Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #18 *ARREST*

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JUL 16, 2019
Nonprofit created by MacKenzie Lueck’s sorority sisters

AF says the sisters have formed the nonprofit group MacKenzie’s Voice, which they hope will be an aid to families when a loved one goes missing.

Among the group’s goals are to create a manual or tool kit that includes media contacts and useful tips to help get the word out about the missing person.

They also hope to provide contacts for grief and trauma counseling for those affected.

MOO she had an exam the next day, was a dedicated student. MOO I think he was a low level college drugs supplier, a kind friend with the right test performance enhancing drugs. MOO Unexplained social connections are most often about substances. One plan she might have worked out with him is to meet him somewhere halfway to her apartment and have him drive her the rest the way home.
Considering that this guy was basically the worst at covering up his activities and his interests, I really doubt he was a drug dealer or everyone would know it by now.
One of my big interests in this case has been the post-murder planning/lack of planning (mental processes) of this killer. It is reminiscent of Chris Watts.

I really don't know how people manage to plan murders, honestly. Planning a truly heinous and antisocial act? I think some of them keep their minds on some other goal or prize. In this case, AA may have convinced himself that he was going to get some kind of sexual experience from his encounter with ML and, in his narcissism, decided that she would not put up a big fight. When she did, he killed her (in a rage, if you ask me, judging by the manner of death the coroner indicated).

Now, he had to do something he had not planned to do at all, with little sleep, surging adrenalin (it only takes a person so far) and ultimately, absolutely no plan and a really poor knowledge of his local environment, how to dispose of evidence, etc. Panic is a bear. By the time the SWAT guys came for him, he was probably teetering between panicked reality and hallucinatory exhaustion. He obviously was not able to plan evidence disposal except in a manner that leads directly back to him. None of that driving around and dropping things in various commercial trash bins that other killers have used (more successfully, I might add - like Chris Spotz apparently did). It's amazing how close the new evidence is to his house - he must have waited until the police stopped by and then done all of the disposal in a rush.

Unbelievable that he basically sat with that evidence at his house, as if he thought he had gotten away with it.
yes! I agree! He got spooked on the 25th and in a panic took all the evidence (including her body) and started disposing it very haphazardly without much thought. He knew LE was on to him and he had to move fast.
If I recall correctly, her exam was not the next day nor did she have to be back to work. I read that here although I cannot tell you what the source was offhand. I recall also that it was how it came about she was missing, that she missed an exam a few days later.

While I get the drug, exam and park thinking, I do believe the person that said they had some type of relationship/arrangement. I am unsure why he would be worried about her if that relationship was a drug buy from someone who commonly sold to many students, etc as a low level college supplier, when it appeared he was more worried about her personal safety... I also truly don't see meeting in a park for just drugs and immediately heading for his home.

Additionally, there is no hint of drugs at all with her that we are aware of I don't think.

Jmo though.

MOO the ShakenGuy is a self reported friend, not known if he has any real connection with her.
MOO Exam drugs are not "drugs"' as in usual recreation drugs like marijuana/alcohol. MOO no one would think of someone taking performance enhancing exam drugs as a drug person.

Articles on her disappearance have been edited and updated so I can't find the first exam she missed. But it was midterm week and she needed to study.
I think this could be what happened and she threatened to call the cops and that ticked him off more since he had been accused before and knew he would be toast.

Are we going to hear anymore from the woman that told her story to Tricia how she was raped by AA? Tricia said she was willing to answer questions but I haven’t seen anything lately.

I'm going to go back to the start of the thread and compile the questions into one post. Maybe that will help. Meanwhile, if anyone has any more questions to ask, please ask them. I'll check back here before I post the list. :) MOO
I think this could be what happened and she threatened to call the cops and that ticked him off more since he had been accused before and knew he would be toast.

Are we going to hear anymore from the woman that told her story to Tricia how she was raped by AA? Tricia said she was willing to answer questions but I haven’t seen anything lately.
After the MT case, I told my daughter to NEVER warn someone you are going to call police- never give them that advantage. Go with your gut & make the call. You can always explain it was a misunderstanding or false alarm later. If that is what happened here, I’ll be repeating myself!

