VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #18

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I don't think anyone was in competition over who the father was. That was known by all involved. The common demoninator in that is what worries me more. How much of a control freak was the person that moved to another state with AJ and didn't tell her biological father, who loved and adored her, where AJ was? We don't know if legal stuff was done to try to find her, or what. We know the child support payments were being sent to another state out west where JH was living with ZH and AJ. BUT, when did the biological father whose name is on AJ's birth certificate, his only child, find out where AJ was? Why was the ripped out of his life? Why wasn't he allowed visitation? Why wasn't he allowed to be a part of AJ's life? At what point did AJ connect with him? We know they were friends on FB, so AJ knew who he was, but did she know why she wasn't in his life?

And Zach did raise AJ. That is fact. He was her main father figure, she even used his last name. Yet because he hadn't adopted her, he was seen as a step father when JH and ZH divorced. Thus even though he tried in legal battle through courts to maintain being in AJ's life, the courts ruled otherwise. Now, it shouldn't have had to be a battle to begin with. His biological children and AJ should have been treated the same, and custody maintained though the parents, and child support figured out through the parents, etc., but we know custody and divorces don't always work that way.

And then in steps WH for less than 5 years he has been in AJs life. During a period that teenagers have enough to deal with, she was dealing with a divorce, custody dispute, and living with a man who was a virtual stranger to her. We know WH has a past. JH knew WH has a past. Now whether he told some believeable story of how he was wronged by the courts, and served time he didn't deserve because hew as innocent of all wrong doings, or what, we don't know.

Bottom line, we don't know the actual family dynamics going on within the home during AJs teenage years, nor up to her disappearance. We know WH was no longer living at home, but not the circumstances as to why. "IF" he is guilty, it will come out in court. All skeletons will be exposed whether by the DA in setting the scene for what happened, or by the defense. No doubt there will be surprises to the public during a trial either way.

I don't think either of the 3 father figures AJ had were in a competition to 'be the best dad' or whatever. I think two felt helpless and either thought it was best they stay away until AJ was older, able to understand circumstances and choose for herself what she wanted to believe, and what relationships she wanted or not, and they would follow her lead and be there for her.

Obviously JH must have felt the same because she notified the first father figures to see if AJ was with them, even knowing the friction that was there, and the lack of relationship they had at that point. What would have her thinking AJ would have turned to either of them for help unless she knew they would have stepped up immediately to help AJ if asked!! I can't see any other reason they were contacted that early to ask if they had seen AJ, or communicated with her. Somethign happened to make JH feel AJ might reach out to either of them for help, and something made JH feel both would have helped. That's just the way I see it.

very smart
Websleuth friends. Please take a moment to look at the pictures of Anjelica I have posted on my Facebook. Get to know the real Anjelica. Not the softball superstar, or the glamor photos. Just the beautiful girls that is Anjelica Marie. Tomorrow is a service organized by her mother, at 1p. Remember her with us at that time too please. Thank you so much for all you do.

(((((Zach))))) I will be thinking of you and the girls. AJ was so lucky to have such a caring, strong willed father. Through your comments here, I feel I have gotten to know AJ in a very special way. Thank you so much for sharing your daughter with us.
I recently read a mystery novel in which a man felt guilty because, as a child, he'd accidentally shot and killed his younger sister.

The detective asks him to talk about her, and as he does--as he remembers how much fun she had, her laugh, etc.--the detective gets him to see that even though his sister's life was short, it was a happy life, and he should focus on that.

Zach, I'm glad that in the midst of everything else you're able to remember--and let us know--what a joy your girl Jelly was. Thank you for that. May you always cherish the gift of her.
JMO ...Whether or not WH is guilty of harming this young lady I believe CPS needs to be involved so another criminal/drug user is not able to harm the other children....seems there is extremely poor judgement used when allowing people into this home. Has any caregivers/parent of the children in the home been ordered to give a drug test ? Seems when one parent/caregiver is using the other could be as well...just a thought. Also how many times have the police been called to the home prior to AJ missing ? Would they have been Domestic/Disturbing the peace or drug related incidents ?
Thank you for sharing, Zach! I love the one you have as your profile picture. And I giggled at 'hippo', even with no context :) What a lovely bunch of silly happy girls.

Zach, the profile picture is my favorite also. The love between you and the girls is so obvious.

I'm local but will not be able to attend the service. You and the family are in my and my families thoughts. My grandson is a friend of Gracie. And he is very concerned. Let's all keep our family close and surround them with our love.

Zach, you have two precious young ladies and wonderful memories of AJ. Please take comfort in that!
That is a strange situation. The friends (if the same 3-4 we see around the family often still) basically ratted on WH, yet they are still defending WH and JH appears to be standing behind WH as well. How does that work? We've seen a little of JH temper too, so I'm surprised she is fine with the friends telling LE that WH lied about the scenario of the jacket discovery, rather than lashing out at them.

