VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #6

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Hey, Dangrs, or anyone else interested:

Have you come across the VA murder a few years ago of a biologist (I think) named Schwartz. Not all that far from Farmville.

Some weird stuff in that. Well, you'll see. You can start at:

for a pretty mainstream account.

This reminds me of a story Pax investigated (and still is) and has written about anonymously since around 2005, for his own protection, he has a theory that some alphabet soup agency may be playing a role in a lot of mysterious deaths of microbiologists all who have died since 2000 and continue to die today at a rapid pace and all of whom had some connection with working on weapons grade viruses and other sinister things like pathogenic weaponization and warfare. Maybe all those WMDs werent in Iraq after all?

40 Microbiologists Killed: Something Fishy Going On?

I and Pax both refuse to believe this many MBs have died in car accidents, suicides and whatever else their deaths are being attibuted to as these are some of the best and the brightest and they seemed to have been working on military projects for weaponzing viruses and other types of chemical warfare:

Dr. Robert Schwartz as Tapu mentioned was part of Pax's research and this is a post he posted anonymously on the net some time ago just to see what sort of response he would get...Schwartz case is bolded below and Pax has entire files on all these people including Dr. Robert Schwartz should you have any further questions.

40 microbiologist have died under suspicious circumstances in the last
four years. The deaths include stabbings, drownings, plane crashes and
hit-and-run crashes.


November 6, 2001: Jeffrey Paris Wall's body was found sprawled next to
a three-story parking structure near his office. Mr. Wall, 41, had
studied at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was a biomedical
expert who held a medical degree, and he also specialized in patent and
intellectual property. It had been alleged that Jeffrey Wall had a
connection to Biofem.

November 16, 2001: Dr. Don Wiley, 57, disappears during a business trip
to Memphis, Tennessee. He had just bought tickets to take his son to
Graceland the following day. Police found his rental car on a bridge
outside Memphis. His body was later found in the Mississippi River. Wiley
was one of the world's leading researchers of deadly viruses, including
HIV and the Ebola virus. He was an expert on the immune system's
response to viral attacks.

November 21, 2001: World-class microbiologist and high-profile Russian
defector Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, 64, dies of a stroke. Pasechnik, who
defected to Britain in 1989, succeeded in producing an aerosolized
plague microbe that could survive outside the laboratory. He was connected
to Britain's spy agency and recently had started his own company. "In
the last few weeks of his life he had put his research on anthrax at the
disposal of the [British] Government, in the light of the threat from

November 24, 2001: Three more dead microbiologists: A Swissair flight
from Berlin to Zurich crashes during its landing approach; 22 are killed
and nine survive. Among those killed are Dr. Yaakov Matzner, 54, dean
of the Hebrew University school of medicine; Amiramp Eldor, 59, head of
the haematology department at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv and a
world-recognized expert in blood clotting; and Avishai Berkman, 50, director
of the Tel Aviv public health department and businessman

December 10, 2001: Dead microbiologist: "Dr. Robert Schwartz, 57, was
stabbed and slashed with what police believe was a sword in his
farmhouse in Leesberg, Va. His daughter, who identifies herself as a pagan high
priestess, and three of her fellow pagans have been charged." [Globe
and Mail, 5/4/02] All were part of what they called a coven, and
interested in magic, fantasy and self-mutilation. The police have no motive as
to why they would have wanted to kill Schwartz, who was a single parent
and said to be very close to his children. Schwartz worked at
Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology on DNA sequencing and pathogenic

December 14, 2001: Dead microbiologist: Nguyen Van Set, 44, dies in an
airlock filled with nitrogen in his lab in Geelong, Australia. The lab
had just been written up in the journal Nature for its work in genetic
manipulation and DNA sequencing. Scientists there had created a
virulent form of mousepox. "They realized that if similar genetic manipulation
was carried out on smallpox, an unstoppable killer could be unleashed,"

January 2002: Two dead microbiologists: Ivan Glebov and Alexi
Brushlinski. Glebov died as the result of a bandit attack and Brushlinski was
killed in Moscow. Both were well known around the world and members of
the Russian Academy of Science.

