Found Deceased UT - REMAINS FOUND - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #10 *ARREST*

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It has not been explicitly stated, but they met online, likely through a site like Tinder or SeekingArrangement.

that is what i was thinking as well. since there was no distress of her getting into the car with him, could of this been something that was arranged, those 2 meeting at that time, etc, and after that, only he knows what happened and hopefully as info does come out about her social media profiles and/or sugar baby/sugar daddy seeking sites, media will not try to paint her only as that, etc, but will just allow the info to come out and to see why all of this happened
I'm heartbroken. I texted my son the news (the one who's friends with her younger brother), and he was so angry. I told him he should reach out to his friend (my son is in another state for college), but not right away. I drove by the family's house on my way to work this morning and there were a lot of cars there (no news vans), including her older brother's, which I hadn't seen there before. I figured they already had the news and were getting ready for the PC together. We have a tight-knit community, so I would think we'd have some sort of memorial gathering for Kenzie unless the family doesn't want that. They've been incredibly private through their torment and grief, and you have to respect that. Peace to that dear girl.
We are devastated. Our community, especially those of us with children this age, is absolutely heartbroken. We so hoped for a different conclusion. I do want to thank you all for jumping in to help solve a crime! I’m impressed with this group and the time each of you spends to delve into specifics, look for clues, and try to solve events that affect people other than yourself.

Welcome to Websleuths. We get invested in these cases. They aren't just case numbers to us. We all wanted a different outcome. I'm sorry for your community. This is hard to process for older adults so I can't imagine how hard the young people who are Kenzie's age are taking it.
This^ ... IMO I think that is what his book is.......his fantasy

here is what the book is about below. taken from Amazon

Ezekiel was almost 15 when he witnessed a gruesome murder. An angry mob burned his neighbor alive in the street and the man died at his feet. Sadly, it was not the last time he witnessed such horror. With his well respected father as guide and mentor, Ezekiel saw this death, then a death much closer to home when a loved one was killed in the same brutal, terrifying way 50 feet from him, and he could do nothing to stop it. Staggering to recover from these severe traumas, he finds relief and joy in meeting his first love, becomes embroiled in grand theft, and experiences heartbreaking betrayal. Ezekiel must decide if he will join the ranks of a criminal mastermind, or fight to escape the tyranny that has surrounded his young life. Or even beat them at their own game. When trust is lost, can he even trust himself?

With his divorce a year ago and neighbors reporting him being reserved and quieter the last several months this could be his first failed attempt. I don't doubt there would have been more if he got away with this. The girls coming and going might have been him getting comfortable with conning women and his way of practicing before this event. I don't rule out that there were others before, but this was sloppy if it there was events like this before.
Yeah. When I say previous crimes, I don’t necessarily think murder. I’m thinking rape, or something that falls under kidnapping.

I do think that this was probably his first.

I agree, he may very well have been a budding serial killer (at the higher end of the age when many of them start).
If the account provided by that building contractor is true, I think that sheds a lot of light on this guy’s fantasy life.

It seems that he wanted to keep women prisoner, as sex slaves or something.

This is serial killer level stuff.

Because I’m convinced this was premeditated (based on the meeting place and Kenzie’s phone being shut off immediately), I’m disturbed by the prospect of previous crimes.

This didn’t come out of nowhere, and there has to be some level of build up.

Women were disposable to him.

This wasn't any Airbnb:

It was a House of Horrors.

This evil monster's mind is both dark, and terrifying.

I'm afraid his actions toward ML were equally dark and terrifying.

I'm so very, very sorry that her last moments on this earth were spent in that House of Horrors with the Monster.

Let justice roll down like waters....

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Chris Jones on Twitter
Suspected murderer of #MackenzieLueck self published this book where #AyoolaAjayi writes about a fictional character who watches 2 people being burned by angry mobs.

12:45 PM - 28 Jun 2019
I agree this is prob his first murder. Rapes (Unreported or drugged prior to SA) - I believe he may have committed before.
The way AA was described by neighbors and friends sounds exactly how the perp that killed my friend was described. IMO, it sounds like how a lot of perps who commit really violent crimes are described. I am not shocked that he wrote a book about violent murder - and I am definitely not shocked that he did research on how to kill someone in a really gruesome way while writing his book. The whole "quiet on the outside, he'd never do this" mask is one that is common with rape as well - but it's not evident and may not ever be evident whether a rape was committed here. I hope through further investigation more will be revealed on who AA truly is and whether there are further crimes that have gone unreported.
We don't know yet. But I am also very interested in this. She apparently knew him, though some are denying it, himself included. But I can't believe she would have met him there at that time if they didn't know each other. And the Lyft driver said she seemed relaxed and excited to see him. Maybe you're right, they texted and he offered to let her stay in his vacant AirBnB room, no charge, so she wouldn't have to go back to her place and roommates. Just a ruse to get her there. But somehow he got her phone turned off immediately. Did he attack her as soon as the Lyft car was out of sight, or did he con her into turning it off or giving it to him? Probably never know.
BBM. Why would she not want to go home, where she would be the most comfortable, not to mention that her cat that she was very fond of was there? IMO it must have been something else to make her agree to meet him in the middle of the night.
I’ve been listening to for the past few hours. They are now rebroadcasting their coverage from this morning and will be replaying the press conference soon.

Some things I picked up while listening:
-He was only in the military for about 6 months and was discharged. No info given on why, he did not have extensive training.
-He attended USU on and off from over the years, but did not earn a degree.
-The bit about him attending college in London is probably BS.
-He was evicted from an apartment near hatch park.
-He was separated from his wife for years, but the divorce was just finalized in Jan 2019.
-His acting/modeling contract expired last year and he didn’t renew because “he no longer had time for it.”
-It doesn’t sound like his modeling career was successful.
-It appears like he’s never held a job for very long - he is currently working as a support tech.
-Much of his resume is false or exaggerated.
Question. I am watching KSL 5 TV LIVE and there is another press conference coming up according to them. Here is the link to watch it live
They are rebroadcasting their coverage from this morning. I’ve been listening for hours. The press conference was held at 11:30 this morning.
I’m now leaning towards her being attacked immediately after entering that vehicle.

I can’t get past her phone being shut off right away, and I can’t think of a plausible ruse that he could have used to achieve that.

I’m wondering if he held her at gunpoint, and/or restrained her in some way.

Because of this whole mattress thing, I think it’s likely that she was alive in that house, for a (short) period of time.


I sincerely hope she was alive in that house for only a short period of time.

The alternative is unspeakably terrifying.

women get grabbed anywhere, on the street, riding their bike, jogging, etc. Predators will take whatever target they can. No where is safe.
Can confirm. I was groped on the street less than a block from where I was living by a guy who thought my body was his property. I was wearing normal clothing, it was 9am and I was going about my day. Don't put blame on Kenzie or anyone else for that matter for what happened to them.

I sincerely hope she was alive in that house for only a short period of time.

The alternative is unspeakably terrifying.


Because the fires occurred on the 17th (day she disappeared), and the 18th, I think she wasn’t alive for a lengthy period of time.

This wasn’t a days long thing.
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