VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #15 *ARREST*

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The Daily Mail is a UK newspaper borderline tabloid. Not as bad as some, middle ground somewhere. They are always quick to print stories, a bit more daring than eg BBC. Sometimes they get things wrong but quite often not. The photos are always good, the writing is usually bad because it's been rushed/copied. It IS worth a look, I doubt they'd publish a rape story without being sure of the facts. But as with many news outlets, handle with care / pinch of salt.

Thank you for explaining that. Also, I just wanted to add that I am not doubting the rape story at all! I've been here long enough and followed many cases to know better than that.
Wonder why they had no evidence if she was taken to the hospital.

I wonder why someone would think that a girl who attends a Christian university would make up such a serious charge against someone...knowing that it could mean the loss of their football scholarship and expulsion from school?

People typically dont level charges like this without good reason.

Police do not always find evidence of rape even in legitimate rape cases either.
I found this DM article more credible because of all the specific sources they name. It specifically quotes and names 3 players from the football team, plus they got a statement from the Lynchburg police, as well as the lead investigator in Hannah's case.

They're usually pretty good with crime cases. I'd be inclined to believe the story generally, but wouldn't be surprised if they got a few details wrong!
I've heard this, too; however, they were the first media outlet to announce his name, and they got it right.....

This article is a bit suspect since they seem to be calling it "Christian Liberty University," which is not the name, but we'll see. (I do realize they could just be pointing out it is a Christian university, which is also dumb, since it doesn't matter since sexual assault occurs over all/any/no religion....).
It depends on who you ask, lol. The last 2 cases Ive closely followed have had good info reported by the DM.
I've heard this, too; however, they were the first media outlet to announce his name, and they got it right.....

This article is a bit suspect since they seem to be calling it "Christian Liberty University," which is not the name, but we'll see. (I do realize they could just be pointing out it is a Christian university, which is also dumb, since it doesn't matter since sexual assault occurs over all/any/no religion....).

Did Jesse Matthew Attend Liberty University? Posted: Sep 22, 2014

Lynchburg, VA - Liberty University has confirmed that there was a student enrolled from 2000 to 2002 named Jesse Leroy Matthew.

ABC13 News uncovered information that suggested that Jesse Matthew attended Liberty University. When we inquired about this, Liberty University sent the following email to our news room:

"Liberty University had a student by the name of Jesse Leroy Matthew enrolled from 2000 to 2002. This student was on the football team roster during the 2000 (redshirt freshman), 2001 and 2002 seasons. Federal student record privacy laws (FERPA) prevent Liberty University from providing further responses to your inquiries.
<sniped - read more>
Thank you for explaining that. Also, I just wanted to add that I am not doubting the rape story at all! I've been here long enough and followed many cases to know better than that.

No I know you're not :)
Yes me also!
But what scares me is he gets away with these things..... why?

My ex and his brother are like that. Seems to be several reasons ...courts are busy and seem to delay several times and then just dismiss if the person hasn't gotten into any more trouble in that time. They go to court and come off as "nice guys" who made a mistake. They are respectful to judges and apologetic. Victims get tired of going to countless court dates and just want to put it all behind them and it's hard to prosecute without cooperating victims. (Been there .. Court is exhausting on victims!) And some just pay high dollar attorneys ..
It's frustrating because guys like JM should be behind bars and Hannah should be enjoying her life ... :(
I wonder why someone would think that a girl who attends a Christian university would make up such a serious charge against someone...knowing that it could mean the loss of their football scholarship and expulsion from school?

People typically dont level charges like this without good reason.

Police do not always find evidence of rape even in legitimate rape cases either.
She was hospitalized, they know she was injured. :(
Accordingbto the article, the girl he allegedly assaulted at a party in college ended up in the hospital as a result. While no charges were brought, he was kicked off the football team and expelled from the college.

Would be nice if we could sleuth her name out.I'll bet thats an interesting conversation
The Daily Mail is a UK newspaper borderline tabloid. Not as bad as some, middle ground somewhere. They are always quick to print stories, a bit more daring than eg BBC. Sometimes they get things wrong but quite often not. The photos are always good, the writing is usually bad because it's been rushed/copied. It IS worth a look, I doubt they'd publish a rape story without being sure of the facts. But as with many news outlets, handle with care / pinch of salt.