February 9, 2002: Dead microbiologist: Victor Korshunov, 56, is bashed
over the head and killed at the entrance of his home in Moscow, Russia.
He was the head of the microbiology sub-faculty at the Russian State
Medical University and an expert in intestinal bacteria.

February 11, 2002: Dead microbiologist: Dr. Ian Langford, 40, is found
dead, partially naked and wedged under a chair in his home in Norwich,
England. When found, his house was described as "blood-spattered and
apparently ransacked." He was one of Europe's leading experts on
environmental risk.

February 28, 2002: Two dead microbiologists in San Francisco: While
taking delivery of a pizza, Tanya Holzmayer, 46, is shot and killed by a
colleague, Guyang Huang, 38, who then apparently shot himself. Holzmayer
moved to the US from Russia in 1989. Her research focused on the part
of the human molecular structure that could be affected best by
medicine. Holzmayer was focusing on helping create new drugs that interfere
with replication of the virus that causes AIDS. One year earlier,
Holzmayer obeyed senior management orders to fire Huang.

March 24, 2002: Dead microbiologist: David Wynn-Williams, 55, is hit by
a car while jogging near his home in Cambridge, England. He was an
astrobiologist with the Antarctic Astrobiology Project and the NASA Ames
Research Center. He was studying the capability of microbes to adapt to
environmental extremes, including the bombardment of ultraviolet rays
and global warming.

March 25, 2002: Dead microbiologist: Steven Mostow, 63, dies when the
airplane he was piloting crashes near Denver, Colorado. He worked at the
Colorado Health Sciences Centre and was known as "Dr. Flu" for his
expertise in treating influenza, and expertise on bioterrorism. Mostow was
one of the country's leading infectious disease experts.

November 12 2002: Dr. Benito Que, 52, was "an expert in infectious
diseases and cellular biology at the Miami Medical School. Police
originally suspected that he had been beaten on in a carjacking in the medical
school's parking lot. Strangely enough, though, his body showed no signs
of a beating.

June 24, 2003: Dr. Leland Rickman, a UC San Diego expert on infectious
diseases and, since Sept. 11, 2001 a consultant on bioterrorism. He was
47. Rickman died while on a teaching assignment in Lesotho, a small
country bordered on all sides by South Africa. He had complained of a
headache, but the cause of death was not immediately known. The physician
had been working in Lesotho with Dr. Chris Mathews, director of the UC
San Diego Medical Center's Owen Clinic, teaching African medical
personnel about the prevention and treatment of AIDS.Rickman, the incoming
president of the Infectious Disease Assn. of California, was a
multidisciplinary professor and practitioner with expertise in infectious
diseases, internal medicine, epidemiology, microbiology and antibiotic

July 18, 2003: David Kelly, a British biological weapons expert, was
said to have slashed his own wrists while walking near his home. Kelly
was the Ministry of Defence's chief scientific officer and senior adviser
to the proliferation and arms control secretariat, and to the Foreign
Office's non-proliferation department. The senior adviser on biological
weapons to the UN biological weapons inspections teams(Unscom) from
1994 to 1999, he was also, in the opinion of his peers, pre-eminent in his
field, not only in this country, but in the world.

November 20, 2003: Scientist Robert Leslie Burghoff, 45 was killed by a
hit and run driver that jumped the kerb and ploughed into him in the
1600 block of South Braeswood, Texas. He was studying the virus plaguing
cruise ships. April 2004: Mohammed Munim al-Izmerly, a distinguished
Iraqi chemistry professor dies in American custody from a sudden hit to
the back of his head caused by blunt trauma. It was uncertain exactly
how he died, but someone had hit him from behind, possibly with a bar or
a pistol. His battered corpse turned up at Baghdad's morgue and the
cause of death was initially recorded as "brainstem compression". It was
discovered that US doctors had made a 20cm incision in his skull.

