VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #5

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sowhatchasaying there, wadahoot? :)

Somebody's gotta figure these folks out, right?

I mean.....

I was being silly, John ... you said you had a serial killer book on the coffee-table, and I equated it to a 'coffee-table book' ... you know, those 2' tall books that have all the pictures and are either artsy-fartsy or oh, so learned ... you know ... those books no one ever reads?!
Well the main reason most jails wont allow letters is because if youre in jail you are likely awaiting trial

I um, I mean a friend of mine, ahem, spent six days at a jail in Fairfax County, Virginia due to some indiscretions involving libations and motorized vehicles. This was about 14 years ago but, as I learned from my (friend's) fellow detainees, when you are sentenced to a multi-year sentence you often spend up to a year in jail before being processed and transferred to prison (at least in Virginia). So I'd imagine you could get mail but, of course, in these cases, this is obviously post-trial, post-sentencing.

Something else I learned in jail based on discussions with folks I met in there: There isn't one single guilty person in the corrections system -- everyone is innocent, got framed, was screwed by their lawyer. That talk cracked me up -- almost no one mans up to their guilt.
Eh, if we're going to have guests, I could forego Sick and everyone else on the "occult" side of the discussion, and instead get something in here a little more closely related to the food chain: i.e., something about the "meat" of the case. I want to hear from Sarah or another person close to Sam, with some access even to him now. THAT is my vote for an invited personage.

Sounds good to me. And maybe the most information filled person (still living) about the case would be Melanie's mother:

1. When was the last time she spoke with Melanie? How'd she sound?

2. When was the last time she spoke with Debra Kelly?

3. How many times did she speak with Sam over those days? How'd he sound? What did he say?

4. Why didn't her husband even bother to knock on the Farmville house door or ring the doorbell?

5. How much information did she relay to Pastor Mark when she called to send him to the Farmville house? Did she convey any sense of concern about the safety of her daughter in that house and thus Pastor Mark's safety in going there?

6. How many times did she call the Farmville PD? When was the 1st call to them?

Melanie's mother had a lot of phone contact with the house/Sam/with the Farmville PD and with Pastor Mark. And, from the reports in the press, she seemed to want to send the calvary in to roust Sam from the house and find out what was going on.
The "Chi with dots" mark from the bottom back of Dan Brown's book The Lost Symbol:

View attachment 6339

Same mark found on the CHI "dropping":

View attachment 6340

Here's the source of the mark from Dan Brown's book. It appears in a string of alchemist symbols along the bottom.

View attachment 6338

...I promised myself never to read Dan Brown again after DaVinci Code,
I was really into Holyblood,holy grail and it made me so mad when Mr.Brown got all the praise for copying someone elses research and I don't even think he's a good writer...
Why thank you!:) It would be very odd to go visit Sam I'm sure. Even though I am a pin-up model I still don't think Sam would want to talk to me, especially since I'm sure his lawyer has made it very clear not to speak to people like me. Now what can be learned from inside of the jail is another story all together. ;)

...I think it's amazing you'd even be willing to do that....I know I couldn't ,one of the reasons I got into this case is cos I kept thinking how easily I could have been Emma or Mel back then and now it could easily be my daughter....I'm sooo angry at him and on the other hand when I see him and he looks so young and I almost feel compassion,anyways I don't think I could handle it emotionally to see that guy...I'd be overwhelmed...
dont look that deep into it, she just likes the smell of baby socks..:waitasec: she told me that once upon a time.

A little weird but to each their own -- far be it from me to judge.

piX will you stick around new computer and all? You were/are the closest to the HCR scene and are a valuable source of insight for us crime dorks in this case. We seek to somehow understand how a human being, with all the feelings of love, loss, happiness, and despair which abound, to varying degrees, in us all, could devolve to such savagery.
DM this another area of interest for me, hidden symbolism and meaning of architecture. If you study the old cathedrals in Europe with a trained eye the architecture itself has within it some very important information. It appears from my research that the masons who built and designed these buildings used them to preserve certain ancient knowledge that the Church was trying very hard to supress.

