfully the person is in custody. But of course we as sleuths would like to know how this all went down. We want that in all cases. We want that last piece of the puzzle.
I’ve been watching a lot of “Interview with Chris Cuomo” and “Death Row Stories”. These shows revolve around interviews with perps. It’s baffling how these monsters are devoid of emotion. One SK said he felt “blank” after stabbing a woman 41 times. He was sexually dysfunctional. One of his victims who escaped said she feels this was key in fueling his rage, in her opinion.
So was AA in a depression/anxiety group or whatever it was?