VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #5

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BlouAngel--My friend told me that there was one toilet that noone used as a toilet. It was the refrigerator. In some jails (if you have the money) they'll go shopping for you at the grocery store. It's called commisary. Some people want cereal that has prizes inside. Most want Coke & Pepsi & coffee that has caffeine. The refrigerator toilet was an industrial strength commercial toilet--it flushes very hard. By flushing it repeatedly you could cool down your Coke & Pepsi. To make hot instant coffee we--I mean they--would ask the always lovely jailer to dial up the hot water heater.
BlouAngel--My friend told me that there was one toilet that noone used as a toilet. It was the refrigerator. In some jails (if you have the money) they'll go shopping for you at the grocery store. It's called commisary. Some people want cereal that has prizes inside. Most want Coke & Pepsi & coffee that has caffeine. The refrigerator toilet was an industrial strength commercial toilet--it flushes very hard. By flushing it repeatedly you could cool down your Coke & Pepsi. To make hot instant coffee we--I mean they--would ask the always lovely jailer to dial up the hot water heater.

You can make nice little cooking stoves in jail out of toilet paper if you know how to do it. Works well. I have had to use them in a pinch while camping a few times.
Pax-- Good luck trying to attend that trial. It could last a year. The easiest and prolly #1 tactic of defense lawyers is to just extend the trial with endless motions. Let all the witnesses forget the facts. .

This is flagrantly incorrect. We even discusses this earlier. So I'm not going to dignify this with an argument against it. You obviously have an agenda to bash criminal defense lawyers. Ironic: if you ever found yourself in legal trouble (which I hope you never do), your defense lawyer will be your only friend in the world.
This is flagrantly incorrect. We even discusses this earlier. So I'm not going to dignify this with an argument against it. You obviously have an agenda to bash criminal defense lawyers. Ironic: if you ever found yourself in legal trouble (which I hope you never do), your defense lawyer will be your only friend in the world.

Well there could be unforseen delays but I agree with you as we discussed earlier, this popular misconception that defense lawyers try and delay trials and file frivolous motions and waste the courts money is patently false. This is a capitol murder case and things are taken very seriously. Much more seriously than some have suggested such as all parties meeting for breakfast behind the scenes to decide Sam's fate.

This all brings to mind the ranting and raving of Rush Limbaugh about defense attorneys, he used to go on and on about how unethical they were in getting guilty people off and he would rant on and on about the ACLU and how it should be shut down yet when he got busted for his pain pill addiction and doctor shopping he hired the best defense lawyer money could buy and solicited the help of the ACLU to prevent certain parties from accessing his medical records LOL.

Defense lawyers are only hated until you need one then they quickly become your best friend.
Well there could be unforseen delays but I agree with you as we discussed earlier, this popular misconception that defense lawyers try and delay trials and file frivolous motions and waste the courts money is patently false. This is a capitol murder case and things are taken very seriously. Much more seriously than some have suggested such as all parties meeting for breakfast behind the scenes to decide Sam's fate.

This all brings to mind the ranting and raving of Rush Limbaugh about defense attorneys, he used to go on and on about how unethical they were in getting guilty people off and he would rant on and on about the ACLU and how it should be shut down yet when he got busted for his pain pill addiction and doctor shopping he hired the best defense lawyer money could buy and solicited the help of the ACLU to prevent certain parties from accessing his medical records LOL.

Defense lawyers are only hated until you need one then they quickly become your best friend.

Honestly, its something that comes with the job, but it amazes me the misconceptions people have about criminal defense attorneys. And, people harbor their biases to the end. I have a cousin that refuses to talk to me because of what I do. She's a fundie and Rush Limbaugh/Glen Beck fan, fwiw.

When I first got hired, after passing the bar, graduating and all that, at the end of the interview one of my bosses told me that this job is like being a janitor: you spend your days cleaning up other peoples messes. But, it's also necessary. Someones got to do it.

Also, the ethical standards that lawyers are held to are higher than any profession in the world.
Kind of stupid.But I guess Sam has a bathroom in the cell? Toilet only I guess. So no privacy with the clear walls? Its jail I guess.
He has his own toliet but has to be taken out of the cell to shower. LOL....that is if he showeres
Oh, they'd make him shower. Even if they just had to hose him off.
Happy Friday everyone! Geez I have to back off for a few days and y'all got a new thread and you are talking pooping in jail!!! I love it. Thanks for the love Peacegurl and Eric. And thanks to Andres several pages back for Cereal Eatin Records - I cackled out loud at work on that one.

Heroine, I was totally going to suggust you go visit at one time, but I didn't want to seem pushy. If I were there I'd be all over those jail employees, buying them a cup of coffee...just hanging out (like you can just hang out at a jail..oh well) You never know. I do believe Sam would not be allowed any visitors on his atty's request. His parents have prolly not come due to the expense and for the same reason.

