UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #3

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Are any pressers scheduled? Any more family interviews?
Fmily spokeswoman did talk of a prayer vigil.....at 7pm, tomorrow??
Thank you to everyone who related the press conference today as it was happening and posted the links afterward for those of us who couldn't watch live!

Made me cry. My heart goes out to this family that surely knows Susan has been harmed.

Because of the LDS ties, this case has me thinking about a friend I had in high school. She was the youngest (by way) of a very Mormon family. The apple of their eye and their baby. She was brilliant, talented, beautiful and the sweetest girl you could ever meet. When we graduated, she was off to college in St. George, UT. She swore she wasn't getting married until she was at least 30. She wanted to get her degree and establish her career.

As it turned out, she was married just barely a year later - in the Temple -to a guy she had met at college. He was from another state and none of us knew him. He was very handsome and seemed quite charming.

Shortly after they were married, he began physically abusing her. She consulted church and family for help, but NO ONE believed or supported her. Even her adoring family. All advised her to stay in the marriage. Fortunately, this lovely young woman had a fierce independent streak and got out.

Following Susan's case, I shudder to think what might have happened if my friend had stayed in that marriage.
There is so much social pressure to make your marriage work.... I can't begin to tell you the feelings, emotions and blatant expectations to be married you have in the church. You are treated as an outcast if you are an adult and you are single. It's one reason why so many of the young men and young women are becoming inactive, they simply don't believe in the "must get married to a return missionary as soon as you finish your first year of college". Do you know how many freshman females are at BYU and other church affiliated colleges that never return after their first year? I don't, but I bet it's very high. My X (returned from his mission) first year at BYU met a girl, asked her to marry him in a couple of months (in the Temple) and then he asked her to quit college and get a job to support him through his bachelor's and then through BYU Law School. Even after he finished Law School, he asked her to keep working until he could find "the right" job which happened to take 4 years. After a total of 17 years and one child with a VERY abusive husband, he managed to get out pretty clean. No spousal support, joint custody and still had his temple recommend so he could find another victim. Then we as women in the church are not told about the abuse. Luckily I got out barely with my soul but completely financially drained and he's on to his third victim. He just got remarried to another SLC lawyer, 42 never married, no children thinking she is vulnerable and will accept the abuse he dishes out. One day either she is going to kill him or he is going to kill her. But the cycle continues and no one in the church stops the abuser from continuing the cycle. They almost enable it.
Oh that is good news! What is your weather forecast for a few days?
Hope every hunter, Christmas tree cutter and property owner are looking around!!!

Today in Northern Utah it was in the 40’s. It’s supposed to be that warm for
the next few days.
Oh that is good news! What is your weather forecast for a few days?
Hope every hunter, Christmas tree cutter and property owner are looking around!!!

PF the extended forcast will still be winter weather, sunny but high 20's low 30's, but up around SLC it will be high 30's and low 40's.
Somehow Josh just doesn't strike me as someone who would put a lot of effort into hiding a body, I'm thinking more along the lines of Casey A.

I wonder how he's standing up to the pressure now, I imagine it's beginning to get to him.

PF the extended forcast will still be winter weather, sunny but high 20's low 30's, but up around SLC it will be high 30's and low 40's.
Somehow Josh just doesn't strike me as someone who would put a lot of effort into hiding a body, I'm thinking more along the lines of Casey A.

I wonder how he's standing up to the pressure now, I imagine it's beginning to get to him.


Vegas Bride... . I agree! I think he probably pulled off to the side of the road
and dumped her.
The problem is that she could be anywhere from Nevada to Idaho!
If weather stays okay, will there be search groups? by dogs?
Didn't Josh owe $$ to Yellow Books in his bankruptcy filing?....and ummm - how smart is he if he made no $$ at his real estate business?


"I definitely think he's intelligent, a very bright guy," said Charles Sipes, a real estate broker at a firm where Powell once worked. "I would say he was masterful in creating a marketing presence."

According to Sipes, Powell launched a multi-faceted approach to drum up real estate business, with a website, grocery store ads, even magnets with his name and number that went out in Yellow Books across the Salt Lake Valley.

more here

Vegas Bride... . I agree! I think he probably pulled off to the side of the road
and dumped her.
The problem is that she could be anywhere from Nevada to Idaho!

