VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #8

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Maybe he does shift work at odd times and leaves the house dressed in really casual clothes (those shorts!) and changes into a uniform at the hospital.

IMO the reason for the discrepancy is that the 'neighbor' was just another person who really didn't know JM at all but had no problem speaking to the media. I would recommend disregarding his entire statement. JMO
Unless that passenger seat has been moved since they confiscated the car, then there is NO WAY Hannah's long legs rode in that seat. Maybe it was pushed up so she could fit in the back seat? I don't know, but being the same height of Hannah, I can say those dashboards into the knees does not feel good at all. She would have been folded in half trying to ride in that seat pushed that far up. But, like I said, those photos could be from after police inspected it.

Oh Hannah, they're looking for you. They are trying to hard to find you.

I was at my parent's today when I heard about the warrant, leaving the police dept, and all that. Shocked me. If you know you're already a POI, why draw more attention to you? Why!?! You know they're going to be looking for anything to hold you pending further charges, so why evade police with reckless driving? I really want to think this guy is innocent of nothing more than either letting a girl into the bar with him, perhaps he hoped for more?, or even if he bought her a drink, (bartender would be at fault for not carding, unless she was carded and had fake ID)...but his actions today are making me think 'something' went on. What? I don't know.

I maintain the opinion that more than alcohol was involved in her behavior. Maybe even the start of a psychological event, adverse reaction to a med, or some type drug, I don't know obviously, but truly do believe it was more than alcohol. And at this point we don't know that she drank more alcohol at all during her journey. She may not have even at last place she was seen. Could have only went to the bathroom, and had a coke, or coffee. I don't know. I seriously doubt that bartender, not the facility is going to admit to serving her alcohol either. If they do, ABC could pull their license, HUGE loss of $$$$ if that occurs. JMO!!
You know, it is really too bad for LM that he did not stop off at a Shell station and fill up on gas on his way home when he and HG parted ways at 1:25 or 1:30 and get on video camera all alone. Too bad he didn't stop in to buy a soda or swing by another bar all alone that night. Too bad a neighbor was not coming home when he was and could vouch for him. Too bad he wasn't on the phone with his girlfriend after parting ways with HG. He must be the most unlucky guy in the world. :)

Yeah, but we really don't know if any one of those things didn't happen either lol.
I posted this earlier but never got an answer. It seems to me that we really don't know what's truly in LE's head...what their true leaning is. If someone could answer this question, it certainly would put us in the mind of LE's current leanings.....

Can anyone post where the searches are? The one thing I saw from a student who participated in the search said that it was on the edge of campus and that doesn't seem to line up with this guys being the guy. I think this will be a huge indication of whether police think as of now, whether they think she actually went to the POI's apartment.
1. Searches in the area of his apartment = they think it might be him and he took her to his apartment
2. Searches by the mall or between the mall and the party = they think she may not actually have left with him
3. Searches somewhere else = they have reason to think he (or someone) took her by car elsewhere
4. Searches all over = they might not have a real indication of any of the above.

I think the searches which they said cleared 85 percent of the town of charolettesville, might have been two fold. Those to campus attacks over the weekend had me questioning if the are looking for the weapon in that case along with possible evidence as well as clearing up any question of a single focused investigation.

It does seem they are very interested in POI but the search would them being clearing any doubt of a possible accident. As Hannah had no purse ,jacket etc... I would like to know if she had her debit card or her keys with her. Also they seems to supect her phone went dead (iphone) at 1:30 so if it was ditched after being disabled it would have to be within the city.
BBM - We don't even know if she was in his car.

We know Hannah was with JM before Tempo, in Tempo, and after leaving Tempo. We know that there is no surveillance video of her after she left Tempo with JM. Either she fell into a manhole, or she got into a car. JM holds important information about exactly what they did after they left the restaurant. He needs to provide that information to police so they can pick up the video surveillance trail.
Sorry, everyone I had mentioned the hospitality house around the area as a place to inquire about. I did not realize until now that it is for hospital family and patients. Not a place for people to go if they are in need of shelter. We can skip that thought.

I was wondering where you were going with this, as they have them around all the major cancer centers!
578 peeps on this thread!! Come on and join us guests! Your thoughts are just as important as ours!
With respect, I remember that post, but he/she does not know JLM. She just knows he's an assistant coach of her son's team, and her son couldn't even remember if JLM had been at practice last Saturday. She's an acquaintance, not somebody close to him.

I believe she said she talked to her son, got information, was going to talk to another parent before possibly reporting it. She didn't know herself if he was at practice, but got the info from her son.

The point is, the video wasn't very clear. It was a black man, with dreads...who a lot of other people identified as the wrong person even.
Wow these threads are moving fast. How did he leave the area? Don't the police have his car? And why no BOLO or description of what he was driving?
It would be interesting to hear what the bartender has to say. And bar patrons.

Did we ever get any info that the bouncer/doorman at McGrady's was interviewed? God, I hope so.
We know Hannah was with JM before Tempo, in Tempo, and after leaving Tempo. We know that there is no surveillance video of her after she left Tempo with JM. Either she fell into a manhole, or she got into a car. JM holds important information about exactly what they did after they left the restaurant. He needs to provide that information to police so they can pick up the video surveillance trail.

I'm sure they can get the surveillance video without talking to him. They got all the other video without talking to him too.
Then it has to be from somewhere away from Tempo, right? Does anyone besides me remember reading that there are no cameras at Tempo?

It was Mooney who stated they have video of them together after Tempo. Yes, I did hear that there are no cameras at Tempo, but I only heard that on WS..I never read anything like that in the media or otherwise.
Here's another one of my inane questions: Can the police take someone in for questioning without an arrest warrant?
But it was stated that he works in the OR, helping to move patients. With the exception of emergency procedures, most surgeries are scheduled early morning and early afternoon.

Yep, I hear ya. It was just a thought. Maybe he starts very early before neighbor guy gets up and starts looking out his window. Then he may come home in the afternoon when neighbor is at his "9to5".
right - someone knows something. so if you are the one who knows, because you have her in your basement or you assaulted her on the street, does that statement compel you to say anything? Does it enlarge the ego of a psychopath to be the one who knows something and says something?

You are correct. The psychopath with the victim in the basement is the one who says nothing. Which makes me wonder why this guy is saying nothing.
Yes, this does not add up. WG was soooo concerned about a distressed female, he follows her, and manages to watch her interact with another man to the point that he feels satisfied that she is ok and in good hands with a friend or known person. He manages to absorb all of this info, and yet, mistake a guy with dreads with a shaved head? Huh...he might as well said the guy had red hair and was wearing a kilt with that logic. The whole point was that he was paying attention...those kind of people that are investigating something as he was don't get the description wrong.
JMO I think there was good reason for the LE to describe him with a shaved head. Think about it.
Yeah, but we really don't know if any one of those things didn't happen either lol.

Very true, we don't know because he won't talk to the police. Like I said, he is one unlucky dude. ;)
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