There are many good books about this, one such book that covers the hidden meaning of the architectural symbolism in the buildings of Washington DC is called "The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital."

Great book!

I see a lot of the same symbols in the pictures of various places in Farmville posted here.

If you do decide to write fiction pax,wouldn't it be a cool plot if you would make the reader believe sam was set up by skr and in the end it turns out he was set up by farmville secret societies that were after debra cos she was digging too deep into their stuff and was finding out a lot of things ....
...I think it's amazing you'd even be willing to do that....I know I couldn't ,one of the reasons I got into this case is cos I kept thinking how easily I could have been Emma or Mel back then and now it could easily be my daughter....I'm sooo angry at him and on the other hand when I see him and he looks so young and I almost feel compassion,anyways I don't think I could handle it emotionally to see that guy...I'd be overwhelmed...

Yeah I agree, it would be very emotional and I think that's what makes me really not want to do it. I do feel the way you do as well, sometimes I see him as one of the victims and other times I see him as a murderer. In this case it's hard to know what to see, or even believe what you think you see. I think one reason I'm so into this case is my compassion for the victims, even Sam on some days. ( as crazy as that sounds) Not to mention, the mysteriousness of it all and it being only 30 minutes away.
But I do have those days where I feel like I hate him and on other days I feel for him even as odd as that is for me to type.
I can always do as Paximus said though and just ask around, but where will I find the guards...haha!
Yeah I agree, it would be very emotional and I think that's what makes me really not want to do it. I do feel the way you do as well, sometimes I see him as one of the victims and other times I see him as a murderer. In this case it's hard to know what to see, or even believe what you think you see. I think one reason I'm so into this case is my compassion for the victims, even Sam on some days. ( as crazy as that sounds) Not to mention, the mysteriousness of it all and it being only 30 minutes away.
But I do have those days where I feel like I hate him and on other days I feel for him even as odd as that is for me to type.
I can always do as Paximus said though and just ask around, but where will I find the guards...haha!

Well I think this is part of the inherent mystery of human nature. Put your pre-sentiments aside and go in as an open book, if you get the chance. Love him hate him but you do not know him, at least personally, in any way at all (none of us do, except perhaps piXy). If you are courageous enough to go in there, sit face to face and just talk, you might find out if he is a repentant child or a stone cold monster. If you can find your way in and report back we'd be indebted to your fortitude.
...I promised myself never to read Dan Brown again after DaVinci Code,
I was really into Holyblood,holy grail and it made me so mad when Mr.Brown got all the praise for copying someone elses research and I don't even think he's a good writer...

Brown is a hack IMO, he is making these Disney films about things that may actually be true as a means of covering them up in such a way that everyone will conclude "well thats just hollywood you cant take that kind of entertainment seriously."

The authors of Holy Blood Holy Grail and The Templar Revelation on the other hand were sincere researchers and their books are far superior to this mickey mouse jazz Brown writes. Brown made conspiracy theory cool envogue and mainstream so that it would become a joke and a passing fad and people would eventually move on to something else. Brown works for "Them".
If you do decide to write fiction pax,wouldn't it be a cool plot if you would make the reader believe sam was set up by skr and in the end it turns out he was set up by farmville secret societies that were after debra cos she was digging too deep into their stuff and was finding out a lot of things ....

That is EXACTLY what I would do I already have an outline drafted for a story like that in fact, I will share more after the trial when I have more complete picture. I am gonna do this and I hope many of you will help me and contribute along the way, we can make this a collaborative effort and since this is what I do for a living I have the time to do it whereas many of you dont because of family and jobs. I really dont even care about the money or my name on the book, this is just a story that needs to be written and all of you guys work recorded for all to see.