May 5, 2004: A Russian scientist at a former Soviet biological weapons
laboratory in Siberia died after an accident with a needle laced with
ebola. Scientists and officials said the accident had raised concerns
about safety and secrecy at the State Research Center of Virology and
Biotechnology, known as Vector, which in Soviet times specialized in
turning deadly viruses into biological weapons. Vector has been a leading
recipient of aid in an American programme.

May 14, 2004: Dr. Eugene F. Mallove, a Norwich Free Academy graduate,
56, died after being beaten to death during an alleged robbery. Mallove
was well respected for his knowledge of cold fusion. He had just
published an “open letter” outlining the results of and reasons for his last
15 years in the field of “new energy research.” Dr. Mallove was
convinced it was only a matter of months before the world would actually see a
free energy device.

June 22, 2004: Astronomer and physicist, Austrian born Thomas Gold
famous over the years for a variety of bold theories that flout
conventional wisdom died of heart failure. Gold’s theory of the deep hot biosphere
holds important ramifications for the possibility of life on other
planets, including seemingly inhospitable planets within our own solar
system. He was Professor Emeritus of Astronomy at Cornell University and
wass the founder (and for 20 years director) of Cornell Center for
Radiophysics and Space Research. He was also involved in air accident

July 3, 2004: Dr Paul Norman, 52, of Salisbury, Wiltshire, was killed
when the single-engine Cessna 206 he was piloting crashed in Devon. He
was married with a 14-year-old son and a 20-year-old daughter, and was
the chief scientist for chemical and biological defence at the Ministry
of Defence’s laboratory at Porton Down, Wiltshire. The crash site was
examined by officials from the Air Accidents Investigation Branch and
the wreckage of the aircraft was removed from the site to the AAIB base
at Farnborough.

July 21, 2004: Dr Bassem al-Mudares' mutilated body was found in the
city of Samarra, Iraq*. He was a phD chemist and had been tortured before
being killed.

July 29, 2004: 67-year-old John Mullen, a nuclear research scientist
with McDonnell Douglas dies from a huge dose of poisonous arsenic. Police
investigating will not say how Mullen was exposed to the arsenic or
where it came from. At the time of his death he was doing contract work
for Boeing.

August 12, 2004: Professor John Clark, head of the science lab which
created Dolly the sheep, was found hanging in his holiday home. Prof
Clark led the Roslin Institute in Midlothian, one of the world’s leading
animal biotechnology research centres. He played a crucial role in
creating the transgenic sheep that earned the institute worldwide fame. Prof
Clark also founded three spin-out firms from Roslin - PPL Therapeutics,
Rosgen and Roslin BioMed.

September 5, 2004: Mohammed Toki Hussein al-Talakani Iraqi nuclear
scientist* was shot dead in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad. He was a
practising nuclear physicist since 1984.

December 21, 2004: Taleb Ibrahim al-Daher Iraqi nuclear scientist was
shot dead north of Baghdad by unknown gunmen. He was on his way to work
at Diyala University when armed men opened fire on his car as it was
crossing a bridge in Baqouba, 57 km northeast of Baghdad. The vehicle
swerved off the bridge and fell into the Khrisan river. Al-Daher, who was
a professor at the local university, was removed from the submerged car
and rushed to Baqouba hospital where he was pronounced dead.

January 7, 2005: Korean Jeong H. Im, retired research assistant
professor at the University of Missouri - Columbia and primarily a protein
chemist, died of multiple stab wounds to the chest before firefighters
found in his body in the trunk of a burning car on the third level of the
Maryland Avenue Garage. MUPD with the assistance of the Columbia Police
Department and Columbia Fire Department are conducting a death
investigation of the incident. A person of interest described as a male 6’ –
6’2” wearing some type of mask possible a painters mask or drywall type
mask was seen in the area of the Maryland Avenue Garage.

