VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #16

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I walk my dog around residential areas twice a day. I have NEVER found any cut up gift cards or credit cards. Once I did find a wallet and returned it and found out it had been left on the roof of the car and the guy had been looking for it too.

I have not seen any envelopes in the 12 yrs i have been walking the dogs. And that is certainly not 99% of the time as you seem to predict. :waitasec:

Ditto. Walking our dog over 4 blocks twice a day I have never once seen a gift/credit/debit card or an envelope laying on the ground. I did see what appeared to be a used condom once (eww get a room, eh?!) and a cigarette butt here and there, but that was the extent of my discovery adventures.
Tomorrow morning, take a walk around a residential block and see what you find on the ground.

I am 99.99% positive you will find at least one envelope.

Odds are better than 50-50 you will also find a debit/credit/gift card.


ETA - And I do not blame anyone whose child is missing for getting excited.

Almost every day I walk around my neighborhood and further, and I have never seen a debit/credit/gift card, and one time I did find an envelope with a grocery list scribbled on it, and that was probably 10 years ago. Oh, and the envelope was at the end of a drive way as my neighbor was putting her groceries inside her house.
I have a son in 7th grade. He floored me the other day by asking if he could get a Go Pro. I had no idea he knew what one was. His hobbies are eating, sleeping until noon, and playing golf. I'm not exactly sure why he wants one, just that he does. We just went on a cruise for spring break and I swear we were the only family without one on the ship.

I have to say though that I don't believe the GoPro story the way WH tells it.

Just fyi... no one else does either. Including WH.

Could it be as simple as wanting to sound like such a good, devoted "dad" to AJ that he would spend hours learning about something she wanted and then hand over the money for it as well. It's like he's writing a book and he's the main character.

I've wondered why he stressed the go pro so much, too. There may be more to it. I wish I was smart enough to make a connection. But all I can come up with is at one point he had a conversation with somebody about a go-pro, and planted it into a gap he needed to fill here. All just moo

No father in his right mind would give his 18 year old daughter $200.00 to buy a present for her boyfriend . That's silly. Also for a stupid camera that will be outdated in a matter of months. I would think that kind of money could be spent somewhere else, like school books or something.
Something that NAGS me is the property section of the missing person report.

I've looked and looked at the *cleaned up redacted* piece shared here on WS and my eyes swear at me over and over that I see *Partial Of Check Card* on the 2nd line of Property Description.

If that is an accurate glimpse (can't be sure) of something listed on that report...WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

Just tossing it out there.

Many of us have wracked our brains with what that means. I don't believe any of us ever came to the conclusion that satisfied all of us.
I think it's odd that WH "overheard" AJ talking on the phone about getting a go pro for her bf. First, he wasn't living in the house so when did he "overhear" the conversation? Also, most teenagers I've been around like a little privacy when they are on the phone and generally don't carry on cell phone conversations in the family room.

Also weird that it took him hours of research to find out what a go pro is. I'm not the most tech savvy but I figured out what A go pro is after about a minute of googling.

The go pro is a red herring, I only


Yep, I agree! Sorry if I wasn't clear enough in my post. I meant he wanted to sound like that great guy so that's what he described. But I agree.he made it up to help make the story sound better: more believable and like he was just the best guy ever!
Many of us have wracked our brains with what that means. I don't believe any of us ever came to the conclusion that satisfied all of us.

The thought that occurred to me was one of the people involved in the house, let's say it could be somebody in white car with AJ's jacket who could be mistaken for her driving with purpose, or somebody carefully moving the red truck unseen, that if a fight occurred and all the cards were cut up they may have missed a piece.
Can a Go Pro be used as a remote surveillance camera?

Nermal: you should get one for your car when your chasing LE around. You could send us live feed right back to the forum.
Why was it so important to say it took him hours? What was so sensitive to WH about a gopro? There's a nugget in there somewhere but I can't figure it out. Was it all smoke and mirrors to explain the money? If so, then why??

My theory?

He clicked multiple links and watched numerous vids to explain the various uses for a gopro. It's really easy to do, and the more you follow link trails the more you find. LOTS of criminal/nefarious uses as well. Therefore, to justify that time frame, he mentioned it took a few hours to 'figure it out'. (yeah, says the guy who knows what an emoji is... and how to stream & sync pandora to his FB... because "heating and air", clearly).
No father in his right mind would give his 18 year old daughter $200.00 to buy a present for her boyfriend . That's silly. Also for a stupid camera that will be outdated in a matter of months. I would think that kind of money could be spent somewhere else, like school books or something.