But first I want to publish something in rolling stone magazine that is an in depth detailed story of this case to include alot of what we have all dug up there and I will acknowledge each and every one of you in that project. I cant do much until the trial starts and we see what the defense decides to do and see what the evidence is.
A little weird but to each their own -- far be it from me to judge.

piX will you stick around new computer and all? You were/are the closest to the HCR scene and are a valuable source of insight for us crime dorks in this case. We seek to somehow understand how a human being, with all the feelings of love, loss, happiness, and despair which abound, to varying degrees, in us all, could devolve to such savagery.

I agree I wish piXy would stick around more often she has a lot of good insight to offer.
Like most of you I am just a crime dork too, I really try and get in to the heads of these killers and find out whats going on in there so we can find a way to prevent this stuff in the future. Probably never happen but its an interesting hobby no matter what.
The authors of Holy Blood Holy Grail and The Templar Revelation on the other hand were sincere researchers and their books are far superior to this mickey mouse jazz Brown writes.

Didn't Holy Blood, Holy Grail rely on forged evidence? Perhaps the authors were sincere, but they drew upon manufactured documents.
....but it was about a whole lot more than those documents....I mean these guys did incredible research on many many levels I think....
Brown is a hack IMO, he is making these Disney films about things that may actually be true as a means of covering them up in such a way that everyone will conclude "well thats just hollywood you cant take that kind of entertainment seriously."

The authors of Holy Blood Holy Grail and The Templar Revelation on the other hand were sincere researchers and their books are far superior to this mickey mouse jazz Brown writes. Brown made conspiracy theory cool envogue and mainstream so that it would become a joke and a passing fad and people would eventually move on to something else. Brown works for "Them".

Isn't the operative word here "may?" I'd say it's far more likely that Brown works to fill his own bank account. Umberto Eco had made conspiracy cool long before Brown anyway.

You've written earlier that you were of Jewish parentage on both sides. I've had Jewish friends remark re: the notion that Jews are secretly in control of the world that they never get invited to those secret meeting where they're supposed to learn how they can participate in that. I'm speculating here of course, but I'm guessing you probably don't correspond with or take marching orders from some secretive world-dominating Jewish cabal either. Are we really to believe that theories about Masonic control of the world are any more credible? Interesting then that they've decided that China ought to take it's turn dominating the world stage in the not so distant future. To throw us off the scent no doubt.

If all of this speculation regarding the occult, secret societies et al. has some point other than pure entertainment, would it be too much to ask to have it spelled out in some actual detail? If someone has something in the way of a theory or even multiple competing theories of how actual occult forces comes into play in any way in this case, I'm not saying I'm going to buy it, but I'd certainly like to read about it.

If you do share, then I hope you would at least offer something in the way of references from whatever take on reality you base your theory. What I mean to say is that if you think Sam is a murderer driven to murder by a demon who possessed him in some form that you elaborate on how that is believed to occur by people who believe that it is possible. Also, would you show as much as possible that the facts as known are consistent with that or what details are lacking that would be consistent.

Maybe I'm missing something, but so far despite miles of text devoted to all of that, I've seen little of more substance than things like a correspondence between the number 505 in the Kelley home's address and the Albuquerque area code. That's only significant if we ignore the literally billions of other things that don't correspond in some way. Should we be looking in Delaware, the "First State" for some important clue? After all, the murders happened on First Street. Maybe SKR has an account in the First National Bank of Albuquerque. If so, would that be significant?

I hope I'm not too out of line with that, but I am both genuinely interested and thoroughly skeptical.
A little weird but to each their own -- far be it from me to judge.

piX will you stick around new computer and all? You were/are the closest to the HCR scene and are a valuable source of insight for us crime dorks in this case. We seek to somehow understand how a human being, with all the feelings of love, loss, happiness, and despair which abound, to varying degrees, in us all, could devolve to such savagery.
Ill be around dont worry but not this weekend i have to go out of town but ill be back on Sunday

I lost alot of friends over this tragedy that happened for whatever reason im not sure but you all are a great bunch of e-detectives and i love reading all the theories about what happened.
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