He has recently added another THIRTY dead in addition to the ones on this list but hasnt documented it all yet and I dont want to type them all out here with him in my ear but he can add to that later when he is unmuzzled should some of you want to pursue this with him further. FWIW he has tried to run this by some mainstream news outlets and gotten the snub each time.

Everything written above are facts and written as objectively as possible and there is no agenda on his part, he just wants the truth about who is killing the worlds best and brightest and what did they know that got them killed.

As an aside Pax is a big believer that there is a concerted effort under way that will at some point take place in the future where at least half the worlds population will be culled. Is this connected? Were these scientists used for purposes unknown to them and then silenced so they could never expose what their work would later be used for? You decide.

Pray tell, WTF is going on here???????????????
Hey, Dangrs, or anyone else interested:

Have you come across the VA murder a few years ago of a biologist (I think) named Schwartz. Not all that far from Farmville.

Some weird stuff in that. Well, you'll see. You can start at:

for a pretty mainstream account.

Very "X" carved into someones neck...

Strangely I was just talking about the anthrax case with my oldest son this morning.

More later.
More on 7:

The Seven Sisters, seven moving heavenly bodies, seven chakras, seven ancient metals, seven crystal lattice systems, seven days of the week, seventh son of a seventh son, seven gates of hell, seven deadly sins, Dee and Kelly's Holy Sevenfold Table, heptagram.

More on 7:

The Seven Sisters, seven moving heavenly bodies, seven chakras, seven ancient metals, seven crystal lattice systems, seven days of the week, seventh son of a seventh son, seven gates of hell, seven deadly sins, Dee and Kelly's Holy Sevenfold Table, heptagram.


And also the seven angels with the seven trumpets and the seventh seal which David Koresh claimed he would open.

I think I will go have me a seven and seven, oh but I dont drink so I will just settle for a seven-up.:dance:
Do you speak Turkish? I have no idea what the heck he is rapping about here.

lol,me dad lived in turkey for 4 years but I doubt he'll want to listen to it to translate...I just find it really interesting that there is a HUGE turkish rap scene
And also the seven angels with the seven trumpets and the seventh seal which David Koresh claimed he would open.

I think I will go have me a seven and seven, oh but I dont drink so I will just settle for a seven-up.:dance:

that's right ! you're having a baby soon ?
Very "X" carved into someones neck...

Strangely I was just talking about the anthrax case with my oldest son this morning.

More later.

"Hulbert said that he did not remember carving an "X" on Schwartz, and investigators concluded that it was probably an incidental slash mark rather than something ritualistic.

But Hulbert insisted that if he had not seen the clear evidence of the man's guilt on his face, he would have allowed Schwartz to live. Using the sword to slash and stab, he brought Schwartz to his knees, although the dying man continued to try to defend himself. "Somewhere in the back of my mind, someone laughed at a fool who would grab an attacker's blade," Hulbert said. Hulbert stabbed Schwartz and felt his grip loosen: "I told him to back off and let me pass." He claims that Schwartz just grinned at him. Schwartz came at him again and he got some of the man's blood in his mouth. "It drove me into a frenzy," he said. He just kept stabbing and stabbing the man in the back. Hulbert then described Schwartz's last mom ents, saying that Schwartz had looked up at Hulbert and asked, "What did I ever do to you?" With that, Hulbert had delivered the final blow, killing him.

"When I returned to the state of mindfulness and sanity," Hulbert wrote, "I was drawing the sword from his back." He rinsed the weapon off, turned off most of the lights in the home, and went to find his friends. One of his voices instructed him to leave quickly, he wrote, because the victim's soul had already departed. Hulbert closed his confession with the belief that he had saved Clara and "whatever happens to us, we will survive." Then he had signed it with "Demon" and offered an apology to the Schwartz family, asking their forgiveness.,just wow...
lol,me dad lived in turkey for 4 years but I doubt he'll want to listen to it to translate...I just find it really interesting that there is a HUGE turkish rap scene

There is even an Orthodox Hasidic Jew rap scene which is about the last community I would figure would produce rappers. I am not in to it much but pax knows of it but he is alseep now, but there is one particular Orthodox Hasid Jew rapper who had made quite a name for himself and I am sure some of you have heard of him, he is pretty good they say.

