Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #7

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The issue is there are only a few mods and they can't keep up. When that happens they just shut down the thread, perhaps forever, or the shut down the whole site until they can catch up.

For us there are no consequences, but for the site, they can get sued. The mods err on the side of not getting sued.

That is why everyone is more sensitive that it seems like they should be to TOS violations.

Hi Curiousobserver,
As Liltexans pointed out, the members are responsible for their posts. In fact, website owners are protected by a federal law from being sued for what other people say on their site.
Of course anyone can be sued for any reason but as far as Websleuths being worried about getting sued I can assure you that is not the reason for our terms of service rules.

Basically we keep the names of people not named by the police off the forum because it is the right thing to do.
Can you imagine if you are innocent of a crime and all of a sudden your name and all your info is all over the internet being accused of a crime? It could easily ruin your life.
As owner I have the moral responsibility to try and do what is right.

We could allow more rumors, salacious details, more digging into background of those associated with a possible perp, all these kinds of things, and to boot, if we allowed all of these things our revenue would go up substantially... but we can' is not the right thing to do.

We sometimes fail but we do try our best to allow an open discussion along with doing what is right by our fellow human beings.
We don't know ML's connection with the homeowner. It seems obvious that she knew him well enough to meet him alone at 3AM without fear. But why not just take the Lyft to the guys house, or have him pick her up at the airport. The car transfer is odd.

It seems likely that the car transfer was the perp's idea. Was ML's phone being turned off his idea as well? Probably, and it is not something a woman would normally do, so ML may have been incapacitated shortly getting in the 2nd car.

MOO and my speculation only but we may be looking at a friend-of-a-friend here.

I don’t believe ML was heavily into drugs per se. But she was coming back to exams after a stressful week and may have been looking for a “study aid” of some sort. It’s very common. If so, she may have texted a friend from the airport who said, I know someone who can help you out.

She could have contacted him, he gave her the park address for the meetup, and said he’d give her a lift home. And maybe she accepted the sketchy arrangement because they had a mutual friend.

100% speculation and 100% MOO.

ETA — another relevant quote...
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We posted a link to the story about the AirBnb person who went to check in last night and found the house wrapped in crime scene tape - it's in the media thread. Perhaps there were others renting rooms? or roommates?

ETA: link
Search of Salt Lake City home connected to missing student MacKenzie Lueck
AirBnB renter
JW of Fort Worth, Texas, rented the Airbnb for Wednesday. When he arrived at 9 p.m., he found the house surrounded by police and crime tape.

“It’s wild,” JW said. “Just wild

The owner of the home, who has lived there for a couple of years, previously lived in an apartment that is 0.2 miles away from Hatch Park in North Salt Lake, which is where Lueck was last seen. He has no criminal history in Utah, beyond some traffic citations.
Yes. I can't even look at the Facebook comments and I wouldn't touch some of those SM groups with a 10 foot pole. People seriously have no empathy or respect sometimes. She has a family and those are the last things they need to be reading. Ugh. Why I'm grateful for WS!

I'm so very sorry, @yellowmoose. This could be one of my children. In fact, my oldest daughter just had a layover in SLC Sunday evening and arrived in BZN at 2:00 a.m. Please know you and ML's family and friends are in my prayers. And yes - this WS group is amazing!
Just to recap for anyone looking for updates:
  2. A house that happens to be used as an AirBNB is being searched
  3. The person who owns said house is being questioned BUT HAS NOT BEEN NAMED AS SUSPECT OR POI.
  4. The house that is being searched is completely unrelated to the "tip" someone posted about an AirBNB condo yesterday
  5. There is no indication as of yet that any of this is remotely related to the SB/SD lifestyle
  6. No person or persons of interest have been named at this time
One thing I still can’t shake is why her parents didn’t fly over. I understand there was never an active search but as a mother I can’t comprehend how I wouldn’t be pushing LE for answers in person. Does anyone think they knew the (what seems likely) outcome from the start so no need to fly out and could grieve at home privately?

Everybody responds differently. For me, I never am able to understand sobbing parents in front of cameras clutching pictures of their children and begging for their return, wiping their tears and answering questions from a pack of hungry reporters. When I see that I always think that if it were my child, I wouldn't be able to face a mob like that and put my mug on the TV. But, that's just me. From being acquainted with her mother, she's a private person; can't imagine her in front of cameras like that. Can't imagine her grief right now.
Did SLCP or MSM say there would be another PC or update any time soon? I just rapidly caught up with all the new pages since last night so apologies if I missed someone posting.
Back a few pages, Seattle1 posted that although there hasn't been a time announced, reporters thought it might be at 10 a.m. As of now, still waiting...

Derek Petersen on Twitter
Waiting for details from @SLCPD on the warrant served on missing person #MackenzieLueck #KSLTV

7:56 AM - 27 Jun 2019 from Salt Lake City, UT

This reminds me of the Arizona case of Michael & Tina Careccia buried in the b/yard. Night helicopter footage, tent, etc.
Prayers for the family & friends.
We don’t know that this guy wrote the book, right? Has that been verified 100%? There are others with the same name, so I want to double check before I say anything!
He lists himself as a author online and has a unusual name. Pic on SM website matches the pic of person on AirB&B and pic on back of book.
Can anyone confirm if the owner of the house was trying to get rid of a mattress or box spring on Letgo as early as yesterday? I don’t have the App and have seen this on another group discussion.
Yes. I saw it. The mattress was a few days ago on Letgo and a box spring was listed on Facebook yesterday.
I am so glad there are sites like this about the case. Sites trying to protect the innocent and keep the speculation out. SM is overrun with a lot of horrid stuff about anyone that may or may not be involved. I wish every station would carry the statements by the Utah domestic violence group. There are some things that are down right bullying.
Did you say it's illegal to burn there?

If so, then obviously, we're dealing with yet another criminal mastermind here.

If this is a crime scene, then that fire is related.
Which means, the perp (who clearly must have graduated as his class valedictorian) crafted the incredibly brilliant plan to engage in open and highly visible illegal activity in an effort to conceal his crime.


Okay, no, I'm not.

I just can't use the words here.

Yea - a real mastermind! Did any of the neighbors call LE regarding the fire? I sure would have called.
Like most if us here, I presume there is some connection and therefore some legitimate reason that KL would meet up with someone in a park at 3am. Not knowing her personality at all, I can only speculate as to her emotional state and wonder what would be intriguing enough to do so. She was returning from a trip home for the funeral of one of her grandmothers. Her flight home was somewhat delayed and arrived late (early morning). It was 3am! already when she met up with this driver. What could have lured her to go in this alternate direction and not simply go home to her roommates, her beloved kitty and her bed? There seems to have been some pull that was strong enough to divert her from her home.

completely agree. aside from drugs or some type of carpool situation to reach a destination (re friend of a friend/meeting others who are involved), the other logical park explanation, imo, is drama.

doesnt even matter if this is a sd/sb relationship, bf, male or female friend etc - a park at 3 am is a place many would assume they could meet without roommates, spouses etc overhearing/overseeing them to talk through some type of issue. our suspect may presented the park to Mackenzie with this logic knowing that from there, they would be isolated and he would be in control the rest of the evening
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