VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #1

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So this Alister Douglas aka "Yellow" has an obvious public presence, is performing with his band, and is not even attempting to hide out. I mean, he even has an address posted: Alister Douglas, Mt. Parnassus, St. George's, Grenada, W.I

Then has this P.I., Tim Buckholz, questioned him as he reportedly wanted to do, according to this Vanished episode Part 5?

If not, why not. And if he did, what did he learn? Anyone? TIA

I don't know, I was asking the same thing earlier in the thread. I'm sure even if he was questioned, his answers would be along the lines of the same BS he spewed out on the cruise ship before his infamous "thumbs up" signal.

The band even has a phone # listed, for God's sake...any one of us could theoretically call and ask him ourselves. What a lowlife.

The purpose of this forum is to shed light on Amy's case in hopes that she isn't just forgotten like so many cold cases are, and in hopes that someday she may still be found and rescued. Also, that the perpetrators that are behind Amy's disappearance be found, stopped, and prosecuted. Though admittedly there doesn't seem to be much chance of that, as these trafficking rings are so huge and widespread how can they all be stopped? But then that's no reason to just give up either, imo. What, are we all just going to quit and go home? I for one will not.

If the FBI or the Bradley's thought that disclosing information on Amy's disappearance would jeopardize the case, I think we would have heard so by now. Which we have not. Whatever information they have on the case that has not been released cannot be discussed here since we don't know it, thus, no issue.

Also, since Amy's disappearance as well as the circumstances surrounding it have already been plastered all over national television, including Vanished with Beth Holloway and the Dr. Phil Show, I just don't see how what is discussed here on this forum can possibly "endanger" Amy or jeopardize her case. As in the Natalee Holloway case, the same is for Amy's, no one is trying to keep her case quiet.

I know from posting on Websleuth forums for several years now, that most of the posters here, are here because we care about the victims. I think I can truthfully say that we care more about them and are more passionate about their cases than the television news anchors, the reporters, or the Dr. Phil's combined. We don't just cover their case one day, one week, or one month a year. We come back day after day, week after week, month after month, and longer if necessary. And always with what little hope we can dredge up. Bottom line, we want them found, we want them rescued, and we want justice. That's it.

This said, for anyone in line with all of this, then I can only speculate what could be the cause of any objections. :twocents:
I don't know, I was asking the same thing earlier in the thread. I'm sure even if he was questioned, his answers would be along the lines of the same BS he spewed out on the cruise ship before his infamous "thumbs up" signal.

The band even has a phone # listed, for God's sake...any one of us could theoretically call and ask him ourselves. What a lowlife.

Amy was last seen by her father, Ron Bradley, on the balcony of their room. This was at 5:30 AM as Rhapsody of the Seas was docking at the cruise terminal, in Curacao. Sometime after this, Amy quietly left the room. She was probably in search of morning coffee. All that she had with her were her cigarettes. She wasn't wearing shoes.

Amy encountered Alister Douglas because two passengers saw them in the elevator. She was also seen in the disco area by another passenger. They reported that she was with Alister Douglas. Alister Douglas was seen carrying a drink that appeared to be coffee.

Alister Douglas was questioned by the FBI, but they couldn't prove that he was responsible for Amy's disappearance. He was fired by Royal Caribbean. Alister does live in Grenada where he is from. He is connected to a band and he is married. There is nothing that can be done without more evidence. You can only imagine how frustrating this is for Amy's family.
Cruise Terminal, Curacao


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Balcony where Ron Bradley saw Amy sleeping at 5:30 AM.


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Amy had a wonderful relationship with her brother and parents. She had graduated from college, she was preparing to start a new job after returning from the cruise, she had a really nice boyfriend, she had just adopted a dog that she was planning to pickup after her return, and she had just bought a car that she loved.

Frank Jones did rip off the family. He presented false evidence which included photographs he had created. After it was discovered that Frank Jones had perpetrated a fraud, he was charged in Virginia courts and sentenced to prison. The Bradley family didn't simply allow themselves to be ripped off. This man was a professional con artist.

Her college did not receive transcript requests.

There were no witnesses who later saw Amy and claimed that she was not under duress. All reports of sightings have included descriptions that she was under duress and appeared to be very frightened. Her parents are not controlling messages.


The Bradleys are a lovely family. Their pain and loss is more than you can ever imagine.
^ Glad you got to see it. My brother and I have been following the Bradley case for a long time and we learned a lot from the show.

The Caribbean is just not really a cool place.

This is my theory of what happened:

Amy was profiled by a group on the ship. Someone went through the photos of the passengers and picked out Amy. That's how her photos disappeared.