They originally reported that JM had been completely cleared and was no longer a POI lol. I hope the story isn't true, only because that is a long time for someone to get away with something like that. Leads to a certain kind of confidence.
Mike Murillo @MikeMurilloWTOP
Police chief Timothy Longo says he hopes #JesseMatthew "with in the next day or so" will be back in Charlottesville #HannahGraham @WTOP
Looks like he got caught by borrowing a phone (in Louisiana) and making a call to Virginia.

Just catching up this morning.

Mike Banks from the above article says this:

The source also told me they knew he was in Texas because of highway technology.

“It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if police have a way to photograph a car that goes through say a toll that sets off an algorithm or a ping that would lead them to the Galveston area,” said Banks.

This sounds like ALPR/ANPR which is very prevalent here in the UK. He would have barely made it out of any city here without being caught in such a known car.

I found this video from Texas police trialing the mobile version:
I wonder why someone would think that a girl who attends a Christian university would make up such a serious charge against someone...knowing that it could mean the loss of their football scholarship and expulsion from school?

People typically dont level charges like this without good reason.

Police do not always find evidence of rape even in legitimate rape cases either.

People who attend Christian schools aren't immune to doing bad things. Obviously, since JM was also attending and look where we are now.
I just usually prefer to wait until the evidence comes out fully at the trial (or at least comes out partially at the hearing to bind him over) before I decide on guilt or innocence, otto, though sometimes (as in, say, Scott Peterson's case), the actions of the accused make damningly clear his likely guilt even before the trial. In this case, I've seen no evidence of guilt yet except possibly his fleeing the area, but as I said before, since that could also be explained as the response of a fearful, even terrified man who may feel he has been singled out in part because of his race (and I'm not saying he HAS BEEN, only that he might FEEL he has), I don't know yet how to feel about this suspect. I think it's unfair to accuse me of preferring to believe he is "a victim of police stupidity." I never said, or thought, any such thing. In any trial, though, there is a prosecution and there is a defense. If we believed wholesale in every prosecutor's case without hearing the defense, there would be no need for a trial. If we only had the choices of believing the police were always right OR believing they are "stupid", our justice system would never allow for any alternative explanation and everyone would always be guilty. That's the definition of a police state, and in our democracy we don't have room for that., I don't believe the police are stupid. Neither do I know yet that they are right. I've already said I think this suspect is very likely guilty of some act that led to poor Hannah's probable demise, I just don't know yet, and have not yet seen anything to convince me conclusively that he is.

Replying to a comment from last night ...

We have watched a police investigation unfold over the last two weeks. What started out as a girl that didn't come home from a party turned into a missing person's case, and now most likely a homicide. We were aware of the police progress every step of the way. We know how and why police arrived at the decision to focus on Jesse Matthews. We know that he was initially considered a witness, like all other witnesses that had some contact with Hannah the night she disappeared. He first stood out because he did not do what other witnesses did. That is, rather than come forward with valuable information, he simply didn't come forward. When his car was searched, evidence in the car led to a search warrant to search Jesse's residence. We don't know what the evidence is, but a Judge found that it was good enough for another warrant. That is where the problem is.

The fact that Jesse then refused to talk with police, lawyered up, and fled the area is secondary.

I have read several times that a witness to a missing person's case must be "terrified" (not sure of what), and therefore this witness ran away. I've never heard that witnesses are "terrified". Guilty people are afraid of police, upstanding citizens are not. If Jesse is innocent, he could be the hero that has the missing link that leads to the recovery of a safe Hannah. If Jesse is guilty, then he is the missing link that leads to a homicide. Either way, he has information about Hannah that he is unwilling to share with her family, or the police. The probability that he is innocent is very low.
I wonder why someone would think that a girl who attends a Christian university would make up such a serious charge against someone...knowing that it could mean the loss of their football scholarship and expulsion from school?

People typically dont level charges like this without good reason.

Police do not always find evidence of rape even in legitimate rape cases either.

Christian colleges don't like to have this type of charge showing up in news about their school.......not saying that's what happened here. Not saying it's not. JMO
I'm really hanging out to see this article, but knowing my luck (or lack thereof) it won't be published until like 1 or 2am my time :sigh:

Don't hold your breath. He's been promising since Monday :(.