I have wondered for awhile if they (JH/WH) have concern that the friends might think back to comments AJ perhaps has made or things they might have seen or heard themselves and if it might not be a "keep them close" type thing.

By acting "normal" with them during this and not being upset, it's far more likely the friends are going to keep trying to put any niggling thoughts or concerns they might have away, with the friends thinking they might be reading into things, or that if WH were really involved he and JH would have been mad they told, etc.

So I think it's been intentional by JH and WH hoping to try to lessen reasons for the friends to think it was WH, and fearing that especially after they told about him threatening them, that if they got mad about that, it'd seal the deal for the friends.

Don't forget those friends, if they keep them close, could be people that the defense might want to use if this ever goes to court with WH involved. Sort of in a "Here are some of AJ's closest friends and look they don't think he could have done it" sort of way.

If he lashed out in anger at them, he'd look even more guilty. If JH was mad they told she'd lose any ability to try to continue to make WH look like a victim who was just defending his daughter.

I VERY much thing it's strategy by JH and WH.
I won't be around tomorrow but hope the funeral goes beautifully tomorrow. Anjelica Hadsell was a beautiful person, my heart goes out to her sisters especially.
JMO ...Whether or not WH is guilty of harming this young lady I believe CPS needs to be involved so another criminal/drug user is not able to harm the other children....seems there is extremely poor judgement used when allowing people into this home. Has any caregivers/parent of the children in the home been ordered to give a drug test ? Seems when one parent/caregiver is using the other could be as well...just a thought. Also how many times have the police been called to the home prior to AJ missing ? Would they have been Domestic/Disturbing the peace or drug related incidents ?


Thank you very much for bring this up. Ballsy first post, hope you keep it up. There's no reason to believe they haven't already been called, considering the circumstances. What Zach said below a couple of days ago is of concern to me.

Zach #50, Thrd #17, 4/14, 1:37pm
Zach- What a lovely girl. I mean those pictures show a girl that embodies the word "lovely"! What a spirit!
Zach, thanks for inviting us into your memories of AJ.
I noticed you have a daughter called Justice. Me too!!
Look after yourself and your little ladies :)
JMO ...Whether or not WH is guilty of harming this young lady I believe CPS needs to be involved so another criminal/drug user is not able to harm the other children....seems there is extremely poor judgement used when allowing people into this home. Has any caregivers/parent of the children in the home been ordered to give a drug test ? Seems when one parent/caregiver is using the other could be as well...just a thought. Also how many times have the police been called to the home prior to AJ missing ? Would they have been Domestic/Disturbing the peace or drug related incidents ?

Welcome! I have all the same questions.
I would have put a stop to that from the start....If a court ordered visitation/communication order is in place and not adhered then the court should be notified and a show cause order needs to be placed in front of the judge...this order takes on average 3-4 months to be scheduled in another city...I do know in this case I would have gone to court services to get an emergency custody order in place as soon as the facts of WH situation and the people allowed in this home....I understand the circumstances but the big picture here is the childrens best interest.
Great Post Wundenrgwhy!! Thank you

an anonymous tip from a neighbor/friend family member, co-worker or stranger then LE and CPS is at your door the burden of proof against the tip is then placed on the person they have been called on to show it is unfounded.
I'm not so sure of the theory that if Wes couldn't have AJ no one could as far as a kidnapping situation unless it was sexual. Why wouldn't he try to take his own biological child from JH to hurt her and get back at her, why AJ? She is his bio child and the youngest, and I would think strike the most fear in JH over AJ.

He might not have been able to get to the 3 yr old. She would never be left alone and vulnerable, unlike AJ.
“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
– Hellen Keller
an anonymous tip from a neighbor/friend family member, co-worker or stranger then LE and CPS is at your door the burden of proof against the tip is then placed on the person they have been called on to show it is unfounded.

I believe local LE is far more on top of this case (and the living conditions of the minors currently in the home) than any of us even realize. IF they believe those girls are in a dangerous situation I'm sure they will take action.

Thank you Zach for sharing those pictures of AJ. Her time was unfairly cut short but it seems she lived with a real sense of happiness. The way she holds onto her little sisters in so many pictures is a true testament to the woman AJ was. My heart breaks when I see all these pictures but reminds me to send some extra love and positivity to AJ & those that really, truly loved her. I cannot even begin to imagine the hole she has left in their lives. She was just one of those people, it seems.

I'm far from VA physically. In the morning, the husband and I will be attending a funeral for one of my mom's best friends who passed away during her 3rd battle with ovarian cancer. I will no doubt have AJ on my mind tomorrow and my heart will ache for all of those saying their goodbyes, including all of you here who have dedicated time and love to AJ.
For any of you planning on attending the service, please see the note posted on Zach's fb. Although the service is public, with the anticipated turnout, apparently those that don't come at least an hour ahead of time, will likely not be able to come in.
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