UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #5

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Josh's story of that night is total nonsense to a thinking person. Nobody does what he did, taking little kids out in a snow storm camping in the remote wilderness and refuses to answer calls to him.

Now if a deprogrammer and helpers where involved then between all of them that was the best story they could come up with for Josh?

It defies any logic at all.
Anyway, I just caught up enough to see a lot of speculation over Kiirsi. While I understand where everyone is coming from, it does sadden me to see some feel she may have been involved. In my opinion, she is just doing the best she knows how to keep Susan's face out there. As someone mentioned above, LE may be guiding her on what to say and what not to say.

OKand3Js, it's great to have you on board! I hate to throw this at you right off the bat, but if you also happen to know Kiirsi and feel comfortable doing so, would you be willing to state your thoughts? It would be great to see some of the speculation about Kiirsi being involved in Susan's disappearance put to rest if it's way off base.

Welcome OKand3Js. Glad you chose Websleuths. Could you please email me at tgrif@xmission.com My name is Tricia and I am the owner of Websleuths. I just need to ask you a couple of quick things off the forum.

I agree with JennaLee. I am interested in your thoughts on Kiirsi. From what I have been hearing from people in SLC is they are wondering about her. Not wondering if she is involved, not at all, but wondering about her in general.

I for one know how hard it is to try and organize info with the media so I empathize with her and understand how stressed she must be. Being stressed does not make for good TV interviews. I feel she is doing the best she can to help her friend.


Wow. This is really frustrating. I just spent a while typing out a long response to your questions and I lost it, so I will attempt to do it again. Sigh. :)

Hello everyone and thank you for your warm welcome,

I am just going to address the questions you had for me regarding Kiirsi:

In response to your questions about Kiirsi and whether or not she may be involved. I can say that I know both she and her husband and Josh and Susan. I know Susan through Kiirsi basically. She was friends with Susan first. Then they introduced them to me and my family, and we have spent time hanging out with Josh and Susan on several different occasions. They also recommended Josh to us for a realtor a few years ago when we needed one. He was a good friend and not acting strange at that time, so they recommended him. So needless to say, he was our realtor. Anyway, my point is that I know Kiirsi and John and Susan and Josh.

Moving on...I know for a fact that Kiirsi is very commited to her husband and never once thought of Josh in that way or had feelings for him other than a friend. So the speculation that they were in on something together and had feelings for eachother is way off base. Not only that, but she would never ever hurt Susan. They are very close. I am friends with Susan but we were never close like Kiirsi and Susan are.

I also know that Kiirsi is not an anxious person and does not take medication for anxiety. She has been stressed and concerned over this whole sitation which is very normal and it has been hard for her but she is doing the best she knows how.

I don't think she is a fame seeker and I think all of this media stuff just sort of happened because she took on the responsibility of getting Susans name, face, and story out there because the one person who should have been doing it, JOSH, was not doing it.

Lets face it: Josh is not doing anything that a concerned spouse should or would be doing in this situation. If I were missing and my husband was not heading the search and doing everything in his power to look for me, I would hope and pray that my best friend would be doing something to help find me. I also know that Chuck Cox and family are appreciative of her efforts in helping with the media here in UT as they can't be in two places at once. So I for one, am grateful that she is doing it because the one person who should be is certainly not.

As far as the interviews go and how she appears in them...I remember seeing some of the earlier interviews and she was quite emotional in many of them, but after several interviews and having to do it time and time again, it can get quite repetitive I am sure and she has probably tried to just not think about all of the awfulness of this so she doesn't break down and cry every moment. She told me in that first week that the only way she is holding up is to just keep busy and not think about it or she won't be able to go on. She is worried sick for Susan as we all are.

Also, her theory about Susan being out of the state has been told to LE and they have asked her not to publicise it for fear that the wrong person may get tipped off and do something to seriously harm the investigation. The main goal here is to find Susan. Kiirsi has the hope that she is still alive as do I and many others. Until we find Susan and see the condition that she is in, we cannot give up hope that she could still be alive. Yes, it looks bad and the chances of her still being alive as each day passes grows more dim, but at least we can hope. That is possibly the one thing that is helping many of us go through each day. It doesn't hurt to hope.

These are all just my opinions and thoughts and any of you are free to disagree with me if you wish. I just hope that my insight on these things help some of you to better understand Kiirsi and the kind of person she is.

I hope I can be of any help to any of you regarding this case, so if you have any other questions for me, don't hesitate to ask.
Tinkie, I'm telling ya, just when it appears the obvious is clearly laid out, this case throws a new twist at everyone!

One thing I don't get. The media has previously stated several times that Susan was not feeling well, however in interviews both JoVonna and Josh stated that she was not feeling sick, just tired and Kiirsi also stated nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

So was Susan feeling ill just media misinformation then or did someone change their story? I'm so confused. It would be great to get this part cleared up once and for all.

