VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #5

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Which video is the one with Sam talking? (I assume you mean more than the "Jesus made me do it, ha" line)
That site's video player sucks and I gave up trying to find it.

Ohhh, sarry. I was talking about the 4th one, where they show brief footage of Sam talking, but there's no sound. I was watching at work with the sound muted. Hee. :eek:
FWIW, I was incredibly bored tonight and logged onto "The Dreamin Demon," another crime site I used to frequent. I hadn't been to this site for almost a year, almost forgot about it. Well, I have a coupla interesting observations re. DD and this case:
1) There is info. on there re. Syco Sam and these murders that is much more in-depth than what I see here- and-
2) pixy - or however it's spelled- also posts on DD- a lot. she gets a lot of attention there too.
Ohhh, sarry. I was talking about the 4th one, where they show brief footage of Sam talking, but there's no sound. I was watching at work with the sound muted. Hee. :eek:

Ah, Thanks.
Interesting video though. Anyone good at reading lips?
I wonder if she's going to break up with us, because if she is, I want to break up with her first!
FWIW, I was incredibly bored tonight and logged onto "The Dreamin Demon," another crime site I used to frequent. I hadn't been to this site for almost a year, almost forgot about it. Well, I have a coupla interesting observations re. DD and this case:
1) There is info. on there re. Syco Sam and these murders that is much more in-depth than what I see here- and-
2) pixy - or however it's spelled- also posts on DD- a lot. she gets a lot of attention there too.
Going to give us a link?
Not to be a party pooper, but you do realize that these links have been posted before and PiXy was even here discussing her postings on that board?
FWIW, I was incredibly bored tonight and logged onto "The Dreamin Demon," another crime site I used to frequent. I hadn't been to this site for almost a year, almost forgot about it. Well, I have a coupla interesting observations re. DD and this case:
1) There is info. on there re. Syco Sam and these murders that is much more in-depth than what I see here- and-
2) pixy - or however it's spelled- also posts on DD- a lot. she gets a lot of attention there too.

I and a few others have copy and pasted most of piXy notable statments from DD here in these threads, I dont think it was in this one but the last one that was closed before we started this one or maybe the one before that but we did discuss all of that at one point.
Not to be a party pooper, but you do realize that these links have been posted before and PiXy was even here discussing her postings on that board?

Correct I think it was you, Native Girl (where has she been?) and myself that copied most of piXy's comments from DD over to here.
FWIW, I was incredibly bored tonight and logged onto "The Dreamin Demon," another crime site I used to frequent. I hadn't been to this site for almost a year, almost forgot about it. Well, I have a coupla interesting observations re. DD and this case:
1) There is info. on there re. Syco Sam and these murders that is much more in-depth than what I see here- and-
2) pixy - or however it's spelled- also posts on DD- a lot. she gets a lot of attention there too.

If you start at thread one here at WS I am quite certian there is no information on the internet that we havent posted or discussed here re the Famville murders. One of the reasons we have went off topic lately is because we have exhausted all known and public information regarding this case.

However I would like to add that if you want to repost that information I would have no problem with that and would certainly take part in further discussion of it. Nothing wrong with taking a fresh look at some of it and discussing it further with some of the new people who have arrived after those initial discussions took place. So please feel free to kick up more discussion about the case as I would certainly be a willing participant.
(Bolding mine) I couldn't have put that better myself. And she has those two poor children. . .

I would have to say watching her, if you can handle it, is probably a good beginning source for some of these more bizarre crimes mostly ignored by the mainstream media.

....and those little children look like her little clones...anyways it's a good beginning source but then she'll repeat the same things over and over and over and just tries to sensationalize every little aspect of a case....
This is actually a classic case of what happens when you put teenagers on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. I did some work on this in grad school and I will spare you my Tom Cruisesque rant against psychiatric medications but needless to say this young lady's attorney should be using the Prozac Defense. *#*$(#$)#) ruined a few more lives here.

The **** says right on the bottle that it may cause increased suicidal and homicidal thoughts especially in teenagers yet they hand this stuff out to kids like its candy.

I wonder if Sam was on SSRI medication?

...I wonder that myself....I was put on those before and I couldn't handle it at daughter started having migraines when she was 12,I took her to the neurologist and he wanted to put her on anti depressants and muscle relaxers,just like that....I was like ohhh no way...
...I wonder that myself....I was put on those before and I couldn't handle it at daughter started having migraines when she was 12,I took her to the neurologist and he wanted to put her on anti depressants and muscle relaxers,just like that....I was like ohhh no way...

Doctors dont even think twice anymore about this stuff, mention to them that grandma died and youre having some problem accepting it ( a perfectly NORMAL response to the death of a loved one) and they IMMEDIATELY take out a script pad and offer you effexor or some **** to numb you so you cant feel perfectly normal emotions.

I am NOT trying to say that some people cannot benefit these these medications as it would be very irresponsible for me to do so and you should always listen to you doctor BUT I do think many people, especially kids, are on them and they do more harm than good in many cases.
Some new stuff ...
"Sources tell CBS 6 Richard "Sam" McCroskey says he is "concerned for the victim's families".",0,6000933.story

I guess someone beat you to it Pax. Other people have been writing him according to that link. haha!
And also WOW!!! No psychiatric evaluation? That's just odd. Maybe he figured what's the point?
Edited: I was just thinking, why hasn't any of his family members been to see him? Don't get me wrong, I would be really *advertiser censored**ing pi**ed off if my brother or son had done this, not to mention broken-hearted, but I don't think I wouldn't at least go visit them even once. Even if it was only to tell them how disappointed I was and just to see them one last time. I love my family too much to just dump them like that even if I don't agree with what they did. I would look at it as he is being punished for what he's done, but I couldn't turn my love off just like that. I may would even only be able to go see him once because of how stressful it would be for me, but I'd at least go once.
Wouldn't you guys?
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