ITA, he seems like the hurry up, lazy way guy............dumped her,
but there are revines areas there? wooded areas?
IMO, she's in the elements and not buried.
and I still feel she's close to home.
He lived there most of his life? He played there?
Any favorite spots like KC??? Childhood memories of where to hide???
Thank you to everyone who related the press conference today as it was happening and posted the links afterward for those of us who couldn't watch live!

Made me cry. My heart goes out to this family that surely knows Susan has been harmed.

Because of the LDS ties, this case has me thinking about a friend I had in high school. She was the youngest (by way) of a very Mormon family. The apple of their eye and their baby. She was brilliant, talented, beautiful and the sweetest girl you could ever meet. When we graduated, she was off to college in St. George, UT. She swore she wasn't getting married until she was at least 30. She wanted to get her degree and establish her career.

As it turned out, she was married just barely a year later - in the Temple -to a guy she had met at college. He was from another state and none of us knew him. He was very handsome and seemed quite charming.

Shortly after they were married, he began physically abusing her. She consulted church and family for help, but NO ONE believed or supported her. Even her adoring family. All advised her to stay in the marriage. Fortunately, this lovely young woman had a fierce independent streak and got out.

Following Susan's case, I shudder to think what might have happened if my friend had stayed in that marriage.

Wow. I am learning a lot about the LDS church. I have never known anyone practicing the religion. From what you are saying through your experience, now I get a better insight about this case. Of course, there are controlling men everywhere and within every religion, but the catch here is the emphasis not only on male superiority in a marriage, but also on the wife to grin and bear whatever the husband does. I am sure I am so generalizing this, but I mean in relation to being counseled by church members, and seeking help/comfort within the church. Susan probably was counseled to do her best to stick it out, and JP was supported by church members to do what he was doing.
Don't shoot me everyone, I don't mean they would approve of murder! It's just different from how I was raised, and I'm trying to grasp LDS doctrine.:waitasec:
ITA, he seems like the hurry up, lazy way guy............dumped her,
but there are revines areas there? wooded areas?
IMO, she's in the elements and not buried.
and I still feel she's close to home.
He lived there most of his life? He played there?
Any favorite spots like KC??? Childhood memories of where to hide???

If you go to google maps and type in Utah Map and click on
satellite view you can zoom in and follow along the main freeway
I15. If you zoom in close enough you can see what it looks like
along the freeway.
Attached is a close up of an area around St. George Utah.
There are a lot of places like this just off the freeway all over Utah.
Wow. I am learning a lot about the LDS church. I have never known anyone practicing the religion. From what you are saying through your experience, now I get a better insight about this case. Of course, there are controlling men everywhere and within every religion, but the catch here is the emphasis not only on male superiority in a marriage, but also on the wife to grin and bear whatever the husband does. I am sure I am so generalizing this, but I mean in relation to being counseled by church members, and seeking help/comfort within the church. Susan probably was counseled to do her best to stick it out, and JP was supported by church members to do what he was doing.
Don't shoot me everyone, I don't mean they would approve of murder! It's just different from how I was raised, and I'm trying to grasp LDS doctrine.:waitasec:
It really depends on the individual bishop as to how "in touch with the spirit" and how smart they are. My X did what's called "ward shop". When he divorced wife #1, he went to different wards and decided (I kid you not) which ward had the bishop that would put up with his behavior. Now we are supposed to go to the ward that is designated for the neighborhood we live in but somehow he got a "special allowance" to go to a different ward (tolerant bishop) because he said he had to pick up/deliver his child at a certain time on Sunday evenings with the x-wife. Well come to find out, both of those wards, the one he wanted to get in and the one he actually resided geographically in had services at the same exact time on Sundays so he was full of *^%$#. The Stake President though (one level higher than a bishop) is the same Stake President that he got away with the abuse in "church court" with. Soo.... now the current bishop has his number but X moved to Utah. After they took his temple recommend away (for 1 yr) with us (church court again!!) he moved in with his old law school buddy who guess what??? Just happens to be a bishop and gave him back his temple recommend. (That should have never happened) But hey, you really need a temple recommend if you intend to date in the church. It kinda says "I'm a good guy". Listen carefully..... that is the perfect tool for a psychopath..... it's also evil... I'm certain that Josh has been feeding his bishop more than just pancakes.....

