VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #14 *ARREST*

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I dunno, I prefer Jessica Albas Rhythm over an algorithm any day of the week.:great:

Did you see her in Sin City?

You mean the actress who can't act? I have no idea how she is even famous. Oh wait....
Jesse Matthews is a predator. His not just a guy that lost his cool after a few drinks. He saw Hannah from a distance, followed her, accosted her, physically interfered with her, took her to a bar, gave her more alcohol, and then she vanished from the face of the earth. I've read through her twitter account and she was a very bright, lively young woman. Her grandmother just celebrated her 102nd birthday. Hannah was creeped out when she smiled at strangers and they got the wrong idea. She was a victim of a predator that had one goal. He did not see a vivacious alive young woman with a full life ahead of her. He only thought of what he could take from her, and he was thinking that well before he accosted her on the street.

Hannah's Twitter Account:

Thank you. Poor Hannah, if only she had been afforded the same decency that she herself had offered a fellow young lady..helping a young drunk girl to a bus stop, which enabled her to arrive home safely to her loved ones...

If only someone had attempted to help her...if only the "WG" that has been so vilified here had reached poor Hannah before JM...if only....
Since you were responding to someone's response to me, I thought I should say that I do not have empathy for Matthew. I am certain that the police have the proper probable cause to arrest him and charge him with the crimes they had laid out against him. I actually am not as worried as some people when a person is charged with a crime they did not commit. It is devastating, but obviously our criminal justice system is set up for that happening from time to time, which is why the accused gets a lawyer and trial. If Matthew did not murder HG, then I still am not all that empathetic towards him oddly enough. He will have an opportunity to present his defense and his version of that night.

My point was not one sympathy to him at all. I was merely distinguishing between different kinds of killers. I do not see this guy as the clever, sneaky, serial killer type who stalks women. I see him as slimy guy who picked out a girl he could "rescue" take to a bar and get a little drunker, and then bring back to his place for sex. I see him doing all those things and then getting really ticked off when Hannah had other ideas about what was going to happen. Both types of killers are despicable to me. What I was attempting to do was to make an argument as to how a coy predator could have possibly made so many bone-headed moves: it is because he is not a coy predator. He is slimy guy who likes to hang out at the mall when he knows women will be at their drunkest. He acts "friendly" and talks to people walking by, or high fives them or whatever. My guess is that he has had success picking up women this way so he keeps up with it. He has no serious criminal history, because, up until 11 days ago, he was not involved in serious crime.

That makes a lot more sense. But you called him a regular guy who lost his cool and I think that's what had a lot of us really appalled. I agree that there are different types of killers and we don't know which one he is yet. But he's no regular guy.
I think in cases like this, we tend to look at the perp as either a "violent, predatory creep" or a "generally harmless dope who got in over his head". In fact, I think the line between the two gets very blurry, and I think that's exactly where JM lies. I am now in my mid-twenties and married, but just a few years ago I was just like Hannah, and I encountered many a dude like JM. A few threads back, someone who knew people who worked at UVA hospital said that JM creepily asked them out for drinks and was overly friendly with women who worked there, and another poster stated that they didn't think there was anything creepy about this. When you're 18, 19, 20...a 32-year-old asking you out for drinks is SOOOO CREEPYYYY (snarky emphasis added). But really, think about it.

I had a guy about that age become fascinated with me while I was in college. Beefy military dude, who sold me a ticket to a sold-out concert -- I had connected with him online; turns out we shared a hometown. He texted me and stalked me online for months, and also went out of his way to travel "home" when I was also "home" for the weekend. I had similar situations with a handful of other guys, and guess what? All of these guys were widely regarded as "nice, goofy, sweet", you name it. But my interactions with them got deep enough for me to see that something was wrong; they didn't recognize boundaries that I was clearly setting. JM doesn't have to be either a relentless predator or a lovable dope; he might be somewhere in between, and a perfect storm of specific circumstances may have led to things going terribly wrong with HG. MOO.

Now, I just wish we could use what information we have to come up with ideas as to WHERE HG is...
Since you were responding to someone's response to me, I thought I should say that I do not have empathy for Matthew. I am certain that the police have the proper probable cause to arrest him and charge him with the crimes they had laid out against him. I actually am not as worried as some people when a person is charged with a crime they did not commit. It is devastating, but obviously our criminal justice system is set up for that happening from time to time, which is why the accused gets a lawyer and trial. If Matthew did not murder HG, then I still am not all that empathetic towards him oddly enough. He will have an opportunity to present his defense and his version of that night.

My point was not one sympathy to him at all. I was merely distinguishing between different kinds of killers. I do not see this guy as the clever, sneaky, serial killer type who stalks women. I see him as slimy guy who picked out a girl he could "rescue" take to a bar and get a little drunker, and then bring back to his place for sex. I see him doing all those things and then getting really ticked off when Hannah had other ideas about what was going to happen. Both types of killers are despicable to me. What I was attempting to do was to make an argument as to how a coy predator could have possibly made so many bone-headed moves: it is because he is not a coy predator. He is slimy guy who likes to hang out at the mall when he knows women will be at their drunkest. He acts "friendly" and talks to people walking by, or high fives them or whatever. My guess is that he has had success picking up women this way so he keeps up with it. He has no serious criminal history, because, up until 11 days ago, he was not involved in serious crime.

Hannah would have had other ideas about what was going to happen well before arriving at his home.
Thank you i somehow feel like there is three times the empathy on here for a guy who they have at least probable cause to arrest for a horrible act than there is for a TOTALLY innocent young lady who has almost certainly been brutally raped and murdered.

