VA - Aveion Lewis, 2, Roanoke, 14 January 2010 #2

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Thank you. I don't think I have noticed previously when a child is removed from NCMEC, just that the pictures disappear.

I can't say why this case has effected me as it has. I don't have pms, but I cried my eyes out again today. I just sobbed earlier regarding this little guy. Aveion was no less worthy than any other missing child, but he didn't seem to get as much attention as I was expecting. I know HLN mentioned the case, but did Nancy Grace ever so much as let this childs name come across her lips? A bit of a vent. I am so sick of the blonde haired blue eyed 'pretty people' getting so much more attention. Why is it that non caucasian cases get so much less attention? It's sad, because I am getting, how do I say this, less and less interested in following cases like Caylee's, Gabriels, because imo, they have enough 'support' and interested parties. It's the little guy, the underdog like Aveion that my heart bleeds the most for.

I agree with you 100%, Cubby. It's not that I don't care about each and every one of these kids, but following Caylee, Gabriel, Somer, Haleigh, etc. just gets so out of control. I can't even keep up with their threads half the time, and watching the same "breaking news" on Nancy Grace for 3 weeks solid is rediculous. I'd rather she take 5 minutes to talk about Aveion, Giovanni, Adji, Patrick, etc. And God forbid anyone care about a case with a missing teenager or adult (without insane circumstances). But no, Nancy's been to concerned about playing the same jail interviews with Ronald Cummings 1,000 times, to be worried about any new missing children.

Hope you don't mind me jumping on the back of your vent. :)

In this search warrant, police say Lockett used his computer and email account before, on and after January 14th when the two-year-old was reported missing.

Investigators want access to his YAHOO account because Lockett refers to this mystery person and cell phone number getting Aveion's dead body for disposal.

Last Wednesday, searchers found the body of a child in a Roanoke County landfill.

The child's body still has not been officially identified.

A search warrant from last week shows the baby's body was found wrapped in plastic and tape.

In previous searches police seized computers, cell phones, plastic bags and duct tape.

While police aren't identifying the baby at this point, according to the search warrant the body found was that of an African-American baby.

hmmmmm...."before, on and after Jan.14th" -- to contact the 'other suspect? is that what the SW says, I wonder?

Well, I'll stick to my theory that ML told the cops this as part of a deal struck with the DA.

As good a guess as any, I suppose.
Wonder if BL (or ML) was smart enough to set up 2 yahoo accounts and was further trying to set this up

1) as a kidnapping ~ OR ~
2) with a back up plan of trying to implicate someone else if something went wrong.

Trying to make it look like he was having email correspondence with another?

IDK...just throwing it out there...

Possible, but personally I don't think BL is smart enough. Then again, if he set up the accounts then that was pretty stupid.
My bet is that there is no second person.

Aveion was found in a landfill, by searching in a specific area. The area, most likely, was determined by when the trash was picked up from that particular location. If he was dumped in another dumpster in another location, they would not have found him because this info is just now coming to light.

Unless this "second person" received Aveion's body for disposal at the Ls, and then just disposed of him right there, this is very unlikely, IMO.

True. In one of the articles at the time it was announced they were searching the landfill, it said they'd isolated the trash by finding letters and stuff with addresses in and around that neighborhood.
I agree with you 100%, Cubby. It's not that I don't care about each and every one of these kids, but following Caylee, Gabriel, Somer, Haleigh, etc. just gets so out of control. I can't even keep up with their threads half the time, and watching the same "breaking news" on Nancy Grace for 3 weeks solid is rediculous. I'd rather she take 5 minutes to talk about Aveion, Giovanni, Adji, Patrick, etc. And God forbid anyone care about a case with a missing teenager or adult (without insane circumstances). But no, Nancy's been to concerned about playing the same jail interviews with Ronald Cummings 1,000 times, to be worried about any new missing children.

Hope you don't mind me jumping on the back of your vent. :)

Well make room for me too LOL

I can't handle Nancy Grace. She just sets my teeth on edge. And she's always coming out with flat out lies---and when called on it, just plunders on ahead without acknowledging she was mistaken.

Over the weekend (I guess in a re-run), she got all shrill and angry about someone changing their story. Can't recall the names; 2 siblings in TX who disappeared when (grandmother? aunt?) went into the bathroom leaving them alone with their mom. Nancy was braying about the witness changing her story and now stating she left them there while she went to the store. She got herself all worked up, then a police official said, "NO, she didn't change her story". He went on to explain that the aunt/grandma/whatever had said she came home from the store to find Mom in the front of the house, wanting to see the girls, and that they DID disappear while she went to the bathroom.

