VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #6

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Is archery as popular as gun hunting? Just wondering if there will be a ton of people in the woods like gun hunting season, especially opening week.

I lived in the country in NC and 2/10 of the neighbors down my little road did bow hunting. One that I knew of used a rifle (the rest sat out hunting season).
They knew he was on video. She is only admitting to what is already known.

Her message is he's a wonderful man and he had nothing further to do with her. To me, your post points out the inconsistency in those confusing him with a good samaritan. He didn't notify the search teams of her whereabouts and her demeanor either.

No video at Tempo.
Based on what I saw at the search today -- how systematic and thorough they were being in assigning search areas and how thoroughly the groups were covering their assigned areas -- I think there is virtually no chance that she walked off from the bar and suffered a tragic drunken accident.
Jmo, she DOES look twenty-one or so me. Maybe it is her height. Also her eyebrows, lol, seem to make her look older. She would need to be carded, but I can see thinking she is in her early twenties. Jmo
New poster here. I've been reading for 2 days trying to catch up, and I'm still 4 pages behind. I've wondered about something that I haven't seen come up yet.....well, if it has I've missed it.

Has anyone considered the possibility that JM noticed the <modsnip>WG watching Hannah, and he hurried to catch up with her to warn her? They even could have gone into Tempo to see if he would follow or just move on?

BBM: that's the whacky theory I've been mulling. JL maybe also notices something "off" about Hannah out of the corner of his eyes, doubletakes, catches sight of WG, & hoofs it fast to catch up with her. Says something like "Please don't panic, but I think there's a guy following you, are you ok, let's get you out of here yadda, whatever"... JMO.

NB, in no way shape or form am I saying WG was up to no good.

I just don't know how the after-Tempo time plays out.

Praying for Hannah, her family, & LE.
Sorry if I&#8217;m repeating someone else&#8217;s theory, but I&#8217;m still conflicted by this text message.

I believe the message was received at 1:20, but that doesn&#8217;t always mean it was sent at the same exact time. My wife will sometimes send me a message from downstairs and I don&#8217;t get it upstairs until a minute or two after it was sent. We are not on the same service, but I assume college friends (being from different areas) aren&#8217;t on the same service either. Maybe HG sent that message right before JM caught up with her.

Or&#8230;. My phone will not send a text if I do not have a signal, but will keep trying until I do. Once I get a better signal the message is sent. Maybe HG didn&#8217;t have a signal until they got to Tempo (her phone picked up their wifi?). I have also thought I&#8217;ve sent a message only to look at my phone later and see that I never hit send. Maybe HG noticed the same when she finally stopped walking and sat at the bar.

It just makes more sense to me that the text message would have been sent when she seemed to be wandering Charlottesville on a mission (&#8220;I&#8217;m heading to a party&#8221;) and there didn&#8217;t seem to be a destination (&#8220;, but I&#8217;m lost).
That's a thought. It just seems like he had more than enough time to clean up anything obvious. I'm having a hard time with this one... [emoji53]
Were there any neighbors or LE who reported that when LE came, in the wee hours of the morning, that they brought a scent dog?
My belief is HG wasn't lost at all. Drunk yes, but not lost.

^^^^^ YES.

Why've you been holding out on us, Mac? ;)

Couldn't agree more. She was never lost and if she had been she could've texted or called a friend for directions, gone to the gas station for help, etc etc etc. Therefore, I suppose I don't believe she sent the supposed last text.
Wow...that really makes you wonder. And, according to one of her tweets, she had used a safe-ride program in the past--so she was aware of that. It's really a mystery as to what she was up to that night.

Why she ever left her friends, who all seemed to be having a fun ,relatively safe night out, is a huge mystery. I suspect it has to do with a male. She had someone on her mind and was determined to see him. Who hasn't done that back in the day? Gone in search of, hoping to "run into" the object of your desire, while dressed in a favorite outfit? Feeling buzzed, feeling empowered, etc...all of the warnings she had been taught gone from her head...jmo
Okay, Police had witnesses already that state he bought her drinks.

It was known information. Not much point in arguing that.
Information that is impossible to confirm
Okay, Police had witnesses already that state he bought her drinks.

It was known information. Not much point in arguing that.

But do you have a link? I saw something but it did not say alcohol.
Were there any neighbors or LE who reported that when LE came, in the wee hours of the morning, that they brought a scent dog?
Not that I have seen, but someone posted an article saying that they didn't get the warrants for the apartments until after they had been searching the car away from the property for a couple hours.
For those considering the possibility that JM is connected to the Morgan Harrington case, sports teams for the Liberty Flames play the George Mason Patriots in Fairfax quite often.