At her age I was often up all hours of the night, but with friends. Some clubs stay open til 4AM. One time I left my friends at a club and left with a guy I just met. We went to a park to talk and make out. It was all very Before Sunrise. We didn’t have sex but thank God nothing bad happened. It very easily could have gone sideways for me. So my point is, young girls do stupid things. In my case, desperate for connection. In KL’s case, I think she was catfished ...she was most likely there for a SD connection. Their meet was at that time tho because of her flight. So this brings us to why meet 7 min from his house?

It just occurred to me that perhaps he lied to her about the location of his house. Perhaps the park was said to be halfway by AA. Although, I would sleuth any potential SDs. Easy to do these days.

Like with any other case, I want to know the why.
I also did something similar in my younger twenties... AND my phone had died shortly before I left with him (what was I thinking???!). My friend I had been with thought I could have been “cut up in a bathtub somewhere” and she couldn’t get in touch with me. Sometimes even the most level headed don’t make the best decisions.
MOO it is on the way time wise.
ML apartment 25 minutes drive away
form SLC airport.
Hatch Park is 12 minutes from the Airport.
Hatch Park to ML's apartment is 25 minutes away.

Hatch Park detour would add 12 minutes on way home, if that was her plan.

No, it's not in the same direction - so it adds 12 minutes out and back for a total of 24 minutes - paying a Lyft to take you in the opposite direction of your apartment, after a 4-6 hour experience in airports, does not save time. Why not just have the Lyft driver take you home? Or have AA pick her up? What's the explanation for that?

He lived in what locals have described here as a more undesirable part of SLC, not near the UoU where she lived. Plot the points on a map and you'll see that it was a 24 minute detour for her, not 12. She could easily have just gone home for the same money, with a Lyft. So she decided to go out of her way to Hatch Park.

Again, put UoU, Hatch Park and SLC on a map and you'll see that it was a detour to the north. I think it would have added about half an hour, really, to her commute from the airport.
It looks like Hello Kitty mated with an owl to me.

Honestly, the only thing I can halfway see well are the larger reddish colored items, which because of the uneven mottled appearance look as though blood could explain the color, but they could be anything and that's just a color.

Looks like he dumped her suitcase and all its contents into the river. I believe that is most of what we are seeing.
MOO the ShakenGuy is a self reported friend, not known if he has any real connection with her.
MOO Exam drugs are not "drugs"' as in usual recreation drugs like marijuana/alcohol. MOO no one would think of someone taking performance enhancing exam drugs as a drug person.

I am aware of shaken guy being self reported. I also believe, however, that people have talked to LE and he stated he has since the beginning. While there can be some real whack jobs out there, that would be easily disproven by LE... He gains a bit more credit from me as he did NOT want his name known nor was he seeking the camera... In fact, he may have something to hide or hopes he can keep quiet himself. So yes, it is just speculation based on him as only one part of that speculation. I would point out he has not continued to pop up in the media and put himself there as far as I have seen...

As for drugs of any kind, that is speculation as well. I have heard nothing to indicate she used anything but yes, I know it is not unheard of. He seems a bit out of the way from the college but I guess it is possible. If it is as common as stated, could she not have just bummed something from a friend/another college student and paid them back...

Regardless, it is all speculation pretty much. I don't consider her a drug user because I have seen nothing to indicate it. We have some of her online statements, etc., do we have anything hinting at that?

Just to debate in a friendly way--not mean to be argumentative. I have no issue with the opinions of just about anybody.

Jmo though.

ETA: I would also point out LE has stated there was contact between these two and in the one PC several contacts and it sounds as if they had each other's personal phone numbers. Even with dismissing Shakey :), I would lean towards the same thoughts.
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No, it's not in the same direction - so it adds 12 minutes out and back for a total of 24 minutes - paying a Lyft to take you in the opposite direction of your apartment, after a 4-6 hour experience in airports, does not save time. Why not just have the Lyft driver take you home? Or have AA pick her up? What's the explanation for that?

He lived in what locals have described here as a more undesirable part of SLC, not near the UoU where she lived. Plot the points on a map and you'll see that it was a 24 minute detour for her, not 12. She could easily have just gone home for the same money, with a Lyft. So she decided to go out of her way to Hatch Park.

Again, put UoU, Hatch Park and SLC on a map and you'll see that it was a detour to the north. I think it would have added about half an hour, really, to her commute from the airport.

MOO This is my thinking.

SlC Airport to Hatch = 12 minutes
Hatch to her apartment =25 minutes
SLC Airport to her Apartment =25 minutes.

