UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #5

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This is my first post to WS so please be gentle.

Josh knows what evidence LE has against him. His behavior indicates that he believes they have enough for an arrest and conviction.

Scott Peterson put on the act of the concerned, worried husband because he thought he was going to get away with his wife’s murder. He thought he had a good alibi and had covered up the loose ends. Josh was still in the process of covering his tracks when LE entered his home. I’m sure he never intended for anyone to see the two fans on the floor drying a wet spot. I doubt that an unplanned 12:30 AM camping trip with two small children in a snow storm and on a work night was the alibi he intended to use. He must have been planning to come home and finish cleaning up the scene. He was going to put the fans away and possibly put Susan’s purse, cell phone and keys in the van and leave it someplace. Then he could claim he saw her leave for work in the morning.

All we can do is speculate about what his intended alibi was going to be. It certainly wasn’t going to be the one he had to go with. If he were that stupid he would need to be watered twice a week.

Josh knows he’s going to be going to prison and is not even bothering with putting on the Scott Peterson act. An act I’m sure we would be witnessing if the Powell’s friends and family hadn’t immediately asked the police to do a welfare check on the residence.

I believe the police will make an arrest sometime this month. They have to wait for all the lab work to be completed and to cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s. They also need to chase down every credible lead or the defense will claim “a rush to judgment” at the trial.

Josh knows better than anyone if he was able to cover up his crime and his actions tell me he is just waiting for the ax to fall. He wants to spend what little freedom he has left with Daddy and not wasting it putting on a show that he knows will not help him.

I imagine that every time he hears a knock on the door or even a car drive down the street he thinks, “They’re here. I’m going to jail.” He knows how this story is going to end and his behavior has given the ending away.

I'm new here too, but I welcome you to this fine establishment of Tricia's. And thank you for your very insightful perspective! What you say does make sense, and it does give me hope. I am happy that he seems to want to hunker down at his dad's place. In both of the two "interview" videos posted just recently (porch comments and street comments), he has this pained expression on his face, and I am not sure why I get this feeling but the feeling is that his pain is for his own sorry butt and there is no hint of sorrow for his missing wife.

In the street "interview", the long pause before the reply to the simple question, "where did you go camping?" he is clearly staring hard at an invisible wall trying to find the answer to where indeed, and then finally he comes up with a place name to give. He probably wanted to strangle the reporter on the spot for even asking that question. Sorry to the regulars, as I'm sure these same observations have been made numerous times already, but this is the first time I've seen these videos.
Let's hope tomorrow she covers Susan. Maybe by then we will have some new tips.

Nancy Grace is nothing but ratings oriented, you all should know that by now.

If it doesn't rake up the numbers, she's not covering it.

I haven't watched her show since the Melinda Duckett fiasco.

Respectfully snipped for space:

That channel 2 "blue hat" interview video that JennaLee kindly reposted at Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - UT-Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City; thread #5 contains many inconsistencies. At the same 4:24 mark where the reporter questions Josh about not feeling well, he also inquires what time she went to bed "We've heard it was around 5that night." Josh replies, "No, she went to bed that night." OUTRIGHT LIE!!! JoVonna already told us that she went to lie down around 5. Regardless of how she was feeling, Josh is denying that she went to bed early!

Hmmmm... I had always assumed that Susan went to lie down and got back up again after an hour or two, and then went to bed later and this is what Josh meant by that statement. But he sure did skip right over the 5:00 issued, didn't he? It may mean nothing, but since the reporter brought it up, I'd expect him to clarify that she did lie down at 5:00 but only for a nap. Come to think of it, I guess no one knows for sure (except Josh) on whether or not Susan got back up again after 5:00. :(

I also noticed again (as pointed out earlier by another member) how he says
"By the time it all started, it was late..." Like the earlier poster said (sorry, I forgot who it was) by the time WHAT all started?? What is he talking about??
****rumor alert****

Josh has been taking his boys to church & submitted new ward member info


Alrighty then.

I hope The Spirit moves him to do the right thing...and lightning strike him if he's doing this just for show & is not sincere at all.

Wonder how he's getting along w/ his "anti-LDS" dad?