From what I heard from the very beginning of this whole thing was that Susan had an ongoing ear ache problem for about 2 weeks prior to her going "missing." I was told that she did indeed not feel well and went to go lie down around 5pm on Sunday afternoon and that is when Jovonna decided to leave. I am not certain on whether she was still not feeling well when Josh supposedly left with the boys at midnight.

So as far as people changing their stories, I don't know if or why Josh would do that. I did not see an interview with Jovonna talking about the state of Susans health that day, but just because I didn't see if doesn't mean she didn't address it. I am not sure what she or Josh said about it is what I am trying to say. I just know that I was told she was not feeling well when she went to lie down around 5pm on Sunday. Whether or not that was just her being tired or not feeling well for another reason, or if it had to do with her ear ache problem...I do not know. But I am assuming it is one of the three.

Unless...well the only other theory I have regarding that is that Josh gave her something to make her feel sick or make her weak so that he could better handle her later that evening. It is awful to think that, but very possible that he would do that given the circumstantial evidence we have before us. Because Susan is strong and Josh is basically a wimp and there is no way he could handle her if she were awake and alert. She was not afraid of him and could have easily fought back. Giving her something so he could get the upperhand on her physically is the only way he could have taken her off guard IMO. This is just speculation on my part.
Sorry if I derailed! My main purpose was to point out that it may have been possible that Steven Powell thought Susan should be deprogrammed and maybe sent her somewhere for this purpose. EXTREMELY far fetched but pretty much the only think I can possibly think Kiirsi might be suspecting.

Does anyone think that Steven Powell could have had other intentions for Susan other than deprogramming? Food for thought...
BLESS YOU Okan3J's!! Thank you so much!

I apologize if I gave anyone the false impression that Kiirsi was definitely on medication for anxiety. That was mere speculation on my part. Triple hats off to her for handling all of this without meds!! I don't know how she does it.


One more quick question for you. Would you happen to know if Susan was actually feeling ill that Sunday? The media has reported several times that she was feeling sick, but if I remember correctly, both Josh and JoVonna simply stated she was feeling tired. It's hard to sort through all of the media misinformation and I've never been clear on this part.

ETA: Dang, you're fast! You beat me!
Yep, it looks like we cross posted. :) I hope those answers helped, even a little.
Okay, I found my source for what Josh said about Susan "not not feeling well," it's in this video around the 4:24 mark. Still looking for my JoVonna source. I think it was a video too.


Side note: This is NOT to prove anyone wrong or right about anything, this is just to show where I found the information. Since Susan had an ongoing earache, then it's very likely that she could have been both tired and not feeling well off and on, making both statements factual.
I've deleted the discussion on religion and whether or not any religion is a cult. It has nothing to do with this case, please stop discussing your beliefs on whether a religion is a cult or not. Thank you.

Part of me still wants to think that Josh knows where she is and she is alive and safe. He is just putting her "well being" before his own.
Okay, here's the media source for Kiirsi saying Susan was not sick (at the time she last saw her.) It also stated that Josh told police Susan didn't go camping because she was feeling sick. Hmmm... that contradicts the video where he states she was NOT not feeling well.


Take it all with a grain of salt, could be media misinformation. Still trying to find JoVonna's statement on the matter.

ETA: Sorry, forgot the link. Added above.
I've deleted the discussion on religion and whether or not any religion is a cult. It has nothing to do with this case, please stop discussing your beliefs on whether a religion is a cult or not. Thank you.

Thanks for posting this, Imamaze.

Let me add that it's fine to mention the Powells' religion as it directly relates to Susan's disappearance.

However, any discussion other than that is off-topic and not allowed in this thread.


Going back a thread or 2--I am most interested in how and when Josh found out that Susan had a secret back account. The when, to me, is all important regarding her disappearance. Am wondering if Josh checked cookies, and temp internet files. Since Susan was not allowed on her own computer that would be a double smack in the face to JP. Or, did someone tell him about the account? If someone told him that would be no friend of Susan's. Disclaimer: I am NOT saying this to speculate about Susan's friends again.

I could easily seeing someone like Josh putting a keystroke program on their PC.
Part of me still wants to think that Josh knows where she is and she is alive and safe. He is just putting her "well being" before his own.

I personally think if Josh could produce Susan right now rather than having everyone suspect him, I feel he would do so. Also, I don't see him putting her well being before his own if his is as narcisstic as he appears. JMO Indeed I do hope she is alive, but I just don't get that feeling unfortunately.
Going back a thread or 2--I am most interested in how and when Josh found out that Susan had a secret back account. The when, to me, is all important regarding her disappearance. Am wondering if Josh checked cookies, and temp internet files. Since Susan was not allowed on her own computer that would be a double smack in the face to JP. Or, did someone tell him about the account? If someone told him that would be no friend of Susan's. Disclaimer: I am NOT saying this to speculate about Susan's friends again.

