VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #10

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You know, I wonder if MH's killer's rape victim contacted Cville LE with a positive ID of JM, that would explain why LE is so "determined".

WOW! I had not even thought of that! That would be amazing!
Which part?
All of it. It seems like at least the ex GF would have said something. Most everybody wants their 15 mins. He has to be completely freaked 24/7. I mean we are all pretty obsessed and not really in the midst of the drama. I would damn sure have a lawyer. I think if he has a lawyer we would know that. I have not heard that he does. That is bizarre. Now the whole world is looking at him or for him. It's a lot of pressure. I don't see how he can last without making another move. He can't think this is going to disappear.
I wonder the age of WG and why he was there at the mall alone at 1:00 a.m. not that it's illegal but it didn't appear that he was heading anywhere with purpose which is strange to me for that hour.

He's bothered me a lot too and I wish I could remember the exact words Chief Longo used about him, but I swear I heard him say he was 'undercover'..... so maybe he was a narcotics LE?
But her friends were at the house party not far from where they started the night. If she was looking for a specific bar at the start of the night she would have called her friends to say hey I can't find you or I can't get in. Ok, maybe he did put his arms around her, but he took her inside another bar. A bar that had people. She could have easily slipped into the bathroom or sent a text right in front of him telling her friends, "Hey, this creepy guy put his arms around me." As far as we know there is not mention of him, rather odd.

There are numerous possibilities. Apparently she was texting her friends while she was lost walking. Maybe he was a bit creepy but not a big creeper and she felt she had it under control. Maybe the way he talked took the level of creepiness down. He would most likely have manipulated her.
Than lets look at the time of year we are at. School has just started. What we are maybe 4-5 weeks into it? I have to ask what happened before school started? What happened over the summer? Did she have a boyfriend? Did she do any traveling? Did her parents push her to go back? I would be curious to know more about HG. We do know that she was a good girl, but thats very general. There is sure a lot to people's lives that are never shared.

If you read through her twitter account from the summer, she was traveling in Europe (UK and France, it appears) and had mentioned several times she was anxious to get back to school. I don't recall her mentioning a boyfriend.
I wonder the age of WG and why he was there at the mall alone at 1:00 a.m. not that it's illegal but it didn't appear that he was heading anywhere with purpose which is strange to me for that hour.

we only saw a snippet of him so it is hard to judge either way whether he was "creepy" or not,,he might have been watching a ballgame ,had a few beers and was leaving when he noticed HG..who knows for sure..except LE and him and neither has said a peep .on what he was doing before he saw HG
Okay, I'll unload all m'thoughts real quick because I'm having a hard time keeping up! I'd like to start by saying that I am a huge advocates of rights for the accused and based on prior personal experience, I am very wary of police. I don't think you can judge or make assumptions about someone if you don't know their journey or if you've never been in their situation. On top of that, individuals are indeed individuals and they all handle things differently.

There's been so much talk of whether or not JM should speak with police, why or why not, and if so, under what conditions. I mean, I wish he would come forward. I think he should. But I can completely understand why he hasn't. I don't want him to be guilty of anything other than buying a girl a drink. I want him to come forward and clear his name because if he didn't do it but chooses to stays silent for the rest of his life, this is going to haunt him forever and I hate to think of an innocent person going through that. It might just be me, but this dude seems like a nice guy. Just going off my personal vibes. He seems like someone that wouldn't have anything to do with this and I want to believe that. I want him to come forward and say where she went and have a hard rock alibi. I truly believe that if he really knew NOTHING, he would have said something by now, I really do, just because of how friends and family have described him. It's a conflicting picture.

And I don't think police were out of line for confirming his identity or stating they want to speak with him. I know some of y'all don't agree, but I think they've handled the whole situation with him well and trust that they're doing best with what they have and know, including all of the things we don't. JM has a responsibility for himself, so I understand that he is doing what he is doing for himself. And police have a responsibility to the victim and I can understand that they are doing what they are doing for HG. I have a hard time because my whole life I've been guilty of feeling empathy for pretty much everyone, even when I don't want to. Anyone else this way?