ETA: well - not literally getting struck by lightning because it would be too sad for the little boys to be without both their parents. :(
Hi everyone! I'm new and have been lurking here for a couple of weeks trying to catch up with everything. This case caught my attention the first time I heard Josh's ridiculous alibi - just incredible.

I keep wondering about the car alarm going off at about 11:45 on Sunday night. How/why do you suppose that happened? And, wouldn't the kids have heard it, too? Why did it stay on for so long?

If she was drugged, couldn't he have just gone and opened the door and then put her in the van without any trouble? Or, if she wasn't drugged, could she have tried to hide in the van (with the keys) and when he tried to open the door he set the alarm off?

I just really wonder how that fits in...


I can set off my car alarm by pushing a button on the car key from across a parking lot or from inside the house, or inside the car. Maybe he set it off to cover noise.
****rumor alert****

Josh has been taking his boys to church & submitted new ward member info


Alrighty then.

I hope The Spirit moves him to do the right thing...and lightning strike him if he's doing this just for show & is not sincere at all.

Wonder how he's getting along w/ his "anti-LDS" dad?

ETA: well - not literally getting struck by lightning because it would be too sad for the little boys to be without both their parents. :(

The boys are going to lose the other parent, when Josh goes to jail.
I find that very hard to believe that the police would ask people not to show pictures of his Van. The police have put the heat on him from the start and call him a person of interest. They would never have done that if they wanted him to be confident they were not looking at him.

I find it very easy to believe this, simply because actions speak even louder than words. The police have not posted any pics nor has the family who seems to be closely following the instructions of LE. I'm not saying I don't find it odd, I kind of do, but I definitely believe LE is behind it. I just suspect their reason may be more complex than just hoping Josh gets more confident and screws up. I can't figure out what all might be behind it though. :waitasec:
****rumor alert****

Josh has been taking his boys to church & submitted new ward member info


Alrighty then.

I hope The Spirit moves him to do the right thing...and lightning strike him if he's doing this just for show & is not sincere at all.

Wonder how he's getting along w/ his "anti-LDS" dad?

ETA: well - not literally getting struck by lightning because it would be too sad for the little boys to be without both their parents. :(

Yeah, why start going to church now? Maybe he has someone to remind him of what day it is. I noticed Tricia also commented on same, and invited posters to WS. What I am sure of is "his boys" will not be attending Sunday school, or whatever it's called in an LDS church.
Josh has been taking his boys to church & submitted new ward member info
Alrighty then. I hope The Spirit moves him to do the right thing...and lightning strike him if he's doing this just for show & is not sincere at all.

Wonder how he's getting along w/ his "anti-LDS" dad? ETA: well - not literally getting struck by lightning because it would be too sad for the little boys to be without both their parents. :(

Some people use church as a social tool. Remember Denis Rader?

These psychos know that by participating in church (1) their reputations improve, and (2) they will have the social and moral support of the congregation.
Is that the worst possible video from an 'innocent' husband or what? No wonder he retained a lawyer shortly thereafter, and LE subpoenaed it. We have speculated on why car alarm went off, not the least of which maybe it was accidentally hit when loading van.

I suppose it continued going off for so long while he loaded and arranged. But, aren't most car alarms located somewhere on or near the steering column? Wonder why he would be in the driver's area and accidentally hit the alarm. Seems like he would be near the back of the van.

I can set off my car alarm by pushing a button on the car key from across a parking lot or from inside the house, or inside the car. Maybe he set it off to cover noise.

(snip, bbm) During those earlier discussions re car alarm I suggested (depending upon van year and make and whether unit was factory installed or purchased separately) that the car alarm might have been activated by attempting to disable GPS. Advanced car alarms offer GPS tracking capabilities.

Some people use church as a social tool. Remember Denis Rader?

These psychos know that by participating in church (1) their reputations improve, and (2) they will have the social and moral support of the congregation.

Work it joshy, work it.... :rolleyes:

I can set off my car alarm by pushing a button on the car key from across a parking lot or from inside the house, or inside the car. Maybe he set it off to cover noise.

I don't have a criminal mind, but I would think he wouldn't want to draw even more attention by having a car alarm go off in the middle of the crime?

Maybe she hit the panic button for help if he was chasing her around the house.
Welcome to diphi and doctorwoof!