The band member was somehow involved and served as a contact?

Amy was probably persuaded to leave the ship, but once she got off, things didn't go as she expected. She tried to find a way to contact her family (her meeting with the cabby asking for a phone), but was taken then by those who had profiled her earlier.

I think eventually she moved on from being in a brothel to being somehow involved in illicit activities as an unwilling accomplice. The final sighting of her on Barbados and what the thugs said to her in the restroom of the department store leads me to believe she was being used for those activities after she had aged out of being a prostitute.

The story about the cabby has received a lot of media coverage. Reportedly he saw Amy running around the parking lot at the cruise terminal and she was asking for a pay phone. In order to believe all of this, you would have to completely disregard the following information.

- The Bradleys had cell phones on the ship, but in 1998 most US cell phones did not work outside of the US. How would she be able to call a foreign cell phone?

- If Amy was in an emergency situation, why didn't she ask for help or for the police? Why was she asking for a phone? Who was she planning to call?

- If she was looking for a pay phone as the cabby had stated, where would she get the coins? She didn't have anything but her cigarettes with her. She had no money.

- Why would she ask the cabby for a phone, when the cruise terminal would have had government officials and police closeby?

- How did she get past the police and customs agents in the cruise terminal, in order to be in the parking lot with the cabby?

- The taxi driver gave a very descriptive account of Amy's activities in the parking lot of the cruise terminal, except that he left out one very important piece of information. When Amy disappeared, she wasn't wearing shoes. It might have been a little difficult to run through a parking lot without shoes. Wouldn't the cabby have noticed that she was without shoes?

The cabby didn't see Amy in the cruise terminal.
FindAmy is now a verified insider on this case.

The Amy Bradley case is active and ongoing. If our verified member FindAmy informs you a subject is case sensitive, please delete the information as soon as possible and heed all warnings. Webleuths will always err on the side of caution where a human life and the integrity of a case is concerned.

Over time there have been posts and comments from other forums which may or may not be true or fact. Rumors run rampant and are often spun into fact over time. WS members should know we don't allow such rumors. In addition, there will be absolutely no quotes from the comment sections of other websites concerning this case brought to Websleuths. While there have been exceptions to this rule on other cases, this is not one of them.

Please stick to the facts as we know them and please, let's find Amy Bradley!

If you have not watched Vanished, the 5-part series about the Amy Bradley story, it is a fascinating and heartbreaking must see:

[ame=""]Amy Bradley Vanished Pt.1 - YouTube[/ame]
TU to SoSueMe and beach and all the other mods for bringing Amy's thread back ! :) Am so hoping and praying for a break in the case and that Amy will be found and brought home to her family where she belongs.:please:

FindAmy is now a verified insider on this case.

The Amy Bradley case is active and ongoing. If our verified member FindAmy informs you a subject is case sensitive, please delete the information as soon as possible and heed all warnings. Webleuths will always err on the side of caution where a human life and the integrity of a case is concerned.

Over time there have been posts and comments from other forums which may or may not be true or fact. Rumors run rampant and are often spun into fact over time. WS members should know we don't allow such rumors. In addition, there will be absolutely no quotes from the comment sections of other websites concerning this case brought to Websleuths. While there have been exceptions to this rule on other cases, this is not one of them.

Please stick to the facts as we know them and please, let's find Amy Bradley!

If you have not watched Vanished, the 5-part series about the Amy Bradley story, it is a fascinating and heartbreaking must see:

Amy Bradley Vanished Pt.1 - YouTube
It's so important to keep the public aware of Amy's case. The Vanished program has been very helpful in reminding the public about Amy.


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We won't give up on you, Amy!

I think about Amy often and pray that she will be home soon. So happy to see her case active on WS again.
Caribbean Sightings

March 24, 1998 - Amy disappeared from Rhapsody of the Seas

August, 1998 - Amy was seen at Porto Marie, Curacao

January, 1999 - Amy was seen in an Otrobanda Hotel, Curacao

April 18, 2003 - Amy was seen in San Francisco, California

2004 - 2005 - Amy's photograph appeared on a Venezuelan escort website

March 1, 2005 - Amy was seen in Bridgetown, Barbados

November, 2005 - Amy was seen in a Salinja club, Curacao


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Amy has several tattoos.


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These are FBI sketches of men seen with Amy.


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This is the floor plan of a family suite on Rhapsody of the Seas. Amy was last seen by her father at about 5:30 AM. She was sleeping on the balcony in a lounge chair. The rest of the family was still asleep in the suite. The cruise ship was docking at the cruise terminal in Curacao, at the time.


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Royal Caribbean Family Suite.


