VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #3

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I don't think she necessarily knew him. when some people are drunk, they're friendlier. and what was she gonna do? run away? I feel like she probably was juust like 'uhhh okay, so this dude's next to me. keep cool.' or like, 'hey, cool. a friendly person! hi'

Could be. To me, it looks as if they are having a conversation. Obviously, it's hard to tell, just my impression.
Apparently the WG contacted the tip line before the video footage was released and visited the police to discuss what he witnessed.

The video images of the WG certainly look creepy, hopefully they will put his story to the test to be certain he is indeed being truthful.

Perhaps businesses further down also have video footage so they can figure out what may have happened.
I just can't reconcile her actions that we have seen with just being lost. These areas are so distinct and well know to students who walk all over the place. She would have known the Corner, her apartment area, the "shady grady", the more well lit/main road area where the Shell is, then the cut over to downtown mall. It is just so puzzling to me her seemingly purposeful route versus what has been reported by friends/texts (going home, going to party). It could be that it has nothing to with a random abduction, if it ends up that is what this is, but it really bothers me.

I had the same feeling about how she got to the downtown mall. But, I thought about it last night. If we start following her footsteps at McGrady's, she may have thought that she was actually heading back towards "Shady Grady" instead of the opposite direction. If she was indeed inebriated to the point that she was wandering around, she may have come out of McGrady's and taken a right instead of a left. At that point and in that condition, she might have gotten to the downtown mall and thought that she was actually on the corner. They both have restaurants and shops and brick walkways. In that state, it could be possible. That is why I wondered if they thought about City Walk apartments and on out to Beer Run, the train tracks, and Coiner's. In that state, she might have thought that those new apartments were on 14th St and that she was close to home. That could explain why her text stated that she was at 14th and Wertland. Both are dark and have apartments. To an inebriated state, it could be possible.
Now that I'm finally caught up, I'll throw in my :twocents:. I'm not familiar with the area at all, but if 3-4 different places have her on surveillance video and this is an area full of businesses...shouldn't there be more footage from more places? Maybe they're still obtaining it, I'm sure sometimes it can take a while to track down. I certainly hope there is more footage from the area, because the story can be told solely on the video footage if more cameras have footage from areas after she passed the pizza shop and the jewelry store.

When I first watched the video of HG passing the restaurant, I didn't even notice the guy stopping, waiting, and then following her. Now it's very clear to me that they both seemed to be following her, but my first suspicion was the guy with the dreads. I find it very odd that he was walking one way, then crossed through the middle only to be behind her. For all I know, it could be a totally innocent act of simply wanting to walk back the other way. Who knows, but it seems to me like he stalls for a moment in the middle of the mall. It's difficult to tell because the quality is so terrible (it truly angers me that surveillance cameras are so crappy with how advanced technology is these days, but I'm sure we all feel that way...). Anyways, I also find it weird that the round man across the way and the guy with the dreads appear in the same frame and right around the same time. At one point, right after the guy with dreads passes the two women, he seems to be looking over in the white man's direction. Then again, he could have just been innocently looking over there. It's so hard to tell. It seems to me that he idled for a moment while he was passing through the middle to get to the other side, which I also find odd because he started walking as soon as HG passed by.

The man who stopped in the store front and looked at his phone seems to me like he was stalling, looking at his phone in wait of following her. Wouldn't an older, round, bald man walking alone at 1AM stick out like a sore thumb? I would think so. It could be an innocent man telling the truth about wanting to watch out for her, but it just doesn't make sense to me that he followed her to look out for her if she was in distress when the guy with dreads started following behind her after the white guy did. I'm just all around confused by this and I don't know which way to go with my thoughts.

I am equally skeptical of both of the men shown "following" her in the video. I'd be surprised to find out an older white man and a younger black man were in cahoots to kidnap or trap a young girl, but anything is possible these days. I find both of their actions suspicious because they both looked (IMO) to be stalling in wait of following HG.

I'm looking forward to more surveillance footage and a sketch of the supposed man. Also, the group of boys walking behind her need to come forward. I don't think they had anything to do with her disappearance, but they could have vital information that they don't even realize is important. They might have turned a corner before witnessing anything, but I would still imagine they saw SOMETHING out of the ordinary. I'm very torn on this case and don't know which one to place the blame on at all. The officer that fronted the press conference seems very competent, thorough, and involved in this hopefully we will have more information on something soon.

I don't have a good feeling about HG being alive and safe somewhere, but for her family's sake I hope they can bring her home soon in any condition.

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Could be. To me, it looks as if they are having a conversation. Obviously, it's hard to tell, just my impression.

and? drunk people have conversations with strangers. like I said, if a random person comes up to you, you generally engage at first. you don't immediately run away unless they're menacing
I asked about those apartments yesterday, as I saw them on Google Maps but I am not local and don't know anything about them. I was wondering if those apartments could be somewhere any students might live? If it was possible she was trying to visit someone at an apartment there?