I remember when rap first started to get attention with Curtis Blow and it was actually something I enjoyed at the time, he was good and not what we know as Gansta rap today, Curtis was pretty classy and really could rap at a time when nobody else was doing it. NWA was about the last of rap for me, lost interest after that but I do like Ice Cube and Ice T.
Is there *really* anything such as "seven fold symmetry" ?

My understanding of symmetry is that if you evenly divide an object down the middle that both sides are mirror images. After looking , it is symmetrical , but is there actually a reference to seven fold symmetry ?

Symmetry is much more complex than just a simple mirror images. If you compare a swastika with a plus sign for instance, the swastika has rotational symmetry while the plus sign has both rotational and mirror symmetries. (No love for swastikas by the way, its just the simplest 4-way rotational things I could come up with)

If you were to draw both figures and number the arms 1,2,3,4 in a clockwise fashion(it could be either way really) and then take a sheet of something transparent and trace the images, there are four positions that you could rotate the tracings and have them match exactly with the original drawing. 1 can overlay 1,2,3,or 4. It and each additional arm of the tracing matches with one and only one of the arms of the original for any of the four positions.

There are also two ways that you could flip the plus sign and have the tracing match while the swastika wouldn't. So the swastika has only rotational symmetry while the plus sign also has reflective symmetry in two axes.

You can also make equations that are just like any other equations that you might have encountered in math before. If M is a mirror operation and R is a rotation, then for the plus sign, M x M = R which is to say that a mirroring followed by a mirroring is equivalent to a rotation. Think of a regular cartesian grid. Put an image on it, then flip it along the Y-axis an then the X-axis, Everything has just rotated 180 degrees. You can try that for yourself. Technically that's a little sloppy notationally since the two mirror operations can't make a 90 or 270 degree rotation, but you get the point. The math works the same as regular multiplication, where I = 1 the identity function, just like 10 x 1 = 10 so a symmetry operation that doesn't move anything is simply a multiplication by I, which is also equivalent to a rotation by 360 degrees since rotating 0 degrees and 360 degrees are exactly the same thing (we aren't talking about motions, only symmetries). An example of that would be flipping twice along the same axis, which brings everything back to where it started.

The railing in the pictures is exactly the same as the plus sign, it has both mirror and rotational symmetries, but with seven positions. Draw a circle of 7 points, number them 1-7. A mirror operation would send 1 to 1, 2 to 7,3 to 6, 4 to 5, 5 to 4, 6 to 3, and 7 to 2. There are 7 potential points that could be number 1. You should be able to see that there are 7 possible ways to rotate. Also, M x M = R. M x M x M = M. An even number of mirror operations will always be a rotation, while an odd number will always be a mirroring.

We could do something similar on a sphere if you wanted to move into 3 dimensions. The same is true for 4, 5, 6, or as many dimensions as you would like.

Things get really interesting when you throw inversions into the game. They too can be spherical, 4-dimensional and on and on. I've done my fair share of dabbling in "sacred mathematics" and some of it's interesting, especially historically, but real math is much more mind blowing.
Hey, Dangrs, or anyone else interested:

Have you come across the VA murder a few years ago of a biologist (I think) named Schwartz. Not all that far from Farmville.

Some weird stuff in that. Well, you'll see. You can start at:

for a pretty mainstream account.

That's a weird murder, but if Farmville and Leesburg were in Europe, they would be in different countries. They really aren't so close. Leesburg is exurban D.C. which opens up a whole 'nuther (there i go again) can 'o worms.