And if she had money in her acct from a school refund like someone mentioned earlier she would not need his $200. Go pro story is a fake.
Ditto. Walking our dog over 4 blocks twice a day I have never once seen a gift/credit/debit card or an envelope laying on the ground. I did see what appeared to be a used condom once (eww get a room, eh?!) and a cigarette butt here and there, but that was the extent of my discovery adventures.

Where the cards were found was Hadsell being familiar with gutter trash and where to find it, it seems to me.
No father in his right mind would give his 18 year old daughter $200.00 to buy a present for her boyfriend . That's silly. Also for a stupid camera that will be outdated in a matter of months. I would think that kind of money could be spent somewhere else, like school books or something.

Yes I agree. I went back and edited my original post to be more clear. It's a ridiculous story but he always seems to be making himself sound amazing wherever he can. "I would do anything for my daughter" type stuff all over the place. Makes me sick.
Sure, if it was agreed upon to set up the jacket discovery, why not the debit card too?
WH must have the ability to cast spells on people to convince them to do such things. WH and one female cousin of AJ's have pushed the story of the HELP texts as if AJ was in fear for her life. I'm thinking that was part of the rationale used to enlist help in implicating the one they did. (You know, since the police weren't investigating the case properly... that whole theme of we have to do this ourselves, team)

Wonder if it was agreed upon between some people to place the card there as a way to point the finger in the direction of the texty kid just like it was discussed in the jailhouse rock document about the jacket placement/finding as well. Maybe there was a conversation about placing the debit card as well. Just another scenario to consider.

WH: I respect that. That is probably what that was. They want to get to the bottom of the truth. I don’t think they did it to, like, sell me out, rat me out. It wasn’t that - we talked about it. It was more like we just agreed that, I don’t know… I had a conversation with an individual and I felt like it was something we had to do. When I made that decision, other individuals were brought in because I was just trying to make the evidence come to light. I didn’t have the jacket. I didn’t plant the jacket. I didn’t know anything about that. It was the fact of the overwhelming information that led me there, which… you yourself have a lot of that information.
Hello all! I am still catching up but read all the previous threads.

In regards to previous victims of sexual abuse seeing that sort of abuse everywhere, I don't think that is true. I think their experience may give them the benefit of seeing warning signs the rest of us might miss.
I have never been a victim of abuse and when a pretty young girl goes missing I just take it for a given that evidence will turn up that there was a sexual aspect to the crime simply because I honestly can't recall a
case on here where that didn't occur, or at least not many.

As far as not seeing a link from WH's previous crimes and these, I can assure that the detectives see a link. I can give a couple of fictional examples, if Timmy mutilated a cat then little Travis across the street is found
murdered, I can assure that detectives won't say, well Timmy only likes to kill cats. A man who has a propensity for violence against and a need to control those physically weaker than him is a threat everyone weaker than him.
He has show that he is capable of violence against his spouses that tends to escalate when they try to remove themselves from the relationship.

Another fictional example. Mary turns up murdered, detectives see that LE was called to Mary and Joe's multiple times in the past on domestics, she never testified and there were no charges, detectives are still looking RIGHT at Joe. I can assure. They aren't saying, well, no charges lets move on to the next guy.
Now lets shift it, say it wasn't Mary who turned up murdered but her pretty step daughter and Mary and Joe were recently estranged. Even without the past kidnapping, rape, choking indictment I can assure the police would STILL be
looking right at Joe until he could be cleared. But if Joe couldn't be cleared and kept lying to LE...

I think it would be naive to think a grown man who comes into a girl's life when she is a teenager is going to have the same bond as a biological father or someone who has bonded with her since she was a baby/toddler, not saying it isn't possible, there are great step-dads, just saying it shouldn't be a given.
Anyone who has been to a mall/restaurant/sporting event with a gorgeous teenager can attest to the fact that it's not only teenage boys who are ogling her. AJ was 18 , the most popular *advertiser censored* internet search is Teen, most of those girls are AJ's age or close to it, she would not have been an interest to only pedophiles. She was right smack dab in the middle age wise between WH's previous victims.