I feel kind of silly bringing this up, but does anyone else feel really uncomfortable when watching Josh's media interviews? I mean, more so than just, "something's way off here!" I'm sure we all feel that!

But anyway, I don't know if it's just me or what, but I get really, REALLY uncomfortable when watching one. I can be pretty empathetic but I've never experienced a feeling this strong from someone not right there in the room with me. I start out uncomfortable, then this fear starts and it gets stronger and stronger. Total fight or flight, I feel like I'm being chased and I need to run.

By the time whatever video it is reaches the end, especially the longer ones, I'm almost always on the edge of panic; racing heart, shallow breathing, odd tingling, and extreme jumpiness. After it's over, I have to get up and move around to shake it off and then do some deep breathing to calm myself fully.

So, um, yeah... it just sounds ridiculous seeing it typed out.
I don't have a criminal mind, but I would think he wouldn't want to draw even more attention by having a car alarm go off in the middle of the crime?

Maybe she hit the panic button for help if he was chasing her around the house.

Agreed - he wouldn't want to bring attention to the car - Unless he needed an excuse to be out by the car. If anyone saw him there, he would have an excuse. just a thought
(snip) Heatherly I went back and edited my post as I'm unable to id other man in porch video. (Please kindly edit or delete my quote in your post #308 if possible until we can verify who this was.) Nor can I find where it mentions SP being in UT. :confused:

I've now viewed once what poor quality footage I could find of the first vigil held in West View Park in WVC on Dec. 10 as lemonmoussetart suggested--but that site caused my computer to freeze up (which I just got unfrozen, so a little wary of viewing that video again on that particular site) and in that report I didn't eve see JP, much less anyone resembling Red Coat. (I watched the video from ksl news I think, did you see a different one, or photos?)

Anyway I don't want to cause confusion, I just think it's critical to establish if SP was in fact in Utah. Please anyone w knowledge please either point me to the correct video, photos or w/e. TIA :parrot:

I read a news article yesterday that mentioned SP going to UT. It had when he got there, and when he left to go back, but I can't remember where I read it.
I watched most of NG tonight, but don't believe she did anything on Susan Powell. At the beginning of the program, they showed hints of discussing SP. Did I miss it? Or did she just run out of time?????

Nope. That was it. It was exactly 3 minutes long. <sigh>
(snip, bbm) During those earlier discussions re car alarm I suggested (depending upon van year and make and whether unit was factory installed or purchased separately) that the car alarm might have been activated by attempting to disable GPS. Advanced car alarms offer GPS tracking capabilities.


I suggested the same thing, kiki! At length.

No way would I believe that the car alarm was set off on purpose.

I am with you, my friend!
Great post Dr Woof. You sure do have a knack for calling it like it is.
If we are all right in our thinking, Josh will be charged. It may take a while but if he did what we think he did, he will not get away with it. But for the life of me, I can't understand why it came to that. What is it that makes someone want to kill the mother of their children????
One thing I want to say is that no way would LE ask people not to talk about Josh's vehicle! Le does not operate that way, nor do they take Susan OR Josh's friends into their confidence. I think that they are even careful what they tell Susan's family also. Susan's family is very vulnerable now, and LE would not want to get their hopes up or even minimize what little hope her family may have. JMO

Another thing is this 'kidnapped' scenario. I know LE has to keep an open mind and explore all possibilities, but I do not think for one moment that they seriously really believe that Susan was kidnapped or abducted. I do not know what evidence LE has - none of us do - but I will bet you there is no evidence of a kidnapping or abduction. HOWEVER; LE could bring in the FBI if there is a possibility that even Josh may have transported Susan over state lines. Just JMO on that.

I think LE needs as much help in this as possible. I do hope that the carpet sample and carpet cleaner particles were sent to the FBI lab. Also, any hairs located in the van should be sent to be tested for poisoning, IMO. Josh may have felt he was thorough in his cleaning of the van, but there should still be hairs from Susan in the van from her having been in it in the past. It is just my thought that Susan was still alive, but in a defenseless state when Josh took her from the house. I further believe that she was not dead in the van, but still alive when he placed her in the woods or wherever he placed her. Maybe just barely alive, but alive.

Of course, this is just my speculation because at this point, we know nothing or next to nothing.

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