Just to give everybody a head start on things:

from Wikipedia


On September 14, 2008, The Town of Leesburg celebrated its 250th birthday. During that celebration, the town unveiled its new flag.
Colors: Red is the color from the Lee Family Coat of Arms.
White is from the Lee Family Coat of Arms.
Blue is from the Lee Family of Virginia Coat of Arms.
Yellow is from the Lee Family Coat of Arms.
Symbology: This flag represents the coat of arms that was in use by the Lee Family of Virginia when Leesburg was founded in 1758. The blue and yellow checkerboard band on the red back ground represents the Lee Family Coat of Arms at which Leesburg is named for and the white Cinquefoil (five petal flower) on a blue background comes from the Astley Family Coat of Arms. The coats of arms were quartered like the flag is showing. The white cross indicates Leesburg as a crossroads.
This reminds me of a story Pax investigated (and still is) and has written about anonymously since around 2005, for his own protection, he has a theory that some alphabet soup agency may be playing a role in a lot of mysterious deaths of microbiologists all who have died since 2000 and continue to die today at a rapid pace and all of whom had some connection with working on weapons grade viruses and other sinister things like pathogenic weaponization and warfare. Maybe all those WMDs werent in Iraq after all?

40 Microbiologists Killed: Something Fishy Going On?

Pray tell, WTF is going on here???????????????

Dr. Schwartz worked in Herndon, which borders Reston. Reston is where the Ebola outbreak that the book/movie Hot Zone is based on occured. I drive by the area it happened every day on my way to work.
There is even an Orthodox Hasidic Jew rap scene which is about the last community I would figure would produce rappers. I am not in to it much but pax knows of it but he is alseep now, but there is one particular Orthodox Hasid Jew rapper who had made quite a name for himself and I am sure some of you have heard of him, he is pretty good they say.

I remember when rap first started to get attention with Curtis Blow and it was actually something I enjoyed at the time, he was good and not what we know as Gansta rap today, Curtis was pretty classy and really could rap at a time when nobody else was doing it. NWA was about the last of rap for me, lost interest after that but I do like Ice Cube and Ice T.

Matisyahu....he's very talented.

This song is also a Kabbalistic reference FWIW.

See also:

If you like old school, check out a local SF rapper named Supernatural. He does a live free form rap with objects suggested by the audience. Amazing.
Symmetry is much more complex than just a simple mirror images. If you compare a swastika with a plus sign for instance, the swastika has rotational symmetry while the plus sign has both rotational and mirror symmetries. (No love for swastikas by the way, its just the simplest 4-way rotational things I could come up with)

If you were to draw both figures and number the arms 1,2,3,4 in a clockwise fashion(it could be either way really) and then take a sheet of something transparent and trace the images, there are four positions that you could rotate the tracings and have them match exactly with the original drawing. 1 can overlay 1,2,3,or 4. It and each additional arm of the tracing matches with one and only one of the arms of the original for any of the four positions.

There are also two ways that you could flip the plus sign and have the tracing match while the swastika wouldn't. So the swastika has only rotational symmetry while the plus sign also has reflective symmetry in two axes.

You can also make equations that are just like any other equations that you might have encountered in math before. If M is a mirror operation and R is a rotation, then for the plus sign, M x M = R which is to say that a mirroring followed by a mirroring is equivalent to a rotation. Think of a regular cartesian grid. Put an image on it, then flip it along the Y-axis an then the X-axis, Everything has just rotated 180 degrees. You can try that for yourself. Technically that's a little sloppy notationally since the two mirror operations can't make a 90 or 270 degree rotation, but you get the point. The math works the same as regular multiplication, where I = 1 the identity function, just like 10 x 1 = 10 so a symmetry operation that doesn't move anything is simply a multiplication by I, which is also equivalent to a rotation by 360 degrees since rotating 0 degrees and 360 degrees are exactly the same thing (we aren't talking about motions, only symmetries). An example of that would be flipping twice along the same axis, which brings everything back to where it started.