That is not typically where students would live. Too far from Grounds and likely way to expensive since they are by the Downtown mall.
Henry Graff ‏@HenryGraff · 1m
BREAKING:#HannahGraham person of interest described as a black male, 5’10”-5’11”, 250-285 pounds, close shaved head, goatee...
I think she was meeting a dealer too. Whoever she walked with, assuming that it was not her reflection, she was familiar with. Of course, not meaning to disparage her in any way.

I have to respectfully disagree. I would think that if she were going to meet a drug dealer, she'd spend a few minutes walking someplace, do a hand-off, and that would be all. It wouldn't involve over an hour of walking around.
I think he told her he was at the bar and she went to the wrong one, McGrady's, and then realized and headed towards downtown. There are like 10 bars where she was last seen. Maybe it was not for drugs and this was just a friend she was meeting. But why act so wacky trying to get there?

Either she had a psychotic break, was super drunk, or high, or all three.

Nobody needs to run around madly if they want drugs today. They pick up a cell phone and text or call. Or they go on craigslist. It doesn't require any particular effort and for an 18-year-old like Hannah it's even more trivial than trying to purchase alcohol. Nobody asks for your fake ID when you ask to buy drugs.
That's a very unfair and inaccurate thing to say.

She was just a girl who had too much to drink heading to a party to meet up with friends, nothing more.

ETA: Responding to the poster who said Hannah was probably looking for a drug dealer to buy drugs. (Having problems w this sitr today on my android device, couldn't post the link.)

How do you know tho? You simply don't. None of us know. It was just a theory not a fact.
Hey everyone,

Not to sound too creepy, but go check out her FB account. Her friends are all public; kids these days friend EVERYONE they meet. I didn't seen anyone who matched the description of the BM. If she was friendly with him like CWG said she was, perhaps he'd be on that list... just spit-ballin' here. This is a massive generalization, but I have a hard time believing that an 18-yr old white female would have a friend much older than her. That's always the joke at college parties; the "creepy" older guy trying to fit-in. Kids tend to stick to their close-knit circles of fellow students....

I'm confident that she did not know the POI BM that the CWG suggested.

Welcome to Ws CVilleSleuth glad you decided to chime in!
5'10"-5'11" 250-285lbs late20's early30's Black male as per Cavalier Daily
I feel like if an obviously drunk young girl was walking behind me late at night and a group of young men behind her were (possibly) antagonizing her, I'd act just like CWG...Step off to the side and pretend I was checking my phone, then fall in behind her and between the boys, keeping an anonymous (not getting involved unless absolutely necessary) eye on her until the trouble dissipated. Someone coming up to her and putting their arm around her would make me think she knew them and that the trouble had dissipated.

I'm under the impression people who are criticizing the guy have never been in that situation.
Henry Graff ‏@HenryGraff · 1m
BREAKING:#HannahGraham person of interest described as a black male, 5’10”-5’11”, 250-285 pounds, close shaved head, goatee...

Sounds like the RSO!
Henry Graff ‏@HenryGraff 31s
BREAKING: ...with a slight ‘beer belly’. He is described as being in his late 20’s-early 30’s and wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt.

right. he's the guy following her in the Jewelry store video, not the cell phone guy. he had light pants on. but no. that guy was white. so the POI is not on any video? just a description by cell phone guy who was not the one following her in the jewelry store video?
It always muddies the water in a case when there is more than one individual who acts strangely or has ill intentions. But it happens. The witness white guy really did seem to be leering at her, and I do question whether he was following her out of 'concern' or just to feast his eyes. Either way, he may be completely innocent of actually harming her and end up being a useful witness.

Being a witness useful to an investigation doesn't necessarily mean your hands are clean of ever having any ill intentions, as we know.

I am questioning SO many things right now, I don't have a lot opinions set-in-stone about the many characters seen in the mall footage.

Just jumping off your post...

Maybe the "cooperative witness" is married... And was in an area his wife did not know he went to...

This may have influenced his decision to talk with LE....

Just some thoughts...
I am assuming that is the guy. He looks black to me with dreads, so I see what their talking about. You can kind of see if you look closely that he has his arm around her back. Now we don't know if that was in response to the pursuit from the white guy that comes into frame a few seconds later though. However I am just curious has to when the white guy gave up pursuit.

I watched the video on my phone since YouTube is not working on my computer for some reason, and it does look a black man with dreads. And yeah, the white man is still in pursuit. I really wonder when he stopped following and if there was a second black man, since they have said, supposedly, that the black man was not on the video.

Side note and off topic: Is anyone else having problems with YouTube working in Chrome?
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