I've got midterms coming up and I've been trying to focus, focus, focus because I think I got ciminal in the bag, torts is coming along fine because the prof. is insanely good but CONTRACTS might be the death of me. The prof. is a Judge too, c'mon dude. He's horrible. Help - Andres, Pax, any advice you law people?
Happy Friday everyone! Geez I have to back off for a few days and y'all got a new thread and you are talking pooping in jail!!! I love it. Thanks for the love Peacegurl and Eric. And thanks to Andres several pages back for Cereal Eatin Records - I cackled out loud at work on that one.

Heroine, I was totally going to suggust you go visit at one time, but I didn't want to seem pushy. If I were there I'd be all over those jail employees, buying them a cup of coffee...just hanging out (like you can just hang out at a jail..oh well) You never know. I do believe Sam would not be allowed any visitors on his atty's request. His parents have prolly not come due to the expense and for the same reason.

I've got midterms coming up and I've been trying to focus, focus, focus because I think I got ciminal in the bag, torts is coming along fine because the prof. is insanely good but CONTRACTS might be the death of me. The prof. is a Judge too, c'mon dude. He's horrible. Help - Andres, Pax, any advice you law people?

Contracts? Yeah, I can help you with contracts. Don't panic, you'll do fine. Good thing you're not talking Property. That class was almost the death of me.
Honestly, its something that comes with the job, but it amazes me the misconceptions people have about criminal defense attorneys. And, people harbor their biases to the end. I have a cousin that refuses to talk to me because of what I do. She's a fundie and Rush Limbaugh/Glen Beck fan, fwiw.

When I first got hired, after passing the bar, graduating and all that, at the end of the interview one of my bosses told me that this job is like being a janitor: you spend your days cleaning up other peoples messes. But, it's also necessary. Someones got to do it.

Also, the ethical standards that lawyers are held to are higher than any profession in the world.

See I started on the other side working for the DAs office and I came to really hate it because of something very tragic that happened, in short I helped put away a man who was absolutely 100% innocent yet the evidence was in favor of his guilt and so my boss made me try the case even though I was pretty sure this guy was framed. As it turns out he was able to get his conviction overturned but not until he had lost many years of his life in prison away from his children and wife and family etc. But in the end it was proven without any doubt that he was indeed innocent but because it was an election year and a high profile case and the people needed to see someone pay for the crime, I was forced to try it against my better judgment and I was never the same after that day, I lasted about another 8 months and quit to pursue a writing career. When I do practice again it will absolutely be either criminal defense or I will set myself up a little bankruptcy practice, a good friend of mine does that and he enjoys it and does pretty well for himself.

As much as I feel for the victims of crimes what is even more important to me is to protect the rights of those accused and being threatened to be locked up away from thier loved ones in a cage like an animal. More innocent people are convicted than we all want to admit, it makes us sleep better to just remain ignorant of that dark underbelly of the justice system in America.
Happy Friday everyone! Geez I have to back off for a few days and y'all got a new thread and you are talking pooping in jail!!! I love it. Thanks for the love Peacegurl and Eric. And thanks to Andres several pages back for Cereal Eatin Records - I cackled out loud at work on that one.

Heroine, I was totally going to suggust you go visit at one time, but I didn't want to seem pushy. If I were there I'd be all over those jail employees, buying them a cup of coffee...just hanging out (like you can just hang out at a jail..oh well) You never know. I do believe Sam would not be allowed any visitors on his atty's request. His parents have prolly not come due to the expense and for the same reason.

I've got midterms coming up and I've been trying to focus, focus, focus because I think I got ciminal in the bag, torts is coming along fine because the prof. is insanely good but CONTRACTS might be the death of me. The prof. is a Judge too, c'mon dude. He's horrible. Help - Andres, Pax, any advice you law people?
It's nice to see you're back! :D Maybe I'll figure out a way to talk to SOMEONE about Sam. If I do what should I be asking, what do you guys want to know?
I know there's a lot to find out and a ton we don't know, so where to start and how do you go about asking those things....haha!
Contracts? Yeah, I can help you with contracts. Don't panic, you'll do fine. Good thing you're not talking Property. That class was almost the death of me.

I had nightmares about property class for several years after graduation, waking with up night sweats after dreaming that I had forgotten to take my final and had to go through law school all over again because of it LOL.

Property law is a ***** mostly because it is so boring. One class I really did enjoy though that most people didnt was WATER LAW, thats more interesting that most people realize and we are ALL in for a doozy someday soon because water is going to be a HUGE issue in the next few decades.

Where did you attend Andreas and Ziggy? I graduated from the U of Arizona.
But it is not just the 505 address.

How about the fact that Sam McCroskey called himself "LilDemonDog" a clear reference to the star Procyon and therefore the Sumerian demon Humbaba and then walked around town smelling like death? Humbaba also according to legend has breath that smells like death.