She also was requested by Richmond police to announce an old kidnapping case where one brother was found murdered, but the other was never found. They had an age-enhanced image (he's now 27), but Nancy in all her glorious wisdom, posted the childhood photo and in the information underneath about when he'd disappeared, placed only the month and day--- not the year. While she did in a few instances make reference to this being an old case, for the most part she didn't and anyone looking at the screen would have thought this child disappeared last April.



Can you tell she gets under my skin??? LOL
True. In one of the articles at the time it was announced they were searching the landfill, it said they'd isolated the trash by finding letters and stuff with addresses in and around that neighborhood.

I found it:

Roanoke Police Captain G.W. Staples said workers were about halfway through the pile that came to the regional landfill from Roanoke city. He said workers found scraps of trash with addresses indicating that portions of it came from streets around Jamestown Place in Southeast Roanoke, from which Aveion was first reported missing.

I have to give the police credit on this. From my link above, over 500 tons of trash come in every evening. Since he was found in the part they held separate, that means they searched trash brought in on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. That they were able to isolate the trash from his neighborhood borders on miraculous. If they'd announced they were going to try this, I wouldn't have believed it possible.
Respectfully snipped:

I don't believe for one minute there was a 2nd person either - other than ML. I don't believe that there was an 'outsider'.

What I was saying is it possible he could have set up 2 accounts to make it look like 2 people (not that there really was) - 1 being him and the other whoever he dreamed up...just like the alleged kidnappers...

Very possible. KC Anthony did this and then sent herself emails so people thought she had a job.

Wonder if BL (or ML) was smart enough to set up 2 yahoo accounts and was further trying to set this up

1) as a kidnapping ~ OR ~
2) with a back up plan of trying to implicate someone else if something went wrong.

Trying to make it look like he was having email correspondence with another?

IDK...just throwing it out there...

Lockett also provided a cell phone number, the document said.

Account information from the cell phone shows that the user&#8217;s e-mail address is the same address police discovered on a computer seized from Lockett&#8217;s home, the search warrant says.

That e-mail address is linked to Myspace and Facebook profiles that appear to belong to Lockett.

What a dumbass.
So really?!? Has he never at least seen an episode of CSI? Did he think that throwaway email addresses such as yahoo and gmail can't be traced?!? And to use one that's already tied to an account on facebook or myspace? Dee de Dee!
So in other words, BL thought if he used any kind of internet service to or from his cell phone to his email address on his lap or desk top that would fool LE into believing another 'unknown' party was involved and it couldn't be traced back to him?

I guess he'll never be one to make it as a contestent on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader.

A dum dum dum.........
I have to say I've never seen an episode of CSI or any of the Hollywood produced crime shows! I prefer Discovery ID and TruTV for true crime with real people telling the story - from the actual perspective of LE to what the family says.

For some reason I can't see BL sitting down and watching one of these kinds of shows. I see him watching movies and some type of music network station - such as MTV and/or BET.

I think he just simply thought that he was smarter than everyone else in the entire world... He believed he had a well thought out plan - which seems like it was at least 2 days before he decided it was time to call 911.

Looks like he didn't take the time to play "devil's advocate" with his plans and was easily tripped up in the end. He apparently wasn't smart enough to know that too many details and too many lies make a story hard to remember.

He wasn't even smart enough to make his injuries appear consistent with what he told LE.

He wasn't smart enough to know that trash could be contained and separated. And he was too lazy, thank G-d, to walk to the river or to take Aveion far away from Jamestown Place.

The list could go on and on. He's just an all around idiot.
My point was, I don't think there has been any kind of television show or movie out in the last 5 years that hasn't hammered the point that IP addresses can be traced. The internet is not some anonymous bunch of people anymore. Anyone with the right software can figure out who you are and where you are..
I have to say I've never seen an episode of CSI or any of the Hollywood produced crime shows! I prefer Discovery ID and TruTV for true crime with real people telling the story - from the actual perspective of LE to what the family says.

For some reason I can't see BL sitting down and watching one of these kinds of shows. I see him watching movies and some type of music network station - such as MTV and/or BET.

I think he just simply thought that he was smarter than everyone else in the entire world... He believed he had a well thought out plan - which seems like it was at least 2 days before he decided it was time to call 911.

Looks like he didn't take the time to play "devil's advocate" with his plans and was easily tripped up in the end. He apparently wasn't smart enough to know that too many details and too many lies make a story hard to remember.

He wasn't even smart enough to make his injuries appear consistent with what he told LE.

He wasn't smart enough to know that trash could be contained and separated. And he was too lazy, thank G-d, to walk to the river or to take Aveion far away from Jamestown Place.

The list could go on and on. He's just an all around idiot.

