VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #15

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LE stated in their press conference today that the neighbor never filed a report (which doesn't exclude that they had learned about it somehow else.)


Caught up and still haven't seen any link or reference to a press conference (or any other statement) by LE. Anyone have a link for this?
Look, I know we seem like a room full of macabre housewives sipping our sherry and sleuthing whilst sewing tutus for our chihuauas, but there are military, retired LE, PI's, laywers, scientists, law students and spouses of NSA agents here who have a lot of experience with cases like these and men like WH. I don't want to assume your experience or insight, which is why I don't want you to feel you need to be adversarial - we welcome all opinions and viewpoints, as long as you are open to offering more detail as to how you came to whatever conclusion so we can be considerate of your ideas.

There are several things that lead to WH as a potential perp, aside from the mods letting us discuss him as such for 14 threads:

1. Criminal history

He has demonstrated disregard for the law.
He is a convicted felon.
He has a history of kidnapping or forcibly taking an object of his affection against her will.
He has been accused and charged with sexual assault.
etc etc etc

2. It is on the record that he was diagnosed as manic-depressive and also a cocaine or crack-cocaine user. I've offered a few diatribes on that, and so has Zapped, which I recommend going back to read.
Bi-Polar or Borderline personality Disorder (very similar) and drug use is a recipe for murder. You can also find high percentage of this combination in the Virginia crime report I posted.

3. Analysis of his statements. Statement analysis tends to be more reliable than polygraphs (statistically and in my opinion). In the case of WH, if you approach his interviews expecting the kind of answers we have gotten from JH or Zach, bells start going off all over the place. In my opinion, most of what he has said on record indicates deception and leaks guilt in almost every sentence. I am not alone in that opinion, several here and experts outside of WH have come to similar conclusions. JMO

Concise, professional and well-written, if I do say so myself.
If WH is NOT involved, he is hands down the dumbest person I have ever encountered in my life. I am not saying he sexually assaulted her either. Do I think he did? YES. But all I am saying at this point is that every single sign points to WH being responsible for AJ's death, by his own admission. Not circumstance, not association--everything points to WH because WH said and did 1001 things to make us think so. I could list and link all day long, but no...

I see this conversation getting derailed by the sexual assault aspect of it all. That would be the most likely motive, but even if he didn't sexually assault her (just pretend for a sec), I still believe we will see charges brought against him for her murder.

Regrettably, being dumb, or even the dumbest, is not a crime in our society. Yet. I still hold out hope.
Look, I know we seem like a room full of macabre housewives sipping our sherry and sleuthing whilst sewing tutus for our chihuauas, but there are military, retired LE, PI's, laywers, scientists, law students and spouses of NSA agents here who have a lot of experience with cases like these and men like WH. I don't want to assume your experience or insight, which is why I don't want you to feel you need to be adversarial - we welcome all opinions and viewpoints, as long as you are open to having them scrutinized (as we are, we're just a little mentally exhausted in the last 48 hours...

You almost hit the nail on the head with me here, except if it's daytime I'm sipping crystal light or lemon water, and I do actually sew tutus for my Doberman. The kids at the park love it. But before stay at home wife happened I was a research scientist.

I think we have reached the point in the case were things tend to get testy. We have a likely suspect but no solid evidence other than what we feel and believe to be hinky. And we are right to feel hinky if we choose, and we are likewise right to stay on the fence until hard evidence is presented.
This is interesting to me, the thought that maybe they did find her phone....I have a question for anyone who can answer:

I'e seen in a lot of cases where details re: physical evidence recovered during an investigation has been withheld from the public, but have any of you guys seen a case where a cellphone was recovered and this information was not released publicly? I've seen so so often LE divulge that they have recovered a cellphone (for example, Tim Bosma and Alexis Murphy)...Just wondering, tia!

As I said way earlier in this case, I think LE was being extremely tight lipped because they had their man and didn't need help from the public.
I think it's a good possibility that they found the phone and didn't release it to the public.

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I keep reading about how he may have removed her clothes to plant them but I think we are all forgetting that Zach told us a bag was missing from the house with AJ. He said something along the lines of a bag was missing but not everything she would have taken to stay gone. In my mind, her toothbrush and other personal items she had unpacked were still there. Maybe the killer took her from her home and grabbed the bag to stage a run away scenario and the clothes scattered on the road came from that bag and not from AJs body. I doubt she was wearing shorts that day as it was very cold.


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Good thinking. So many insightful posts here. :) It is nice to have an intelligent conversation with people about things...not a lot of the people around me "in real life" lol seem to be very interested in talking about these things. They are all like how most people are with those Sara McLaughlin aspca commercials (God Bless the ASPCA btw), but you know, you just want to change the channel and not have to see it.
How old was he in 1998? Was he a father figure to her or just a boyfriend?

