Identified! VA - Annandale, WhtFem 245UFVA, ~60, 'NO CODE, DNR, No Penicillin', Dec'96

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Go back at look at the pic of the glasses that were found with the decedent. Then, go and look at the newspaper article that shows a picture of her and her husband. They are very distinctive.

Think it's a good match then? My biggest absolute selling point for JG being JD is the straight line fro Sodus Point to Annandale. IDK why.
Yes, if you read the interview with her daughter, you can see why the woman might have made the decision to go without "bothering" anyone. She had abandoned her children to the care of the eldest child who was only 20 (?) at the time her mother left them to their own care. She squandered what her husband left her on poor choices, including some seemingly shady sounding guy. It's all very sad. The daughter deserves closure. Despite whatever poor choices this woman made, I'm sure her daughter still loved her a great deal. It sounds like the woman just fell apart after her husband died, and just went in to a downward spiral. God rest her soul.

That was beautifully put. Thank you.
Oh hey today was Judith's birthday. Happy birthday Judy, wherever you are.
Think it's a good match then? My biggest absolute selling point for JG being JD is the straight line fro Sodus Point to Annandale. IDK why.

Yes. They look like the same glasses to me. Very distinctive. Her daughter would recognize them in a second if they are hers indeed. this.
This case has disturbed me for years. If you have in fact solved it, I will be lifting up a toast to you!! Just to finally know ....

Maybe you could then figure out who the young man is who hung himself in the motel in Washington state. I'll send you chocolate covered strawberries along with some champagne
This case has disturbed me for years. If you have in fact solved it, I will be lifting up a toast to you!! Just to finally know ....

Maybe you could then figure out who the young man is who hung himself in the motel in Washington state. I'll send you chocolate covered strawberries along with some champagne

What's the thread link to that one ?
What's the thread link to that one ?

I believe that's Lyle Stevik. He has his own sub forum. His area is right under grateful dead fan possible matches in the unidentified forum. Really really extensive, intensive case.
This is a way better match than most of them.
According to Doe Network, prints are available for Judith Guerin. If it is indeed her, how on God's green earth could they have missed the match for so long?

Bet we will never know what she did in those missing years. At least her daughter will know what happened to her mother. No murder, just a sad end for someone who was very displeased with her life.
This is a way better match than most of them.
According to Doe Network, prints are available for Judith Guerin. If it is indeed her, how on God's green earth could they have missed the match for so long?

Bet we will never know what she did in those missing years. At least her daughter will know what happened to her mother. No murder, just a sad end for someone who was very displeased with her life.

often the fingerprints of the MP are on file with a local PD and not uploaded into any national databases.
I'm having a 2nd set of eyes look at the PM pic. Either they'll let you know what they think (which if you're reading this go ahead and share your opinion!!) or I'll let you know what they say IF its ok.

As far as the pic is concerned I'd rather not be giving it out like Halloween candy. I know some are interested in seeing it and I wish I could share but JG is so heavily linked to this thread that if she were my mom and someone put up her PM pic I'd be devastated.
I'm having a 2nd set of eyes look at the PM pic. Either they'll let you know what they think (which if you're reading this go ahead and share your opinion!!) or I'll let you know what they say IF its ok.

As far as the pic is concerned I'd rather not be giving it out like Halloween candy. I know some are interested in seeing it and I wish I could share but JG is so heavily linked to this thread that if she were my mom and someone put up her PM pic I'd be devastated.