I could easily seeing someone like Josh putting a keystroke program on their PC.

Or just check the browser history.
Hi to all...

I personally think that IF we go back and think...we see the pattern...one that is sadly a "repeat" of other people, other domestic murders

>>> Josh had apparently NOT been working thru much of the marriage...also filed for bankruptcy

>>> Josh was "supposed to start a new job" on Monday (that he "forgot about"..thought it was Sunday?)

>>> Susan was successful....bringing home the bacon and cooking it too it seems

>>> conflicts over his control issues...religion...and the fact she was planning to leave him if things did not change

and I think that THAT night it all came to a head...

I feel the "job" was somehow connected..

as if Susan said>>> "OK, now you finally have a job, you can support yourself and send child support, I want a divorce"

or...maybe...the job was NOT "real">> the same way that Mark Hacking fell apart when Lori realized he had been lying

MY guess is that Josh has been lying, using her money, running off harebrained schemes like the "yellow page ads"....all the while being a controlling jerk and failing to live up to his promises regarding the life/marriage/religion that they planned together

the key factor is when a woman says "divorce"..."adios"...goodbye, get out, I'm outta here, no more, enough is enough

statistically that is when an abuser is most likely to turn violent..and even become a murderer

any other scenario....conspiracy...father helped...friend/s helped...he planned it...are just "fanciful" IMHO>>> this was too "incoherant" and too sloppy to be planned...
also I think that very few people are going to conspire like this really...and keep up their stories

The dad/friends/his family MAY be making excuses for him or trying to "shade" facts...and the dad is surely "protecting" him and sheltering him...BUT >>> I think when it all comes out ...it will be just as I have said from the start...
wife wants divorce...abuser kills her

Josh "got lucky" I guess...this loser somehow managed to "pull it off">> I guess the youth of the boys, the snow and cold, the rugged terrain in the 100 etc mile radius, helped him

My guess is that he stranged her (otherwise there would be blood)
the "wet spot">>> bodily fluids released at death...
he MIGHT have poisoned her ?? Not sure...it could have been vomit

the fact that Susan laid down?? I think she wanted the "friend" to leave so she could confront Josh...I think Josh did not want that confrontation (goodbye/divorce)...
I think that is why he was cooking pancakes and kissing up to the crochet lady

>>> Question ...??? what job was Josh due to start that Monday>?

when was the last time he worked?

what year/s or (months) did he work in IT at the "trucking company"?

when did he last sell real estate? and how much did he sell?

what happened to the ridiculous ad bill *$80k that he rang up at the yellow pages ?

when did Susan start her secret account....when did Josh find out about it?

and again..what was the job he was supposed to start?? did it even exist?

JMO of course
Well, I can't find any direct quote from JoVonna on whether or not Susan was just tired or not feeling well. I could have sworn I saw an interview by JoVonna where she said Susan was "just a little tired" but gosh, who knows. I've slept between now and then and could be getting my facts confused. Unless I can back it up, I don't want to claim she definitely stated so one way or the other.

Josh's job is also confusing to me. I've heard that he was expecting to start a new job that Monday but I also heard that he'd been employed in IT at a trucking company for at while. I'm also curious as to what was correct regarding his employment.
I am thankful to have some clarity on what type of person Kiirsi is. It was a little confusing but also the media seems to like it when we're confused.

I'm assuming the LE has, but have they done a thorough search around the house/backyard?

Did anyone check to see if the supplies that were taken for the camping trip were 1 day supplies? Did he have extra money/valuables/clothing that could have suggested he wasn't coming back?

How much time did he have from the point of return (from the snow park) until he left for the camping trip?
Well, I can't find any direct quote from JoVonna on whether or not Susan was just tired or not feeling well. I could have sworn I saw an interview by JoVonna where she said Susan was "just a little tired" but gosh, who knows. I've slept between now and then and could be getting my facts confused. Unless I can back it up, I don't want to claim she definitely stated so one way or the other.

Josh's job is also confusing to me. I've heard that he was expecting to start a new job that Monday but I also heard that he'd been employed in IT at a trucking company for at while. I'm also curious as to what was correct regarding his employment.

If you go to YouTube, i think Sierra is ID and Patty G is her ID here, has posted the interview with JoVonna saying Susan wasn't sick that evening.
How much time did he have from the point of return (from the snow park) until he left for the camping trip?

According to what I was told, he left to take the kids sledding around 5:30pm and returned about 8:30pm. Then he said he left to go camping at about 12:30am. So there were 4 hours in between him arriving from taking the kids sledding and then him leaving to go camping. Wonder what happened in those 4 hours? That is the big question.
Just to clear something up regarding Josh's job...he got the job at the trucking company in Summer of 2008. He had been working there for a little over a year. He was NOT scheduled to start there on the Monday that Susan went missing.
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