UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #6

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Very interesting. I can see the resemblance to Josh. BTW, Puyallup is NOT in the Puget Sound. It's close to Tacoma (where I was born!). And there's a world of difference between Tacoma and Seattle, IMO.

Oh, I don't know. As far as I am concerned, Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia are all on the Sound. Puyallup is just a suburb of Tacoma. Pretty darn close to the Sound, anyhow.

Close in proximity perhaps - miles apart in terms of...well pretty much everything else . IMO.
Thanks, I wish I knew more about saving and screenshots........I have tried and failed....the minute they know we know it will disappear!

If you're using Internet Explorer, see the word FILE, top left on the menu bar? Click on FILE, click on SAVE AS, give it a name, and click SAVE. This saves whatever page you're currently looking at, in its entirely (better than a screen shot which will only show what's on your screen). Remember where on your computer you saved it.
bolding mine

There's a big difference between the Elizabeth Smart case and the Susan Powell case.

1) Elizabeth was a young UNmarried girl with a young, SLC, wealthy father and multiple relatives.

Susan is/was a temple married woman with an out-of-state, much older father caring for Susan's ill mother.

2) Elizabeth's kidnapper was totally UNknown and certainly NOT assumed to be a fellow MALE Mormon.

Susan's suspected kidnapper/murderer IS known -- IS the HUSBAND -- and IS a fellow Mormon.

3) Obviously, Elizabeth had no babies who Ed Smart was worried he would lose forever if he was persistent - aggressive - and successful in his searches for Elizabeth.

Susan DOES have two sons who could be permanetly alienated from the Cox family forever if Chuck Cox angers the hierarchy of the vindictive, uncooperative Powell family.

Remember, Susan has sisters but no brothers who could also be fighting for justice for Susan.

IMO, it's rather obvious to all that Susan has been lost forever. I'm quite sure that Chuck Cox does not want to lose Susan's sons too.

IF the Mormon church is the equal opportunity - all loving church they claim to be, THEY should be the ones organizing searches and beating the bushes to find one of their own supposedly loved, loyal members, Susan Cox Powell!

R E A L L Y ? _ But she receives NO Help as the obvious victim? _ Why? :waitasec:

Perhaps the fact that Susan is FEMALE with no powerful, LDS MALE relatives just might be a factor in the total lack of ANY efforts from the huge LDS organization to search for her - alive OR dead.

What an unfair, lame, hypocritical shame!

in my humble opinion

Very good post.
Okay guys and gals...

I got tipped some VERY interesting info about a website all about Steven Powell himself! We can finally get some info on him. There are tons of pics, a bio, and song recordings, etc.

It is also under a completely different name but people who know him very well have I.D.'d that it is indeed him. (Based on the some of the pics, I can see the resemblance to Josh and Michael)

Also, Josh must have built this site because Polished Marketing is his little side programming business. So he built it for his dad. Why Steven Powell is doing it under a different name is beyond me. Check it out.

Here is the link:


Wow, what a bonanza! Thanks for sharing. I hope this will get a thread of its own. This is certainly something to chew on for awhile.

Can't help but wonder if parts of SP's biography are from an alternate universe.. lol


The above page has him being spirited away by his mother for a period of a "few months" then reconciliation of his parents - and THEN, around age 7, being taken from his mother by his dad/grandparents. He indicates relocation to Yakima with his father in time to start third grade.


But then the above page talks about growing up with his single mother who worked as a secretary to support four children.

Seems like a huge discrepancy to me. Did SP and his siblings live with a single mother for a "few months" or does he recall "growing up" with her??


Those lyrics really get me. It sure seems like SP might actually view his children as "little dolls"... but then.. to hear the bio tell it, the things SP chose to include would seem he also sees himself as having been a little doll to his own parents.
Close in proximity perhaps - miles apart in terms of...well pretty much everything else . IMO.

I imagine if you are from one area or another, you might see distinct differences between them that others might not see. I know my town is very different from the one located right next to us - and everyone in both towns would agree they are different. In fact, they were designed to be different. One is a large state capital, the other is a large bedroom community.
Okay guys and gals...

I got tipped some VERY interesting info about a website all about Steven Powell himself! We can finally get some info on him. There are tons of pics, a bio, and song recordings, etc.

It is also under a completely different name but people who know him very well have I.D.'d that it is indeed him. (Based on the some of the pics, I can see the resemblance to Josh and Michael)

Also, Josh must have built this site because Polished Marketing is his little side programming business. So he built it for his dad. Why Steven Powell is doing it under a different name is beyond me. Check it out.

Here is the link:


What awful music. I'n not surprised he's alone in the pictures, nobody would book an act like this, so all the shots are taken at home I guess. In the UK there's a comedian called John Shuttleworth who does music like this as part of his act, but that's deliberately bad. I think Steve is serious.

The website is poorly put together and presented IMO. You can listen to the tracks if you must, but it's not pleasant. The story about his childhood is disturbing. I feel so sorry for Susan's two boys being born into the third consecutive broken generation of Powells.

I tried listening to "Missing You", seemed appropriate, maybe something Steve should play to Josh to jog his memory of why he's back home with daddy the "musician". I use the term loosely. I couldn't bear to hear the whole thing, the singing is poor, the backing music annoying.

As for the name change, would you want your real name associated with this cr@p?