I for one LOVE the different minds on this site, I have liked MANY posts that I don't agree with because they were well written and thought out and they made me see things from a different angle.
I feel that some people have an excellent capacity to keep an open mind and stick to just the facts, I think these minds would be awesome in the courts and amazing jury members. Juries should go on just the facts.
But...those facts aren't there when a crime first comes to light, detectives have to use their experience, instincts, facts, probabilities and other non tangibles to direct them where to look for those facts we sorely need to
seek justice. What I like about Websleuths is the mix of posters, outside the box thinkers, and just the facts please alike. It's interesting reading.

Last point in my TLDR post, to any newbies to Websleuths or to this case in particular, I very much recommend if possible for you to read all the threads, this case has been fascinating to me and
it's well worth the time if you can spare it (I understand how hard that is!). There are just so many nuances to explain with just a timeline or quick post.
Calling it a night here... let's all hope for new news in the morning and an arrest that leads to JUSTICE for AJ.
Hello all! I am still catching up but read all the previous threads.

In regards to previous victims of sexual abuse seeing that sort of abuse everywhere, I don't think that is true. I think their experience may give them the benefit of seeing warning signs the rest of us might miss.
I have never been a victim of abuse and when a pretty young girl goes missing I just take it for a given that evidence will turn up that there was a sexual aspect to the crime simply because I honestly can't recall a
case on here where that didn't occur, or at least not many.

As far as not seeing a link from WH's previous crimes and these, I can assure that the detectives see a link. I can give a couple of fictional examples, if Timmy mutilated a cat then little Travis across the street is found
murdered, I can assure that detectives won't say, well Timmy only likes to kill cats. A man who has a propensity for violence against and a need to control those physically weaker than him is a threat everyone weaker than him.
He has show that he is capable of violence against his spouses that tends to escalate when they try to remove themselves from the relationship.

Another fictional example. Mary turns up murdered, detectives see that LE was called to Mary and Joe's multiple times in the past on domestics, she never testified and there were no charges, detectives are still looking RIGHT at Joe. I can assure. They aren't saying, well, no charges lets move on to the next guy.
Now lets shift it, say it wasn't Mary who turned up murdered but her pretty step daughter and Mary and Joe were recently estranged. Even without the past kidnapping, rape, choking indictment I can assure the police would STILL be
looking right at Joe until he could be cleared. But if Joe couldn't be cleared and kept lying to LE...

I think it would be naive to think a grown man who comes into a girl's life when she is a teenager is going to have the same bond as a biological father or someone who has bonded with her since she was a baby/toddler, not saying it isn't possible, there are great step-dads, just saying it shouldn't be a given.
Anyone who has been to a mall/restaurant/sporting event with a gorgeous teenager can attest to the fact that it's not only teenage boys who are ogling her. AJ was 18 , the most popular *advertiser censored* internet search is Teen, most of those girls are AJ's age or close to it, she would not have been an interest to only pedophiles. She was right smack dab in the middle age wise between WH's previous victims.

I for one LOVE the different minds on this site, I have liked MANY posts that I don't agree with because they were well written and thought out and they made me see things from a different angle.
I feel that some people have an excellent capacity to keep an open mind and stick to just the facts, I think these minds would be awesome in the courts and amazing jury members. Juries should go on just the facts.
But...those facts aren't there when a crime first comes to light, detectives have to use their experience, instincts, facts, probabilities and other non tangibles to direct them where to look for those facts we sorely need to
seek justice. What I like about Websleuths is the mix of posters, outside the box thinkers, and just the facts please alike. It's interesting reading.

Last point in my TLDR post, to any newbies to Websleuths or to this case in particular, I very much recommend if possible for you to read all the threads, this case has been fascinating to me and
it's well worth the time if you can spare it (I understand how hard that is!). There are just so many nuances to explain with just a timeline or quick post.

I really enjoyed your post. Thank you. :)
I walk my dog around residential areas twice a day. I have NEVER found any cut up gift cards or credit cards. Once I did find a wallet and returned it and found out it had been left on the roof of the car and the guy had been looking for it too.

I have not seen any envelopes in the 12 yrs i have been walking the dogs. And that is certainly not 99% of the time as you seem to predict. :waitasec:

All the years I have walked my dogs, taken walks, bike rides, jogs, etc. in the neighborhoods I have lived in, I have never found or seen a cut up debit card/cc or anything to that nature ever. I guess I'm not living in the right neighborhoods or the right ones.
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