But sure write it off, don't pay attention to strange coincidences, because there is absolutely nothing to see here. It is fine with me if many members of this board are not interested in this stuff. I'd like to see a separate topic or conference area where the discussion will continue. However, if that doesn't work I can post this stuff elsewhere.

I've known about Chi and Preceps for about two weeks and I have done extensive research on these groups (as much as possible given they are secret) and the hidden symbolism of their "droppings". In case it is not obvious to those who are interested, I post only a small fraction of the things along these lines I have found here on this board. And I've left out some key elements on purpose.
My daughter has one of these dropping in her apartment. The girls that find them hang on to them because they are suppose to bring you luck. They know when the walks take place, it is not a mystery when they will occur.
I have lived here all of my 53 years, I worked across the street from Longwood University and have never heard of the tunnels. It have heard that one of the high rise dorms was built on a grave yard. It is one of the oldest colleges in Virginia.
Dang,Dr. Jordon is one of the nicest men at LU. He is admired and respected by all!
I had nightmares about property class for several years after graduation, waking with up night sweats after dreaming that I had forgotten to take my final and had to go through law school all over again because of it LOL.

Property law is a ***** mostly because it is so boring. One class I really did enjoy though that most people didnt was WATER LAW, thats more interesting that most people realize and we are ALL in for a doozy someday soon because water is going to be a HUGE issue in the next few decades.

Where did you attend Andreas and Ziggy? I graduated from the U of Arizona.

I went to DePaul University, in Chicago.

One of the first things I was taught was that you can't really let it effect you too much. Some people can do that. Though, from what I know about how many people get put away that are innocent, I could never work for the DA.
My daughter has one of these dropping in her apartment. The girls that find them hang on to them because they are suppose to bring you luck. They know when the walks take place, it is not a mystery when they will occur.
I have lived here all of my 53 years, I worked across the street from Longwood University and have never heard of the tunnels. It have heard that one of the high rise dorms was built on a grave yard. It is one of the oldest colleges in Virginia.
Dang,Dr. Jordon is one of the nicest men at LU. He is admired and respected by all!

Thanks, peace_gurl. I'd love to talk with Dr. Jordan actually. I'm interested in Room 333 and the "red line" in particular. Know anything about that?
I went to DePaul University, in Chicago.

One of the first things I was taught was that you can't really let it effect you too much. Some people can do that. Though, from what I know about how many people get put away that are innocent, I could never work for the DA.

Exactly I would never work for the DA again, at the time I had made the decision to I was a very power hungry an misinformed republican who wanted to fight crime, over time I became much more liberal in my political thinking and started to see the ugly side of the prosecution and LE in general and then my bad experience above happened and that was the end for me. I would no spend most of my time working to get convictions overturned by those who claim innocence and have evidence to support it as well as advocating against the DP. What you are doing noble work my friend and do not let anyone convince you otherwise.

I was one of the few who are not able to not let it get to me I took it home every night and couldnt look myself in the mirror knowing that I may have played an important role in locking people up who didnt deserve it. I took it very personal and it consumed me.
Thanks, peace_gurl. I'd love to talk with Dr. Jordan actually. I'm interested in Room 333 and the "red line" in particular. Know anything about that?

Ahhhhhahaha the red line, I dont think we can get in to that here, thats pretty heavy stuff brother. "Sub Rosa."
My daughter has one of these dropping in her apartment. The girls that find them hang on to them because they are suppose to bring you luck. They know when the walks take place, it is not a mystery when they will occur.
I have lived here all of my 53 years, I worked across the street from Longwood University and have never heard of the tunnels. It have heard that one of the high rise dorms was built on a grave yard. It is one of the oldest colleges in Virginia.
Dang,Dr. Jordon is one of the nicest men at LU. He is admired and respected by all!

Here's a link to a invitation to bid for a replacement central heating plant for Longwood.
That implies there is an existing central heating plant, which is quite common for universities.

Buildings larger than residential quite frequently have both heating and cooling provided by either direct radiant systems, ie. radiators, or a ducted system that blows air over water filled radiators or coils. Depending on the exact system in use, they may require both heated and chilled water 365 days a year. In setting like a university campus, the water is frequently heated and cooled in buildings dedicated to that purpose and piped underground to the buildings that use it. Those pipes run through tunnels which allow access to the pipes and which may also carry electrical wires, drinking water supply, telecommunications cables, etc..

There is nothing unusual about systems like that or the tunnels go along with them. It's particularly advantageous where coal is used as a heat source and it can allow for electricity generation at the same time. Cities sometimes have similar systems which serve multi block areas, which is why steam sometimes comes from manhole covers in NYC. I don't think that's so common in cities in the west, but I'd be surprised if it isn't common on college campuses across the country.
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