Could JM have been visiting Fairfax for a game in 2005, when that sexual assault occurred in the City of Fairfax? The sketch drawn afterwards was later linked by forensic evidence to Harrington.
GMU doesn't have Football. They have Basketball & Baseball and some less high profile sports.
^^^^^ YES.

Why've you been holding out on us, Mac? ;)

Couldn't agree more. She was never lost and if she had been she could've texted or called a friend for directions, gone to the gas station for help, etc etc etc. Therefore, I suppose I don't believe she sent the supposed last text.

Or she was blowing off her friends, giving them an excuse as to why she was so late.
Okay, Police had witnesses already that state he bought her drinks.

It was known information. Not much point in arguing that.

Except there is a reliable media source in C'ville (Barefoot Coy or something like that) who is adamant that he has it on good information that she did NOT enter Tempo. POI did, but not her.
Linkedin reminder

Just a friendly reminder, that generally speaking, it is not always wise to click on linkedin profiles. If you have a linkedin account, and click on someone else's, they might be aware that your profile visited their page. (depending on settings)
Probably not wise to venture that route.



good to know!

I'm not convinced that the POI had anything to do with Hannah's disappearance. Yes, he's the last person seen with her, but the final text message is too weird to me. It makes no sense that she would text him from inside his car or at his house saying she was lost somewhere she wasn't, and it makes no sense that he would text from her phone to place her a few miles from where he would have abducted her. Sadly, I think they parted ways after Tempos and she either ran in the direction of 14th and Wertland or was dropped off there. I've heard conflicting stories about whether or not she was actually present inside Tempos or not. I think she was abducted somewhere around there shortly afterwards because her phone was turned off after that (as far as we know....)

I do wonder if older white guy remained in the area and abducted her after Tempos. The way he stopped and walked after her still sends chills down my spine. I know he came forward on his own and spoke to police, but what if he was trying to take the heat off of himself? I also think some killers get off on being in/near the media circus without getting caught. I'm not totally unconvinced of older white guy's involvement.

Who is older white guy? Can someone link me to photos or video? or direct me where to go? Thanks!!!

Why wouldn't she be texting about the party from in his car? Maybe she told him she was going to a party but couldn't find the address. Maybe he offered to help, or said he was going to the same party? She was visibly intoxicated, so she probably was not thinking straight. Maybe they went into Tempo to buy a bottle of wine for the party, each had a small glass, they put the top back on, and got in the car to go to the party.

"• After 1:08 a.m. Graham and a man with dreadlocks enter Tempo Restaurant & Bar on Fifth Street Southeast. He buys alcohol, they stay 15 minutes and leave together.

• 1:20 a.m. Graham texts friends, "I'm coming to a party...but I'm lost." It was the last time she had contact with anyone. If her phone pinpointed her location, police have not released the information, and police did not clarify whether the text was sent before or after leaving the bar."

Who says she's the one who created the text? Sometimes perps text from the victim's phone. Do we know when she was last seen? Was she actually in the bar at the time of the text?

There is a reality though in many communities. In my small town, the public wants a crime to be solved and several times the police try to pin it on someone who ends up not being guilty and many times it takes years to get to the real truth. Plus if you follow the justice project and other programs like that - innocent people get charged and convicted all the time. Why cast suspicion on yourself. Plus if there is a warrant out for your arrest - even for parking tickets - or child support - why would you hang around the police?

Because the instinct of a normal, innocent person is to do what ever they can to help find someone who is lost or assist someone who is injured. Regardless of race or history. It is typical for innocent people to come forward immediately and have themselves ruled out with polygraphs, etc. IMO.
I know I'm late to the gate with this and these are just rambling thoughts - maybe you all can fill me in.

The WG on the video is definitely suspect - he almost looked to see if others were noticing him before he followed her.
The dreads guy is supposedly an OR nurse so I bet he's got access to all kinds of stuff. I can't say if he's good or bad but that's just something that stands out.

Snipped by me... POI is NOT an OR nurse. He is a person that transfers and moves patients from OR to other areas of the hospital. He does NOT have access to drugs in this position.
The dreads guy is supposedly an OR nurse so I bet he's got access to all kinds of stuff.

It has been clarified that he works in patient transport, which likely would not have access to any medication unless he had the help of another person with access.

edit: Colette was just too quick for me! :)
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