Also some of you need to figure out the difference between "in a court of law" and discussion on a internet message board...

And while I'm ranting .... do some of you really think they haven't talked to his roommates ..... really .... I mean some of this is starting to get ridiculous.

Agree. Some other ponderings just to add. Usually folks talk to the press. We have heard a bit but not much. Will we hear more now that there has been an arrest? Will folks feel a bit more relaxed? I keep hearing the gentle giant. Cutting off a motorist then punching him in the head because he honked at you just is off the charts. I don't care how bad a day he had. What else don't we know? If he is guilty I shudder to think what Hannah went thru. IMO
Thank you i somehow feel like there is three times the empathy on here for a guy who they have at least probable cause to arrest for a horrible act than there is for a TOTALLY innocent young lady who has almost certainly been brutally raped and murdered.

Also some of you need to figure out the difference between "in a court of law" and discussion on a internet message board...

And while I'm ranting .... do some of you really think they haven't talked to his roommates ..... really .... I mean some of this is starting to get ridiculous.

I totally agree with you. I'm shocked that since he WAS the last person seen with Hannah, and didn't really want to tell LE what may have happened to her, and then just figured the next best thing to do would be to flee to Texas headed to who knows where, camp on the beach like he's on vacation, makes me feel a little suspicious of him and very sorry for a beautiful, naïve 18 year old girl that he obviously had intentions of taking advantage of. Poor Hannah and her mom and dad, I hope she is found soon.
Hi Otto. I thought Hannah tweeted that night that she was lost. Did they remove the tweet?

I remember reading she texted that she was lost (not tweeted). Sorry, I can't drum up the link to that right now...
Oh no. Oh my goodness. "Regular guys" don't lose their cool and kill people when they drink when they don't get what they want. God bless em', most men are not a drink and a rejection or two away from murder.

Sorry I should have been more clear. What I meant by "regular guy" is that he does not have the pathology of Ted Bundy.

But I agree that it is not normal to kill someone in any circumstance except self-defense.
This is very interesting...

sounds like there may have been someone arrested for "harboring a fugitive"...

However... The person arrested is Black/Male/32 years old.... All descriptors of JM...

Could the arrest description read (without as many abbreviations):

Arrested on Charge of Fail to Identify AS Fugitive - (key word "AS" here)

Intent to Give False Information

Just a thought...

Still... very curious...:waitasec:
I believe this arrest is him because it has his name on it and if it were someone else, we would be missing a record of his arrest. It's the only one related to JM.
I don't understand why people think we wont hear about evidence until a trial, and that it is too early. I know many cases where we have heard about evidence, at least enough to make the public understand why an arrest was made. The most recent case I followed in which this happened was probably Jenise Wright. We were told they found bloody and muddy clothes in the perps closet. I don't think people are asking LE to lay out their whole case, just to give us a little more to go on.
Since you were responding to someone's response to me, I thought I should say that I do not have empathy for Matthew. I am certain that the police have the proper probable cause to arrest him and charge him with the crimes they had laid out against him. I actually am not as worried as some people when a person is charged with a crime they did not commit. It is devastating, but obviously our criminal justice system is set up for that happening from time to time, which is why the accused gets a lawyer and trial. If Matthew did not murder HG, then I still am not all that empathetic towards him oddly enough. He will have an opportunity to present his defense and his version of that night.

My point was not one sympathy to him at all. I was merely distinguishing between different kinds of killers. I do not see this guy as the clever, sneaky, serial killer type who stalks women. I see him as slimy guy who picked out a girl he could "rescue" take to a bar and get a little drunker, and then bring back to his place for sex. I see him doing all those things and then getting really ticked off when Hannah had other ideas about what was going to happen. Both types of killers are despicable to me. What I was attempting to do was to make an argument as to how a coy predator could have possibly made so many bone-headed moves: it is because he is not a coy predator. He is slimy guy who likes to hang out at the mall when he knows women will be at their drunkest. He acts "friendly" and talks to people walking by, or high fives them or whatever. My guess is that he has had success picking up women this way so he keeps up with it. He has no serious criminal history, because, up until 11 days ago, he was not involved in serious crime.

sorry its gets confusing with all the replies I was not at all directing that towards you or really anyone person in particular, but definitely not you i more liked that otto at least talked about hannah etc.
I believe this arrest is him because it has his name on it and if it were someone else, we would be missing a record of his arrest. It's the only one related to JM.

It's possible he was charged with failing to identify himself/giving false info basically. There's a similar charge here in VA for when you give a fake name. But obviously JMO, not facts.
Thank you i somehow feel like there is three times the empathy on here for a guy who they have at least probable cause to arrest for a horrible act than there is for a TOTALLY innocent young lady who has almost certainly been brutally raped and murdered.

Also some of you need to figure out the difference between "in a court of law" and discussion on a internet message board...

And while I'm ranting .... do some of you really think they haven't talked to his roommates ..... really .... I mean some of this is starting to get ridiculous

Wow. I'm thankful there is an ignore option on here. You totally misunderstood my post. But yes being snarky is definitely the way to respond just because you're on a "rant".
I don't understand why people think we wont hear about evidence until a trial, and that it is too early. I know many cases where we have heard about evidence, at least enough to make the public understand why an arrest was made. The most recent case I followed in which this happened was probably Jenise Wright. We were told they found bloody and muddy clothes in the perps closet. I don't think people are asking LE to lay out their whole case, just to give us a little more to go on.

We'll be hearing about more evidence in the next few days. LE in this case is clearly not concerned with keeping everything on the DL.

My guess is that they found evidence that Hannah was in his car at some point, which is huge.
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