UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #1

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weren't the cops in the house before he got back from alleged "camp" trip? They broke a window out. Her family called because she had not been in contact. Not Monday... but Sunday? I am confused. I bet they got evidence at that time, if they did go in befor ehe got back.....and maybe why they got warrant issued so swiftly.
It's been cold here. Maybe it's just that I'm gettig older (spent my life in Colorado, western New York, and here), but it seems bitter cold the last few weeks. Honestly, I hate this weather right now. The thought of taking my three-year-old and SLEEPING in it? Um, no - I'm good.

This guy has to be working an angle. There is no way he's as dumb as he sounds. Why would a seemingly-intelligent woman be married to someone who can't complete a full sentence?

It's weird, but I don't recall hearing what he does for a living. Does anyone know? I bet it's something with computers, where he doesn't have to talk with anyone.

I'm with you--have not heard what this guy does for a living. Besides being with high-powered, successful wife.
I used to know a guy who would do things like that -- one time with a hurricane warning out, he decided it was a good time to take the kids fishing. Was gone for three days, his wife (who I worked with) didn't know where they were, and they didn't find him until he checked into a hotel after the tent blew away.

Dunno if he was manic and off his medication, or what, but it was not the only crazy thing he did...
weren't the cops in the house before he got back from alleged "camp" trip? They broke a window out. Her family called because she had not been in contact. Not Monday... but Sunday? I am confused. I bet they got evidence at that time, if they did go in befor ehe got back.....and maybe why they got warrant issued so swiftly.
Pictures posted by friends on F B the day before she went missing... http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=198478842187

(can I post groups from another site?)

(If you have a FB page - search for the name of the group ... "Friends and Family of Susan Powell")
It's in Tooele (pronounced too-ill-uh) County..which is about 30 miles from West Valley City.

What makes this site so special to me:

) the compliation of investigative stories. espcecially the ones that are redundant, yet reveal new info
) the tools people use that have been here, or interested, for a long time
) the insight of locals, or used to be locals, like yourself. thanks!
Is this the husband? Looks like him to me.


It sure does. Can you imagine going to look at houses with him?

"So Josh, what do you think the odds are that they'll come off that price a little?"




"Um, well, I don't no nothing about that. I need to go now."

Unless the guy was on drugs in his interviews, I can't imagine him being very successful in any job or business venture.
I used to know a guy who would do things like that -- one time with a hurricane warning out, he decided it was a good time to take the kids fishing. Was gone for three days, his wife (who I worked with) didn't know where they were, and they didn't find him until he checked into a hotel after the tent blew away.

Dunno if he was manic and off his medication, or what, but it was not the only crazy thing he did...

Hope for all their sakes that wife makes certain he stays on meds. Or, she and children are gone. Sad for him, but with a habit of going off his medications---good for them. What did happen? Do you know?
Sorry, people, off topic.
Did not hear Josh mention sledding, but did hear several times about "making s'mores, and stuff". Smores? at 1am, freezing temps, with 2 almost babies, and in what is considered almost a wilderness area? Am betting they had fireplace in home that could have served, or microwave, or firepit in backyard. He loves 'dem smores, huh?

The sledding story came out early on....I was really curious about sledding in the dark -- especially toddlers doing it.

Guess they eat a lot too if they had dinner, went sledding & then went to eat again.

Another friend from her LDS ward ate dinner with the Powells Sunday evening. That friend told Hellewell she left the home shortly after Susan Powell said she wasn't feeling well and Josh Powell announced that he was going to take the boys sledding and then go eat.

Is this the husband? Looks like him to me.


Yep - I agree that this appears to be him. And taking a look at the testimonials, I see that the same female whose (unusual) first name appears on the "Find SP" FB site has posted a testimonial. Interestingly enough, his technological knowledge is praised (thinking GPS & cell phone pings here).

Interesting to read the information under the "About" tab there, especially in light of what's going on currently. If he wrote it himself, he sure doesn't hesitate to toot his own horn, so to speak!
Is this the husband? Looks like him to me.


Josh earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. Throughout his
college years he received some of the highest honors available, including Phi Theta Kappa, Magna *advertiser censored* Laude, and repeated placement on the President’s List. He also enjoyed people, electing to participate in many social
activities, including among others: public speaking, campus politics, drama
, and writing for the campus newspaper.