The railing in the pictures is exactly the same as the plus sign, it has both mirror and rotational symmetries, but with seven positions. Draw a circle of 7 points, number them 1-7. A mirror operation would send 1 to 1, 2 to 7,3 to 6, 4 to 5, 5 to 4, 6 to 3, and 7 to 2. There are 7 potential points that could be number 1. You should be able to see that there are 7 possible ways to rotate. Also, M x M = R. M x M x M = M. An even number of mirror operations will always be a rotation, while an odd number will always be a mirroring.

We could do something similar on a sphere if you wanted to move into 3 dimensions. The same is true for 4, 5, 6, or as many dimensions as you would like.

Things get really interesting when you throw inversions into the game. They too can be spherical, 4-dimensional and on and on. I've done my fair share of dabbling in "sacred mathematics" and some of it's interesting, especially historically, but real math is much more mind blowing.

"Mathematics is magic that works."
A few more words on symmetry....

Symmetry is a key idea in physics and in particular in quantum mechanics. See

This is a nice little article about a friend of mine who's "theory of everything" is based on symmetry and geometry:

Not entirely accurate though, for example as I understand it he's not really poor except by choice. He'd rather surf big waves and climb mountains than have a tenure track position and pretend to believe in string theory.

"E8 encapsulates the symmetries of a geometric object that is 57-dimensional"


All the kids in our family are getting E8 t-shirts for Christmas. Seriously.
Dr. Schwartz worked in Herndon, which borders Reston. Reston is where the Ebola outbreak that the book/movie Hot Zone is based on occured. I drive by the area it happened every day on my way to work.

FWIW I worked on some pattern recognition algorithms for this: Fact Sheets/Block II.pdf

I worked with some guys from this company: on part of the project and also a German company called Brucker-Franzen.

Their office was in a strip mall outside DC, and they claimed to be the worlds largest producer of the nerve agent VX. For test purposes only of course.

I have some stories about these guys, but this isn't the place to tell them...
"Hulbert said that he did not remember carving an "X" on Schwartz, and investigators concluded that it was probably an incidental slash mark rather than something ritualistic.

But Hulbert insisted that if he had not seen the clear evidence of the man's guilt on his face, he would have allowed Schwartz to live. Using the sword to slash and stab, he brought Schwartz to his knees, although the dying man continued to try to defend himself. "Somewhere in the back of my mind, someone laughed at a fool who would grab an attacker's blade," Hulbert said. Hulbert stabbed Schwartz and felt his grip loosen: "I told him to back off and let me pass." He claims that Schwartz just grinned at him. Schwartz came at him again and he got some of the man's blood in his mouth. "It drove me into a frenzy," he said. He just kept stabbing and stabbing the man in the back. Hulbert then described Schwartz's last mom ents, saying that Schwartz had looked up at Hulbert and asked, "What did I ever do to you?" With that, Hulbert had delivered the final blow, killing him.

"When I returned to the state of mindfulness and sanity," Hulbert wrote, "I was drawing the sword from his back." He rinsed the weapon off, turned off most of the lights in the home, and went to find his friends. One of his voices instructed him to leave quickly, he wrote, because the victim's soul had already departed. Hulbert closed his confession with the belief that he had saved Clara and "whatever happens to us, we will survive." Then he had signed it with "Demon" and offered an apology to the Schwartz family, asking their forgiveness.,just wow...

That second part sounds very familiar doesn't it?
I think it is a mistake to discount so called "sacred geometry" as somehow less than real men's mathematics actually. For example, speaking of symmetry, the 17 plane symmetries ( were known to the alchemist and so called father of chemistry "Geber" as early as the 8th century.


This seems like a good time to recommend a few more books. Check out the Wooden Books catalog here:


I have a few of these books myself and that's where I learned about Geber for example. Taken as a collection there is quite a bit of interesting material here IMO.

The books are little but they have good info and the illustrations are very nicely made. Good gift for the right person for X-mas ;)
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