Oh, on the "Polished" website there's a spelling mistake in the first paragraph. I wouldn't employ any company that can't even be bothered to use a spell checker.
I imagine if you are from one area or another, you might see distinct differences between them that others might not see. I know my town is very different from the one located right next to us - and everyone in both towns would agree they are different. In fact, they were designed to be different. One is a large state capital, the other is a large bedroom community.

Well, I was actually born in Tacoma and partially raised in Enumclaw. Are you from WA?
Originally Posted by Dr.Fessel
Does anyone remember Kiirsi saying she got ahold of Josh and he was driving around before he came home that evening?

Yes I do recall that. He stated that he was in WVC (pop 26,000), and it took him 2 hours to arrive home.
Just wife missing, no big.

Actually, I just want to clear this up. Kiirsi is NOT the one who got a hold of Josh. She told reporters that first week that Jovonna was the one who finally got through to Josh and talked to him that first Monday afternoon, but the reporter reported it wrong.
Actually, I just want to clear this up. Kiirsi is NOT the one who got a hold of Josh. She told reporters that first week that Jovonna was the one who finally got through to Josh and talked to him that first Monday afternoon, but the reporter reported it wrong.

Yes, I remember hearing that from somewhere. It was Jovonna who finally got through.
Close in proximity perhaps - miles apart in terms of...well pretty much everything else . IMO.

Most definitely Fairy,and Gwen. Used to live in Tacoma, then Seattle. Puget Sound only seen from Seattle, they are many miles apart. And he's singing about Seattle? As a former resident the song stylings of SP hold nothing akin to thoughts of Seattle.
IF the Mormon church is the equal opportunity - all loving church they claim to be, THEY should be the ones organizing searches and beating the bushes to find one of their own supposedly loved, loyal members, Susan Cox Powell!

R E A L L Y ? _ But she receives NO Help as the obvious victim? _ Why?

Perhaps the fact that Susan is FEMALE with no powerful, LDS MALE relatives just might be a factor in the total lack of ANY efforts from the huge LDS organization to search for her - alive OR dead.

What an unfair, lame, hypocritical shame!

in my humble opinion


Since when did the Mormon Church get into the missing persons business? It was Ed Smart who organized friends and neighbors to search. Publicity led to the search. For some reason, the police in West Valley and the victims own parents have discouraged this search. We don't know why. They must have inside info we are not privy to. To claim that it is the Mormon church's responsibility somehow to find this poor woman is silly. You wouldn't go to Boston and expect the Catholic church to take charge to find a missing person would you? Or go to Atlanta and ask why the Baptists aren't rounding everyone up? Why the double standard?


Why do you say this?
Okay guys and gals...

I got tipped some VERY interesting info about a website all about Steven Powell himself! We can finally get some info on him. There are tons of pics, a bio, and song recordings, etc.

It is also under a completely different name but people who know him very well have I.D.'d that it is indeed him. (Based on the some of the pics, I can see the resemblance to Josh and Michael)

Also, Josh must have built this site because Polished Marketing is his little side programming business. So he built it for his dad. Why Steven Powell is doing it under a different name is beyond me. Check it out.

Here is the link:


Eeek! That's the worst stuff I've exposed my ears to in a long time! The young picture of him looks just like his son's.
bolding mine

There's a big difference between the Elizabeth Smart case and the Susan Powell case.

1) Elizabeth was a young UNmarried girl with a young, SLC, wealthy father and multiple relatives.

Susan is/was a temple married woman with an out-of-state, much older father caring for Susan's ill mother.

2) Elizabeth's kidnapper was totally UNknown and certainly NOT assumed to be a fellow MALE Mormon.

Susan's suspected kidnapper/murderer IS known -- IS the HUSBAND -- and IS a fellow Mormon.

3) Obviously, Elizabeth had no babies who Ed Smart was worried he would lose forever if he was persistent - aggressive - and successful in his searches for Elizabeth.

Susan DOES have two sons who could be permanetly alienated from the Cox family forever if Chuck Cox angers the hierarchy of the vindictive, uncooperative Powell family.

Remember, Susan has sisters but no brothers who could also be fighting for justice for Susan.

IMO, it's rather obvious to all that Susan has been lost forever. I'm quite sure that Chuck Cox does not want to lose Susan's sons too.

IF the Mormon church is the equal opportunity - all loving church they claim to be, THEY should be the ones organizing searches and beating the bushes to find one of their own supposedly loved, loyal members, Susan Cox Powell!

R E A L L Y ? _ But she receives NO Help as the obvious victim? _ Why? :waitasec:

Perhaps the fact that Susan is FEMALE with no powerful, LDS MALE relatives just might be a factor in the total lack of ANY efforts from the huge LDS organization to search for her - alive OR dead.

What an unfair, lame, hypocritical shame!

in my humble opinion

All I'm gonna say is.....wow. :waitasec:
No one has actually said, "Do not search," but clearly, it is not being encouraged. Nor has there been any significant (not meaning to diminish those who have searched on their own) organized effort by any entity, including LE and the Church.

Why in the world is that? There has GOT to be a reason. Why???? I really don't think it has anything to do with religion.
I do not have a link. It is what others are saying at the SL trib comment site.
I believe it is also what is being said at the official friends of Susan Powell facebook site.
Gwen, I just found this on Kiirsi site.


Here’s the lowdown on the physical search: Chuck Cox, Susan’s father, has said that if anyone wants to do their own search, you must contact the West Valley PD. Get their permission and register a record of where in the wilderness you want to search and then report back to them after you’re done.
Do people really think you have to get the permission to search for Susan from the WV police?
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