Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #3

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I posted this previously, so I'm not trying to sound like an annoying
broken record;
but I can't shake the feeling that something isn't being openly discussed.
(Not what we were warned several times by mods to no longer discuss) But something else that I can't put my finger on.

Everyone reports that MacKenzie is a serious student, dependable at work, in daily contact with friends and responsible or at the least, not reckless.

But no one local reported her missing; Her out-of-state father reported her missing late morning/early afternoon on Thursday.

There must be a reason that friends, roommates, sorority sisters, coworkers, bosses, and professors were not alarmed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday morning by her unexplained extended absence and phone silence.

So, "out of character" yet not entirely?

Friends reported to the media that there was no reason for MacKenzie to be in North Salt Lake City. Prior to looking at a map, I assumed that must mean N. SLC was a great distance away; but it's a mere 10-20 mins from the airport as well as her home. Friends also reported saying she was casually seeing people. Our very helpful VI has confirmed that MacKenzie was, and that MacKenzie
also doesn't
share information about who/where/when she was meeting men with friends.

So, "no reason to be in N. SLC," yet, despite the odd time/place, there knowingly was?

Its almost as if some information is... contradictory is too strong of a word. I don't know what the right word is here without seeming accusatory, which is not my all! :) Just trying to figure out an additional reason for the juxtaposition of a few things.
Agree!. If i didn,t turn up for work they would first try to call me, and text, FB etc. If no reply they would phone police and NOK to check i was ok , yep also because they were short staffed. We have done that before and found someone unwell no got an ambulance.
Housmate would notice too n just not ignore i was not there.
Surely her work and Uni have a duty of care?
Unless she had previously requested extra time off due to her grandmas funeral letting house mates know?.
In regards to having a second phone (aka "burner phone"), I would guess that if ML had her own phone plan (i.e., wasn't on her parents' phone plan), then she would have no need for a second phone. I have no firsthand experience with burner phones, but I thought they were mainly used to prevent others you share your main phone plan with from seeing certain activities. MOO
Couple questions:
1. Is Hatch park on the way to her residence? Or was it out of the way?
2. Did she check luggage?
3. Have any of her friends or sorority sister said if she occasionally spends the night elsewhere? This may explain why no one reported her missing instate.
It's so easy to crack this case that I am shocked it hasn't been discovered or announced that the person she left with has been identified. All you have to do is get access to all of her social media accounts, find out all of the social media websites that her Email address(es) are linked to, get search warrants for all her phone records...All of her bank records and other digital payment records...Encrypted or not the C.I.A. has already been proven to have the ability to intercept WhatsApp messages no matter what you try and do. She has left her entire trace of all of her actions as a digital footprint. Look for anything linked to Google where she may have made what is known as a "burn number" meaning a fake phone number through Google that is infamous for use with SB/SD. Her meeting was all planned. Folks this is so easy to crack. Just need access to her private life which apparently has a pretty large expanse among many SM accounts, apps and what ever else. You'll be able to find exactly who she was chatting with to come pick her up at the park at 3 AM....I hope the LE are way ahead of all of us on this forum..
My husband who's retired LE doesn't find it odd at all that LE has not been more forthcoming with info. He says that LE doesn't have to tell the public anything about an on-going investigation and doing so might impede or harm the investigation; they'd only release info if they wanted the public's help. Obviously, in this case LE doesn't want or need the public's help, despite giving lip service to the contrary and setting up the tip line.
Couple questions:
1. Is Hatch park on the way to her residence? Or was it out of the way?
2. Did she check luggage?
3. Have any of her friends or sorority sister said if she occasionally spends the night elsewhere? This may explain why no one reported her missing instate.

1. It's not far from her residence. But it's the opposite direction of her residence from the airport.

2. We aren't sure. Luggage has not been discussed really by LE.

3. Yes, in typical college gal fashion it is not uncommon for her to be away/somewhere else/at a friend's for an evening. But I don't think anyone has ever gone more than a day without hearing something from her or seeing something on SM.
ok, my sleuthing led me to download the Venmo app. Her profile is public. She paid someone 9d ago. It doesn’t say the exact time. She has paid this person before. This person only has 4 other friends. Do we think LE knows this?

Send it in just in case. You can text SLCPD a tip anonymously by texting them at “274637”

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Police may already have her phone records, but it's not that easy. She could have been talking to the person through a social media account, or Kik, or What's App. If so, they would not show up just off of her phone records. Several of my friends I don't even have their actual phone numbers, and we still communicate all the time. The fact that at the press conference they specifically asked the public if she has another phone they don't know about, tells me perhaps they have her phone records, and they aren't showing anything of real substance.
My husband who's retired LE doesn't find it odd at all that LE has not been more forthcoming with info. He says that LE doesn't have to tell the public anything about an on-going investigation and doing so might impede or harm the investigation; they'd only release info if they wanted the public's help. Obviously, in this case LE doesn't want or need the public's help, despite giving lip service to the contrary and setting up the tip line.

Yes, I agree.
Maybe the roommates didn't report her missing because they were used to her traveling back and forth to CA often?
By all accounts she took her studies seriously, yet she's in her 5th year of college majoring in kinesiology and pre-nursing. I'm NOT JUDGING, just pointing out she could have had a Bachelors Degree in nursing by then. Maybe a change of majors?
By all accounts she was very responsible but met up with someone at a park at 3am?
I think she has many facets to her persona, moo.

agreed, and i don't think that's necessarily uncommon or indicative of any sort of nefarious or illegal behavior. humans are complex and we don't exist in a vacuum and i'd say that very few people "lay it all out there" so to speak. i'm an intensely private person and none of my family or friends even know my instagram, even though it's public. And I'm not hiding anything, I just don't really talk about it in real life or advertise it. If/when i ever go on a dating app, that's also not something i plan on advertising to people i know. I'm very independent and private so i prefer to be left alone to do my own thing on my own time. I can absolutely see Kenzie being the same way, especially at such a pivotal age as 23 when she's finishing up college and ready to really explore her independence.
Police may already have her phone records, but it's not that easy. She could have been talking to the person through a social media account, or Kik, or What's App. If so, they would not show up just off of her phone records. Several of my friends I don't even have their actual phone numbers, and we still communicate all the time. The fact that at the press conference they specifically asked the public if she has another phone they don't know about, tells me perhaps they have her phone records, and they aren't showing anything of real substance.

This reminds me, there was one case here recently, and I can not remember which case or which SM app it was, but the company was giving LE resistance in releasing the information to them. Maybe someone here remembers the case. It was fairly recent. I bring this up in case any of the players are the same.

In other instances I have seen the companies to work with LE appropriately.
Apologies if this is a little blunt, but...if a guy is making arrangements to meet a young woman in a park at 3am, I don't think he gives a flip what her outfit looks like. He just wants to get her there.


However, I’m not nearly so sure that that’s the way the young woman is thinking.
Yeah. I’m gonna need you to watch that video and tell me the exact time mark that is “interesting.”


(Lol. We all practically know each other by now! Told ya!! I lasted about 20 seconds...)
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