MOO ML from LA, 12 minutes extra on the freeway to her would be "on the way."
After the MT case, I told my daughter to NEVER warn someone you are going to call police- never give them that advantage. Go with your gut & make the call. You can always explain it was a misunderstanding or false alarm later. If that is what happened here, I’ll be repeating myself!
Yes, because telling someone who's frightening you, or not letting you leave, that you'll call police, is the same as firing a warning shot in the air as someone advances toward you.
I thought her exam was the next day, but several people pointed out that it was actually on Wednesday. At the same time, I know that college students frequently seek out ritalin or similar before exams. The amount of travel she was scheduled to do over a 10 day period was a lot. Summer courses are usually short and intense.

This park was in the opposite direction (from the airport) to her house. They left so quickly (a minute or less) toward his house.
Both my sons who graduated from college said Adderall is very popular among college students at test time since it’s so easy to get even students who are not drug addicts will take this when tests are coming up because they can go without sleep to study hard. It keeps them awake.
After the MT case, I told my daughter to NEVER warn someone you are going to call police- never give them that advantage. Go with your gut & make the call. You can always explain it was a misunderstanding or false alarm later. If that is what happened here, I’ll be repeating myself!

I think that’s a high percentage play.

I agree that the best course of action is to actually dial 911, but I don’t oppose then telling the person that’s what you have done.

I’d expect most people with nefarious intent to abort at that point.

I don’t buy that guy’s story to begin with, and view it as an excuse.

Blame the victim.
Aderrall is known as the “Study drug”

Adderall for Studying

Does Adderall Work For Studying?
Adderall is often referred to as a “study drug,” and students and even young professionals frequently use it to increase their focus and level of productivity. Adderall and drugs like it are also called “smart drugs,” and even though it can be a risky strategy, there are 1 in 5 students who use study drugs.

Many college campuses around the country report that it’s an increasingly significant problem, and along with students using it without a prescription, there’s also been a rise in people getting prescriptions for Adderall.

There tends to be a misconception that somehow Adderall and other similar drugs are safer than drugs sold on the street, but the effects and consequences are often very similar.

So, does Adderall work for studying? Yes, in the short-term, but there are caveats.
First, while using Adderall does work for studying, you can quickly develop a tolerance to it. When you have a tolerance to a drug, it means it no longer has the effect it once did. It may have a diminished effect or no effect at all. When you develop a tolerance to Adderall, you have to take higher and higher doses, and eventually, it may not work at all to help you study.

Also, if you’re using Adderall to study something more creative or you need to write a paper as an example, Adderall may do more harm than good.

Another reason to reconsider Adderall for studying? When Adderall is used for studying it can feel great for a few hours, but as the effects wear off, people will go through a comedown similar to what happens with other drugs like cocaine. During this time the person will likely feel anxious, depressed and can have a range of other adverse side effects, which can counteract the productivity achieved while on Adderall.

There’s also the health risks associated with Adderall and the potential for Adderall addiction. If someone is regularly relying on Adderall to study they may become addicted to the drug, and if they become physically dependent then they will go through withdrawal when they attempt to stop using them.

While Adderall does work for studying, the benefits rarely outweigh the risks.
MOO the ShakenGuy is a self reported friend, not known if he has any real connection with her.
MOO Exam drugs are not "drugs"' as in usual recreation drugs like marijuana/alcohol. MOO no one would think of someone taking performance enhancing exam drugs as a drug person.

Articles on her disappearance have been edited and updated so I can't find the first exam she missed. But it was midterm week and she needed to study.

Can you say more about what you mean by "a drug person"? I only know what my students tell me. Many go for ritalin (which isn't really "performance-enhancing, but they think it is) when they are working, going to school and exam time comes around. People did amphetamine salts (available by prescription in the 70's) when I was at uni. These people went on to become doctors, nurses, lawyers and chiefs.
Do we know what kind of phone she had?

Maybe she didn’t have her phone fully charged before getting on the plane and used it to text throughout the flight thus draining her battery?

Some of the older iPhones have battery health issues due to the multiple software updates.
The way I look at it, as a Mom, is why does someone want you to meet them at 3 am in a park?

I wouldn't be as worried about someone wanting to meet up with her at 3 pm because there are many reasons to do so in the afternoon. Walking in the park, going for lunch or a drink, going shopping at the mall, studying together, etc etc.

But 3 am? Most scenarios at 3 am are shady.

Yes! And there are less people out and about in the wee hours to witness nefarious activity.
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