Why limit himself to AJ? Surely her sisters have reported any inappropriate behavior to one or both of their parents & authorities by now, if there was any?

Yes, if past is prologue, then the circumstances of the previous changes do not necessarily correlate with someone who preys upon children. AJ wasn't really a child anymore. The past does indicated that he is extremely controlling of women with whom he has intimate relationships. If he did harm AJ, I would lean toward his motive having more to do with controlling or hurting her mother than her. People have been known to harm one person to get back at another.
Here is a link to the actual witness who saw the dark van at the Smiths Ferry Rd house speaking about the night he spotted it. Not Potts. It's about 1:20 into the video here:

Here's what he said (in the video):

"'...08 to 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan, um, it was black or dark blue in color like I said. And I mean it was a nice vehicle, and that's another thing, I mean, if you notice the area around here we don't really have a lot of nice vehicles and it was kind of out of place in that, that fact as well.

The closer we got like the more urgent he became and, or whoever it was became, and, um, they pulled around behind the house and then when we got up to our turn and I looked back, he had already shut the lights off..."
SB - can you link me to your summary of WH's past offenses? Thanks.
You're married, what rules could you break?

A belated


and please keep sharing with your DH and WS. Thank you, I agree.

hmm, if you go to the media thread or the first post and watch the family statement where all but one are wearing the T shirts, and the pastor steps off camera and you just see the bereaved heart breaking group, compare it to past videos, well it says a great deal, but I'm glad that you think LE would know.

;) Thank you!

I will say, the only way this case will be solved (and I say WILL because AJ must have justice) is to throw scenarios/ideas out there, pick 'em apart and go from there. That is exactly what LE does....we just gotta be respectful about it. There are some amazing brains on this forum...lots of insight can be gained.
Look how fast Joe Fisher broke him on the b&e question. He went from "it's questionable that I did" to "Is this going on the air" to "Yes, I broke into the house" in a matter of minutes. When he KNOWS he's nailed on something (kids rolled on him), he puts on that hang dog face. When he thinks he might not be trapped in a corner, he's arrogant as hell. We've ALL seen that.

I've been following but haven't posted since we received confirmation that it was AJ they found. For some reason, I bypassed "sad" and went straight to "furious" and I was afraid of ending up in timeout if I posted in that state of mind. I thought I was mentally prepared because I already suspected it was her that was discovered, but something snapped in me when it was confirmed. I was boiling over yesterday, but hopefully I can keep it down to a simmer today.

What I noticed about WH is that when he gets caught in a lie he can't fix, he does that contrite puppy dog routine and every other word is "yes sir - no sir" or "yes ma'am - no ma'am" depending on the gender of the person to whom he's speaking. He does this to manipulate, to diffuse the person who has him on the hot seat. I've seen this behavior before (uh oh, I feel those boiling bubbles again), and I've seen very smart, rational people be charmed by it. I think he's been doing this since he was young and I think it's been very effective for him. I think it works particularly well on women - mother, sister, girlfriends, wives - and he is accustomed to charming his way out of trouble with this false act of contrition. But when it doesn't work...when he is unable to charm his way out of rejection...when he can't isolate whomever he's trying to win over from those who would take a firm stand against him...well, I believe he does very desperate things at that point. I think it undoes him. And it is extremely significant to me that he began all the "yes-sir-no-sir-I'm-sorry-I-lied" bunk once he knew that his answers would be broadcast to the public. He did it to woo the people watching, just like he did it to woo anyone who might listen to his interview with shewhomustnotbenamed. I've seen people who exhibit this kind of behavior try to "win" the support and opinion of others in order to influence the person he's trying to win over. It makes it harder to reject him or stay mad at him when everyone else is saying "Aw, he seems really sorry. Don't you want to give him another chance?" They try to cajole others into pitying them, even asking them to plead his case to the offended party - whatever it takes to get what he wants.

I find it conceivable that things could have gone awry with AJ simply because she refused to bend when he tried to make her feel sorry for him or forgive him for whatever got him kicked out of the house. I have no doubt he was still in the throes of a manipulation campaign to weasel his way back into the house and and his marriage. If he wanted AJ to forgive him or help him in his efforts and she made it clear that she would work against him...he may have snapped. If he realized that AJ would not be swayed and that she was going to support her mother in keeping him away, his reaction could have been deadly. Heck, I can see her saying something as simple as "You're not my father any more, and I'm having my name legally changed from Hadsell to -------." That would have been enough for him to lose it, because he would have known she was serious. He saw how she turned her back on Zach. He would believe her if she said she was doing the same to him, and that would ruin his hopes of getting his home and family back on his own terms.
I keep reading about how he may have removed her clothes to plant them but I think we are all forgetting that Zach told us a bag was missing from the house with AJ. He said something along the lines of a bag was missing but not everything she would have taken to stay gone. In my mind, her toothbrush and other personal items she had unpacked were still there. Maybe the killer took her from her home and grabbed the bag to stage a run away scenario and the clothes scattered on the road came from that bag and not from AJs body. I doubt she was wearing shorts that day as it was very cold.