I share the same interest in television programming whether it be crime related or not and prefer non fiction to fiction. (I prefer to watch as little fiction as possible). I agree with your above comments. What I don't understand is why LE thinks Morgan could have even an ounce of more intelligence than this guy when he was clearly preparing his 'dunce' story. Dumb and Dumber go together like hand in glove. Rocket scientist and Dunce are like oil and water. When are we going to see the small pieces of truth printed by a credible source regarding Morgans involvement. Nancy Grace and HLN are usually at least a day, if not a few days behind most of what is discussed at WS. We've been discussing how Morgan couldn't possibly have not known for what close to a week now? Waiting for them to act on the obvious is like watching grass grow or paint dry.
Yeah...but I don't think he was smart enough to fully realize that
~respectfully snipped and bolded~
I think he just simply thought that he was smarter than everyone else in the entire world... He believed he had a well thought out plan - which seems like it was at least 2 days before he decided it was time to call 911.

So.... here's the question. Did BL begin to set this plan up before he (I have such trouble typing this word - deep breath) killed sweet Aveion? LE says it appears that Aveion died around Jan. 14th. A Thursday. We know trash from the area was picked up Tues/Wed and I think we have it narrowed to Wed., right?

On this same Wed. BL showed a call on his cell phone to a neighbor and the neighbor thought it was weird.

When did BL email himself? Or make other calls to himself? When did he set up the phony cell phone account? Did all of this happen on Wed., Jan 13th? Or did some of these things happen earlier? My main question is - was this premeditated or an attempt to CYA?

The more things we learn he did BEFORE making the 911 call, the more I begin to think this could very well have been premeditated. I really, really, really want to know who the last person was that saw Aveion outside the immediate family and WHEN that was :banghead::banghead:


ETA: and I really want ML in jail BEFORE the memorial service!
I have to say I've never seen an episode of CSI or any of the Hollywood produced crime shows! I prefer Discovery ID and TruTV for true crime with real people telling the story - from the actual perspective of LE to what the family says.

For some reason I can't see BL sitting down and watching one of these kinds of shows. I see him watching movies and some type of music network station - such as MTV and/or BET.

I think he just simply thought that he was smarter than everyone else in the entire world... He believed he had a well thought out plan - which seems like it was at least 2 days before he decided it was time to call 911.

Looks like he didn't take the time to play "devil's advocate" with his plans and was easily tripped up in the end. He apparently wasn't smart enough to know that too many details and too many lies make a story hard to remember.

He wasn't even smart enough to make his injuries appear consistent with what he told LE.

He wasn't smart enough to know that trash could be contained and separated. And he was too lazy, thank G-d, to walk to the river or to take Aveion far away from Jamestown Place.

The list could go on and on. He's just an all around idiot.

I hope he DID set up an account, and I hope they can prove he did so prior to Aveion's death. As pointed out earlier (regarding the conversation with the neighbor?), that goes to premeditation.
~respectfully snipped and bolded~

So.... here's the question. Did BL begin to set this plan up before he (I have such trouble typing this word - deep breath) killed sweet Aveion? LE says it appears that Aveion died around Jan. 14th. A Thursday. We know trash from the area was picked up Tues/Wed and I think we have it narrowed to Wed., right?

On this same Wed. BL showed a call on his cell phone to a neighbor and the neighbor thought it was weird.

When did BL email himself? Or make other calls to himself? When did he set up the phony cell phone account? Did all of this happen on Wed., Jan 13th? Or did some of these things happen earlier? My main question is - was this premeditated or an attempt to CYA?

The more things we learn he did BEFORE making the 911 call, the more I begin to think this could very well have been premeditated. I really, really, really want to know who the last person was that saw Aveion outside the immediate family and WHEN that was :banghead::banghead:


ETA: and I really want ML in jail BEFORE the memorial service!

I should have read a bit further down the thread before I posted.

I agree. I'm thinking this was planned or Aveion died (or was in serious condition, near death) prior to the 13th.

That's somewhere I've not yet allowed my mind to go; we know they didn't bother to get medical treatment for a burn that had blistered. (and when did that happen? Did the family --- uncle/aunt/grandma --- not know of this?) What if he had been seriously injured in the days prior to the reported "abduction"? And this was all set up for the inevitable? I hate to even go there, but these two don't seem like the types to come up with such an elaborate (although transparent) plot on short notice. Dear God, I pray that poor baby was dead before he was thrown out like so much garbage. I know that sounds horrible, but I can't bear the thought that he suffered any more than we already suspect. The problem is, his little body was most likely too far decomposed for the ME to determine that (from what I read in the links I posted above).

Could it be possible that since medical treatment was never sought out for the burns that Aveion could have gotten a very serious infection? Burns are nasty.. and almost always get infected if they aren't treated properly.

ETA: and if such an infection was present at the time of his demise, could it have sped up the decomp process??
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