I would like to remark on the bolded by me part of your post. What do you (or others) think this 32 year old mans intentions/motives were in buying her a drink that evening? IMO, he was taking advantage of the circumstance, so that he could take advantage of her, plain and simple.
I think they really need to go search the rural areas.

Yes, does anyone know if they searched the area Morgan was found in? I heard Chief Longo ask landowners to search their property. You have to think they have looked or at least have some surveillance going on there..
I think they really need to go search the rural areas.

I saw some tweet earlier about asking people in remote areas to look, especially for tire tracks. But I don't know where that information came from. And there are SO many remote areas...N, S, E, and W. People can't just start walking their hundreds of acres 30 miles away and call police for something that's nothing. Can they? Should they?
Yes, does anyone know if they searched the area Morgan was found in? I heard Chief Longo ask landowners to search their property. You have to think they have looked or at least have some surveillance going on there..

Just answered that. :)
I'm still not counting out that she might have been sold into sex trafficking BUT with as much press as there has been now I'm not sure.

I see that theory come up constantly when a young female goes missing. Yet time and time again we learn it had nothing to do with sex trafficking.

Most all of the time it is because the young woman crossed paths with one lone sexual predator.

Respectfully, I don't think this case has one thing to do with sex trafficking.

I will be shock if Hannah is found alive although that would make me elated.

I think she was raped then murdered in the early morning hours the same day she went missing.

All of it. It seems like at least the ex GF would have said something. Most everybody wants their 15 mins. He has to be completely freaked 24/7. I mean we are all pretty obsessed and not really in the midst of the drama. I would damn sure have a lawyer. I think if he has a lawyer we would know that. I have not heard that he does. That is bizarre. Now the whole world is looking at him or for him. It's a lot of pressure. I don't see how he can last without making another move. He can't think this is going to disappear.

Not really. He seems to have a close knit family who I've had the impression from the beginning has told him to stay quiet. If they are telling him to stay quiet, I'm sure they aren't going to be stupid enough to speak either. And most people who are close to a POI don't want to be known anyways.

As for the Lawyer, I have been over this at least a hundred times since last night. This guy is poor, he cannot afford a lawyer. He thought he might be able to get one appointment, but clearly wasn't able to.
I wonder the age of WG and why he was there at the mall alone at 1:00 a.m. not that it's illegal but it didn't appear that he was heading anywhere with purpose which is strange to me for that hour.
How is someone walking alone in a popular business strip, during business hours, on the weekend, a strange occurrence?
Knowing what we know about his financial situation, how could he have retained a lawyer? Legal aid? For a case like this?

Severali of us here have said we would not talk without a lawyer and if our lawyer told us not to talk, we would not be talking. It may be highly offensive to those of us who have said that, to then read several times that kind of judgement, from several people. We have rights, we get to use them...regardless of what religion we may have.
I was the one that retold the story yesterday of my son being questioned at our house by police. He was not involved and it was a minor thing. We allowed the cops to talk to him. My next door neighbor, a homicide detective here on Long Island told us that we shouldn't have allowed it. He said don't ever talk to the cops without a lawyer. So I certainly will heed his advice in the future. If JM is innocent, I feel terrible for him.
I saw some tweet earlier about asking people in remote areas to look, especially for tire tracks. But I don't know where that information came from. And there are SO many remote areas...N, S, E, and W. People can't just start walking their hundreds of acres 30 miles away and call police for something that's nothing. Can they? Should they?

I thought people were asked to search their own properties, especially their own rural properties. I don't think they would tell people to independently go look in remote areas.
Oh my, i'm so far behind its scary.

Am i right in saying they haven't got the POI? That he's missing?
Possible...if it were me, I wouldn't be getting drinks in that situation though lol.

I wonder if they decided to go to the party she mentioned on her text while at Tempo and he said he'd drive. Did we ever hear more about that party- like was there really a party the friends were aware of? And didn't she come from Wertland Street area as she began her walk toward the mall area?
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