God Bless you for being sensitive to her family. In the "facebook" society of today, that is often forgotten. Someone else touched on it, but after spending a few years on WS, I've come to believe that *many* of these cases could be solved if our national databases were synched. There is technology that exists today that could match faces, prints, etc. It would be such fantastic P.R. for some large firm (like Oracle?) to sponsor this project. You listening Mr. Ellison? Forget buying your next island, please support this cause and be forever remembered as a true angel to so many families!
What caught my attention about this case, was how this gal handled herself on her exit. Now I am *not* advocating suicide, but you have to admit she went out with some class. She left instructions, money, and even made sure she was tidy on the way out. She left this earth listening to something that gave her a laugh, which I suspect, didn't come too often in her last years. I especially feel compassion for this case if it is indeed JG (which it certainly seems to be), as her downward spiral started at the death of her husband. She just couldn't cope. This is not uncommon for women of her era, who lived to be someone's wife. I believe she did study that book and knew if she left the state to do the deed it would be much harder to identify her. That's why she asked for no autopsy? She didn't want them mucking around with her, or going for DNA, etc? Regardless, while not advocating suicide, I admire the approach she took on the way out. She called the shots. Perhaps something that hadn't happened in a long time. I hope that if this is JG, that her daughter will forgive this act, and understand it came from a woman who didn't want to "bother" anyone anymore. If there is an afterlife as we all hope and pray, JG, know that you did and do matter. There some people, right here on this forum, who care enough to be posting about you, identifying you, praying for you, and giving you proper rest and respect. God Bless.
Well stated, Rosesfromangels. Some people just don't have it within themselves to nagivate life ... in fact, there are a lot of people like that.

"There but by the grace of God go I."

On another note, I thought that the missing persons databases were being linked up? To think that local PD's may have fingerprints of missing persons that aren't in any national databases is terribly frustrating. How hard is our country really trying to identify unknown souls, as well as find our missing? I give us a C minus
I wonder, if they linked up fingerprints if someone would have to sit down and manually compare or?? I don't know how that works.. I'd assume it's just as simple as the click of a mouse button but who knows.
Well stated, Rosesfromangels. Some people just don't have it within themselves to nagivate life ... in fact, there are a lot of people like that.

"There but by the grace of God go I."

On another note, I thought that the missing persons databases were being linked up? To think that local PD's may have fingerprints of missing persons that aren't in any national databases is terribly frustrating. How hard is our country really trying to identify unknown souls, as well as find our missing? I give us a C minus

I would not be that critical. I often see the entry "fingerprints available elsewhere". that means either the person was arrested or had a job that required clearance.

keep in mind that if someone is arrested locally, they usually run the prints to make sure they are not a fugitive. beyond that I don't think it has been the practice to automatically submit prints from every arrestee into national databases. if a person is convicted and sent to a state prison maybe they do but is someone is picked up for some disorderly person's offense, I don't think they submit them anywhere. also Judith disappeared in 1996 so who knows what the practices were back then.

lastly, I don't know whose responsibility it is to get the prints honestly. Namus? Doe? Charley? so long as they know they exist that's more important in my book. if you submit a possible match and they think it is worth pursuing, they will get the print and make a determination.
keep in mind that if someone is arrested locally, they usually run the prints to make sure they are not a fugitive. beyond that I don't think it has been the practice to automatically submit prints from every arrestee into national databases. if a person is convicted and sent to a state prison maybe they do but is someone is picked up for some disorderly person's offense, I don't think they submit them anywhere. also Judith disappeared in 1996 so who knows what the practices were back then.

JG disappeared/faded into obscurity in Jan 1991. JD was found Dec 1996. ;)

That's what makes me doubt the match-- what did JG do for 5 years??
JG disappeared/faded into obscurity in Jan 1991. JD was found Dec 1996. ;)

That's what makes me doubt the match-- what did JG do for 5 years??

Perhaps drifted from one place to another, trying to find herself. Drinking, working odd jobs. This would seem plausible based on the article and interview with her daughter found further back in this thread. Don't doubt your find astridxx, I really do think you've identified her. Let the authorities sort if out. Just compile your data and forward it to LE. It's compelling. For gosh sakes, the glasses alone are a starteling comparison. Very unique. The odds of seeing 2 pairs of glasses like that are a big long shot. I say it's a match. Let LE confirm that.
Hey guys, Happy Sunday. I just came across this thread... I can lend a bit of info, though, & hope it helps...

1) Potomac Mills Mall is an outlet mall. They had/have a Nordstrom Rack there, which is a Nordstrom outlet store. I know they sold Classiques Entier there bc I was with my ex's grandmother that was "addicted" to anything Entier, & she purchased some items there. Potomac Mills also had/has a Guess store & an REI store. Potomac Mills Mall is less than a half hour from where Jane Doe was found. (Note that Guess could be purchased anywhere, though...especially her gold watch.)