Wow - public speaking & drama productions....who would have thought? </end snark>

YET--what school did he attain the drama, and public speaking education? (VBsnicker)

Also from joshpowell site (verbatim)

Joshs' education:
Josh earned his Bachelor&#8217;s Degree in Business Administration. Throughout his college years he received some of the highest honors available, including Phi Theta Kappa, Magna *advertiser censored* Laude, and repeated placement on the President&#8217;s List. He also enjoyed people, electing to participate in many social activities, including among others: public speaking, campus politics, drama productions, and writing for the campus newspaper.

Never says--from WHAT University?

From joshpowellrealtor.com about Josh:
One thing about it &#8211; Josh has enthusiasm and tenacity in spades

I'll leave the spade part, and the WTH school it was from to yet be determined.

Now sounding more like the Mark "Spankings" case. Wife-a winner, married ME, the loser.
Divorced: then what would I do? Not going to take that realization....
I haven't had much time to be on WS in the last two days. But I wanted to thank everyone for keeping Susan's thread going.

I have a legal question if anyone here could answer it. I know this is a long shot. But IF police can not find enough evidence to charge Josh with Susan's murder, is there ANY way they can remove the kids from his care for taking them out "camping" in the frigid weather?
If he really did that (and most of us doubt it), could that be legally seen as endangering his children's lives?

These babies need to be with someone who can help them get through the very traumatic years ahead, as I think most of us agree that whether or not Susan is found, she won't be coming home to her children.

Those offended by prayer, please skip this part:

Dear Lord,

I ask that you keep those missing their loved one, Susan, in your arms at this time. Guide those searching for her to find her soon and bring her home. I ask that if she is no longer of this earth, that you guide someone to her, so that her loved ones can say a proper goodbye and begin their grieving process with you at their side. Please keep a hand on her children right now, and calm any sadness or fear they may be feeling, and if need be, help lead them to a new home filled with love and understanding. I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
Anybody else find the bold below hinky?


Officers went to the Powells' home. When no one came to the door, they broke a window and went inside, fearing a case of carbon monoxide poisoning.

"When they broke the window and got in the house, they found my daughter's purse and cell phone on the bed, a wet spot on the floor dried by two fans," said Cox. "And the family was gone."

Anybody else find the bold below hinky?


Officers went to the Powells' home. When no one came to the door, they broke a window and went inside, fearing a case of carbon monoxide poisoning.

"When they broke the window and got in the house, they found my daughter's purse and cell phone on the bed, a wet spot on the floor dried by two fans," said Cox. "And the family was gone."


YES. That's why I posted it in #151.
YES. That's why I posted it in #151.

Lol...I saw that when I read up the forum...Two fans drying a wet spot on the floor ?
Wonder what his explaination for that one was....oh yeah he was camping in frigid conditions and snow at 12:30 am, to make Smore's with his kids !!! How would he know !!!
Did not hear Josh mention sledding, but did hear several times about "making s'mores, and stuff". Smores? at 1am, freezing temps, with 2 almost babies, and in what is considered almost a wilderness area? Am betting they had fireplace in home that could have served, or microwave, or firepit in backyard. He loves 'dem smores, huh?

Taking the kids for a camping trip at 12:30midnight on Sunday, makes you wonder... Specially if (as someone said before) it's 3 hours away, meaning smores at 3:30am... and that's after they mount camp (in pitch dark), because they had no trailer.

Did he:

1. intend to first kill the mother and then get rid of the kids in the wilderness, but changed his mind?
2. intend to kill the mother and run off with the kids, then changed his mind?
3. get rid of the mother's body near town, but drove off miles away to throw away police?
4. get rid of her body in one area but then traveled to another to throw off police?
5. get rid of her body where he supposedly camped?

What convinces me that he's done it is that he comes (supposedly) Monday night (thinking it's Sunday) and notices a window open (police had broken it the day before when they answered the missing persons call) and his wife is nowhere to be found... and he is okay with it.

The next day his wife is still missing, and he doesn't call the in-laws to find out if she is there. After all, remember that when he left she wasn't feeling well?

And, who leaves a sick spouse for two days and is not concerned when at returning that spouse is nowhere to be found and there is a window shattered?

The father-in-law says Josh called him at after noon to tell him Susan was missing. Had he called police yet? Had he been contacted by police?

I would believe his story if...

1. he had missed work on Mondays before thinking that it was Sunday

2. he had taken the kids on wilderness trips in the middle of the night in the past

3. Susan had been missing one whole night and one morning and he hadn't tried to call the in-laws or friends to find out where she was (as controlling as he is said to be)

4. Susan had left without her purse, cell, and without leaving a note or sending a message to him as to where she was.

I am also curious if he didn't try calling her while he was gone, since she was sick when he left.

Yup, another Peterson, Stebic, etc...
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