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Did she sneak out of the house to spend the night with someone? Boyfriend or maybe a girl friend?
I keep reading about how he may have removed her clothes to plant them but I think we are all forgetting that Zach told us a bag was missing from the house with AJ. He said something along the lines of a bag was missing but not everything she would have taken to stay gone. In my mind, her toothbrush and other personal items she had unpacked were still there. Maybe the killer took her from her home and grabbed the bag to stage a run away scenario and the clothes scattered on the road came from that bag and not from AJs body. I doubt she was wearing shorts that day as it was very cold.


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Good thinking, and I agree, I don't think those clothes are AJs or were anything she wore on Mar 2. I try not to think about the status of her clothing. I'm waiting for more info from the ME before I let my mind go there.
I think the correlation is that he has kidnapped and sexually assaulted a young woman before, that he tends to think of the women with whom he has an ongoing sexual relationship as his property, and that he has no regard for the law. However, if he had a sexual motive, I do not necessarily see him as a pedophile or fixated offender of children. However, at the time she was abducted, AJ was not a child. Somehow, I suspect he had been behaving in a flirtatious and seductive way to her for some time. This behavior may have escalated when she went away to college. This type of offender would not see this as abuse at all. He would be opportunistic and think he was a sort of ladies' man. He might have been the sort whose hands ended up in inappropriate places when hugging or who left the bathroom door open or who would enter her room without knocking. In other words, she may have had to deal with him constantly testing her boundaries.

It has always bothered me that there is only one bathroom in that house. 4 kids and 2 adults. I am not saying the parents did anything wrong in choosing that house (a lot of families live in much worse conditions); I just would feel incredibly awkward being 18 and sharing a bathroom with Wesley Hadsell.
So I take it they have wrapped up at the house where she was found? In a picture I saw a guy had a bag filled with envelopes that looked like evidence collection. I hope they were able to find enough to nail whoever did this to the wall.

And in regards to SeeAlice, I think we should all appreciate an opposing or different point of view, and appreciate the fact that some are able to hold back judgment without having concrete evidence. I believe WH did this, but that is just my gut feeling from his behavior and past. Not necessarily facts. In the Noah Thomas case I was probably on borderline-timeout status because of my feelings towards his mother and her 3 hour nap, however, I appreciated the people who didn't see things my way, simply because it kept things from turning into witch hunt. If EVERYONE jumped on the bandwagon and grabbed their pitchforks based on feelings and past behavior(even though that is a big indicator of future behavior) that would not be a good thing.

See Alice is playing Devils Advocate here which I have done on many other threads Thinking the one suspect LE has in custody didn't do it. Sometimes its just a feeling that the person maybe didn't do it.
And sometimes it DOEs turn out the person Did not do it.

So let Alice have her say and breathe into a paper bag. lol
As I said way earlier in this case, I think LE was being extremely tight lipped because they had their man and didn't need help from the public.
I think it's a good possibility that they found the phone and didn't release it to the public.

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+1 Agree all the way.
Isn't there even a photo of the tech taking a picture of the site floating around?

ETA this is the one I was thinking of. Not sure that is acually it, though.

Just jumping off your post, when I look to our left of that picture, it looks like there might be some dirt overturned there or is it just me? (I noticed it yesterday too when I saw the pic for the first time)
Yes, if past is prologue, then the circumstances of the previous changes do not necessarily correlate with someone who preys upon children. AJ wasn't really a child anymore. The past does indicated that he is extremely controlling of women with whom he has intimate relationships. If he did harm AJ, I would lean toward his motive having more to do with controlling or hurting her mother than her. People have been known to harm one person to get back at another.

This is exactly what I think motive would be if it is WH who did this.

I think could he have some how confined her to the house? Couldn't get back there due to scrutiny/being arrested? Someone went to check and found her deceased, and drug her outside hoping for scavengers to get rid of evidence? Because with his previous cases it didn't seem he acted the way he did to end the relationship but to force it to keep going. What better way to make a woman come back to you than to become a child saving hero?
Yes, if past is prologue, then the circumstances of the previous changes do not necessarily correlate with someone who preys upon children. AJ wasn't really a child anymore. The past does indicated that he is extremely controlling of women with whom he has intimate relationships. If he did harm AJ, I would lean toward his motive having more to do with controlling or hurting her mother than her. People have been known to harm one person to get back at another.

I completely agree with you here. I always felt like it had more to do with his relationship with JH and less to do with AJ herself.

Could be wrong, of course, but I have felt pulled more in that direction since researching this case. MOO
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