2) Her bills' serial #s were in consecutive order. This suggests she went to a bank. I worked for Citigroup back then & one thing I know for a fact - anybody working for a bank has to get bonded. This means fingerprints on file. Did the police ever dust the bills for prints & run them? It might pull up a few sets of prints but it would show the Teller that handled the money - the one that gave Jane Doe the bills. If there's a chance she used an ATM then the prints might show the Brinks (or whomever they use) driver or handler, which in turn could show the route/stops he used to stock the ATMs, which could pinpoint the bank used. (I've never gotten consecutive numbered bills from an ATM at a WaWa or such, only a bank.)

3) If police wanted to know if she was wealthy, maybe they could test her makeup. Chanel lipstick, for instance, has different ingredients in it compared to Revlon or L'Oreal. My bet is on her wearing Estée Lauder or Lancôme which is stereotypical for alot of older women. ;)

4) Her hair is dyed. She was in her 60's so her hair would have turned. The color reminds me of a red color on a Garnier box. Did police check to see if it's boxed or professional?

5) Looza could be purchased in most larger grocery stores anywhere back then, just maybe not a FoodLion or Wynn Dixie. It's not as rare as one would think. It's a little bit more than Tropicana but it tastes so much better bc its very close to being all natural. It seems like it would be a "higher end" beverage but in all reality there's more ounces in their bottles. Do we know how many ounces her bottle was? Also, was it Peach Nectar or Peach Juice? I thought Looza juice came in cans back then, but the picture showed a bottle, which is why I'm asking. (Police said juice but could they have just said that bc its what it looked like instead of what it was labelled?)

Hoping some of this helps a little. I'm intrigued by this thread...
Hey guys, Happy Sunday. I just came across this thread... I can lend a bit of info, though, & hope it helps...

1) Potomac Mills Mall is an outlet mall. They had/have a Nordstrom Rack there, which is a Nordstrom outlet store. I know they sold Classiques Entier there bc I was with my ex's grandmother that was "addicted" to anything Entier, & she purchased some items there. Potomac Mills also had/has a Guess store & an REI store. Potomac Mills Mall is less than a half hour from where Jane Doe was found. (Note that Guess could be purchased anywhere, though...especially her gold watch.)

2) Her bills' serial #s were in consecutive order. This suggests she went to a bank. I worked for Citigroup back then & one thing I know for a fact - anybody working for a bank has to get bonded. This means fingerprints on file. Did the police ever dust the bills for prints & run them? It might pull up a few sets of prints but it would show the Teller that handled the money - the one that gave Jane Doe the bills. If there's a chance she used an ATM then the prints might show the Brinks (or whomever they use) driver or handler, which in turn could show the route/stops he used to stock the ATMs, which could pinpoint the bank used. (I've never gotten consecutive numbered bills from an ATM at a WaWa or such, only a bank.)

3) If police wanted to know if she was wealthy, maybe they could test her makeup. Chanel lipstick, for instance, has different ingredients in it compared to Revlon or L'Oreal. My bet is on her wearing Estée Lauder or Lancôme which is stereotypical for alot of older women. ;)

4) Her hair is dyed. She was in her 60's so her hair would have turned. The color reminds me of a red color on a Garnier box. Did police check to see if it's boxed or professional?

5) Looza could be purchased in most larger grocery stores anywhere back then, just maybe not a FoodLion or Wynn Dixie. It's not as rare as one would think. It's a little bit more than Tropicana but it tastes so much better bc its very close to being all natural. It seems like it would be a "higher end" beverage but in all reality there's more ounces in their bottles. Do we know how many ounces her bottle was? Also, was it Peach Nectar or Peach Juice? I thought Looza juice came in cans back then, but the picture showed a bottle, which is why I'm asking. (Police said juice but could they have just said that bc its what it looked like instead of what it was labelled?)

Hoping some of this helps a little. I'm intrigued by this thread...

This really is an interesing case. I think Astridxx has found a match. I love all the details/clues you offer up. We need you working in LE! : )
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