I truly believe with all my heart that these bishops need to be trained to spot abuse within 3 to 4 interviews and then they need to send the woman to private counseling followed up by more bishop meetings until a resolution happens. I also believe that if a woman believes that she's unsafe, then she is. And if she is, then they need to help find her a safe place along with her children.
ISSUE videos are now uploading to You Tube and should be ready to view within the hour. Due to the hour, I won't be around to post them, just click on the link in my siggie to view the videos.

I find it odd, some of Josh & Susan's closest friends don't support him. They talk about how abnormal he is acting. They don't seem to approve of how he's handling the situation. I would imagine my closest friends would support me, and help the public understand me, rather than join the nay-sayers. Isn't that what friends are for? It just seems odd to me.


Sounds like Brian has never been betrayed by a friend. JMOOOC.
ISSUE videos are now uploading to You Tube and should be ready to view within the hour. Due to the hour, I won't be around to post them, just click on the link in my siggie to view the videos.
Thank you for all you do Patty!!!!!!!!!

I find it odd, some of Josh & Susan's closest friends don't support him. They talk about how abnormal he is acting. They don't seem to approve of how he's handling the situation. I would imagine my closest friends would support me, and help the public understand me, rather than join the nay-sayers. Isn't that what friends are for? It just seems odd to me.


Sounds like Brian has never been betrayed by a friend. JMOOOC.

I think Susan had the 'friends' and allot of people thought JP was wierd........
The first time I saw him talk an curl up his lip, I got the impression that he is different?????
I have never seen anyone talk with curling their lip up odd like that. Is it a smirk???

I find it odd, some of Josh & Susan's closest friends don't support him. They talk about how abnormal he is acting. They don't seem to approve of how he's handling the situation. I would imagine my closest friends would support me, and help the public understand me, rather than join the nay-sayers. Isn't that what friends are for? It just seems odd to me.


Sounds like Brian has never been betrayed by a friend. JMOOOC.
Psychopaths would not have close friends. They would only be close to the family that raised them. That would be Mr. and Mrs. Frankenstein in this case.....
Wow. I am learning a lot about the LDS church. I have never known anyone practicing the religion. From what you are saying through your experience, now I get a better insight about this case. Of course, there are controlling men everywhere and within every religion, but the catch here is the emphasis not only on male superiority in a marriage, but also on the wife to grin and bear whatever the husband does. I am sure I am so generalizing this, but I mean in relation to being counseled by church members, and seeking help/comfort within the church. Susan probably was counseled to do her best to stick it out, and JP was supported by church members to do what he was doing.Don't shoot me everyone, I don't mean they would approve of murder! It's just different from how I was raised, and I'm trying to grasp LDS doctrine.:waitasec:

Please keep in mind that this is a few people’s opinions.

I know of people who are LDS and were in abusive relationships
that have gotten advice not to stay in the relationship due
to the abuse.
I think if anything Susan herself may have felt that due to her religion she
owed it to her kids to try and work things out but the LDS
church does not agree with or condone abuse.
Sure some LDS members may lead one to feel that things should be
covered up or worked out, and some husbands may feel they are
superior in their marriage but you can find that in all religions.
Psychopaths would not have close friends. They would only be close to the family that raised them. That would be Mr. and Mrs. Frankenstein in this case.....

In my case...........not even close to his family!!!
Please keep in mind that this is a few people’s opinions.

I know of people who are LDS and were in abusive relationships
that have gotten advice not to stay in the relationship due
to the abuse.
I think if anything Susan herself may have felt that due to her religion she
owed it to her kids to try and work things out but the LDS
church does not agree with or condone abuse.
Sure some LDS members may lead one to feel that things should be
covered up or worked out, and some husbands may feel they are
superior in their marriage but you can find that in all religions.
No and neither does the Muslim religion....
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