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The only reason I could think of to kidnap Amy (rather than conning someone into it) was a) they did not think people would realise she was kidnapped, and would assume she fell or/and b) someone specifically wanted amy not just any woman. There has been a lot of talk about young staff members being interested in amy, what about older people with money. An older man with a lot of money might have paid someone to bring amy to him. Its far fetched, but the fact is Amy is missing, and if she did not fall accidently and drown then someone took her, and every avenue has to be explored.

A lot of the carribbean islands are small, and expats are known and recognized. If amy was forced into prostitution (her parents must feel sick to their stomachs at the thought), then people have to know where the brothel is. Ther eis no point in having a brothel no-one knows about. So there will be men who will ahve emt her, and other prostitutes. If she ended up street walking or committing other crimes (someone suggested this may have happened as she got older) then she may well be known to the police. perhaps a good idea would be to really advertise her disappearence with a good age progression photo in doctors offices, drop in centres, areas where prostitues, drug users and prostitutes users hang out (expensive places too). Also these places rely on tourism and in a recession they get hit hard and that includes the brothels, perhaps now people might be more ready to accept a reward for amy's safe retrun than they were a few years ago. If Amy has been a prostitute/ involved in some sort of criminal activity for fourteen years then there will be plenty of people who will have met her. Could her fingerprints be added to the police database on the islands?

Also, and this is a horrible thought, but just in case she did fall or was killed, were other caribbean countries, and south american countries ever contacted to ask about jane does that washed ashore? I do realise that is a horrible thought, but it is worth checking.
The only reason I could think of to kidnap Amy (rather than conning someone into it) was a) they did not think people would realise she was kidnapped, and would assume she fell or/and b) someone specifically wanted amy not just any woman. There has been a lot of talk about young staff members being interested in amy, what about older people with money. An older man with a lot of money might have paid someone to bring amy to him. Its far fetched, but the fact is Amy is missing, and if she did not fall accidently and drown then someone took her, and every avenue has to be explored.

A lot of the carribbean islands are small, and expats are known and recognized. If amy was forced into prostitution (her parents must feel sick to their stomachs at the thought), then people have to know where the brothel is. Ther eis no point in having a brothel no-one knows about. So there will be men who will ahve emt her, and other prostitutes. If she ended up street walking or committing other crimes (someone suggested this may have happened as she got older) then she may well be known to the police. perhaps a good idea would be to really advertise her disappearence with a good age progression photo in doctors offices, drop in centres, areas where prostitues, drug users and prostitutes users hang out (expensive places too). Also these places rely on tourism and in a recession they get hit hard and that includes the brothels, perhaps now people might be more ready to accept a reward for amy's safe retrun than they were a few years ago. If Amy has been a prostitute/ involved in some sort of criminal activity for fourteen years then there will be plenty of people who will have met her. Could her fingerprints be added to the police database on the islands?

Also, and this is a horrible thought, but just in case she did fall or was killed, were other caribbean countries, and south american countries ever contacted to ask about jane does that washed ashore? I do realise that is a horrible thought, but it is worth checking.

There are many reasons why criminals kidnap American women in the Caribbean. Amy is not the only woman who has mysteriously disappeared. Amy did not fall from the ship's balcony. She has been seen since her disappearance, and the sightings have been verified.

The brothel where Amy was seen was in Curacao. She was seen at the brothel by a Chief Petty Officer from the USS Chandler. He did not report her disappearance right away because the brothel was off limits to Navy personnel. By the time the information was reported, the brothel had burned to the ground. There was no way to trace Amy.

Grenada and the other Caribbean islands are aware of Amy. Their law enforcement officials have photos and all of her information. Grenada is aware that Alister Douglas was questioned about her disappearance. Without more evidence, he can't be arrested.

The best thing that can be done at this point, is to make a mental note of Amy's face. Her hair is reportedly long, but her face is much the same. People need to report sightings to the police right away and not wait. She looks much like the artist sketch.


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Caribbean Sightings

March 24, 1998 - Amy disappeared from Rhapsody of the Seas

August, 1998 - Amy was seen at Porto Marie, Curacao

January, 1999 - Amy was seen in an Otrobanda Hotel, Curacao

April 18, 2003 - Amy was seen in San Francisco, California

2004 - 2005 - Amy's photograph appeared on a Venezuelan escort website

March 1, 2005 - Amy was seen in Bridgetown, Barbados

November, 2005 - Amy was seen in a Salinja club, Curacao

I have to wonder why traffickers would take the risk of bringing Amy to San Francisco, or anywhere close to the states for that matter. Where exactly was she seen, what were the circumstances, who was she seen with ? TIA
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