The Daily Mail is a UK newspaper borderline tabloid. Not as bad as some, middle ground somewhere. They are always quick to print stories, a bit more daring than eg BBC. Sometimes they get things wrong but quite often not. The photos are always good, the writing is usually bad because it's been rushed/copied. It IS worth a look, I doubt they'd publish a rape story without being sure of the facts. But as with many news outlets, handle with care / pinch of salt.

I'm one of the Daily Fail "haters". The rape article is not as bad as usual.

They are notorious for conflating hearsay, rumour, SM sources into stories they publish as "fact". Often a sensationalist headline actually bears little resemblance to the actual *facts* below it. IMO, their articles should be carefully read, with a grain of salt, & facts checked with other sources. NB, it is also a good idea to then check that the secondary sources did not get the story from the DM.

Other (not crime) boards I belong to ban them from being quoted as MSM.

Back in the day, the original, print, version was very well-reputed. The online version trades on this, but rarely lives up to that rather outdated reputation.
Article in the Daily Mail - Man charged with abduction of Hannah Graham was 'expelled from Liberty University after girl claimed he raped her on campus'

Read more:

Thank you. IMO, we are beginning to see a pattern of behavior emerge.

Also this part of the article caught my eye as well:

Captain Gary Pleasants, a lead investigator in the disappearance of Hannah Graham, told MailOnline: 'We are looking into a number of historical allegations against Matthew.'

In the coming days we will learn more about allegations made against JM by other young women. IMO

So now we know he didn't just start being this way when Hannah crossed paths with him. It has been a pattern even back as early as 2002. Since the college is a religious college I think they suppressed this and didn't want it to come to light. We have certainly seen that happen with other colleges and the rape problems they have. We also know that sometimes football players are given more benefit of the doubt than should be given. The entire accusation and how it resulted in just kicking him out doesn't really make sense. I think they wanted it swept under the rug so it wouldn't hurt the college's reputation and instead of him being arrested and charged they took the easy way out and expelled him instead.

So we now are beginning to see a MO emerge. Not only does he push himself on women who do not want his advances.....he does it brutally/aggressively and even the college female had to receive hospital treatment for her injuries.

Even though they never prosecuted her case I do believe she would be able to testify about what happened to her. I remember in the Phil Spector case none of the women who testified against him had ever filed charges about his abuse but they were able to testify to what happened.

Before this is over with numerous allegations are going to be known about JM. I think he got away with a lot because he was a football player but I don't think it stopped there. Imo, he has long preyed upon women and maybe some were just too fearful to come forward. Now that he has been arrested I hope each and everyone of them has the courage to step forward and tell LE what this man has done.

I think he is a habitual sexual offender. We all know that only a tenth of those who were sexually abused ever tells anyone. Now is the time for them to step forward for all women's sake including Hannah's.
In regards to the article from Daily Mail about JLM previously being accused of rape - I have seen a few posters (in previous threads) expressing their doubt about the credibility of DM. Saying things like "I wouldn't put any trust in DM" etc. I didn't ask back then but now I do want to know what lead you to form that opinion? They seem to have these big headlines before most other media do ... JMO.

I have a love-hate relationship with The Daily Mail. I love it because it breaks stories before all other media. Time and again, for years, I have seen it have info first, then a day or two later the others come around with it. But I hate it because it sacrifices credibility in order to do this. It is very sloppy with facts, including quotes, which are supposed to be the exact words the source said. I know that they massage quotes because even in this most recent story one of the sources is talking the way people do in England, not the way people do in the United States. (Americans don't say "go to hospital." Americans say "go to the hospital.)

I've been pondering how they broke this story, and I think that they got one of the former teammates to talk. You will notice in the Daily Mail article that Liberty University and the police department do not go on the record supporting the story of the rape investigation involving Matthew. So The Daily Mail is going with the story based on what the teammates said. The question then becomes: How did the Daily Mail get the former teammates to talk? Do they offer these people money? The nontabloid mainstream media in this country do not pay people for quotes because they consider that unethical.

So I like reading the breaking news, but I don't like how I think they obtain it. And I don't like how they revise quotes and how their stories are poorly edited. That's why they are known as The Daily Fail.
They originally reported that JM had been completely cleared and was no longer a POI lol. I hope the story isn't true, only because that is a long time for someone to get away with something like that. Leads to a certain kind of confidence.

Did they? Must have missed that one. Just a minor detail then lol!
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